Leif rides up near the pyramid, draws out his mirror of the past gazing into its reflection, ‘Acererak’ he thinks upon its surface…
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Leif rides up near the pyramid, draws out his mirror of the past gazing into its reflection, ‘Acererak’ he thinks upon its surface…
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You see a figure in a black robe standing over a table. On the table is a humanoid strapped down. The robes figure's hands glow and are shoved into the chest of the prisoner ripping out a bring light. The robes figure then holds the light up to a gem that starts to glow as the light fades. The gem glows brighter before exploding. The robes figure sets the body on fire in a frustrated manner as the mirror fades.
Aelar will ride the elk to the other 2 black rocks and examine them.
Investigation: 27 (19+8)
On closer inspection the domed rocks look like that had some sort of significance but what it could be is not evident. The rock itself is perfectly smooth with no marks despite being exposed to the elements. It's secrets seem to be lost to history.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Valagan will take a closer look at the graves. He walks over and stands in the centre of the semi-circle and investigates each of the graves. Are there any headstones or writing / runes? Is there any indication of what is buried here? Investigation4
Aelar returns to the group, confused as to where to begin. Any ideas on how to proceed? I have detect evil and good spell which might help identify the tomb entrance if something sinister is nearby. Anyone know detect magic? Last resort could just be hacking/burning the overgrown weeds. Or speak with animals or plants to see if the local wildlife knows anything.
Valagan will take a closer look at the graves. He walks over and stands in the centre of the semi-circle and investigates each of the graves. Are there any headstones or writing / runes? Is there any indication of what is buried here? Investigation7
You see that the graves are freshly turnt. No head stones of any type
Perhaps we should follow one of the paths if digging up graves doesn't help us. Not to be irresponsible, but closing my eyes and heading north has always worked for me! ...except for that one time....Orjon whispers that last part as he proceeds to start staring into the distance with a horrified expression, and then snaps back It should be fine!
Aelar suggests to the others that 4 of us walk the well worn cardinal paths at the same time while the last stays up top as lookout.
Aelar will take the East path.
edit: after the results from the mirror are stated
The east side of the hill looks much like the south.
At this point an hour has passed since you have arrived.
Be warned friends Acererak will swallow your soul, death before surrender for mercy sake. I vow should I have to make a choice between leaving you alive or dead if there is no other way… I will kill you. Though knowing ol bone head he may resurrect us, I do however think the trip back to the living is voluntary, I recommend not in this place.
Leif then uses elementalism to begin 1 cubic foot at a time excavating earth, helping exhume the graves.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Investigation 26 have these remains been animate since death and burial?
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
ic: Valagan opens his spell book and stands with it in one hand, staff in the other. He mutters some utterances and casts Detect Magic (ooc: As a ritual, might take a minute or 10). His eyes glow green and he searches over the skeleton and the remaining graves for any sign of magic. After the graves he follows the footsteps he saw along the 4 paths looking for any signs of magic and to see where they lead. East, North, West, South.
ic: Valagan opens his spell book and stands with it in one hand, staff in the other. He mutters some utterances and casts Detect Magic (ooc: As a ritual, might take a minute or 10). His eyes glow green and he searches over the skeleton and the remaining graves for any sign of magic. After the graves he follows the footsteps he saw along the 4 paths looking for any signs of magic and to see where they lead. East, North, West, South.
As you scan the area you see the following.
The pyramid glows a faint purple (necromancy).
(I'm assuming you start on the east path)
While walking the east path you find a patch of dirt that has the faint glow of magic.
What do you do? So you continue or stop?
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Aelar suggests to the others that 4 of us walk the well worn cardinal paths at the same time while the last stays up top as lookout.
Aelar will take the East path.
edit: after the results from the mirror are stated
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
You see a figure in a black robe standing over a table. On the table is a humanoid strapped down. The robes figure's hands glow and are shoved into the chest of the prisoner ripping out a bring light. The robes figure then holds the light up to a gem that starts to glow as the light fades. The gem glows brighter before exploding. The robes figure sets the body on fire in a frustrated manner as the mirror fades.
The east side of the hill looks much like the south.
At this point an hour has passed since you have arrived.
Aelar will ride the elk to the other 2 black rocks and examine them.
Investigation: 27 (19+8)
On closer inspection the domed rocks look like that had some sort of significance but what it could be is not evident. The rock itself is perfectly smooth with no marks despite being exposed to the elements. It's secrets seem to be lost to history.
Valagan will take a closer look at the graves. He walks over and stands in the centre of the semi-circle and investigates each of the graves. Are there any headstones or writing / runes? Is there any indication of what is buried here? Investigation 4
Aelar returns to the group, confused as to where to begin. Any ideas on how to proceed? I have detect evil and good spell which might help identify the tomb entrance if something sinister is nearby. Anyone know detect magic? Last resort could just be hacking/burning the overgrown weeds. Or speak with animals or plants to see if the local wildlife knows anything.
You see that the graves are freshly turnt. No head stones of any type
Aelar joins Valagan at the graves and takes out his shovel and starts digging out one of the graves.
Perhaps we should follow one of the paths if digging up graves doesn't help us. Not to be irresponsible, but closing my eyes and heading north has always worked for me! ...except for that one time.... Orjon whispers that last part as he proceeds to start staring into the distance with a horrified expression, and then snaps back It should be fine!
Be warned friends Acererak will swallow your soul, death before surrender for mercy sake. I vow should I have to make a choice between leaving you alive or dead if there is no other way… I will kill you. Though knowing ol bone head he may resurrect us, I do however think the trip back to the living is voluntary, I recommend not in this place.
Leif then uses elementalism to begin 1 cubic foot at a time excavating earth, helping exhume the graves.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Orjon will mimic Leif, also using the Elementalism spell.
Working as a team you quickly dig up the grave
A few feet down you uncover an skeleton of a long dead warrior.
Do we notice anything unusual about it or does it give any clues to finding the entrance?
perception 18 or investigation 19
Investigation 26 have these remains been animate since death and burial?
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Nope no clues to the entrance.
Yes you see clues. Loose dirt and fresh vegetation on the bones lower limbs.
ooc: Are you exhuming all 9 graves?
ic: Valagan opens his spell book and stands with it in one hand, staff in the other. He mutters some utterances and casts Detect Magic (ooc: As a ritual, might take a minute or 10). His eyes glow green and he searches over the skeleton and the remaining graves for any sign of magic. After the graves he follows the footsteps he saw along the 4 paths looking for any signs of magic and to see where they lead. East, North, West, South.
As you scan the area you see the following.
The pyramid glows a faint purple (necromancy).
(I'm assuming you start on the east path)
While walking the east path you find a patch of dirt that has the faint glow of magic.
What do you do? So you continue or stop?