(OOC: Yeah, I play group initiative. A player suggested it in an earlier campaign, and it speeds up the story, although sometimes it gives an advantage in larger groups. Just an overview:
In group initiative, each side rolls a d20 for initiative, not adding any modifiers. Say that Sheila and Keith (yes, yes, bad character names, I know) were fighting a group of 4 kobolds who tried to rob them - Sheila and Keith would roll one d20, and the kobolds would roll another one.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
As the beast is shot and then insulted, it backs into the faint glow of a lantern, giving you all your first real look at it. It appears to be a mastiff, but it is a lot larger, with a pair of horns poking out of its head. Surrounding it is a cloud of faint motes of light, not enough to illuminate it but enough to help it see.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan draws his longsword and shield as he lunges at the beast charging it.
OOC: Movement: Close the gap Action: Attack 25 (Natural 20) to hit for 15 damage Weapon Mastery from Longsword: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn. End Turn
Tristan draws his longsword and shield as he lunges at the beast charging it.
OOC: Movement: Close the gap Action: Attack 25 (Natural 20) to hit for 15 damage Weapon Mastery from Longsword: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn. End Turn
Sprinting at this charging beast, Tristan rakes his blade across the long body of the creature, which wails in pain as another large gash opens up in its side. Observing a sudden burst of illumination, he also realizes that a light has been turned on in the house.
The beast claws and bites at him to the best of his ability, but its strikes are significantly weakened by the damage it's taken.
Action.Multiattack (1 Bite + 1 Claws, both against Tristan)
Bite attack: Attack: 10 Damage: 5
Claw attack (I think that Sap only takes effect on the 1st attack roll, right?): Attack: 7 Damage: 3
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
The beast snarls as a dagger and swords slash through its fur. Clearly wounded, blood pooling on the sides of its body, it shrinks away from you, unwilling to leave the fight or continue it. It seems so scared of you all that it's surprising when it disappears with a little pop.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
As it disappears, I look around to see if I can find where it went.
(adv for hunters mark: You also have Advantage on any Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check you make to find it)
Perception: 19
Looking around, you see it reappear on the edge of the forest, before speeding away. Teleportation. The door of the hut bangs open, revealing an ancient woman leaning on a grizzled cane. "Who's killing my dog?" she screams in a shrill, cracked voice. "Who would dare?"
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan keeps his sword and shield ready "Your pet came at us ma'am with teeth bared. We were acting in defense against what we thought was a wild beast."
Tristan keeps his sword and shield ready "Your pet came at us ma'am with teeth bared. We were acting in defense against what we thought was a wild beast."
"Yes, he is a protective one. Always fighting off intruders and such. Did you kill him?" she asks, clearly having experienced something similar before.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
(OOC: Sorry if this post is weird-looking, DDB's text stuff is bad)
"Well, the damned thing should come back soon. I don't blame ye, it's dark out and this forest contains who-knows-what. Now, come in! Show me your strange rocks!" She waves you in. Upon entering, you realize immediately that she's a collector of many strange things- her cabin contains small mammal skeletons hanging from the ceilings- birds, mice, and others reduced to a few glued-together bones. Mysterious potions also hang, in spherical bubbles suspended by small ropes. Books and papers are scattered throughout the rooms, making it look like a scholar came through.
She leads you to a small kitchen, merely a group of pots and pans scattered around a small metal box with a pipe leading into it. Pulling something out of the box, you realize that this is an interesting invention- the pipe brings fire into the box, cooking the meal. She drops the plate, which holds several cookies, on a table, then sits down. "Well, you four are braver than most. Most wouldn't make it here, especially not at night."
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
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Thurimar's Initiative:13
(We are all in the same initiative group, so everyone can attack now)
(OOC: Yeah, I play group initiative. A player suggested it in an earlier campaign, and it speeds up the story, although sometimes it gives an advantage in larger groups. Just an overview:
In group initiative, each side rolls a d20 for initiative, not adding any modifiers. Say that Sheila and Keith (yes, yes, bad character names, I know) were fighting a group of 4 kobolds who tried to rob them - Sheila and Keith would roll one d20, and the kobolds would roll another one.
Sooo anybody can make an attack right now.)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
I cast Vicious Mockery at the beast. Damage: 6.
OOC: It's in the game log
(OOC: WIS save: 22)
As the beast is shot and then insulted, it backs into the faint glow of a lantern, giving you all your first real look at it. It appears to be a mastiff, but it is a lot larger, with a pair of horns poking out of its head. Surrounding it is a cloud of faint motes of light, not enough to illuminate it but enough to help it see.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan draws his longsword and shield as he lunges at the beast charging it.
Movement: Close the gap
Action: Attack 25 (Natural 20) to hit for 15 damage
Weapon Mastery from Longsword: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn.
End Turn
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Sprinting at this charging beast, Tristan rakes his blade across the long body of the creature, which wails in pain as another large gash opens up in its side. Observing a sudden burst of illumination, he also realizes that a light has been turned on in the house.
The beast claws and bites at him to the best of his ability, but its strikes are significantly weakened by the damage it's taken.
Action. Multiattack (1 Bite + 1 Claws, both against Tristan)
Bite attack: Attack: 10 Damage: 5
Claw attack (I think that Sap only takes effect on the 1st attack roll, right?): Attack: 7 Damage: 3
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
OOC: Yes sap is just for “next attack”
(OOC: Yeah, my bad. Still working on learning the new rules. Back to you all's turn)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
I throw my dagger at the Beast.
Attack: 22 Damage: 4
OOC: It's within 20 ft of us right?
Thorne, still concentrating on maintaining his mark, will move into melee and dual-strike.
8 to hit (miss)
19 to hit for 5dmg
(OOC: Yep, about 15 ft. away from you.)
The beast snarls as a dagger and swords slash through its fur. Clearly wounded, blood pooling on the sides of its body, it shrinks away from you, unwilling to leave the fight or continue it. It seems so scared of you all that it's surprising when it disappears with a little pop.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
As it disappears, I look around to see if I can find where it went.
(adv for hunters mark: You also have Advantage on any Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check you make to find it)
Perception: 19
Looking around, you see it reappear on the edge of the forest, before speeding away. Teleportation. The door of the hut bangs open, revealing an ancient woman leaning on a grizzled cane. "Who's killing my dog?" she screams in a shrill, cracked voice. "Who would dare?"
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan keeps his sword and shield ready "Your pet came at us ma'am with teeth bared. We were acting in defense against what we thought was a wild beast."
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
“Are you Ixa? We were sent by Freya to deliver a letter and also to see if you’d be interested in purchasing some rather special rocks”
"Yes, he is a protective one. Always fighting off intruders and such. Did you kill him?" she asks, clearly having experienced something similar before.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
“No, he was smart enough to flee before we could land a fatal blow”
(OOC: Sorry if this post is weird-looking, DDB's text stuff is bad)
"Well, the damned thing should come back soon. I don't blame ye, it's dark out and this forest contains who-knows-what. Now, come in! Show me your strange rocks!" She waves you in. Upon entering, you realize immediately that she's a collector of many strange things- her cabin contains small mammal skeletons hanging from the ceilings- birds, mice, and others reduced to a few glued-together bones. Mysterious potions also hang, in spherical bubbles suspended by small ropes. Books and papers are scattered throughout the rooms, making it look like a scholar came through.
She leads you to a small kitchen, merely a group of pots and pans scattered around a small metal box with a pipe leading into it. Pulling something out of the box, you realize that this is an interesting invention- the pipe brings fire into the box, cooking the meal. She drops the plate, which holds several cookies, on a table, then sits down. "Well, you four are braver than most. Most wouldn't make it here, especially not at night."
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax