This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tristan’s eyes widen as he sees the dark lines spreading around the wound, the poison already working its way through Norrell’s veins. Placing a steady hand on Norrell’s shoulder, he speaks in a calm, commanding voice to the others. “Someone grab that blue potion under the counter, in case this doesn't work. Quickly!”
Without wasting another moment, he places his hand directly over the wound, channeling his healing energy once more with Healing Hands, focusing on neutralizing the poison. “Stay with me, Norrell,” he murmurs, watching closely as he tries to push the warmth of his everlight into the man to push back against the poisoning darkening veins.
“Hold tight,” he says, glancing up toward the stairs, hoping his ability to heal will purify the poison.
OOC: Using 5 points of lay on hand to purify poison.
It takes a while, but under Tristan's hand, the wound stops bleeding, and with Ozymandias's magic, the wound begins to seal up. Norrell, seemingly overwhelmed by the magic and the wound, snatches the potion from Thorne, gulps it down, then falls forward and begins to snore.
Thorne opens the potions drawer to grab the blue potion.
He has a moment of hesitation, then opens and grabs the special rocks as well, placing the now empty drawer back where he found it.
He then runs back upstairs to administer the potion if needed.
Grabbing a small bag inside the drawer filled with small rocks, Thorne races back upstairs. Only after Norrell falls asleep does he look at what's inside. Inside the bag, there are about twenty rocks of different sizes, shapes, and colors, with no similarities between them.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan’s eyes widen as he sees the dark lines spreading around the wound, the poison already working its way through Norrell’s veins. Placing a steady hand on Norrell’s shoulder, he speaks in a calm, commanding voice to the others. “Someone grab that blue potion under the counter, in case this doesn't work. Quickly!”
Without wasting another moment, he places his hand directly over the wound, channeling his healing energy once more with Healing Hands, focusing on neutralizing the poison. “Stay with me, Norrell,” he murmurs, watching closely as he tries to push the warmth of his everlight into the man to push back against the poisoning darkening veins.
“Hold tight,” he says, glancing up toward the stairs, hoping his ability to heal will purify the poison.
OOC: Using 5 points of lay on hand to purify poison.
It takes a while, but under Tristan's hand, the wound stops bleeding, and with Ozymandias's magic, the wound begins to seal up. Norrell, seemingly overwhelmed by the magic and the wound, snatches the potion from Thorne, gulps it down, then falls forward and begins to snore.
Thorne opens the potions drawer to grab the blue potion.
He has a moment of hesitation, then opens and grabs the special rocks as well, placing the now empty drawer back where he found it.
He then runs back upstairs to administer the potion if needed.
Grabbing a small bag inside the drawer filled with small rocks, Thorne races back upstairs. Only after Norrell falls asleep does he look at what's inside. Inside the bag, there are about twenty rocks of different sizes, shapes, and colors, with no similarities between them.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Inside the bag, there are about twenty rocks of different sizes, shapes, and colors, with no similarities between them.
Thorne uses his experience of the wilds to check these rocks for anything indicating they are “special”. Nature 19
Looking at them more closely with the eye of a trained ranger, Thorne sees that these rocks are all speckled with some bluish material. Stepping away from the light and towards the window, avoiding glass shards strewn across the floor, he notices that this bluish material emits a faint light. Thinking about pricing, you think that at the right shop, all of them could come out to 75 GP.
(OOC: In full darkness, these rocks shine bright light in a 5-ft radius and dim light in a 10-ft radius.)
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan just nods as Norrell is taken care of and then stands up when it's clear he is safe "I think our friend went to get the would-be assassin. I'm going to check on him." he says running down the stairs and out the door to join Thurimar outside.
OOC - Now that Norrell is sleeping can Thorne go back and inspect the other shelves?
(OOC: Yep)
You look through the shelves for anything interesting. "Leaves," "Books", "Tomes", but you don't find anything of interest until you see a drawer labeled "Dothkrata Ulimin."
Tristan just nods as Norrell is taken care of and then stands up when it's clear he is safe "I think our friend went to get the would-be assassin. I'm going to check on him." he says running down the stairs and out the door to join Thurimar outside.
When you make it out of the door, you expect to see Thurimar walking back inside, assassin wrapped up. Instead, you see Thurimar battling the assassin, who seemingly has survived the fall out of the window.
(OOC: If Tristan joins in, he fights at Thurimar's initiative of 6, so it would be his turn)
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Thorne uses his history/arcana knowledge (rolled 8 on both) to see if he recognizes the words Dothkrata Ulimin. Then he opens it and checks the contents.
Thorne uses his history/arcana knowledge (rolled 8 on both) to see if he recognizes the words Dothkrata Ulimin. Then he opens it and checks the contents.
Recalling his memories, Thorne searches deep in his subconscious to see if he recognizes Dothkrata Ulimin. He comes up with nothing. Opening it up in the hope of finding something important, he finds only one paper - an old, yellowed scrap of parchment with another symbol - a circle, with a eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan's eyes narrow as he takes in the scene—a testament to the assassin's resilience. Without a second thought, he charges forward, calling out, "Stay on him! I’ve got your back!" He grips his sword tightly, watching for an opening as he approaches, ready to join the fight and take down this relentless attacker once and for all as he brings down his sword with both hands.
OOC: Attack: 24 to hit for 12 non-lethal damage Weapon Mastery: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn. End Turn
Tristan's eyes narrow as he takes in the scene—a testament to the assassin's resilience. Without a second thought, he charges forward, calling out, "Stay on him! I’ve got your back!" He grips his sword tightly, watching for an opening as he approaches, ready to join the fight and take down this relentless attacker once and for all as he brings down his sword with both hands.
OOC: Attack: 24 to hit for 12 non-lethal damage Weapon Mastery: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn. End Turn
Tristan's blade slashes out at the assassin, who appears to already be wounded, stumbling towards Thurimar. It strikes true, slashing a deep cut in the assassin's chest - not a killing blow, but one that would definitely hurt it. It stumbles back, trying to stay on its feet, but can't, falling on the ground unconscious as red pools around it.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Seeing the assassin collapse, Tristan quickly sheathes his blade and pulls out a length of rope, his hands working efficiently as he binds the attacker’s wrists and ankles. He checks the knots to ensure there’s no chance of escape, then kneels beside the fallen foe, inspecting his wounds.
With a steady hand, Tristan presses down on the worst of the cuts, stemming the bleeding just enough to keep the man alive for questioning. His gaze flickers over to Thurimar. "He’s stable. We’ll be able to get some answers out of him soon enough."
Recalling his memories, Thorne searches deep in his subconscious to see if he recognizes Dothkrata Ulimin. He comes up with nothing. Opening it up in the hope of finding something important, he finds only one paper - an old, yellowed scrap of parchment with another symbol - a circle, with a eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon.
Thorne copies the symbol onto a piece of paper and labels it Dothkrata Ulimin and then replaces this paper in the drawer.
Recalling his memories, Thorne searches deep in his subconscious to see if he recognizes Dothkrata Ulimin. He comes up with nothing. Opening it up in the hope of finding something important, he finds only one paper - an old, yellowed scrap of parchment with another symbol - a circle, with a eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon.
Thorne copies the symbol onto a piece of paper and labels it Dothkrata Ulimin and then replaces this paper in the drawer.
While doing this, Thorne observes the symbol. After observation, he thinks it may represent the sun, the moon, and Westeros--the star being the sun, with the moon inside, and the circle that surrounds them is Westeros.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
The cold air surrounds Thurmar, as the typical morning noises flood the street his gaze lands on the building they were just in, wondering how Norrell is faring he whispers to Tristan "Bring him upstairs, be quiet about it". Gesturing to the assassin, he pauses for a moment, catching his breath "I will finish cleaning this mess up then, then we should interrogate him to see if he can tell us something, to see why they wanted Norrell too." Thurimar gets back to work cleaning the blood stained alley with his magic.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Thorne opens the potions drawer to grab the blue potion.
He has a moment of hesitation, then opens and grabs the special rocks as well, placing the now empty drawer back where he found it.
He then runs back upstairs to administer the potion if needed.
It takes a while, but under Tristan's hand, the wound stops bleeding, and with Ozymandias's magic, the wound begins to seal up. Norrell, seemingly overwhelmed by the magic and the wound, snatches the potion from Thorne, gulps it down, then falls forward and begins to snore.
Grabbing a small bag inside the drawer filled with small rocks, Thorne races back upstairs. Only after Norrell falls asleep does he look at what's inside. Inside the bag, there are about twenty rocks of different sizes, shapes, and colors, with no similarities between them.
(OOC: Assassin's initiative: 19)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
The assassin comes at you before you can do anything, swinging its blade in a deadly arc. Attack: 10 Damage: 4
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
(OOC: Forgot to put this in an above post - everyone add 100 XP for fighting the assassin and healing Norrell.)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Thorne uses his experience of the wilds to check these rocks for anything indicating they are “special”.
Nature 19
Looking at them more closely with the eye of a trained ranger, Thorne sees that these rocks are all speckled with some bluish material. Stepping away from the light and towards the window, avoiding glass shards strewn across the floor, he notices that this bluish material emits a faint light. Thinking about pricing, you think that at the right shop, all of them could come out to 75 GP.
(OOC: In full darkness, these rocks shine bright light in a 5-ft radius and dim light in a 10-ft radius.)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
OOC - Now that Norrell is sleeping can Thorne go back and inspect the other shelves?
Tristan just nods as Norrell is taken care of and then stands up when it's clear he is safe "I think our friend went to get the would-be assassin. I'm going to check on him." he says running down the stairs and out the door to join Thurimar outside.
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
(OOC: Yep)
You look through the shelves for anything interesting. "Leaves," "Books", "Tomes", but you don't find anything of interest until you see a drawer labeled "Dothkrata Ulimin."
When you make it out of the door, you expect to see Thurimar walking back inside, assassin wrapped up. Instead, you see Thurimar battling the assassin, who seemingly has survived the fall out of the window.
(OOC: If Tristan joins in, he fights at Thurimar's initiative of 6, so it would be his turn)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Thorne uses his history/arcana knowledge (rolled 8 on both) to see if he recognizes the words Dothkrata Ulimin. Then he opens it and checks the contents.
Recalling his memories, Thorne searches deep in his subconscious to see if he recognizes Dothkrata Ulimin. He comes up with nothing. Opening it up in the hope of finding something important, he finds only one paper - an old, yellowed scrap of parchment with another symbol - a circle, with a eight-pointed star on the inside. In the center of the star stands a moon.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Tristan's eyes narrow as he takes in the scene—a testament to the assassin's resilience. Without a second thought, he charges forward, calling out, "Stay on him! I’ve got your back!" He grips his sword tightly, watching for an opening as he approaches, ready to join the fight and take down this relentless attacker once and for all as he brings down his sword with both hands.
Attack: 24 to hit for 12 non-lethal damage
Weapon Mastery: Sap. If you hit a creature with a Longsword, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn.
End Turn
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Tristan's blade slashes out at the assassin, who appears to already be wounded, stumbling towards Thurimar. It strikes true, slashing a deep cut in the assassin's chest - not a killing blow, but one that would definitely hurt it. It stumbles back, trying to stay on its feet, but can't, falling on the ground unconscious as red pools around it.
(OOC: That's another 100 XP for everyone)
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Seeing the assassin collapse, Tristan quickly sheathes his blade and pulls out a length of rope, his hands working efficiently as he binds the attacker’s wrists and ankles. He checks the knots to ensure there’s no chance of escape, then kneels beside the fallen foe, inspecting his wounds.
With a steady hand, Tristan presses down on the worst of the cuts, stemming the bleeding just enough to keep the man alive for questioning. His gaze flickers over to Thurimar. "He’s stable. We’ll be able to get some answers out of him soon enough."
Medicine: 7
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Thorne copies the symbol onto a piece of paper and labels it Dothkrata Ulimin and then replaces this paper in the drawer.
While doing this, Thorne observes the symbol. After observation, he thinks it may represent the sun, the moon, and Westeros--the star being the sun, with the moon inside, and the circle that surrounds them is Westeros.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
OOC - I updated the item in my inventory to reflect this.
The cold air surrounds Thurmar, as the typical morning noises flood the street his gaze lands on the building they were just in, wondering how Norrell is faring he whispers to Tristan "Bring him upstairs, be quiet about it". Gesturing to the assassin, he pauses for a moment, catching his breath "I will finish cleaning this mess up then, then we should interrogate him to see if he can tell us something, to see why they wanted Norrell too." Thurimar gets back to work cleaning the blood stained alley with his magic.
Thurimar casts prestidigitation
The assassin, after being dragged upstairs by Tristan, does not stir, sitting limply with a thin stream of blood trickling down its chest.
DM: Westeros - A D&D Homebrew Campaign
Please use with caution. Batteries not included.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." - Gary Gygax
Let’s stand guard and wait for Norrell to rise. He still has answers we need.