I walk in, and sit at her table, pulling out the collection of rocks. “I’m looking to sell or trade. You can see these unique blueish material in them, and in darkness they emit light.”
Then realizing she may be able to provide more information on the cult, pulls out the Yalex Duergar cult dagger to show her the carving on the hilt.
I walk in, and sit at her table, pulling out the collection of rocks. “I’m looking to sell or trade. You can see these unique blueish material in them, and in darkness they emit light.”
Then realizing she may be able to provide more information on the cult, pulls out the Yalex Duergar cult dagger to show her the carving on the hilt.
(OOC: I completely forgot! Everyone add 100 XP for scaring the dog away. I think that also levels you all up? If so, take a long rest.)
She doesn't even notice the rocks as you pull out the dagger. Staring at the symbol in horror, she asks you, "Where did you get this? You shall bring horror upon us- that is a dark symbol of times I thought would never return!"
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"This is what initiated our journey. An assassin or thug, hard to tell which, was wielding this weapon as he attacked us. It is our desire to track down this cult and put and end to their ways. That's also another reason why we came here, to gain resources (indicating the stones he brought out) to help us further our goals. Besides these stones, I can also mend minor breaks and tears in exchange for goods and services."
"This is what initiated our journey. An assassin or thug, hard to tell which, was wielding this weapon as he attacked us. It is our desire to track down this cult and put and end to their ways. That's also another reason why we came here, to gain resources (indicating the stones he brought out) to help us further our goals. Besides these stones, I can also mend minor breaks and tears in exchange for goods and services."
(OOC: LEVEL UP!! wooo!)
"Put it away. Dark things are drawn to it." She slides it across the table for Thorne. "These strange rocks appear to be a source of light," she says, musing over them. "I will take them, and give you my remaining 'valuables.'" She leaves the room for a second, then comes back in, dumping a small pile of gold coins on the table. They appear to be about 50 GP, from a first observation.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
I place the blade back into my bag. "That is fair, thank you", and pocket the gold while helping her organize the rocks. (OOC: everyone can add 12gp 5sp)
"There were a couple more things I was curious about if you don't mind me asking. What was in the letter Freya had us deliver? And 2, do you recognize this symbol at all?" I take out the scrap of parchment where I copied the symbol I found in Norrell's shop.
(OOC: My notes on the symbol: Dothkrata Ulimin - scrap of parchment with a symbol - a circle, with an eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon. Found in Norrell’s shop. It may represent the sun, the moon, and Westeros--the star being the sun, with the moon inside, and the circle that surrounds them is Westeros.)
Titanus grew up poor with just his mother. His father and grandfather both died fighting in the Dwarvish army. He's basically that one bully at school who has problems. Titanus dropped out of Dwarvish school and immediately went to enlist in the army. He would love to die in battle, just like his father and grandfather before him. He is always the first one to charge and the last one to retreat. Titanus was never viewed as a good soldier. He was constantly drinking and getting into brawls with other soldiers. Without permission, he lead a small assault behind enemy lines, costing the lives of two of his Dwarvish companions. This led to him being kicked out of the military. Titanus now fights to prove his worth and rejoin the ranks of the Dwarves.
"Freya's letter was private- something about someone I once knew." She treats the letter like an extremely personal matter, refusing to say any more. "Now, this symbol I know. You speak of the dwarven cults of Yalex, the symbol of which you showed me. This symbol is that of those who fight off the cults of Yalex, the Dothkrata Ulimin. In ancient tongues, it means 'heavenly fighters.' Strange, I did not know that this group survived."
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
(OOC: Had to put this in two posts because DDB was being weird)
Ixa gazes out a window, seemingly reminiscing in some times of her past. "I fought with them...once. Even overthrew the duergar king Escatriol, long ago. Thinking back, I warn you to be careful. The powers that these cults amassed are extremely dangerous." She pauses for a moment to let the dramatic phrase sink in. "Now, I can let you rest here for a night, but no more. Although you seem like good guests, I cannot risk attracting evil with the power of the cult's symbol. And- last thing, I am afraid I will have to ask you for another favor. Two men, a dwarf and a human, crashed out of the forest last night, ambushed by some sort of beast on their way. They begged me for shelter for a night, and I granted it. Then I sent them on their way. If you see them along the way, could you please escort them to Port Ilsyn? I don't think they'll survive the Spine without help."
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
She departs the room, and, soon after, you all do too. Your dreams are pleasant in this peaceful refuge, many memories of a time when these strange things did not happen.
Then, you wake. Birds chirp and leaves rustle in the wind as a peaceful morning sun shines down upon you through a dirty, dusted window. You hear Ixa rummaging through the kitchen, and then a pan sizzling as some sort of meat is cooked for breakfast.
"Good day," says Ixa, as she sets out plates on the table. "Nothing like a night of good sleep to prepare you for a journey. Will you talk with me? I have some news."
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"I've received a message from a friend of mine, you could say...that raiding parties have been disrupting the Spine. It must be connected to the symbol of Yalex's cult. If you do encounter a raiding party, do not try to pursue them- you do not want that symbol to be lost. It must not be lost!" This is said at a crescendo, with her final words having an extreme, frightening emphasis. "I wish you good luck on your journey. Be careful. My hopes and prayers go out to you."
Image Blocked by School Admin
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"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"Thank you, for being good guests. Other than the two fools who recently departed, you are the only ones who have visited me in a long while!" She wistfully says this, as if remembering some other time.
After leaving Ixa's house (with a few more goodbyes), you get back on the road and begin to enter the Spine. For a day, you hike up a brutal hill, into the foothills and then the three-mile tall mountains of the Spine. Sleet begins to fall along with night, and it is difficult to travel. Keeping yourselves on the road, you manage to make it to one of Freya's "safe places", a small clearing about a mile inside the True Spine, or the valley between the two long chains of iron-grey mountains. The fire keeps you warm, but just barely, and it is a brutal night, none of you getting much sleep.
The next day, you begin to travel through the True Spine, wary for any threats that may become posed. You all jump at every bird chirping and squirrel chittering, but nothing eventful happens. The forest and mountains bring beautiful sights to your eyes- herds of reindeer galloping through snowy tundra, lynxes stalking prey throughout the tall trees. On the edge of a high cliff, several rocks provide a nice place to sit - and that's when you see something interesting. Looking up at a tall peak (you think that it is Astalagon, named after an ancient dragon that supposedly resided there long ago), you see a large plume of smoke rising up from the trees about halfway up the mountain. Small fires burn near it, slowly moving through the trees - and down towards you and the road.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Ozymandias looks at his fellow comrades. "I have a supernatural feeling that those Ixa sent us to accompany have been captured by that party. We must fight!"
Suddenly, he bursts into verse,
Rise, my brothers, hear the call,
Shadows creep, but we won't fall.
Steel in hand and fire in heart,
We'll strike as one, we must embark!
Charge! Strike! Make them flee!
A raiding party, it must be.
With sword and shield, our voices raised,
I believe there are those to save.
Come now, my comrades, lend an ear,
Our time for battle is drawing near.
Charge! Strike! Make them flee!
We must obtain our victory!!!
Ozymandias looks at the rest of the company expectedly.
I walk in, and sit at her table, pulling out the collection of rocks. “I’m looking to sell or trade. You can see these unique blueish material in them, and in darkness they emit light.”
Then realizing she may be able to provide more information on the cult, pulls out the Yalex Duergar cult dagger to show her the carving on the hilt.
(OOC: I completely forgot! Everyone add 100 XP for scaring the dog away. I think that also levels you all up? If so, take a long rest.)
She doesn't even notice the rocks as you pull out the dagger. Staring at the symbol in horror, she asks you, "Where did you get this? You shall bring horror upon us- that is a dark symbol of times I thought would never return!"
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"This is what initiated our journey. An assassin or thug, hard to tell which, was wielding this weapon as he attacked us. It is our desire to track down this cult and put and end to their ways. That's also another reason why we came here, to gain resources (indicating the stones he brought out) to help us further our goals. Besides these stones, I can also mend minor breaks and tears in exchange for goods and services."
(OOC: LEVEL UP!! wooo!)
"Put it away. Dark things are drawn to it." She slides it across the table for Thorne. "These strange rocks appear to be a source of light," she says, musing over them. "I will take them, and give you my remaining 'valuables.'" She leaves the room for a second, then comes back in, dumping a small pile of gold coins on the table. They appear to be about 50 GP, from a first observation.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
I place the blade back into my bag. "That is fair, thank you", and pocket the gold while helping her organize the rocks.
(OOC: everyone can add 12gp 5sp)
"There were a couple more things I was curious about if you don't mind me asking. What was in the letter Freya had us deliver? And 2, do you recognize this symbol at all?"
I take out the scrap of parchment where I copied the symbol I found in Norrell's shop.
(OOC: My notes on the symbol:
Dothkrata Ulimin - scrap of parchment with a symbol - a circle, with an eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon. Found in Norrell’s shop. It may represent the sun, the moon, and Westeros--the star being the sun, with the moon inside, and the circle that surrounds them is Westeros.)
What's up guys, I'm a little late to the party but I'm Weslockes' friend and I was told I can join the campaign soon.
Here's my character sheet and backstory if you guys want to check it out:
Titanus grew up poor with just his mother. His father and grandfather both died fighting in the Dwarvish army. He's basically that one bully at school who has problems. Titanus dropped out of Dwarvish school and immediately went to enlist in the army. He would love to die in battle, just like his father and grandfather before him. He is always the first one to charge and the last one to retreat. Titanus was never viewed as a good soldier. He was constantly drinking and getting into brawls with other soldiers. Without permission, he lead a small assault behind enemy lines, costing the lives of two of his Dwarvish companions. This led to him being kicked out of the military. Titanus now fights to prove his worth and rejoin the ranks of the Dwarves.
Basically I'm a little dwarf with a big axe
ducks are cool
Welcome! I play Thorne Alderwood, Human Ranger.
Campaign link to add your character:
I think my character will be introduced soon. That's what weslockes told me at least.
ducks are cool
"Freya's letter was private- something about someone I once knew." She treats the letter like an extremely personal matter, refusing to say any more. "Now, this symbol I know. You speak of the dwarven cults of Yalex, the symbol of which you showed me. This symbol is that of those who fight off the cults of Yalex, the Dothkrata Ulimin. In ancient tongues, it means 'heavenly fighters.' Strange, I did not know that this group survived."
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
(OOC: Had to put this in two posts because DDB was being weird)
Ixa gazes out a window, seemingly reminiscing in some times of her past. "I fought with them...once. Even overthrew the duergar king Escatriol, long ago. Thinking back, I warn you to be careful. The powers that these cults amassed are extremely dangerous." She pauses for a moment to let the dramatic phrase sink in. "Now, I can let you rest here for a night, but no more. Although you seem like good guests, I cannot risk attracting evil with the power of the cult's symbol. And- last thing, I am afraid I will have to ask you for another favor. Two men, a dwarf and a human, crashed out of the forest last night, ambushed by some sort of beast on their way. They begged me for shelter for a night, and I granted it. Then I sent them on their way. If you see them along the way, could you please escort them to Port Ilsyn? I don't think they'll survive the Spine without help."
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
“You’ve been more than a gracious host and we will not impose on you any longer. Thank you for your assistance here.”
She departs the room, and, soon after, you all do too. Your dreams are pleasant in this peaceful refuge, many memories of a time when these strange things did not happen.
Then, you wake. Birds chirp and leaves rustle in the wind as a peaceful morning sun shines down upon you through a dirty, dusted window. You hear Ixa rummaging through the kitchen, and then a pan sizzling as some sort of meat is cooked for breakfast.
"Good day," says Ixa, as she sets out plates on the table. "Nothing like a night of good sleep to prepare you for a journey. Will you talk with me? I have some news."
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
“Of course, what is it you’d like to speak of?”
"I've received a message from a friend of mine, you could say...that raiding parties have been disrupting the Spine. It must be connected to the symbol of Yalex's cult. If you do encounter a raiding party, do not try to pursue them- you do not want that symbol to be lost. It must not be lost!" This is said at a crescendo, with her final words having an extreme, frightening emphasis. "I wish you good luck on your journey. Be careful. My hopes and prayers go out to you."
Image Blocked by School Admin
This image has been blocked by your school.
URL:DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
“Thank you for the warning and hospitality. We shall depart and try to right the wrongs of this cult.”
"Thank you, for being good guests. Other than the two fools who recently departed, you are the only ones who have visited me in a long while!" She wistfully says this, as if remembering some other time.
After leaving Ixa's house (with a few more goodbyes), you get back on the road and begin to enter the Spine. For a day, you hike up a brutal hill, into the foothills and then the three-mile tall mountains of the Spine. Sleet begins to fall along with night, and it is difficult to travel. Keeping yourselves on the road, you manage to make it to one of Freya's "safe places", a small clearing about a mile inside the True Spine, or the valley between the two long chains of iron-grey mountains. The fire keeps you warm, but just barely, and it is a brutal night, none of you getting much sleep.
The next day, you begin to travel through the True Spine, wary for any threats that may become posed. You all jump at every bird chirping and squirrel chittering, but nothing eventful happens. The forest and mountains bring beautiful sights to your eyes- herds of reindeer galloping through snowy tundra, lynxes stalking prey throughout the tall trees. On the edge of a high cliff, several rocks provide a nice place to sit - and that's when you see something interesting. Looking up at a tall peak (you think that it is Astalagon, named after an ancient dragon that supposedly resided there long ago), you see a large plume of smoke rising up from the trees about halfway up the mountain. Small fires burn near it, slowly moving through the trees - and down towards you and the road.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
(OOC: Lol I'm sorry that's a lot to read)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Ozymandias looks at his fellow comrades. "I have a supernatural feeling that those Ixa sent us to accompany have been captured by that party. We must fight!"
Suddenly, he bursts into verse,
Rise, my brothers, hear the call,
Shadows creep, but we won't fall.
Steel in hand and fire in heart,
We'll strike as one, we must embark!
Charge! Strike! Make them flee!
A raiding party, it must be.
With sword and shield, our voices raised,
I believe there are those to save.
Come now, my comrades, lend an ear,
Our time for battle is drawing near.
Charge! Strike! Make them flee!
We must obtain our victory!!!
Ozymandias looks at the rest of the company expectedly.
Ozymandias casts Minor Illusion to display the lyrics of his glorious composition. Only the rest of the party can see this illusion.