Shortsword Attack: 26 Damage: 13 (piercing) + 6 (force) = 19 Thanks to Mastery: Vex (If the attack deals damage to the target, Etriel will have Advantage on her next attack roll against it before the end of her next turn)
Dagger Attack: 21 Damage: 5 (piercing) + 3 (force) = 8 Thanks to Mastery: Nick (When Etriel makes the extra attack of the Light property, she can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. This extra attack can only be made once per turn.)
As before, Danon makes a twirling move and his legs kick out, first the right, then the left, aiming at the Ogre. His legs reach further than what would seem likely, bending through the air as they connect with a meaty thunk against the ogre. After he finishes, he says out loud, “Chief, go! Attack!” And then Chief Obould brings out his great axe.
Roundhouse kick 1 : 19 to hit, for 5 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Bonus action) Roundhouse kick 2 : 17 to hit, for 5 points of bludgeoning damage.
Great axe slash 1 : 10 to hit, for 13 points of slashing damage. Afterwards, the Chief makes a bloody scream, glaring at the Ogre, then he swings again.
Great axe slash 2 : (Nat 20!) 26 to hit, for 34 points of slashing damage to the Ogre. He manages to bring the axe down squarely on its head.
Neldak will keep concentrating on his Phantasmal Force distraction. The illusionary speaker stabs again at the Verbeeg with a spear of its own for 9 psychic damage.
Neldak winces at the attack that almost hit Etriel and launch a firebolt at the ogre.
25 to hit for 1 fire damage.
He frowns as the well aimed shot barely scorches the ogre and focus back on his illusion in the verbeeg's mind.
Cirim continues her assault on the Verbeeg, her first attach having missed. She makes up for it though. After casting a spell you all see the Verbeeg hold his head in pain, as he gets a nosebleed, and then distracted by that, get hit by a magical weapon appearing next to him. (with exactly enough damage to kill it)
The ogre also falls this round. Without adding up any other damage, following Etriel's assualt it had 32hp so that crit will do it.
"That was remarkably easy..." Idalie starts to say, then remembers that she's supposed to be an invincible super-paladin. "Um, I mean... Ha! Of course they fall before our righteous wrath! And so shall be the fate of all evil-doers in this land!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Not so easy for the poor souls these creatures killed, but perhaps we were better suited for the task. Well done everyone, the speaker and those guards have been avenged." Neldak will start searching the cave for the missing mead and anything else of interest.
"With the company of right heroes," Etriel Darastrix smiles composedly, as she places a hand on the invincible super-paladin's shoulder "otherwise arduous tasks can become easy. It is a fortune and an honor to have you at my side, Lady Idalie".
"And you are right, Lord Neldak" the foreign traveler agrees. "Vengeance has been served. But vengeance is rarely a valuable trophy. The people of Good Mead will probably be more useful to their long-awaited mead. Especially as we will add the meat and skin of the bear we had to kill. And the raider's herd. Bringing it to the village will probably be good for both the village and the herd itself".
The eladrin huntress finally approaches the acrobatic elf, looking him proudly in the eyes with her green eyes: "But my greatest thanks go to you, Lord Danon. You were the one who more than anyone else stood by me in the moment of danger, proving yourself both full of resourcefulness" her gaze runs for a moment to the summoned brute, before returning to his eyes "and master of a fighting style whose grace is typical of our race. Your moves reminded me of those of our sword masters that I could admire in the Hill of Living Stars - with the difference that your sword was your own body; as well as a bit of elemental magic - but magic, as we know all too well, is innate in us".
Etriel Darastrix then notices that Neldak is intent on further research and, without haste, approaches him, blessing his efforts in the name of Sehanine Moonbow, the Mystic Seer. And so she does with anyone else who is about to undertake some task. [[ OOC: So, Neldak and anyone who attempts Skill Checks, feel free to add 1d4 to the result. ]] In the meantime, she tries to familiarize herself with the flock of sheep (without freeing them, yet), so that, when the time comes, they will follow her without difficulty.
Cirim has Sparks go wait outside to keep an eye on the entrance, "Let me know if anything approaches" she tells the little owl.
She will have her summoned magical weapon move with her, and she will approach the dead Verbeeg and Ogre.
"Is anyone hurt?" she will ask the others.
As she stands over the dead Ogre and Verbeeg, she mutters a quick prayer, wishing them peace whereever they are heading in the afterlife. She would then search their bodies for anything useful or valuable, knowing that they no longer need it in this life.
You are able to explore the whole cave system now, so here is the full map, with area coding for ease of descriptions.
Etriel, the sheep are not scared of you, but neither do they seem to be interested in you. They are pretty indifferent.
Neldak you get to Area V5: Suspended from the ceiling of this chamber by a series of ropes and pulleys are six baskets. Clustered near the south wall are three wooden casks carved with Good Mead’s heraldic symbol: a drinking mug made of a cut-off section of horn, with an antler handle added, upright and centred. One cask is empty, the other two are full and weigh 200lbs each.
Other areas with something that stands out are V7 and V10.
V7: The frozen stream ends at a seven-foot-deep frozen pool at the back of a dark cave. Trapped beneath the pool’s ice is a stone statue of a smiling young man, naked except for a well-placed oak leaf, with his face turned toward the sky.
V10: Carved steps on the south side climb five feet to this ten-foot-high, fifteen-foot-square room, which has narrow, natural exits in the east and west walls. In the middle of the room is a rectangular stone block seven feet long, four feet wide, and three feet tall. Pictographs on the walls of the chamber tell a tale of one tribe’s journey through mighty mountains and across a perilous tundra.
Neither the verbeeg or ogre have anything of note on them, other than their weapons.
"No, Lady Cirim," Etriel Darastrix smiles at the Orc "your solicitous concern does you credit, but today harm and ruin have visited only our enemies".
Having done all she could for the sheep, the foreign traveler joins those who explore the lair in depth. Upon seeing the barrels of mead, she reasons: "They look very heavy, but we can roll them. We can probably get them all the way to Good Mead".
The eladrin huntress, however, proves far more fascinated by the artistic finds! Both in front of the pictographs on the walls, and in front of the stone statue of the smiling young man she carefully examines the work, then takes out parchment, quill and ink and starts copying it (a different parchment for each of the two works), murmuring: "My dear mother Sellenia, with her keen artistic sensibility, would be delighted to see these works... I hope I can copy them faithfully enough to be able to give her an idea, the next time I visit her".
[[ OOC: Is the tribe represented humans? Etriel can understand something (for example if it refers to some known event... to a migration that brought the first inhabitants to Icewind Dale... or something). And regarding the statue, can Etriel understand if it is a particular character (real or legendary) that is represented there? ]]
"I'm unharmed as well, Cirim." Neldak will start working the ropes and pullies to lower the baskets. "These are probably nothing. Maybe just for keeping food away from the bear but it won't hurt to check."
The tribe pictograms are human. The pictographs illustrate how a chieftain led her tribe to settle in Icewind Dale, how they fought off terrible monsters to claim their land, and how they found peace in their new home. You pick out an image of the chieftain wielding a wand and casting a destructive spell.
The statue is of Silvanus, a god of nature. Despite being under the ice, it does look like it is meant to be at the base of the pool, almost seeming to be carved from the floor of the pool.
The baskets contain sheep shears, milk pails, bristle brushes, and several bags of grain and oats. One basket does contain 72 sp, 344 cp, a translucent pink moss agate gemstone (worth 10 gp), a healer’s kit, a hunting trap, and a small rabbit-skin bag containing ten silvered sling stones.
Neldak will split up the silver and copper (14 silver and 68 copper to everyone) and ask if anyone wants the healer's kit, hunting trap, silvered sling stones, or any of the other items. "Here's a little bit of what I found. Anyone want these other things that I found?"
"It is a pleasure to share the fruits of this endeavor with those who shared its risks, Lord Neldak" Etriel Darastrix bows her head briefly in thanks and respect, accepting her share of coins. "Of all these objects, the one that is most congenial to me is certainly this hunting trap" She examines it between her slender, nimble fingers, before placing it in her backpack. "The rest would probably be better used by someone else in our ever-versatile band of intrepid defenders of the Dale".
After which, having finished copying the two works of art, the eladrin huntress patiently prepares to skin and butcher the bear. The meat, certainly in quantity than the small group needs and potentially problematic to preserve, could be distributed among the inhabitants of Good Mead upon their return. And the skin could be purchased by a craftsman capable of making winter clothing from it. She can afford to work with greater than average speed, because any small tears in the skin (including those caused by the wounds that felled the beast) magically close up when she passes her fingers over them, as in a slow caress, murmuring mysterious formulas with a sweet musical sound.
Oh, and addiotnally, Etriel would have noticed that the block does seem to have a lid to it. Based on the length, and the fact that the notches to the south have bones remnant of burial places, it's likely a fancy tomb.
If she tries to open it, it is much to heavy to do alone
Etriel reveals to her fellow adventurers what she has discovered, but concludes: "...But I was not able to open that tomb alone. And of course there is no way to know whether what is contained therein will bring good or evil... until we open it. The question is: do we want to open it?"
Etriel Darastrix's Rolls:
Shortsword Attack: 26 Damage: 13 (piercing) + 6 (force) = 19
Thanks to Mastery: Vex (If the attack deals damage to the target, Etriel will have Advantage on her next attack roll against it before the end of her next turn)
Dagger Attack: 21 Damage: 5 (piercing) + 3 (force) = 8
Thanks to Mastery: Nick (When Etriel makes the extra attack of the Light property, she can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. This extra attack can only be made once per turn.)
Cirim would have attacked the Verbeeg first round since it was closer.
This round, she will continue on the Verbeeg, both of these:
action: Toll the Dead on him, Wis 14 save or 9 Necrotic.
bonus: Spiritual Weapon: 18 dmg: 8
As before, Danon makes a twirling move and his legs kick out, first the right, then the left, aiming at the Ogre. His legs reach further than what would seem likely, bending through the air as they connect with a meaty thunk against the ogre. After he finishes, he says out loud, “Chief, go! Attack!” And then Chief Obould brings out his great axe.
Roundhouse kick 1 : 19 to hit, for 5 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Bonus action) Roundhouse kick 2 : 17 to hit, for 5 points of bludgeoning damage.
Chief Obould, orc war chief, attacking the Ogre :
Great axe slash 1 : 10 to hit, for 13 points of slashing damage. Afterwards, the Chief makes a bloody scream, glaring at the Ogre, then he swings again.
Great axe slash 2 : (Nat 20!) 26 to hit, for 34 points of slashing damage to the Ogre. He manages to bring the axe down squarely on its head.
Neldak will keep concentrating on his Phantasmal Force distraction. The illusionary speaker stabs again at the Verbeeg with a spear of its own for 9 psychic damage.
Neldak winces at the attack that almost hit Etriel and launch a firebolt at the ogre.
25 to hit for 1 fire damage.
He frowns as the well aimed shot barely scorches the ogre and focus back on his illusion in the verbeeg's mind.
Etriel does some large damage to the ogre.
Cirim continues her assault on the Verbeeg, her first attach having missed. She makes up for it though. After casting a spell you all see the Verbeeg hold his head in pain, as he gets a nosebleed, and then distracted by that, get hit by a magical weapon appearing next to him. (with exactly enough damage to kill it)
The ogre also falls this round. Without adding up any other damage, following Etriel's assualt it had 32hp so that crit will do it.
Combat is over!
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"That was remarkably easy..." Idalie starts to say, then remembers that she's supposed to be an invincible super-paladin. "Um, I mean... Ha! Of course they fall before our righteous wrath! And so shall be the fate of all evil-doers in this land!"
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
"Not so easy for the poor souls these creatures killed, but perhaps we were better suited for the task. Well done everyone, the speaker and those guards have been avenged." Neldak will start searching the cave for the missing mead and anything else of interest.
Investigation: 28
"With the company of right heroes," Etriel Darastrix smiles composedly, as she places a hand on the invincible super-paladin's shoulder "otherwise arduous tasks can become easy. It is a fortune and an honor to have you at my side, Lady Idalie".
"And you are right, Lord Neldak" the foreign traveler agrees. "Vengeance has been served. But vengeance is rarely a valuable trophy. The people of Good Mead will probably be more useful to their long-awaited mead. Especially as we will add the meat and skin of the bear we had to kill. And the raider's herd. Bringing it to the village will probably be good for both the village and the herd itself".
The eladrin huntress finally approaches the acrobatic elf, looking him proudly in the eyes with her green eyes: "But my greatest thanks go to you, Lord Danon. You were the one who more than anyone else stood by me in the moment of danger, proving yourself both full of resourcefulness" her gaze runs for a moment to the summoned brute, before returning to his eyes "and master of a fighting style whose grace is typical of our race. Your moves reminded me of those of our sword masters that I could admire in the Hill of Living Stars - with the difference that your sword was your own body; as well as a bit of elemental magic - but magic, as we know all too well, is innate in us".
Etriel Darastrix then notices that Neldak is intent on further research and, without haste, approaches him, blessing his efforts in the name of Sehanine Moonbow, the Mystic Seer. And so she does with anyone else who is about to undertake some task. [[ OOC: So, Neldak and anyone who attempts Skill Checks, feel free to add 1d4 to the result. ]] In the meantime, she tries to familiarize herself with the flock of sheep (without freeing them, yet), so that, when the time comes, they will follow her without difficulty.
Etriel's 'Guided' Animal Handling, if needed to familiarize with the flock: 11
Cirim has Sparks go wait outside to keep an eye on the entrance, "Let me know if anything approaches" she tells the little owl.
She will have her summoned magical weapon move with her, and she will approach the dead Verbeeg and Ogre.
"Is anyone hurt?" she will ask the others.
As she stands over the dead Ogre and Verbeeg, she mutters a quick prayer, wishing them peace whereever they are heading in the afterlife. She would then search their bodies for anything useful or valuable, knowing that they no longer need it in this life.
You are able to explore the whole cave system now, so here is the full map, with area coding for ease of descriptions.
Etriel, the sheep are not scared of you, but neither do they seem to be interested in you. They are pretty indifferent.
Neldak you get to Area V5: Suspended from the ceiling of this chamber by a series of ropes and pulleys are six baskets. Clustered near the south wall are three wooden casks carved with Good Mead’s heraldic symbol: a drinking mug made of a cut-off section of horn, with an antler handle added, upright and centred. One cask is empty, the other two are full and weigh 200lbs each.
Other areas with something that stands out are V7 and V10.
V7: The frozen stream ends at a seven-foot-deep frozen pool at the back of a dark cave. Trapped beneath the pool’s ice is a stone statue of a smiling young man, naked except for a well-placed oak leaf, with his face turned toward the sky.
V10: Carved steps on the south side climb five feet to this ten-foot-high, fifteen-foot-square room, which has narrow, natural exits in the east and west walls. In the middle of the room is a rectangular stone block seven feet long, four feet wide, and three feet tall. Pictographs on the walls of the chamber tell a tale of one tribe’s journey through mighty mountains and across a perilous tundra.
Neither the verbeeg or ogre have anything of note on them, other than their weapons.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"No, Lady Cirim," Etriel Darastrix smiles at the Orc "your solicitous concern does you credit, but today harm and ruin have visited only our enemies".
Having done all she could for the sheep, the foreign traveler joins those who explore the lair in depth. Upon seeing the barrels of mead, she reasons: "They look very heavy, but we can roll them. We can probably get them all the way to Good Mead".
The eladrin huntress, however, proves far more fascinated by the artistic finds! Both in front of the pictographs on the walls, and in front of the stone statue of the smiling young man she carefully examines the work, then takes out parchment, quill and ink and starts copying it (a different parchment for each of the two works), murmuring: "My dear mother Sellenia, with her keen artistic sensibility, would be delighted to see these works... I hope I can copy them faithfully enough to be able to give her an idea, the next time I visit her".
[[ OOC: Is the tribe represented humans? Etriel can understand something (for example if it refers to some known event... to a migration that brought the first inhabitants to Icewind Dale... or something). And regarding the statue, can Etriel understand if it is a particular character (real or legendary) that is represented there? ]]
Etriel's rolls to determine if she can hypothesize anything about the subject of the two works:
History: 13
Religion: 9
"I'm unharmed as well, Cirim." Neldak will start working the ropes and pullies to lower the baskets. "These are probably nothing. Maybe just for keeping food away from the bear but it won't hurt to check."
In order:
The tribe pictograms are human. The pictographs illustrate how a chieftain led her tribe to settle in Icewind Dale, how they fought off terrible monsters to claim their land, and how they found peace in their new home. You pick out an image of the chieftain wielding a wand and casting a destructive spell.
The statue is of Silvanus, a god of nature. Despite being under the ice, it does look like it is meant to be at the base of the pool, almost seeming to be carved from the floor of the pool.
The baskets contain sheep shears, milk pails, bristle brushes, and several bags of grain and oats. One basket does contain 72 sp, 344 cp, a translucent pink moss agate gemstone (worth 10 gp), a healer’s kit, a hunting trap, and a small rabbit-skin bag containing ten silvered sling stones.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Neldak will split up the silver and copper (14 silver and 68 copper to everyone) and ask if anyone wants the healer's kit, hunting trap, silvered sling stones, or any of the other items. "Here's a little bit of what I found. Anyone want these other things that I found?"
"It is a pleasure to share the fruits of this endeavor with those who shared its risks, Lord Neldak" Etriel Darastrix bows her head briefly in thanks and respect, accepting her share of coins. "Of all these objects, the one that is most congenial to me is certainly this hunting trap" She examines it between her slender, nimble fingers, before placing it in her backpack. "The rest would probably be better used by someone else in our ever-versatile band of intrepid defenders of the Dale".
After which, having finished copying the two works of art, the eladrin huntress patiently prepares to skin and butcher the bear. The meat, certainly in quantity than the small group needs and potentially problematic to preserve, could be distributed among the inhabitants of Good Mead upon their return. And the skin could be purchased by a craftsman capable of making winter clothing from it. She can afford to work with greater than average speed, because any small tears in the skin (including those caused by the wounds that felled the beast) magically close up when she passes her fingers over them, as in a slow caress, murmuring mysterious formulas with a sweet musical sound.
Oh, and addiotnally, Etriel would have noticed that the block does seem to have a lid to it. Based on the length, and the fact that the notches to the south have bones remnant of burial places, it's likely a fancy tomb.
If she tries to open it, it is much to heavy to do alone
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Etriel reveals to her fellow adventurers what she has discovered, but concludes: "...But I was not able to open that tomb alone. And of course there is no way to know whether what is contained therein will bring good or evil... until we open it. The question is: do we want to open it?"
Idalie, ever the 'great hero,' steps forward.
"Let's get it open! If there's evil in there, we'll vanquish it! And if it's treasure, then I guess we're rich!"
[[Idalie will help Etriel to open the fancy tomb]]
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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