Xondario ignored the call of whoever it was behind him. Choosing not to pick up the large fencing maul next him. His long hair and beard helped hide the greyish skin tone of his half Goliath makeup. The hulking man chosing to remained seated and continue eating his meal. He hears others getting excited about the commotion and was going to decide to wait and see how this plays out, but the sprite in that little halfling tone sparked Xondario's interest and he pulls out the two handaxes at his waist.
Flynt pushes his wide brimmed hat back on his head to reveal 2 steel blue eyes. Staring down the bandits he slowly drawls,
"You might want to rethink your situation, mister. You're not stealing nothing today, but you could earn some. Make your choice."
Flynt gives the room a once over an immediately realizes there are several other road dogs in here willing, if not itching, for a fight. The left side of his upper lip curls up in a snear. He growls out, with a thin under hint of sarcastic mockery underneath,
"Yeah hoss l, this ain't gonna go the way you hope so why don't you come on over and play some cards. I'm looking for some information. You have, you get payed. Come on now, dyin' ain't much of a livin' son."
He shuffles his deck of cards to add to the calm intimidation tactic. The emblem on his hat shimmers as he does.
(Intimidation: 13
Fire rune on hat doubles his proficiency score on checks he uses a tool for. )
I'll just say you are intimidating the guy closest to you, B2. He rolled a [CLASSIFIED] on wisdom saving throw to with stand the intimidation, and will be frightened of Flynt for the first round of battle.
Yeah, I figured we'd do something like that. I'll edit this post in a minute with the full turn order. Ok, Here's the order for battle. Remis can go whenever. Remis Bandit 3 Taxidea Bandit 1 Bandit Captain Flynt Jasmine Bandit 2 Xondario Armeros Jason
Yeah, I figured we'd do something like that. I'll edit this post in a minute with the full turn order. Ok, Here's the order for battle. Remis can go ahead whenever.
Remis Bandit 3 Taxidea Bandit 1 Bandit Captain Flynt Jasmine Bandit 2 Xondario Armeros Jason Here's the link to the battlefield again, to make it easier. Battlemap
EDIT: I should have mentioned earlier, Most Tuesdays I probably won't be able to post. If I do, it'll be in the early morning, mid afternoon, or late at night. But I don't expect to be able to post most of the time.
Remis standing at the end if his table, begins a chant in his native tongue, as he raises his arm preparing to throw something a bolt of lightening appears in his hand, the crack and snap of energy making his gray fur stand on end, he throws the bolt at B4. Casting guiding bolt15 to hit and 16 points of damage. If that hits then I believe the next attack before my next turn will have advantage.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Jason Initiative: 4
"Dear friends. I think you have the wrong guy. I'm but a simple and humble Paladin. I'm on the trail of traffickers, including a ring that is dedicated to taking children. Are any of you parents?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Jason hurls his silver wear at the crossbowman's face, as a distraction, while collecting his spear, and closes the gap between them.
"Let's see how you fare against a Polearm Master!"
Jason thrusts his spear 18, with 6 on if it strikes, piercing. He then deftly moves his spear (bonus action, separate hit+attack), to smash the butt into his target 14, with bludgeoning 9.
"I don't take kindly to threats!"
(OOC: I corrected the errors I made when executing rolls)
Jason hurls his silver wear at the crossbowman's face, as a distraction, while collecting his spear, and closes the gap between them.
"Let's see how you fare against a Polearm Master!"
Jason thrusts his spear 25, with 8 on his strike, piercing. He then deftly moves his spear, to smash the butt into his target 25, with bludgeoning 10.
"I don't take kindly to threats!"
(OOC: I think you jumped the gun - you're at the bottom of the initiative so you can't attack yet)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Xondario ignored the call of whoever it was behind him. Choosing not to pick up the large fencing maul next him. His long hair and beard helped hide the greyish skin tone of his half Goliath makeup. The hulking man chosing to remained seated and continue eating his meal. He hears others getting excited about the commotion and was going to decide to wait and see how this plays out, but the sprite in that little halfling tone sparked Xondario's interest and he pulls out the two handaxes at his waist.
What's your initiative?
Xondario init: 5
Rolled it in the log and forgot to write it down!
Okay. Xondario and Armeros both rolled 5s. Who want's to go first of the two of you?
Xondario can go first.
Ok, will do.
I believe we are just waiting on two players.
Flynt initiative: 7
Flynt pushes his wide brimmed hat back on his head to reveal 2 steel blue eyes. Staring down the bandits he slowly drawls,
"You might want to rethink your situation, mister. You're not stealing nothing today, but you could earn some. Make your choice."
Flynt gives the room a once over an immediately realizes there are several other road dogs in here willing, if not itching, for a fight. The left side of his upper lip curls up in a snear. He growls out, with a thin under hint of sarcastic mockery underneath,
"Yeah hoss l, this ain't gonna go the way you hope so why don't you come on over and play some cards. I'm looking for some information. You have, you get payed. Come on now, dyin' ain't much of a livin' son."
He shuffles his deck of cards to add to the calm intimidation tactic. The emblem on his hat shimmers as he does.
(Intimidation: 13
Fire rune on hat doubles his proficiency score on checks he uses a tool for. )
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
We have another tie. Jasmine and Flynt both rolled 7s for initiative. Who wan't to go first?
For ties, maybe we should just have higher DEX score going first. Unless Flynt also has 8 DEX in which case he can go ahead.
I'll just say you are intimidating the guy closest to you, B2.
He rolled a [CLASSIFIED] on wisdom saving throw to with stand the intimidation, and will be frightened of Flynt for the first round of battle.
Yeah, that's probably smart. Less things we have to wait on people to post for as well.
Flynt has an 18 for DEX, so he'll be first.
Order so far (ourside)
Taxidea 16
Flynt- 7
Jasmin 7
Xondario 5
Armeros 5
Let just put Jason last at 3 and go.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Yeah, I figured we'd do something like that.
I'll edit this post in a minute with the full turn order.
Ok, Here's the order for battle.
Remis can go whenever.
Bandit 3
Bandit 1
Bandit Captain
Bandit 2
Yeah, I figured we'd do something like that.
I'll edit this post in a minute with the full turn order.
Ok, Here's the order for battle.
Remis can go ahead whenever.
Bandit 3
Bandit 1
Bandit Captain
Bandit 2
Here's the link to the battlefield again, to make it easier.
EDIT: I should have mentioned earlier, Most Tuesdays I probably won't be able to post. If I do, it'll be in the early morning, mid afternoon, or late at night. But I don't expect to be able to post most of the time.
Remis standing at the end if his table, begins a chant in his native tongue, as he raises his arm preparing to throw something a bolt of lightening appears in his hand, the crack and snap of energy making his gray fur stand on end, he throws the bolt at B4. Casting guiding bolt 15 to hit and 16 points of damage. If that hits then I believe the next attack before my next turn will have advantage.
Jason Initiative: 4
"Dear friends. I think you have the wrong guy. I'm but a simple and humble Paladin. I'm on the trail of traffickers, including a ring that is dedicated to taking children. Are any of you parents?"
Athletics: 21
Jason hurls his silver wear at the crossbowman's face, as a distraction, while collecting his spear, and closes the gap between them.
"Let's see how you fare against a Polearm Master!"
Jason thrusts his spear 18, with 6 on if it strikes, piercing. He then deftly moves his spear (bonus action, separate hit+attack), to smash the butt into his target 14, with bludgeoning 9.
"I don't take kindly to threats!"
(OOC: I corrected the errors I made when executing rolls)
(OOC: I think you jumped the gun - you're at the bottom of the initiative so you can't attack yet)
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Regulators! Mount up.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider