Aelar will enter the hole after Orion but not follow him further than that so not to impede his scouting. He is there in case he shouts for immediate help.
Therkis joins the rest of the group and notices the opening that has been found. He stands off to the side and reaches into his special bag, and pulls out his trusty familiar, a Weasel named Cheese. Therkis whispers something in his familiars ear and puts him on the ground and then goes into his trance to guide Cheese. The little rodent quickly scampers onto the hole with Aelar and begins to investigate the entrance and beyond.
I made a PERCEPTION check for Cheese with ADVANTAGE for hearing and smell (17,20) +5= 23.
It's mid afternoon around 3 pm. You have 4 hours till sunset.
Valagan with a Nat 1 you get nothing from your walk around. It will take you about an hour since you stop multiple times and keep following dead end "clues" you will be occupied till 4pm in game.
(ooc: let me know when it is 4 pm, please. And then...) After his stroll in the surrounding woods, Valagan will return to meet with the others at the excavation site at the north of the mound.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As you enter the craw space the dirt gives way and you slip falling 20 feet. dC 15 Dex save or 8 damage. Once inside with your perception check you see an unusual tunnel. Bright, brilliant colors are to be seen everywhere, the stones and pigments undimmed by the passage of decades. The floor of the corridor is a colorful mosaic of stone, with a distinct, winding path of red tiles about 2' wide (the line snaking its way south down the corridor) easily visible. No stonework can be seen on the walls or the ceiling 20' above, for some sort of cement or plaster has been smoothed over all of these surfaces and then illustrated. The scenes painted show fields with kine grazing, a copse with several wolves in the background, slaves (human, orc, elven, and strange human-animal mixture - pig-human, ape human, and dog-human) going about various tasks. Certain of the frescoes show rooms of some building - a library filled with many books and scrolls, a torture chamber, a wizard's work room. There are chairs, windows, boxes, bales, doors, chests, birds, bats, spiders and all manner of things shown on the walls.
Leif is a little miffed as Orion and Aelar even Cheese goes rushing in, without consenting to his gaze of two minds. Now will they be able to simply climb back out or is entry a one way trip? Well either way Darling Rax is comin with me. Leif continues to excavate opening enough to easily pass through. Even waiting to see if Cheese returns.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Leif is a little miffed as Orion and Aelar even Cheese goes rushing in, without consenting to his gaze of two minds. Now will they be able to simply climb back out or is entry a one way trip? Well either way Darling Rax is comin with me. Leif continues to excavate opening enough to easily pass through. Even waiting to see if Cheese returns.
OOC - had to go back to see what you were talking about. I completely stopped reading and got distracted after I read about the book of shadows 😂 lol my bad
With the drop it's a one-way trip without assistance. It will take 2 more hours to completely dig out the entrance or I'll say an hour to have an easily enter and exit 1 at a time.
Valagan you are on your way back. If the group waits on you to proceed we can time skip and the entrance will be almost dug to a point of 1 at a time or you will just be the last to enter the tunnel.
Leif waits for Valagan, excavating all the while. Darling Rax is anxious while Lief checks his barding and readies to enter the tomb of frescos. “The others have scouted for a bit, we should be ready to proceed. Have you ever seen such a place? I just hope I get to say hello to the liche who set this up.” Leif either lets Valagan enter or leads the way…
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Leif, where are the others?" Thanks for waiting. Valagan returns to the entrance to discover the situation. "Are they ok?" he queries after learning of their fall.
He pulls a silk rope from his backpack. (ooc: DM, is there anywhere we can anchor it? 20 or so feet is needed if I am to retrieve it after the descent).
Therkis loses the psychic bond with Cheese as the little weasel is crushed by the weight of the falling earth, and snaps out of his trance. “Thank you for your service, Cheese”, he sadly mutters and goes to the entrance to investigate the cave in. Therkis does not have a shovel, but stays up top to assist Valagan and Leif. Therkis will look for some solid rock near the hole and use his hammer and piton to create an anchor for the rope.
When this is done, Therkis wants to cast FIND FAMILIAR, (this time an OWL named HOOT) then head down into the hole.
Once inside Leif will get seated on Rax, he will use gaze of two minds on Orjon, then one with shadows. Every so often dropping an illusionary grub for Rax to follow along. (I may cast spells through Orjon just a heads up).
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Leif, where are the others?" Thanks for waiting. Valagan returns to the entrance to discover the situation. "Are they ok?" he queries after learning of their fall.
He pulls a silk rope from his backpack. (ooc: DM, is there anywhere we can anchor it? 20 or so feet is needed if I am to retrieve it after the descent).
There is no solid place to set an anchor but it's been long enough there is an opening large enough for one person to squeeze through at a time. So it not needed atm.
[...] He pulls a silk rope from his backpack. (ooc: DM, is there anywhere we can anchor it? 20 or so feet is needed if I am to retrieve it after the descent).
There is no solid place to set an anchor but it's been long enough there is an opening large enough for one person to squeeze through at a time. So it not needed atm.
Therkis climbs down into the hole and surveys the area. He makes a PERCEPTION a check for traps and secret doors and rolls a 4 (becomes a 10 due to RELIABLE TALENT +9), which becomes a 19. He whispers an instruction to HOOT who flies up to a safe ledge or crack above and uses his 120’ DARKVISION to search the area and relay his results back to Therkis telepathically. I rolled a 13 with ADVANTAGE a for a total of 16.
With an 19 you don't see anything new besides what was described in the post describing the room. I'll point out you see a red path that snakes around the floor to a door in the back of the tunnel.
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Aelar will enter the hole after Orion but not follow him further than that so not to impede his scouting. He is there in case he shouts for immediate help.
Therkis joins the rest of the group and notices the opening that has been found. He stands off to the side and reaches into his special bag, and pulls out his trusty familiar, a Weasel named Cheese. Therkis whispers something in his familiars ear and puts him on the ground and then goes into his trance to guide Cheese. The little rodent quickly scampers onto the hole with Aelar and begins to investigate the entrance and beyond.
I made a PERCEPTION check for Cheese with ADVANTAGE for hearing and smell (17,20) +5= 23.
(ooc: let me know when it is 4 pm, please. And then...) After his stroll in the surrounding woods, Valagan will return to meet with the others at the excavation site at the north of the mound.
As you enter the craw space the dirt gives way and you slip falling 20 feet. dC 15 Dex save or 8 damage. Once inside with your perception check you see an unusual tunnel. Bright, brilliant colors are to be seen everywhere, the stones and pigments undimmed by the passage of decades. The floor of the corridor is a colorful mosaic of stone, with a distinct, winding path of red tiles about 2' wide (the line snaking its way south down the corridor) easily visible. No stonework can be seen on the walls or the ceiling 20' above, for some sort of cement or plaster has been smoothed over all of these surfaces and then illustrated. The scenes painted show fields with kine grazing, a copse with several wolves in the background, slaves (human, orc, elven, and strange human-animal mixture - pig-human, ape human, and dog-human) going about various tasks. Certain of the frescoes show rooms of some building - a library filled with many books and scrolls, a torture chamber, a wizard's work room. There are chairs, windows, boxes, bales, doors, chests, birds, bats, spiders and all manner of things shown on the walls.
Aelar gets 22 dex save
!!! Remember anyone within 10ft of me gets +5 to saves
Using slow fall Orjon prevents any falling damage
I'm im a pretty nice fancy hallway. This room at the very least seems pretty safe so y'all are welcome to come down and take a look!"
Leif is a little miffed as Orion and Aelar even Cheese goes rushing in, without consenting to his gaze of two minds. Now will they be able to simply climb back out or is entry a one way trip? Well either way Darling Rax is comin with me. Leif continues to excavate opening enough to easily pass through. Even waiting to see if Cheese returns.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
OOC - had to go back to see what you were talking about. I completely stopped reading and got distracted after I read about the book of shadows 😂 lol my bad
With the drop it's a one-way trip without assistance. It will take 2 more hours to completely dig out the entrance or I'll say an hour to have an easily enter and exit 1 at a time.
Valagan you are on your way back. If the group waits on you to proceed we can time skip and the entrance will be almost dug to a point of 1 at a time or you will just be the last to enter the tunnel.
Leif waits for Valagan, excavating all the while. Darling Rax is anxious while Lief checks his barding and readies to enter the tomb of frescos. “The others have scouted for a bit, we should be ready to proceed. Have you ever seen such a place? I just hope I get to say hello to the liche who set this up.” Leif either lets Valagan enter or leads the way…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Leif, where are the others?" Thanks for waiting.
Valagan returns to the entrance to discover the situation.
"Are they ok?" he queries after learning of their fall.
He pulls a silk rope from his backpack. (ooc: DM, is there anywhere we can anchor it? 20 or so feet is needed if I am to retrieve it after the descent).
Therkis loses the psychic bond with Cheese as the little weasel is crushed by the weight of the falling earth, and snaps out of his trance. “Thank you for your service, Cheese”, he sadly mutters and goes to the entrance to investigate the cave in. Therkis does not have a shovel, but stays up top to assist Valagan and Leif. Therkis will look for some solid rock near the hole and use his hammer and piton to create an anchor for the rope.
When this is done, Therkis wants to cast FIND FAMILIAR, (this time an OWL named HOOT) then head down into the hole.
ooc - as a monk I can run and walk on walls so would i be able to come back out right now so leif can use his gaze of two minds on me
We dont know what kind of enemies and traps could be here so be prepared to move cautiously.
Once inside Leif will get seated on Rax, he will use gaze of two minds on Orjon, then one with shadows. Every so often dropping an illusionary grub for Rax to follow along. (I may cast spells through Orjon just a heads up).
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Aelar prepares himself for the scouting report with his elk (named Buck) standing beside him.
There is no solid place to set an anchor but it's been long enough there is an opening large enough for one person to squeeze through at a time. So it not needed atm.
Valagan enters.
Now that we are here lets make sure we are quiet and cautious. There could be traps as well as enemies.
Orjon will continue through the room as stealthily as he can.
Stealth check: 22
Therkis climbs down into the hole and surveys the area. He makes a PERCEPTION a check for traps and secret doors and rolls a 4 (becomes a 10 due to RELIABLE TALENT +9), which becomes a 19. He whispers an instruction to HOOT who flies up to a safe ledge or crack above and uses his 120’ DARKVISION to search the area and relay his results back to Therkis telepathically. I rolled a 13 with ADVANTAGE a for a total of 16.
With an 19 you don't see anything new besides what was described in the post describing the room. I'll point out you see a red path that snakes around the floor to a door in the back of the tunnel.