Therkis watches his friends go about their individual tasks with interest. He is also unsure of what to do at the moment as he stays behind as “the watch”. Therkis decides to find the tallest object on the hill and climbs it using his SLIPPERS OF SPIDER CLIMBING. Once he gets to the top, he gives the area a 360 degree view and makes mental notes of what he sees.
The party arrived at the location of the tomb but could not see any obvious entrance. After a couple hours of work, y'all have discovered the following.
1. 9 graves with at least 1 skeleton (um covered)
2. The black pyramid in the center of the hill will reanimate what's in the graves at sundown
3. Three points of interest on the west north and east side of the hills.
Currently Therkis is on top of one of the black mounds rocks surveying the area. Even with a 25 all he sees is the forest that stretches off into the distance. There is nothing around this part of the remote forgotten merchant's path.
Orjon is digging up the graves and will uncover everyone of them is filled with a skeleton.
Aelar is with Orjon and has just destroyed the first skeleton.
Valagan is on top of the hill has discovered the purpose of the pyramid and has just declared he will follow the paths. (At this point you know there are 4 main trails that lead down the hill to a path that goes around the base. There are smaller single track trails that crisscross the hill but they don't lead anywhere)
Leif also appears to be on top looking at his book.
DM: it does not look like anyone stayed behind at the North point
Okay, we're going to pause here. What do y'all want to do? So far you have uncovered three patches of interest on the north east and west sides. It sounds like you also want to interact with the skeleton that you have uncovered and dig in the North point.
[...] Valagan will take a closer look at the 3 points of interest noted above, starting with the patch of interest to the north. Perception27.
Following the DM's quote and my perception roll...
Valagan will take a slow walk along the paths examining the surroundings as he walks toward each of the 'three patches of interest' and take a closer look. He will start with the patch of interest to the north. Perception: 27
The North point of interest appears different then the dirt around it. There are no foot prints from the skeletons on the patch and when you put weight on it supports your weight but the soil compacts a little
Aelar continues digging and destroying the skeletons. We don't want these guys at our backs when we enter the tomb, they could block our exit or harass us as we move further in. I'd rather just deal with them now while they are no threat.
Yes that's very true, although we should begin to catch up with everyone soon. It's good to take out these threats, but we don't know what other threats may be about so we shouldn't get too separated. And upon uncovering the last body, Orjon will begin to head over to Valagan. See anything interesting here lad?
Yes that's very true, although we should begin to catch up with everyone soon. It's good to take out these threats, but we don't know what other threats may be about so we shouldn't get too separated. And upon uncovering the last body, Orjon will begin to head over to Valagan. See anything interesting here lad?
It will take 2 hours to finish digging up the rest of the bodies and you don't find anything of value. The weapons and armor are old and rusted
((OOC: After going back and re-reading the previous posts, it is my understanding that no one has searched the EASTERN path yet, so I will do so))
Therkis climbs down from his vantage point and heads to the EASTERN path. When he gets there, he pulls out his Quarter Staff from his Efficient Quiver, and begins to search the path. Therkis uses the Quarter Staff to prod the ground ahead where his footsteps may fall (a time-tested, life-saving technique)) and looks for any Tomb Entrance or traps.
I rolled a NATURAL 20 for a total PERCEPTION check of 29.
The skeletons destroyed in their graves (understand you left the skeletons in the holes) the party heads over to the North Spot. Digging you uncover a shaft or tunnel 3 feet under the dirt. You realize you are at the top of an opening of some type
(A few minutes to open up a hole to slip in or 1 hour to dig out the entrance to the tunnel. Let me know which)
Meanwhile Thrlerkis walks over to the east side and you see the spot identified earlier. With your Nat 20 you see the dirt depression and how it's different then the other side. Suggesting a small opening or object below the dirt
Therkis stops poking his spot, but makes a mental note of its location so he can come back to it later. Therkis walks back to the area that he last saw Orjon.
Leif had been steadily excavating the northern point of interest with elementalism while gathering the party members signatures in his book of shadows, those willing to sign. So far I believe Valagan and Aelar have entered their signature. Once the passage presents itself Leif will take the opportunity to suggest, "Hey Therkis would you wanna go first I can help you swoop into the slip ahead of us if you wanna take a quick look?" If Therkis seems agreeable, Leif will grease the opening presumably making it much easier to slide through, in theory.
Gaze of Two Minds
You can use a Bonus Action to touch a willing creature and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can take a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. The connection ends if you don’t maintain it in this way.
While perceiving through the other creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you can cast spells as if you were in your space or the other creature’s space if the two of you are within 60 feet of each other.
Leif would also like to use this feature to see what Therkis sees and maybe give spell support, if he is willing.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
The North point of interest appears different then the dirt around it. There are no foot prints from the skeletons on the patch and when you put weight on it supports your weight but the soil compacts a little
ooc: A little concerning this compacting dirt found on the north and east paths, and possible on the other paths as well. Fenced in!. My first thought is more buried creatures ready to ambush us come night fall. How long until dark?
Valagan notes the area here where he has found the soft soil.
Valagan is on top of the hill has discovered the purpose of the pyramid and has just declared he will follow the paths. (At this point you know there are 4 main trails that lead down the hill to a path that goes around the base. There are smaller single track trails that crisscross the hill but they don't lead anywhere)
He will go down and explore the trail around the base. Survival20
Perhaps I should go in first. I may not look it but I am pretty skilled when it comes to scouting ahead. I just need to make the opening a bit bigger. Orjon says to the group, although looking at Leif in response to what he said earlier. He continues excavating dirt with elementalism as he says it
It's mid afternoon around 3 pm. You have 4 hours till sunset.
Valagan with a Nat 1 you get nothing from your walk around. It will take you about an hour since you stop multiple times and keep following dead end "clues" you will be occupied till 4pm in game.
Let me know what everyone else is doing. So far you have dug a hole just large enough to crawl through. It will take roughly 2 more hours to dig out the entrance to what ever is on the other side
Someone should stay by the entrance and keep digging. you are welcome to follow, but I am only going in for a quick moment to scope it out. If I see anything dangerous I will return before engaging. Orjon says right before crawling through the opening.
(ooc: idk exactly how entering the hole will work, but as soon as it makes sense orjon would try to stay hidden with a stealth check and make a perception check, so let me know if i should roll that now or later)
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Therkis watches his friends go about their individual tasks with interest. He is also unsure of what to do at the moment as he stays behind as “the watch”. Therkis decides to find the tallest object on the hill and climbs it using his SLIPPERS OF SPIDER CLIMBING. Once he gets to the top, he gives the area a 360 degree view and makes mental notes of what he sees.
Rolled a PERCEPTION check of 25.
The party arrived at the location of the tomb but could not see any obvious entrance. After a couple hours of work, y'all have discovered the following.
1. 9 graves with at least 1 skeleton (um covered)
2. The black pyramid in the center of the hill will reanimate what's in the graves at sundown
3. Three points of interest on the west north and east side of the hills.
Currently Therkis is on top of one of the black mounds rocks surveying the area. Even with a 25 all he sees is the forest that stretches off into the distance. There is nothing around this part of the remote forgotten merchant's path.
Orjon is digging up the graves and will uncover everyone of them is filled with a skeleton.
Aelar is with Orjon and has just destroyed the first skeleton.
Valagan is on top of the hill has discovered the purpose of the pyramid and has just declared he will follow the paths. (At this point you know there are 4 main trails that lead down the hill to a path that goes around the base. There are smaller single track trails that crisscross the hill but they don't lead anywhere)
Leif also appears to be on top looking at his book.
DM: it does not look like anyone stayed behind at the North point
Following the DM's quote and my perception roll...
Valagan will take a slow walk along the paths examining the surroundings as he walks toward each of the 'three patches of interest' and take a closer look. He will start with the patch of interest to the north. Perception: 27
The North point of interest appears different then the dirt around it. There are no foot prints from the skeletons on the patch and when you put weight on it supports your weight but the soil compacts a little
Aelar continues digging and destroying the skeletons. We don't want these guys at our backs when we enter the tomb, they could block our exit or harass us as we move further in. I'd rather just deal with them now while they are no threat.
Yes that's very true, although we should begin to catch up with everyone soon. It's good to take out these threats, but we don't know what other threats may be about so we shouldn't get too separated. And upon uncovering the last body, Orjon will begin to head over to Valagan. See anything interesting here lad?
It will take 2 hours to finish digging up the rest of the bodies and you don't find anything of value. The weapons and armor are old and rusted
Aelar smashes up the bodies and goes with Jon to the others at the north dirt spot. He also signs Leif’s Book of Shadows.
((OOC: After going back and re-reading the previous posts, it is my understanding that no one has searched the EASTERN path yet, so I will do so))
Therkis climbs down from his vantage point and heads to the EASTERN path. When he gets there, he pulls out his Quarter Staff from his Efficient Quiver, and begins to search the path. Therkis uses the Quarter Staff to prod the ground ahead where his footsteps may fall (a time-tested, life-saving technique)) and looks for any Tomb Entrance or traps.
I rolled a NATURAL 20 for a total PERCEPTION check of 29.
The skeletons destroyed in their graves (understand you left the skeletons in the holes) the party heads over to the North Spot. Digging you uncover a shaft or tunnel 3 feet under the dirt. You realize you are at the top of an opening of some type
(A few minutes to open up a hole to slip in or 1 hour to dig out the entrance to the tunnel. Let me know which)
Meanwhile Thrlerkis walks over to the east side and you see the spot identified earlier. With your Nat 20 you see the dirt depression and how it's different then the other side. Suggesting a small opening or object below the dirt
Therkis pokes around at the opening with his Quarter Staff.
Therkis we found something here! Orjon shouts oblivious to what Therkis found. Orjon will start the process of digging out dirt so they can slip in.
Therkis stops poking his spot, but makes a mental note of its location so he can come back to it later. Therkis walks back to the area that he last saw Orjon.
Leif had been steadily excavating the northern point of interest with elementalism while gathering the party members signatures in his book of shadows, those willing to sign. So far I believe Valagan and Aelar have entered their signature. Once the passage presents itself Leif will take the opportunity to suggest, "Hey Therkis would you wanna go first I can help you swoop into the slip ahead of us if you wanna take a quick look?" If Therkis seems agreeable, Leif will grease the opening presumably making it much easier to slide through, in theory.
You can use a Bonus Action to touch a willing creature and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can take a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. The connection ends if you don’t maintain it in this way.
While perceiving through the other creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you can cast spells as if you were in your space or the other creature’s space if the two of you are within 60 feet of each other.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
As you poke around your staff hits a patch of loose dirt and slides in a few feet. Making the note you join the others
ooc: A little concerning this compacting dirt found on the north and east paths, and possible on the other paths as well. Fenced in!. My first thought is more buried creatures ready to ambush us come night fall. How long until dark?
Valagan notes the area here where he has found the soft soil.
He will go down and explore the trail around the base. Survival 20
Perhaps I should go in first. I may not look it but I am pretty skilled when it comes to scouting ahead. I just need to make the opening a bit bigger. Orjon says to the group, although looking at Leif in response to what he said earlier. He continues excavating dirt with elementalism as he says it
Aelar says, I will continue in after you in case you need some support. No one should face the unknown alone.
OOC - I’d say take the 1 hr to excavate the opening
It's mid afternoon around 3 pm. You have 4 hours till sunset.
Valagan with a Nat 1 you get nothing from your walk around. It will take you about an hour since you stop multiple times and keep following dead end "clues" you will be occupied till 4pm in game.
Let me know what everyone else is doing. So far you have dug a hole just large enough to crawl through. It will take roughly 2 more hours to dig out the entrance to what ever is on the other side
Someone should stay by the entrance and keep digging. you are welcome to follow, but I am only going in for a quick moment to scope it out. If I see anything dangerous I will return before engaging. Orjon says right before crawling through the opening.
(ooc: idk exactly how entering the hole will work, but as soon as it makes sense orjon would try to stay hidden with a stealth check and make a perception check, so let me know if i should roll that now or later)