Jasmine approaches the road. She clears her throat and stays quiet for a bit, trying to think of how best to word the request.
"Good moving road, we were tasked with going into the tower of Goddess Shigh to retrieve a staff for Goddess Aweyeth. This quest of ours is wrought with peril as Shigh has powerful guards around her tower. Where others before us have failed, it is paramount that we must succeed this quest. So, wise road, please take us to where we must go in order to complete our quest successfully."
Armeros watches the road expectantly. It had seemed reluctant to take them on this little detour to a town, so he expects it'll be eager to move on toward their goal.
Xondario purchases: 2 signal whistles (1sp), soap (2cp), 2 sacks (2cp), flask of oil (1sp), flask (2cp), 2 pieces of chalks (2cp), 2 candles (2cp), blanket (5sp), water skin (2sp), total: 1gp
Xondario starts to walk the road with his new gear strapped on tight, incase they need to run from elementals again. And starts forward with hammer in hand ready for what defense they will find this time. "So what the plan, we have to assume something will jump out at us as a defense again. Perhaps we should position our marching order with more purpose this time. Anyone wish to scout ahead in the trees perhaps?"
Jasmine approaches the road. She clears her throat and stays quiet for a bit, trying to think of how best to word the request.
"Good moving road, we were tasked with going into the tower of Goddess Shigh to retrieve a staff for Goddess Aweyeth. This quest of ours is wrought with peril as Shigh has powerful guards around her tower. Where others before us have failed, it is paramount that we must succeed this quest. So, wise road, please take us to where we must go in order to complete our quest successfully."
(Would a persuasion check, or similar, be helpful?)
"Scouting would be good...I don't like cliches, but as we seem to have neither Rouge nor Ranger...would our Halfling want to scout? Maybe one with some ranged spells...can be your backup?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Taxidea pats the road. "Hey buddy. Didja miss me?" Then he turns to Jason. "Scout? Sure, sure, suresuresure. I'll scout - I mean, everyone in the forest can hear you big oafs coming from a mile a way. But just so we're clear, at the first hint of trouble I'll be sprinting back here to take cover behind you big guys, and I don't want to hear anybody complain about it later on."
Taxidea will scout ahead about 50' ahead of the group, ready to dash back at the first hint of trouble. Stealth: 18
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Taxidea perception: 16
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
As stealthily move through the forrest ahead of the party, you detect a faint scent of smoke, coming from in front of you. Looking through the trees ahead and a little to the right you see a strong glow roughly 100 feet off the road in the woods.
{[Is Taxidea traveling a smidgen off the road with the party on the road behind?]}
As stealthily move through the forrest ahead of the party, you detect a faint scent of smoke, coming from in front of you. Looking through the trees ahead and a little to the right you see a strong glow roughly 100 feet off the road in the woods.
{[Is Taxidea traveling a smidgen off the road with the party on the road behind?]}
(Yes - he would be using stealth and just off the road. Does it appear that these are more fire elementals or is does it look like something different?)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Marching order: We have Taxidea up front a little to the right of the road. He just spotted the light about a hundred feet in ahead, with the scent of smoke. 50 feet behind him the rest of the party is following with Xondario and Jason in front, Jasmine and Armeros in the middle, and Flynt in the back. Please correct me if that is incorrect.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Taxidea moves to where the party can see him, motions to them to be quiet, and points in the direction of the light. Then he'll sneak closer to see what's making the light.
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
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Jasmine hums, "Hmm... That... might work. We should try that."
I'm a little unclear what you plan to ask.
EDIT: nevermind.
I'll wait for someone to actually do it though.
Jasmine approaches the road. She clears her throat and stays quiet for a bit, trying to think of how best to word the request.
"Good moving road, we were tasked with going into the tower of Goddess Shigh to retrieve a staff for Goddess Aweyeth. This quest of ours is wrought with peril as Shigh has powerful guards around her tower. Where others before us have failed, it is paramount that we must succeed this quest. So, wise road, please take us to where we must go in order to complete our quest successfully."
A man of few words, Flynt simply bides his time until he's needed.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Armeros watches the road expectantly. It had seemed reluctant to take them on this little detour to a town, so he expects it'll be eager to move on toward their goal.
Indeed, almost instantly the terrain shifts to mak room for the roads new position, which seems to be going endlessly straight.
Xondario purchases: 2 signal whistles (1sp), soap (2cp), 2 sacks (2cp), flask of oil (1sp), flask (2cp), 2 pieces of chalks (2cp), 2 candles (2cp), blanket (5sp), water skin (2sp), total: 1gp
Xondario starts to walk the road with his new gear strapped on tight, incase they need to run from elementals again. And starts forward with hammer in hand ready for what defense they will find this time. "So what the plan, we have to assume something will jump out at us as a defense again. Perhaps we should position our marching order with more purpose this time. Anyone wish to scout ahead in the trees perhaps?"
(Would a persuasion check, or similar, be helpful?)
"Scouting would be good...I don't like cliches, but as we seem to have neither Rouge nor Ranger...would our Halfling want to scout? Maybe one with some ranged spells...can be your backup?"
Taxidea pats the road. "Hey buddy. Didja miss me?" Then he turns to Jason. "Scout? Sure, sure, suresuresure. I'll scout - I mean, everyone in the forest can hear you big oafs coming from a mile a way. But just so we're clear, at the first hint of trouble I'll be sprinting back here to take cover behind you big guys, and I don't want to hear anybody complain about it later on."
Taxidea will scout ahead about 50' ahead of the group, ready to dash back at the first hint of trouble. Stealth: 18
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Okay. Taxidea is scouting ahead, with the rest of the party trailing about 50 feet behind.
Taxidea please make a perception check.
Taxidea perception: 16
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
As stealthily move through the forrest ahead of the party, you detect a faint scent of smoke, coming from in front of you. Looking through the trees ahead and a little to the right you see a strong glow roughly 100 feet off the road in the woods.
{[Is Taxidea traveling a smidgen off the road with the party on the road behind?]}
(Yes - he would be using stealth and just off the road. Does it appear that these are more fire elementals or is does it look like something different?)
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
(Do we have a "marching order," to follow Taxidea? Is anyone preparing any offense/defense spells, to be ready for a possible attack?)
I'd say Jasmine would be in the middle or next to Armeros. Also she can plink away at people with Eldritch Blast.
Yeah, Armeros would be right behind the front liners with more AC.
Xondario's good being in front, hammer at the ready! Nothing planned outside of that from him
(From the sheets: Armeros = 16. Flynt = 16. Jasmine = 18. Jason = 18. Taxidea = 16. Xondario = 16.)
Jason take point with Xondario, doing his best to watch Taxidea, and is getting ready to use his Vow of Enmity, should trouble arise.
You can't tell what the origin of the light is.
Marching order: We have Taxidea up front a little to the right of the road. He just spotted the light about a hundred feet in ahead, with the scent of smoke.
50 feet behind him the rest of the party is following with Xondario and Jason in front, Jasmine and Armeros in the middle, and Flynt in the back.
Please correct me if that is incorrect.
Taxidea moves to where the party can see him, motions to them to be quiet, and points in the direction of the light. Then he'll sneak closer to see what's making the light.
stealth: 18
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."