Group1: "As far as can tell that there road seems too be heading straight for it."
Group2: I'm assuming everyone else follows Taxidea? You group up just outside of the clearing to see your friends rather cordially chatting with the believed thugs.
"Life as a solider was so much easier. Had a better idea of what to expect, and each others' forces...or at least, that was the idea. Let's see how Jasmine and that lot's doing..."
The volatile situation seemingly diffused, Flynt gives the leader a slight tip of the hat and says, " Well seein' how we aren't a threat to each other, we" ll just leave y'all to it and be on our way. Appreciate the cooperation."
Flynt steps a couple pace backwards before turning about and heading back the way the group came in.
Xondario nods to those on the road and starts to continue on down the road. He stops for a sec and turns around, "Just out of curiosity, how did you all find yourself camped on this road that keeps... changing locations?"
Seeing that the rest of the party looks calm and appear to have everything under control, and not wanting to risk jeopardizing that peace by popping out of the woods, Taxidea will motion for the others with him to head back the way they came and move back out to the road. But he'll stay alert and ready to rush back in to help if it sounds like things go south.
"Looks like they've got this handled, but stay ready to back them up if that changes."
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" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
The older guy responds with a grin. "We were actually camped right where it is now when it moved presumably from you. We had to move all our stuff over to avoid being in the way of travellers. Overall, I suppose it's just chance that we decided to camp here." Group1 can se Group2 a short ways back down the road, and vic versa.
(After dealing with their people, group2 came over and hid in the trees just outside the clearing. Seeing group1 had everything under control, thy went back to the road a short ways back to avoid causing anything from happening were they to show up at the bandits place.)
"So, how did your group do? We were met with a virtual army of bowmen. Not sure if that's worse than the fire elementals...if it wasn't for Taxidea doing a lil...spell on the sleigh with the leader...I don't know if we'd be having this talk...We need to get to the tower, to get back...But each time we try to approach, overwhelming odds stop us...We tried gathering intelligence, which seems to dead end...Maybe we need to start hunting for allies? Maybe see if there are any...temples or factions...that would be loyal to the goddess that sent us on this quest? Unless someone has some really good Invisibility + pass without trace spells?"
"So, how did your group do? We were met with a virtual army of bowmen. Not sure if that's worse than the fire elementals...if it wasn't for Taxidea doing a lil...spell on the sleigh with the leader...I don't know if we'd be having this talk...We need to get to the tower, to get back...But each time we try to approach, overwhelming odds stop us...We tried gathering intelligence, which seems to dead end...Maybe we need to start hunting for allies? Maybe see if there are any...temples or factions...that would be loyal to the goddess that sent us on this quest? Unless someone has some really good Invisibility + pass without trace spells?"
Taxidea feigns surprise. "Me? A spell? Oh no, no, no, I just made a suggestion that's all," he says with a smile and a wink. "I don't know - it seems to me that you keep looking for ways to avoid it - first a town - which we did - now you want to find a temple or a faction? Maybe we just need togo there and find out what's what." He looks at Armeros. "You guys looked pretty chummy with those" he makes air quotes "thugs. Any chance they want to help us out?"
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" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"I doubt they would help, merely looking for easy pickings and trying to avoid a hard fight I would wager. They mentioned that were thugs all around on guard, honestly prefer that to those elementals again. I think this road is going to turn into curse as much as it has been a blessing. It is showing us the way, but also tells everyone where we want to go and that we are on our way..." Xondario ponders what would have happened if the other group hadn't been as successful avoiding a fight. Between the road and those both group spoke too, there is no hope of surprising anyone at the tower.
Flynt looks down to casually hide the wry grin that crosses his face as he hears Taxidea observation of the idea Flynt had been.promoting from the start.
He moves to a position that will allow him to pat the halfling on the shoulder in a show of consolidarity.
"Because we did so well against the fire elmentals and a virtual army of bowmen. Let's keep trying merely approach the tower, only to be faced with overwhelming odds, and not make any progress. We've attempted to go to the tower, twice. The first, we were driven back. Maybe we'll be able to get through with spells and luck, but I'd much rather have advantage of trying to get in, without running into that same squad, or another one. Maybe some way to get in, without the goddess or her cronies being aware of our approach? That goddess must be aware of each attempt to get to the tower. Others have tried, and wound up dead, from what our host said. Unless we have some people that have a stealth level that would put Rogue's to shame, then each attempt to get into the tower, openly will result in the same."
"Well, to be fair, we DID do just fine against the bowmen - I mean, c'mon, we didn't even have to fight em'. I mean, THECHNICALLY they actually did offer to take us to the tower...sure, it as their prisoners, but still...My point is, we ARE making progress - maybe this resistance is Shigh getting nervous. Flynt here gets it. Ok, so we've encountered 2 groups of adversaries. But we've also met 2 groups of allies - and aside from the training we got in the town," he looks around, "how many of THEM do you see here? There's NO reason to believe that anyone else we might meet in these woods will be any more able, or more importantly, willing to help us. I mean, I'd LOVE to round up an army and go storm the tower, but I don't think that's gonna happen. It might be a hard truth to hear, but...I think we're on our own."
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" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"So we have met a group, clearly working for Shigh, and they walk away from us. There is no hope of of catching them off guard at this point. We should assume all of those in the woods know of our presence and the road tells them our path. To not let the tower have time to make extra precautions, I'm afraid we don't have time to hunt for an army if we want to do this now." Xondario offers as he continues walking.
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"As far as can tell that there road seems too be heading straight for it."
I'm assuming everyone else follows Taxidea?
You group up just outside of the clearing to see your friends rather cordially chatting with the believed thugs.
"Life as a solider was so much easier. Had a better idea of what to expect, and each others' forces...or at least, that was the idea. Let's see how Jasmine and that lot's doing..."
The volatile situation seemingly diffused, Flynt gives the leader a slight tip of the hat and says, " Well seein' how we aren't a threat to each other, we" ll just leave y'all to it and be on our way. Appreciate the cooperation."
Flynt steps a couple pace backwards before turning about and heading back the way the group came in.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Xondario nods to those on the road and starts to continue on down the road. He stops for a sec and turns around, "Just out of curiosity, how did you all find yourself camped on this road that keeps... changing locations?"
Seeing that the rest of the party looks calm and appear to have everything under control, and not wanting to risk jeopardizing that peace by popping out of the woods, Taxidea will motion for the others with him to head back the way they came and move back out to the road. But he'll stay alert and ready to rush back in to help if it sounds like things go south.
"Looks like they've got this handled, but stay ready to back them up if that changes."
" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Armeros looks a bit disappointed not to have the horses, but shrugs it off and moves to head back to the road.
Jasmine follows Armeros back to the road, pretty happy that it didn't come to blows with the group.
The older guy responds with a grin.
"We were actually camped right where it is now when it moved presumably from you. We had to move all our stuff over to avoid being in the way of travellers. Overall, I suppose it's just chance that we decided to camp here."
Group1 can se Group2 a short ways back down the road, and vic versa.
(Did group 2 back track? Xondario was heading in the direction of the tower.)
"What luck. Farewell and watch yourself, there are worse then thugs in the woods..." Xondario starts walking again.
(After dealing with their people, group2 came over and hid in the trees just outside the clearing.
Seeing group1 had everything under control, thy went back to the road a short ways back to avoid causing anything from happening were they to show up at the bandits place.)
"So, how did your group do? We were met with a virtual army of bowmen. Not sure if that's worse than the fire elementals...if it wasn't for Taxidea doing a lil...spell on the sleigh with the leader...I don't know if we'd be having this talk...We need to get to the tower, to get back...But each time we try to approach, overwhelming odds stop us...We tried gathering intelligence, which seems to dead end...Maybe we need to start hunting for allies? Maybe see if there are any...temples or factions...that would be loyal to the goddess that sent us on this quest? Unless someone has some really good Invisibility + pass without trace spells?"
Taxidea feigns surprise. "Me? A spell? Oh no, no, no, I just made a suggestion that's all," he says with a smile and a wink. "I don't know - it seems to me that you keep looking for ways to avoid it - first a town - which we did - now you want to find a temple or a faction? Maybe we just need to go there and find out what's what." He looks at Armeros. "You guys looked pretty chummy with those" he makes air quotes "thugs. Any chance they want to help us out?"
" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"Oh, ours were rather reasonable. Xondario can be quite the diplomat when he wants to." Armeros compliments with a smirk.
"I doubt they would help, merely looking for easy pickings and trying to avoid a hard fight I would wager. They mentioned that were thugs all around on guard, honestly prefer that to those elementals again. I think this road is going to turn into curse as much as it has been a blessing. It is showing us the way, but also tells everyone where we want to go and that we are on our way..." Xondario ponders what would have happened if the other group hadn't been as successful avoiding a fight. Between the road and those both group spoke too, there is no hope of surprising anyone at the tower.
Jasmine aggress, "I would much prefer fighting flesh and blood over a being made of fire. Weapons can pierce flesh and break bones. Fire is painful."
Flynt looks down to casually hide the wry grin that crosses his face as he hears Taxidea observation of the idea Flynt had been.promoting from the start.
He moves to a position that will allow him to pat the halfling on the shoulder in a show of consolidarity.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Armeros nods along with Jasmine. "Indeed. I much prefer enemies that can't hurt us simply by existing in our personal space."
"Because we did so well against the fire elmentals and a virtual army of bowmen. Let's keep trying merely approach the tower, only to be faced with overwhelming odds, and not make any progress. We've attempted to go to the tower, twice. The first, we were driven back. Maybe we'll be able to get through with spells and luck, but I'd much rather have advantage of trying to get in, without running into that same squad, or another one. Maybe some way to get in, without the goddess or her cronies being aware of our approach? That goddess must be aware of each attempt to get to the tower. Others have tried, and wound up dead, from what our host said. Unless we have some people that have a stealth level that would put Rogue's to shame, then each attempt to get into the tower, openly will result in the same."
"Well, to be fair, we DID do just fine against the bowmen - I mean, c'mon, we didn't even have to fight em'. I mean, THECHNICALLY they actually did offer to take us to the tower...sure, it as their prisoners, but still...My point is, we ARE making progress - maybe this resistance is Shigh getting nervous. Flynt here gets it. Ok, so we've encountered 2 groups of adversaries. But we've also met 2 groups of allies - and aside from the training we got in the town," he looks around, "how many of THEM do you see here? There's NO reason to believe that anyone else we might meet in these woods will be any more able, or more importantly, willing to help us. I mean, I'd LOVE to round up an army and go storm the tower, but I don't think that's gonna happen. It might be a hard truth to hear, but...I think we're on our own."
" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"So we have met a group, clearly working for Shigh, and they walk away from us. There is no hope of of catching them off guard at this point. We should assume all of those in the woods know of our presence and the road tells them our path. To not let the tower have time to make extra precautions, I'm afraid we don't have time to hunt for an army if we want to do this now." Xondario offers as he continues walking.