Morjan starts to panic as the owl bear rushes up to him. He manages to avoid the two attacks, but knowing that he can’t take too many hits, Morjan casts mirror image to try and delay the monster.
With blood flowing freely from many wounds, Tatts will close in on the Owlbear, letting loose with this sword, hoping to fell the beast before he succumbs to his wounds.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Herron's arrows hit their marks. After the first the owlbear looks like it barely stand and after the second strikes it rears up one last time before crashing down to the ground. With the owlbear now felled you're able to bring proof of your victory back to town and assure them that the woods are a now a safer place with its absence.
Here's the Elder Owlbear Statblock if you're curious. And on the player end, how did the fight feel for you guys?
Stats (want to keep track of these for my future reference) Turns per Player: 3 Turns for Owlbear: 2
For Curiosity's Sake (want to see what would've happened if it had lived one more turn)
For Curiosity's Sake (want to see what would've happened if it had lived one more turn)
Claw 2 3: Attack: 27 Damage: 16
Tatts would have been doing death saves if he went again!
Overall I thought it was a good fight, the critical hit made it an interesting start for me. If not for my feats, Tatts would have been doing death saves on every round. Tough saved him in round 1 and Heavy Armor saved him in the second. Healing potions would have helped a bit! :)
btw, if u wanted to run the fight more then once for more data, I'm cool with it.
Herron's arrows thud into the owlbear, causing it shriek in pain and vengeance. It lets out its cry before charging towards the one that caused it some much pain and unleashes its fury.
Bonus Action: Aggressive. As a bonus action, the Elder Owlbear can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Morjan starts to panic as the owl bear rushes up to him. He manages to avoid the two attacks, but knowing that he can’t take too many hits, Morjan casts mirror image to try and delay the monster.
Action: Mirror Image
Tatts opportunity attack, w/disadvantage was a natural 1, which seems fair considering he has 2 HPs left, and only because of Heavy Armor feat.
With blood flowing freely from many wounds, Tatts will close in on the Owlbear, letting loose with this sword, hoping to fell the beast before he succumbs to his wounds.
atk 1 Longsword: 11 dmg: 10 [disadvantage + precision strike maneuver]
atk 2 Longsword: 14 dmg: 13 [disadvantage]
Wis Save: 3
As Tatts charges the first strike misses but the second connects, tearing through flesh and feather.
Morjan (Mirror Image, 3 duplicates)
Herron <-------- currently up
Elder Owlbear ( 113 damage)
Map Key
O = part of the Elder Owlbear's space
x = cave/hill wall. impassable
t = tree
- = open space
M = Morjan
T = Tatts
H = Herren
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Now that Herron is no longer frightened, he uses his skills as an archer to assist his fellow adventurers.
Herron stays where he is and uses his bow to fire to arrows at the Elder Owlbear, using his SHARPSHOOTER feat on both attacks.
On the first attack, I rolled a 14 +10 (-5) = 19 TO HIT for 9 (+10) = 19 points of damage
On the second attack, I rolled a 16 + 10 (-5) =21 TO HIT for 9 (+10) = 19 points of damage
Herron's arrows hit their marks. After the first the owlbear looks like it barely stand and after the second strikes it rears up one last time before crashing down to the ground. With the owlbear now felled you're able to bring proof of your victory back to town and assure them that the woods are a now a safer place with its absence.
Here's the Elder Owlbear Statblock if you're curious. And on the player end, how did the fight feel for you guys?
Stats (want to keep track of these for my future reference)
Turns per Player: 3
Turns for Owlbear: 2
For Curiosity's Sake (want to see what would've happened if it had lived one more turn)
1,2 = Morjan, 3,4 = Tatts
Bite 2: Attack: 19 Damage: 10
Claw 1 1: Attack: 13 Damage: 17
Claw 2 3: Attack: 20 Damage: 9
You can now levelup to lv7.
I'll get the second fight up later today. And please roll initiative.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Tatts would have been doing death saves if he went again!
Overall I thought it was a good fight, the critical hit made it an interesting start for me. If not for my feats, Tatts would have been doing death saves on every round. Tough saved him in round 1 and Heavy Armor saved him in the second. Healing potions would have helped a bit! :)
btw, if u wanted to run the fight more then once for more data, I'm cool with it.
That idea does make sense.
@Cheez and Mike, would you be open to two runs of each battle?
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
I would be OK with 2 more rounds. Do we stay at Level 6 for them?
Yeah, if doing the owlbear a second time, would remain lv6.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Staying at level 6 until we here from Mike, either way, next initiative: 12
Herron will stay at Level 6 and rolled Initiative of 23
I’m down to repeat the fight. Initiative 4
Elder Owlbear Initiative: 18
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Initiative Order
Herron <-------- currently up
Elder Owlbear
Map Key
O = part of the Elder Owlbear's space
x = cave/hill wall. impassable
t = tree
- = open space
M = Morjan
T = Tatts
H = Herren
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Herron moves 10' due North and takes cover behind a tree. He first 2 arrows at the Owlbear using his SHARPSHOOTER feat
The first arrow- I rolled an 11 +10 (-5) = 16 TO HIT for 13 (+10) =23 damage
The second arrow- I rolled a 17 +10 (-5) = 22 TO HIT for 13 (+10) =23 damage
[[ Two max-damage hits in a row? Wow! ]]
Herron's arrows thud into the owlbear, causing it shriek in pain and vengeance. It lets out its cry before charging towards the one that caused it some much pain and unleashes its fury.
Bonus Action: Aggressive. As a bonus action, the Elder Owlbear can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Total Move: SE, SE, S, S, SE, SE, SE, S, S
Action: Multiattack
Bite @ Herron
Attack: 12 Damage: 15
Claw 1 @ Herron
Attack: 23 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.
Claw 2 @ Herron
Attack: 21 Damage: 14
Initiative Order
Elder Owlbear (46 damage)
Tatts <-------- currently up
Map Key
O = part of the Elder Owlbear's space
x = cave/hill wall. impassable
t = tree
- = open space
M = Morjan
T = Tatts
H = Herren
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
[[ derped on not updating the map and I'm not about to edit the post and screw up the rolls ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Tatts will move to the owlbear, try and position himself between the beast and Heron, though probably not possible...
Longsword atk 1: 24 dmg: 16
Maneuver: Trip Attack: DC 16 Str or Knocked Prone.
[rolling w/ advantage based on his trip roll and prone, first number if it succeeds...]
Longsword atk 2: 13/9 dmg: 10
Action Surge
Longsword atk 3: 16/19 dmg: 11
Longsword atk 4: 21/14 dmg: 9
Elder Owlbear STR save: 22
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi