Seeing Armeros levitating, Taxidea would come back, get behind behind him and push him to the edge of the trees. "Neat trick Armeros."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Xondario shakes his head at the now foating Armeros and simply waits for the call to advance come back. "What were told again, to stay together to succeed?"
"Something doesn't add up. We encounter fire elementals and what I'm guessing were mercenaries miles and miles from here, and literally nothing since. We heard a few different times that there were patrols of bandits all over the place... where are they? Now we can walk up to the gates of this tower uncontested by the looks. Ok there a firey gateway but still, no resistance. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but something feels strange about this. Plus the lean-tos suggest somebody plans to be out here." Xondario, who normally falls back to the simplest answer is usually the right one is pondering about finding another way in instead of trying to figure the doorway out.
"Perhaps they have a trap set up, like some kind of explosive or poison gas, so they needed to get out of the way?" Armeros wonders, eyeing the mysterious tower. "Or they are waiting inside? It'd be more efficient to set up an ambush there than wander around looking for us, I suppose."
Almost one cue, higher up the tower a door opens, and a small platform slides out below. A short looking man dressed in purple robes, possibly a priest, steps onto the platform and stomps his foot, causing it to slowly slide down the tower, fading away as it hits the ground. The man steps off, looking around nervously before pressing his hand against the wall to the left of the door, which causes another door that blends perfectly into the tower to open, revealing a stable housing a number of horses. The man disappears into the room for a few minutes, before coming back out riding atop a short horse or tall pony. He yells something in some other language. For those who know draconic:
"Take me to Draco!"
The road vanishes from under you, causing trees to spring back up like before. Watching the man, you see that the road opens a new path in front of him heading away from the tower. Again looking around, as if afraid of being caught, the man urges his horse onward and gallops off.
Jasmine agrees once again with Xondario. Nothing about this makes sense. Aremeros's theory that there's an ambush in the tower itself seemed the most likely but she was still trying to figure out any potential alternate explanations since she likes to be prepared and take care that she's not overlooking something. That was when the man suddenly appeared and rode off on a horse. Jasmine barely managed to dodge getting hit by a tree when the road shifted. As she watches the man ride off, she says, "Thissss place seems to get weirder and weirder." She does take note of the man's clothing however. Given that she had spent a lot of her time back in the town researching as much as she could, she tries to recall if the she has seen or read about any specific religion or order who's priests might use robes like the one the man was wearing.
((Can I roll something to see if Jasmine, either because of her travels or due to the downtime research she did, can identify the robes that the man was seen wearing?))
"Fleeing his own faction's fortress? A defector perhaps. Intriguing...I'm sure he can offer some valuable information if we question him--with fire if necessary." Armeros smirks wickedly. "And what luck! We know exactly which way he is headed."
Can I roll something to see if Jasmine, either because of her travels or due to the downtime research she did, can identify the robes that the man was seen wearing?
Due to your time spent researching in town, and talking with the villagers there, you can identify that most likely this man is somehow connected to Shigh, based off of the purple colour of the robes. The specific fashion and style of the robes rings some bells, but all you can think of is something connected to a warlord or something. It would seem this man has combined two outfits into one, presumably to represent both for whatever reason.
OOC: What is the man's path verses our groups position? Could we intercept the man if we choose to or would it be closer to a foot race to see if we could?
Flynt remains quiet, keeping his own theories to himself until he could get something more concrete to work with. As much as it pained him to have to wait to complete the task of getting the scepter, he knew he needed more information about this place before they could proceed. So taking out his Herb pouch after checking that the wind direction wouldn't give him away, Flynt rolls a cigarette and hunkers down to watch.
"Fleeing his own faction's fortress? A defector perhaps. Intriguing...I'm sure he can offer some valuable information if we question him--with fire if necessary." Armeros smirks wickedly. "And what luck! We know exactly which way he is headed."
Jasmine asks, "He rode off on a horse though. How do you propose we catch him?"
"Well, we did see how he opened the door to the stable, yes? Perhaps we can acquire horses of our own. Even if not, he has to stop at some point. Personally I'm rather interested in where he intends to go."
"Based on his purple robes, I believe the man is connected to Shigh somehow though I'm not sure how. I believe he may also be a warlord of some kind, perhaps heading out to mobilize forces? Either way, you are right. We might be able to tail him to find out what he's up to and if possible questioning him. that is an idea I am particularly liking given the strangeness with the tower going on. I would rather not walk into a trap if I can help it."
Seeing Armeros levitating, Taxidea would come back, get behind behind him and push him to the edge of the trees. "Neat trick Armeros."
" worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"Oh, thank you, my friend. Now we have a fine view." Armeros peers out of the trees, but is too excited about floating to pay much attention.
Investigation: 4
Xondario shakes his head at the now foating Armeros and simply waits for the call to advance come back. "What were told again, to stay together to succeed?"
D&D since 1984
The back group moves forward as quietly as possible.
D&D since 1984
The entire party meets up with Rikas, who hadn't seen anything since the fire incident.
When you guys are together, anytime you make a stealth check, 4 characters can make it for the whole group, and I'll use the average of those rolls.
"Something doesn't add up. We encounter fire elementals and what I'm guessing were mercenaries miles and miles from here, and literally nothing since. We heard a few different times that there were patrols of bandits all over the place... where are they? Now we can walk up to the gates of this tower uncontested by the looks. Ok there a firey gateway but still, no resistance. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but something feels strange about this. Plus the lean-tos suggest somebody plans to be out here." Xondario, who normally falls back to the simplest answer is usually the right one is pondering about finding another way in instead of trying to figure the doorway out.
"Perhaps they have a trap set up, like some kind of explosive or poison gas, so they needed to get out of the way?" Armeros wonders, eyeing the mysterious tower. "Or they are waiting inside? It'd be more efficient to set up an ambush there than wander around looking for us, I suppose."
Almost one cue, higher up the tower a door opens, and a small platform slides out below.
A short looking man dressed in purple robes, possibly a priest, steps onto the platform and stomps his foot, causing it to slowly slide down the tower, fading away as it hits the ground.
The man steps off, looking around nervously before pressing his hand against the wall to the left of the door, which causes another door that blends perfectly into the tower to open, revealing a stable housing a number of horses. The man disappears into the room for a few minutes, before coming back out riding atop a short horse or tall pony.
He yells something in some other language.
For those who know draconic:
"Take me to Draco!"
The road vanishes from under you, causing trees to spring back up like before.
Watching the man, you see that the road opens a new path in front of him heading away from the tower.
Again looking around, as if afraid of being caught, the man urges his horse onward and gallops off.
Jasmine agrees once again with Xondario. Nothing about this makes sense. Aremeros's theory that there's an ambush in the tower itself seemed the most likely but she was still trying to figure out any potential alternate explanations since she likes to be prepared and take care that she's not overlooking something. That was when the man suddenly appeared and rode off on a horse. Jasmine barely managed to dodge getting hit by a tree when the road shifted. As she watches the man ride off, she says, "Thissss place seems to get weirder and weirder." She does take note of the man's clothing however. Given that she had spent a lot of her time back in the town researching as much as she could, she tries to recall if the she has seen or read about any specific religion or order who's priests might use robes like the one the man was wearing.
((Can I roll something to see if Jasmine, either because of her travels or due to the downtime research she did, can identify the robes that the man was seen wearing?))
"Fleeing his own faction's fortress? A defector perhaps. Intriguing...I'm sure he can offer some valuable information if we question him--with fire if necessary." Armeros smirks wickedly. "And what luck! We know exactly which way he is headed."
Due to your time spent researching in town, and talking with the villagers there, you can identify that most likely this man is somehow connected to Shigh, based off of the purple colour of the robes.
The specific fashion and style of the robes rings some bells, but all you can think of is something connected to a warlord or something.
It would seem this man has combined two outfits into one, presumably to represent both for whatever reason.
OOC: What is the man's path verses our groups position? Could we intercept the man if we choose to or would it be closer to a foot race to see if we could?
Flynt remains quiet, keeping his own theories to himself until he could get something more concrete to work with. As much as it pained him to have to wait to complete the task of getting the scepter, he knew he needed more information about this place before they could proceed. So taking out his Herb pouch after checking that the wind direction wouldn't give him away, Flynt rolls a cigarette and hunkers down to watch.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Jasmine asks, "He rode off on a horse though. How do you propose we catch him?"
"Well, we did see how he opened the door to the stable, yes? Perhaps we can acquire horses of our own. Even if not, he has to stop at some point. Personally I'm rather interested in where he intends to go."
"Based on his purple robes, I believe the man is connected to Shigh somehow though I'm not sure how. I believe he may also be a warlord of some kind, perhaps heading out to mobilize forces? Either way, you are right. We might be able to tail him to find out what he's up to and if possible questioning him. that is an idea I am particularly liking given the strangeness with the tower going on. I would rather not walk into a trap if I can help it."
Rikas did take a peak into one of the tents to see what was inside of it. ((Didn't want this forgotten about.))
I don't have a signature.
"Rikas, what did you see i the tent?" Xini asks
D&D since 1984