Cirim smiles at the interaction of the elf and the little creatures, "It's OK" she whispers to her owl, who has one eye open, looking at the little creatures.
Danon smiles and lets out a laugh, glad to have the somber mood lightened by the little folk and their snowballs. He continues to smile and he starts to move his hands together, like he is carving something in the air, moving his hands in various shapes and then focuses on a spot of the snow 3 or 4 feet in front of the little creatures. He finishes his creation then lets out another laugh, waiting to observe their reaction, grin on his face.
Danon uses elementalism to create a 1 foot tall ice sculpture of one of the creatures in front of it. He is used to creating sculptures as a woodworker and he uses this skill to create an ice sculpture from a good 15 -20 feet away as he watches the creature.
(contrary to the picture which is the standard image in the stat block, there is only one of them here) Neldak does not know what one of these are.
It shows no sign of understanding Etriel, but it does show great fascination with the flowerball, trying to catch it and being even more fascinated when it doesn't work. It gets really curious about the ice sculpture of itself. It does back up a bit as Etriel approaches, remaining about 10ft away at all times. But shows no sign of running away completely
Seeing that the little creature does not like too much closeness, Etriel Darastrix stops; however, she does not stop smiling and entertaining the cute Fey a little (or at least, she would bet that it is a small Fey of some kind).
Since the ball of flowers fascinates him, the foreign traveler tries to create other illusions for him on the same floral or otherwise brightly colored theme: once a flowerbed in front of him... once a small rainbow... once a small pile of sparkling gems... once a tapestry of colored threads... She also tries to amuse him with the illusion of some sweet natural sounds, such as the peaceful babbling of the waters of a stream... the melodious singing of birds... the mysterious rustling of the gentle breeze among abundant foliage...
Finally, the eladrin huntress creates the illusion of a painting that represents the Verbeeg (remembering how she had represented it Cirim at the tavern) and, pointing with her finger at the image, first looks around, as if disoriented, as if she were looking for something... then looks at the little creature with a questioning look... 'The little Fey does not understand my words, but I hope this makes it clear to him that I am looking for this creature'.
The creature responds to some of your illusions, by causing a small puff of leaves to appear by you, and the feel of a gentle breeze. When the Verbeeg appears, the creature instead gets scared, and appears to melt into a rock. Upon entering the rock, it then pops out, moves over to the mini giant and pokes it, going straight through. It then goes back the way it was before, not giving anything additional.
(also, the image in their stat block comes from their original Tomb of Annihilation appearance in Chult, the ones in Icewind Dale look more like this spoiler. The one here is the "clothed" type, the other type is found more out in the tundra.)
"My hope was that this cute little Fey had seen our quarry and could give us directions or informations, Lord Neldak," Etriel Darastrix sighs "but you are certainly right. Since my original hypothesis seems to be out of the question, it is best not to waste any more time and start following the tracks again".
The foreign traveler waves goodbye to the little creature, finally blowing a kiss to it, while a cheerful, illusory ringing, like silvery bells, fades into the air. Then she focuses back on the hunt and starts following the tracks again.
Danon likewise gives a friendly wave to the creature, then picks back up his bow and resumes the hunt, following after Etriel. He keeps his eyes on the periphery, watching for any movement and listening for any sound in the distance. “Probably went back to his cave, or wherever he calls home to rest and plan his next bludgeoning….”
(I thought I replied after Painted, turns out I planned my response but never hit send).
You wave goodbye and think you are leaving it. The creature has other ideas, following you the whole way. You swear at some points it is imitating your walking, Etriel more than the rest of you, but each of you are copied at some point. It doesn't seem to be done in a mocking way, just a bit of fun or curiosity. You are grateful for it as the tracks just keep on going. The sun never truly rises, so you don't get a sunset, but the perpetual twilight of day, is starting to get darker.
After 6 further hours of walking, the trail culminates at a rocky hillside with pines growing around its base. Set into the hill are three caves. A frozen creek emerges from the west cave, which has a low-hanging mouth. The centre cave—an eight-foot-high passage hewn from the rock—is moderately blocked by a tight stand of conifers and two massive fallen logs. The northeast cave has a big, yawning mouth, and flickers of light emanate from within. The tracks of your quarry head through this entrance.
I will get a map sorted for this (probably in a few hours)
"Nice tracking Etriel. Now do you guys think we should follow tracks through the main entrance or should we try one of these nearby caves that might link back to that main cave? I'm for trying to sneak around." Neldak looks at the caves and after a moments pause will cast mage armor on himself.
Map (rough party position shown by the lime circle). I always (well usually) put maps (and other images) in spoilers so they don't take up too much space. If a spoiler isn't preceded by a name or language, assume that it is an image that everyone can look at.
Etriel Darastrix occasionally smiles at the little creature that imitates them for fun, but she stays focused on the trail... and that's how she easily manages to lead the party to the probable lair of the brutal raider.
"Thank you, Lord Neldak" the foreign traveler graciously bows her head to the dragonborn's compliments. "I have had a long time to practice traveling in nature. As for your strategy of trying to surprise our opponent, it has its merits. I think it's worth a try. Or, considering that many of us are skilled at creating illusions, we could also hide and try to lure him out with the illusion of a new barrel of mead. We should still surprise him".
While waiting for others to express their opinion, considering that the moment of violence should now be near, the eladrin huntress has the same idea as the dragonborn and, almost moving in unison with him, casts Mage Armor herself.
"I can send Sparks in to fly around, maybe start with the western passage, I can view through his eyes. If we can see the layout of this cave, it could be helpful. What do you think?
I do like the illusion route also."
Cirim will make a quick illusion of the Verbeeg, and then look at the little creature following them, then point at illusion and then the cave, and give her a be quiet gesture.
"Good idea Cirim. Sparks getting a view of the place would be very helpful. I'm not sure how a barrel of mead would lure out the creature, unless it is watching the entrance. Maybe if it's a shallow cave...." Neldak looks thoughtful.
"Oh, if we look at the illusion strategy with favor, we can perfect it, lord Neldak" Etriel explains further. "I can play the role of a noisy drunken elf feasting with the barrel - that should caught our prey's attention".
"But, by all means, a recognition by Sparks could help us all decide, lady Cirim" the eladrin huntress bows her head in respect. "How precious collaboration can be becomes more and more clear to me. The many options we have should help us to set up the perfect conditions to take down our prey".
The small creature looks at the cave, and then shakes its head. It will follow no further. Before leaving however, it goes right up to Etriel, picks up some loose snow, and throws it at her. The snow doesn't feel cold, and as you all watch, it is absorbed into Etriel, bestowing a magical charm.
Charm of Snowball Strike. This charm has 5 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 of the charm’s charges to create a magical snowball in your hand and throw it. You must have a hand free to hold the snowball, or the charge is wasted. The snowball is a magic ranged weapon with which you are proficient. It has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet, it deals 1d4 cold damage on a hit, and it scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. If you score a critical hit with the snowball, the target is blinded until the end of its next turn. The snowball vanishes immediately after you hit or miss with it, or at the end of your turn if you don’t throw it. Once all its charges have been expended, this charm vanishes from you.
From the sounds of it, the current plan is for Sparks to scout around? If so, I need a stealth and perception check from them. And any additional instructions there might be (such as, returning once the Verbeeg is spotted, or if it is just explore everywhere trying to not be seen).
Danon brings out of a pouch at his side an odd looking stone, turning it over in his hands, then returning it to its pouch. He looks at the others as the plans are being formed, nodding when the idea of scouting is mentioned. “Agree with you Cirim. Perhaps Sparks could tell us where he is and some of the layout of the cave. I also like the idea of an ambush, drawing the verbeeg out into the open where we are ready and waiting. Does anyone have a trap or anything that we can set at the mouth of the cave? If he seems tougher than what we imagine, perhaps a fall back point too..”. Danon starts to get his bow and other weapons ready, getting ready for the attack.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
I will have him fly in the tunnel with the water. He will stay close to the ceiling if possible, trying to figure out the location of the Verbeeg and how/if the three tunnels connect. I will look through his eyes and bring him back after he sees the above.
I will have him fly in the tunnel with the water. He will stay close to the ceiling if possible, trying to figure out the location of the Verbeeg and how/if the three tunnels connect. I will look through his eyes and bring him back after he sees the above.
*Would Neldak know what this creature is?
Cirim smiles at the interaction of the elf and the little creatures, "It's OK" she whispers to her owl, who has one eye open, looking at the little creatures.
Danon smiles and lets out a laugh, glad to have the somber mood lightened by the little folk and their snowballs. He continues to smile and he starts to move his hands together, like he is carving something in the air, moving his hands in various shapes and then focuses on a spot of the snow 3 or 4 feet in front of the little creatures. He finishes his creation then lets out another laugh, waiting to observe their reaction, grin on his face.
Danon uses elementalism to create a 1 foot tall ice sculpture of one of the creatures in front of it. He is used to creating sculptures as a woodworker and he uses this skill to create an ice sculpture from a good 15 -20 feet away as he watches the creature.
(contrary to the picture which is the standard image in the stat block, there is only one of them here)
Neldak does not know what one of these are.
It shows no sign of understanding Etriel, but it does show great fascination with the flowerball, trying to catch it and being even more fascinated when it doesn't work. It gets really curious about the ice sculpture of itself. It does back up a bit as Etriel approaches, remaining about 10ft away at all times. But shows no sign of running away completely
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Seeing that the little creature does not like too much closeness, Etriel Darastrix stops; however, she does not stop smiling and entertaining the cute Fey a little (or at least, she would bet that it is a small Fey of some kind).
Since the ball of flowers fascinates him, the foreign traveler tries to create other illusions for him on the same floral or otherwise brightly colored theme: once a flowerbed in front of him... once a small rainbow... once a small pile of sparkling gems... once a tapestry of colored threads... She also tries to amuse him with the illusion of some sweet natural sounds, such as the peaceful babbling of the waters of a stream... the melodious singing of birds... the mysterious rustling of the gentle breeze among abundant foliage...
Finally, the eladrin huntress creates the illusion of a painting that represents the Verbeeg (remembering how she had represented it Cirim at the tavern) and, pointing with her finger at the image, first looks around, as if disoriented, as if she were looking for something... then looks at the little creature with a questioning look... 'The little Fey does not understand my words, but I hope this makes it clear to him that I am looking for this creature'.
The creature responds to some of your illusions, by causing a small puff of leaves to appear by you, and the feel of a gentle breeze. When the Verbeeg appears, the creature instead gets scared, and appears to melt into a rock. Upon entering the rock, it then pops out, moves over to the mini giant and pokes it, going straight through. It then goes back the way it was before, not giving anything additional.
(also, the image in their stat block comes from their original Tomb of Annihilation appearance in Chult, the ones in Icewind Dale look more like this spoiler. The one here is the "clothed" type, the other type is found more out in the tundra.)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"As nice as this diversion is, should we continue on? We still have the tracks." Neldak frowns as he looks at the creature.
"My hope was that this cute little Fey had seen our quarry and could give us directions or informations, Lord Neldak," Etriel Darastrix sighs "but you are certainly right. Since my original hypothesis seems to be out of the question, it is best not to waste any more time and start following the tracks again".
The foreign traveler waves goodbye to the little creature, finally blowing a kiss to it, while a cheerful, illusory ringing, like silvery bells, fades into the air. Then she focuses back on the hunt and starts following the tracks again.
Danon likewise gives a friendly wave to the creature, then picks back up his bow and resumes the hunt, following after Etriel. He keeps his eyes on the periphery, watching for any movement and listening for any sound in the distance. “Probably went back to his cave, or wherever he calls home to rest and plan his next bludgeoning….”
(I thought I replied after Painted, turns out I planned my response but never hit send).
You wave goodbye and think you are leaving it. The creature has other ideas, following you the whole way. You swear at some points it is imitating your walking, Etriel more than the rest of you, but each of you are copied at some point. It doesn't seem to be done in a mocking way, just a bit of fun or curiosity. You are grateful for it as the tracks just keep on going. The sun never truly rises, so you don't get a sunset, but the perpetual twilight of day, is starting to get darker.
After 6 further hours of walking, the trail culminates at a rocky hillside with pines growing around its base. Set into the hill are three caves. A frozen creek emerges from the west cave, which has a low-hanging mouth. The centre cave—an eight-foot-high passage hewn from the rock—is moderately blocked by a tight stand of conifers and two massive fallen logs. The northeast cave has a big, yawning mouth, and flickers of light emanate from within. The tracks of your quarry head through this entrance.
I will get a map sorted for this (probably in a few hours)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Nice tracking Etriel. Now do you guys think we should follow tracks through the main entrance or should we try one of these nearby caves that might link back to that main cave? I'm for trying to sneak around." Neldak looks at the caves and after a moments pause will cast mage armor on himself.
Map (rough party position shown by the lime circle). I always (well usually) put maps (and other images) in spoilers so they don't take up too much space. If a spoiler isn't preceded by a name or language, assume that it is an image that everyone can look at.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Etriel Darastrix occasionally smiles at the little creature that imitates them for fun, but she stays focused on the trail... and that's how she easily manages to lead the party to the probable lair of the brutal raider.
"Thank you, Lord Neldak" the foreign traveler graciously bows her head to the dragonborn's compliments. "I have had a long time to practice traveling in nature. As for your strategy of trying to surprise our opponent, it has its merits. I think it's worth a try. Or, considering that many of us are skilled at creating illusions, we could also hide and try to lure him out with the illusion of a new barrel of mead. We should still surprise him".
While waiting for others to express their opinion, considering that the moment of violence should now be near, the eladrin huntress has the same idea as the dragonborn and, almost moving in unison with him, casts Mage Armor herself.
"I can send Sparks in to fly around, maybe start with the western passage, I can view through his eyes. If we can see the layout of this cave, it could be helpful. What do you think?
I do like the illusion route also."
Cirim will make a quick illusion of the Verbeeg, and then look at the little creature following them, then point at illusion and then the cave, and give her a be quiet gesture.
"Good idea Cirim. Sparks getting a view of the place would be very helpful. I'm not sure how a barrel of mead would lure out the creature, unless it is watching the entrance. Maybe if it's a shallow cave...." Neldak looks thoughtful.
"Oh, if we look at the illusion strategy with favor, we can perfect it, lord Neldak" Etriel explains further. "I can play the role of a noisy drunken elf feasting with the barrel - that should caught our prey's attention".
"But, by all means, a recognition by Sparks could help us all decide, lady Cirim" the eladrin huntress bows her head in respect. "How precious collaboration can be becomes more and more clear to me. The many options we have should help us to set up the perfect conditions to take down our prey".
The small creature looks at the cave, and then shakes its head. It will follow no further. Before leaving however, it goes right up to Etriel, picks up some loose snow, and throws it at her. The snow doesn't feel cold, and as you all watch, it is absorbed into Etriel, bestowing a magical charm.
Charm of Snowball Strike. This charm has 5 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 of the charm’s charges to create a magical snowball in your hand and throw it. You must have a hand free to hold the snowball, or the charge is wasted. The snowball is a magic ranged weapon with which you are proficient. It has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet, it deals 1d4 cold damage on a hit, and it scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. If you score a critical hit with the snowball, the target is blinded until the end of its next turn. The snowball vanishes immediately after you hit or miss with it, or at the end of your turn if you don’t throw it. Once all its charges have been expended, this charm vanishes from you.
From the sounds of it, the current plan is for Sparks to scout around? If so, I need a stealth and perception check from them. And any additional instructions there might be (such as, returning once the Verbeeg is spotted, or if it is just explore everywhere trying to not be seen).
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Danon brings out of a pouch at his side an odd looking stone, turning it over in his hands, then returning it to its pouch. He looks at the others as the plans are being formed, nodding when the idea of scouting is mentioned. “Agree with you Cirim. Perhaps Sparks could tell us where he is and some of the layout of the cave. I also like the idea of an ambush, drawing the verbeeg out into the open where we are ready and waiting. Does anyone have a trap or anything that we can set at the mouth of the cave? If he seems tougher than what we imagine, perhaps a fall back point too..”. Danon starts to get his bow and other weapons ready, getting ready for the attack.
I will have him fly in the tunnel with the water. He will stay close to the ceiling if possible, trying to figure out the location of the Verbeeg and how/if the three tunnels connect. I will look through his eyes and bring him back after he sees the above.
stealth: 13
[Tooltip Not Found]: 16
bottom is perception, don't want to edit as I rolled inline. stealth 23 perception 19