Xondario returns to his seat. "As far as I see it, this... priestess... has the foresight to gather us all with a meal, powers to put the building into a void if she is to be believed, but not able to complete a task she wants from us. Well then I plan to not give an answer and see how long she wishes to play this little game as I imagine she can't hold it longer then I can wait. She apparently wanted us for some job, she can wait till we are good and ready." He sets his hammer back down and starts back in on his meal. He does keep his off hand firmly on the end of the mall's handle.
As Remis finishes his food he'll think over what we know of this priestess so far, her dress, choice of colors, spells she used, and try to recall anything from his teachings while in his home world of shadow that might give some idea of who or what we're dealing with. arcana roll 21history roll 5religion roll 18
Jasmine's tail moves and creates the rattling one would expect from a rattle-snake. Jasmine answers, "You were not too wounded to walk. So I urged you to follow me. And no, Oathsss are meaningless and tend to hold you back when things are at their most dire. I do not need an oath to guide me; my moral compassss is enough to lead me to path of good." She then turns around and says, "That being sssaid... You are right. I do not believe refusing is an option we have. I do hate being forced into thingsssss."
Taxidea cocks his head at Jasmine. "Follow you?? Follow..." he trails off, "You're absolutely right, sssssister, I wasn't too wounded to walk, but perhaps you didn't you notice the guy HOLDING ME?? What? I just drag him along? Geez....follow you...you might think your moral compass if fine but maybe you need to get your eyes checked."
He takes in a deep breath, holds it for second, then exhales and holds up a hand to Jasmine. "Sorry. I'm hungry, I'm sore, and this whole situation has me irritated."
He picks up his food, goes over and sits down next to Remis.
"It's Remis, right? I'm Taxidea, but my friends call me Badger."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Jasmine almost mimics Taxidea's expression and instead of arguing agrees with him, "You... are actually right. I did NOT notice the guy holding you. Apologiessss."
She then goes over back to her table and picks up the sandwich. She opens her mouth wide... wider... wider. And then places the sandwich in her mouth. Her neck swells a bit as she swallows the sandwich whole in one gulp. Very much like a snake.
In reply to Remis. She was dressed in a completely white robe, and on her forehead was some sort or medal ring, with intricate designs. She had long, flowing black hair. While you can't figure out what order she is with, if any, you do get an odd feeling that you've seen her before. actually, the more you think about it, she always seems to be anywhere there is some commotion. Odd that you've never noticed that before.
Armeros searches his mind for historical accounts of people with similar teleportation abilities. Is this priestess really a mortal at all? History=18. He also rolls arcana to see if he recognizes the magic she is using (Arcana=6).
The Bearfolk raises a paw in greetings to Taxidea, Bright suns Badger, welcome to table. He then offers Badger a biscuit smoothed in honey. Eat?
"Thank you, my new extra-large, fur-covered friend." Taxidea says taking a biscuit. "So that's 4 votes for giving the disappearing she-witch what she wants, and 1 vote to wait-and-see if she kills us all for not giving her an answer in a timely manner. What about you guys?" He looks at Jason, "Spear-ro?" Then at Flynt, "Dirty Harry?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Armeros. As you think about the stranger, the name Shigh (pronounced shy) comes to mind. You can't for the life of you figure out why, but for whatever reason, that name is stuck in your head, and somehow connected with this stranger. Thinking about it a little longer, you start remembering some old stories you heard years ago. Shigh. Goddess of time and trickery. As you try digging deeper, you run into a mental wall. Please make a wisdom saving throw.
Remis looks to Badger, not bothering to keep his voice low since he can't really whisper anyway, back in the Shadow Realm, my home, we would often see one look like priestess anywhere there trouble. One time Three Hive Grove invaded by death butterfly swarm, no one hurt, but wildflowers all but gone. This priestess there then. Seen her more times too. Always trouble. Always. He picks his plate up and licks it clean of honey. Honey good. Make Remis fat bear though. Momma bear call me Pooh. He lets loose a table shaking belly laugh.
Armeros pushes against the wall, and with a ton of effort, it collapses. After the dust clears, you can see what it was hiding. You are in a round room, with golden walls. In the middle of the room, is a table. On the table is a slim staff, emitting a dark, ominous glow. The staff is white, and completely undecorated except for the top, where there is a black orb. It is made of glass. You can see that clearly. But for whatever reason you can not see anything through the orb. You feel compelled to pick up the staff, but as you do, you are thrown backwards, your head hitting a wall, knocking you out.
To the rest of the party. As you all are doing your things, talking about what to do, you see Armeros get thrown backwards, as if they had walked into some sort of magic barrier. The hit a wall behind them, out cold.
Flynt sits back down and pulls out a small pouch from behind his back he undoes the small toggle holding down the flap. Inside are some shredded dark green leaves and some whole dark brown ones. Taking a brown one he pinches one side between his index and middle finger while he supports the other with his thumb. After sprinkling a generous amount of the shredded leaf into the trough shaped brown leaf he rolls the leaf back and forth across his fingers until the shredded leaf is well distributed. Funnaly, Using his thumb to tuck the side of the leaf supported by his thumb under the otherside he deftly rolls it up. Popping it in his mouth he lights it off a match carried in the same pouch as the smoking leaf. He takes a long draw, the small ember at the end flaring slightly brighter. He blows out a curl of smoke and answers Taxidea while scratching his finger through his long salt and pepper beard.
"Well ai suppose I can understand the "hairy" but I ain't "dirty" so I'm gonna pretend you ment nothin' by it and let that one slide. As for our host...may as well tell he yes and we'll just deal with whatever comes next.
At the sound of Armeros's body soundly hitting the wall Remis stops his laughing and looks. Pardon he says to Badger, quickly stands, grabbing his mug of water, runs to his fallen new friend. With a quick medicine check, roll 15, I'll try to determine if he's just knocked out or actually injured. If he's injured then I'll cast healing word restoring 4 hit pts. If, on the other hand he's just knocked out, then I'll empty the contents of my water mug into his face with a splash.
Taxidea looks over at Armeros's unconscious form. "Well. There's another unexpected new development." Still watching as Remis attends to Armeros he waves a had dismissively in Flynts direction. "No offense meant friend," he says, "it's just with all this commotion we haven't exactly had a chance to make introductions. For anyone who cares, I'm Taxidea. Now I didn't follow everything my new buddy Remis was saying about our host, although, side note: I'm stealing "Butterfly Death Swarm" as my band name if I should decide to start one, BUT," he looks directly at Xondario, "she doesn't sound like the kind of being you want to play chicken with and hope she flinches first."
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Jasmine goes over to Armeros as well to make sure he's okay. She's got Lay on Hands at the ready in case he needs it. She'd try to lightly shake him awake.
Armeros awakes with a start, finding himself doused with water but thankfully alive. He looks momentarily confused, but Jasmine's question makes him sit up excitedly.
"Ah, yes! We, Armeros, remembered! Shigh, Goddess of Time and Trickery. That woman may be a worshipper of her, or even the goddess herself...And then," he chuckles mischievously, "We saw her secret. A gilded room containing a staff. White, topped with a lovely black glass orb, dark as the void! It reminded us of home, actually..." He trails off, but recovers after a moment. "Perhaps if we find it, we can get out of here without having to do her bidding."
Jasmine shakes her head and says, "Asss much as I hate being forced to do things against my will, I do not think thisss is a place we should be picking a fight with her. We should agree and see what she needs done. After that we can plan the next move forward."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Xondario returns to his seat. "As far as I see it, this... priestess... has the foresight to gather us all with a meal, powers to put the building into a void if she is to be believed, but not able to complete a task she wants from us. Well then I plan to not give an answer and see how long she wishes to play this little game as I imagine she can't hold it longer then I can wait. She apparently wanted us for some job, she can wait till we are good and ready." He sets his hammer back down and starts back in on his meal. He does keep his off hand firmly on the end of the mall's handle.
As Remis finishes his food he'll think over what we know of this priestess so far, her dress, choice of colors, spells she used, and try to recall anything from his teachings while in his home world of shadow that might give some idea of who or what we're dealing with. arcana roll 21 history roll 5 religion roll 18
Taxidea cocks his head at Jasmine. "Follow you?? Follow..." he trails off, "You're absolutely right, sssssister, I wasn't too wounded to walk, but perhaps you didn't you notice the guy HOLDING ME?? What? I just drag him along? Geez....follow you...you might think your moral compass if fine but maybe you need to get your eyes checked."
He takes in a deep breath, holds it for second, then exhales and holds up a hand to Jasmine. "Sorry. I'm hungry, I'm sore, and this whole situation has me irritated."
He picks up his food, goes over and sits down next to Remis.
"It's Remis, right? I'm Taxidea, but my friends call me Badger."
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Jasmine almost mimics Taxidea's expression and instead of arguing agrees with him, "You... are actually right. I did NOT notice the guy holding you. Apologiessss."
She then goes over back to her table and picks up the sandwich. She opens her mouth wide... wider... wider. And then places the sandwich in her mouth. Her neck swells a bit as she swallows the sandwich whole in one gulp. Very much like a snake.
In reply to Remis.
She was dressed in a completely white robe, and on her forehead was some sort or medal ring, with intricate designs. She had long, flowing black hair.
While you can't figure out what order she is with, if any, you do get an odd feeling that you've seen her before. actually, the more you think about it, she always seems to be anywhere there is some commotion. Odd that you've never noticed that before.
The Bearfolk raises a paw in greetings to Taxidea, Bright suns Badger, welcome to table. He then offers Badger a biscuit smoothed in honey. Eat?
Armeros searches his mind for historical accounts of people with similar teleportation abilities. Is this priestess really a mortal at all? History=18. He also rolls arcana to see if he recognizes the magic she is using (Arcana=6).
"Thank you, my new extra-large, fur-covered friend." Taxidea says taking a biscuit. "So that's 4 votes for giving the disappearing she-witch what she wants, and 1 vote to wait-and-see if she kills us all for not giving her an answer in a timely manner. What about you guys?" He looks at Jason, "Spear-ro?" Then at Flynt, "Dirty Harry?"
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Armeros. As you think about the stranger, the name Shigh (pronounced shy) comes to mind. You can't for the life of you figure out why, but for whatever reason, that name is stuck in your head, and somehow connected with this stranger.
Thinking about it a little longer, you start remembering some old stories you heard years ago. Shigh. Goddess of time and trickery.
As you try digging deeper, you run into a mental wall. Please make a wisdom saving throw.
Wisdom save=22
Remis looks to Badger, not bothering to keep his voice low since he can't really whisper anyway, back in the Shadow Realm, my home, we would often see one look like priestess anywhere there trouble. One time Three Hive Grove invaded by death butterfly swarm, no one hurt, but wildflowers all but gone. This priestess there then. Seen her more times too. Always trouble. Always. He picks his plate up and licks it clean of honey. Honey good. Make Remis fat bear though. Momma bear call me Pooh. He lets loose a table shaking belly laugh.
Armeros pushes against the wall, and with a ton of effort, it collapses. After the dust clears, you can see what it was hiding.
You are in a round room, with golden walls. In the middle of the room, is a table. On the table is a slim staff, emitting a dark, ominous glow. The staff is white, and completely undecorated except for the top, where there is a black orb. It is made of glass. You can see that clearly. But for whatever reason you can not see anything through the orb. You feel compelled to pick up the staff, but as you do, you are thrown backwards, your head hitting a wall, knocking you out.
To the rest of the party. As you all are doing your things, talking about what to do, you see Armeros get thrown backwards, as if they had walked into some sort of magic barrier. The hit a wall behind them, out cold.
Flynt sits back down and pulls out a small pouch from behind his back he undoes the small toggle holding down the flap. Inside are some shredded dark green leaves and some whole dark brown ones. Taking a brown one he pinches one side between his index and middle finger while he supports the other with his thumb. After sprinkling a generous amount of the shredded leaf into the trough shaped brown leaf he rolls the leaf back and forth across his fingers until the shredded leaf is well distributed. Funnaly, Using his thumb to tuck the side of the leaf supported by his thumb under the otherside he deftly rolls it up. Popping it in his mouth he lights it off a match carried in the same pouch as the smoking leaf. He takes a long draw, the small ember at the end flaring slightly brighter. He blows out a curl of smoke and answers Taxidea while scratching his finger through his long salt and pepper beard.
"Well ai suppose I can understand the "hairy" but I ain't "dirty" so I'm gonna pretend you ment nothin' by it and let that one slide. As for our host...may as well tell he yes and we'll just deal with whatever comes next.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
At the sound of Armeros's body soundly hitting the wall Remis stops his laughing and looks. Pardon he says to Badger, quickly stands, grabbing his mug of water, runs to his fallen new friend. With a quick medicine check, roll 15, I'll try to determine if he's just knocked out or actually injured. If he's injured then I'll cast healing word restoring 4 hit pts. If, on the other hand he's just knocked out, then I'll empty the contents of my water mug into his face with a splash.
Taxidea looks over at Armeros's unconscious form. "Well. There's another unexpected new development." Still watching as Remis attends to Armeros he waves a had dismissively in Flynts direction. "No offense meant friend," he says, "it's just with all this commotion we haven't exactly had a chance to make introductions. For anyone who cares, I'm Taxidea. Now I didn't follow everything my new buddy Remis was saying about our host, although, side note: I'm stealing "Butterfly Death Swarm" as my band name if I should decide to start one, BUT," he looks directly at Xondario, "she doesn't sound like the kind of being you want to play chicken with and hope she flinches first."
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Jasmine goes over to Armeros as well to make sure he's okay. She's got Lay on Hands at the ready in case he needs it. She'd try to lightly shake him awake.
Armeros is not injured, just knocked out. He comes back with a sputter upon being hit with a full mugs worth of water.
"What happened? What did you sssee?" Jasmine asks the now conscious tiefling.
Armeros awakes with a start, finding himself doused with water but thankfully alive. He looks momentarily confused, but Jasmine's question makes him sit up excitedly.
"Ah, yes! We, Armeros, remembered! Shigh, Goddess of Time and Trickery. That woman may be a worshipper of her, or even the goddess herself...And then," he chuckles mischievously, "We saw her secret. A gilded room containing a staff. White, topped with a lovely black glass orb, dark as the void! It reminded us of home, actually..." He trails off, but recovers after a moment. "Perhaps if we find it, we can get out of here without having to do her bidding."
Jasmine shakes her head and says, "Asss much as I hate being forced to do things against my will, I do not think thisss is a place we should be picking a fight with her. We should agree and see what she needs done. After that we can plan the next move forward."