plz let me play i have a character i've been working on that has similar traumatic themes, A half fighter who was a product of slavery and his wood elf mother died, Melruin or Mel and the backstory could be changed to fit this narrative.
Basic fighter i think maybe i could multiclass with rouge.
Howdy, 60nes , and welcome! Have you decided what subclass you're looking to be, for your fighter. One person's looking to be an Echo Knight.
A fighter-rouge would be a good combo. Just curious, and of course, you don't have to, but have you considered "multisubclassing?" It's something I'm experimenting with, in this campaign. Each subclass is treated sort of as it's own class. For example, I'm doing a L2 Peace Domain, L1 Light Cleric, and on my next, I'll be leveling up Light. You also don't have to, right off, and can do so at any could even multisubclass Rogue, as well. All up to you.
This is the campaign link. I'll also be adding you to the OOC private messages, as well.
I found this PBP guide helpful. Some of this will just be an attempt to make things a little cleaner, from the first post:
System: 5e. At present, there's no plans for 5.5. I've read and watched some videos on the differences, and while there are a few good things, there's also some that I, and some others, aren't fond of, like all classes waiting to L3 to get their subclass (granted, we're all starting at 3), and also, as an example, Fighter's AS doesn't permit magic in 5.5, and TBH, as I'm still fairly new to the game, I'm going to keep to what I'm experienced with, as opposed to "blending."
Player Count: The plan is to keep this open and running, because I've seen how people come and go, and with that in mind, I don't want the game to falter, because of that. Since there are some mature themes, some won't want to join, so I think a running and open campaign will work.
Style of Play: While there will be a good share of combat, I do want to explore the social aspects, with social interactions, as well as options of intrigue. I would like there to be a lot of RP'n, so that we can collectively make an awesome story, along with fun encounters. As mentioned, I'm pretty much open to all source content, and can be open to UA, and some others.
Wealth: I'd like to have some feedback, as to if we should start with a flat 100gp (example), or to roll, based on the info in PHB. Also, as I mentioned, I'm thinking of being able to start with up to 3 magic items (one of those can be a bag of holding). These are generally at common and uncommon; sometimes, a "wondrous item" has been listed as "uncommon," so I'm allow a little bit of flexibility. One of the sources I use for some magic items are the class lists on
Ability Scores: I'm allowing for Standard Array or Point Buy...if one wants to go with "roll of the dice," that's fine, unless there's something in the site rules saying otherwise.
Hitpoints/Health: I had been playing with average, on my last game. I think each play can decide which they want, for their character.
While there's no real restrictions on alignments, I want to make sure that there's not going to be any PK'n, or otherwise people trying to get better for themselves, at the expense of the rest of the players. The idea is that we're working for the betterment of the entire team. The exceptions are if someone is possessed, we get somewhere major where fiends can take control of characters, or something to that effect. For those, so that the player doesn't just sit there, unable to play, an idea I'm borrowing is that they will be fighting an internal/spiritual battle, to break free, or at least, take something to impede themselves, to help the rest of the party.
When characters are speaking, I would encourage you to use a color, as opposed to black. I realize there's a limit to the available colors, and some, like yellow, won't show well on the default white background. Don't worry about "duplicating colors," as each person will only be in their thread. When making thoughts, you can use italics.
Rolls will be done here, using the roller on the forum. Attack/Hit, then damage roll (action, reaction, bonus, etc).
Scheduling, Timing, and Pacing: I'd like people to be able to post at least 3 times a week, more as able. For me, I may not be able to post Wed, Th, and especially Sundays, due to other commitments. I will try to at least be able to read things, and help move things along, but if I don't, people have been given prior notice. I really want to encourage cooperation, especially in the OOC chat. How I see encounters, both combat and social, is that each party member will have the individual tasks. Using combat as an example, I would assign a create to your character, using a rough CR from something like a solo toolbox. This way, said player can fight their own, and if people want to in the OOC propose a team strategy, or something with a couple of their party members, to take out a group, great. Or, if we're able to really plot it out, then we can each implement the attacks in unison, such as against a boss. One of the problems I note on PbP is imitative, and the game stalling, because someone's unable to post for a few days. I'm hoping this can address that. If someone's unable to post for a few days, I may simply have the creature disengage, without penalty, and have them engage with someone else. This is to be a great story and game for all of us, and it will be with your help, that we keep it thriving.
If you know you're going to be absent for a time (eg, business trip), please share in the OOC in advance, if possible. Then, we can work on something. If there's advanced notice, we can work something into the story. If it's little to no notice, then something like a combo of being teleported out, and maybe a quest to free said PC, sort of following the possession rules, where the PC can also battle internally, to try to free themselves.
Before adding anyone new, you'll be added to the OOC. From there, it'll range from a basic intro, to something like a new creature comes in, and the new PC comes in to stop that cheap shot...or the OOC with people working together to implement the new PC into the fight.
It mentions the issue of "metagaming," which, given the style I'm going to implement, where players will know the stats of an enemy--one resource I use is here--during their fights, which could be 1:1, where you'd roll for yourself and your opponent, I'll say to use your discernment. Would a L3 fighter know how to handle a vampire? Maybe. A paladin or cleric may be more inclined. Also, while each pc will have a "patron," I don't want that to be the reason for every single choice made. It's a balancing act, to balance the mechanics and fun.
Scrolls: I plan to use a variant rule. If the spell is on your list (you don't have to know it, or have it prepared, just that it's on you list), and as long as it's at your current spell level, or lower, you can use it. If it's not on your list, you must roll against a DC 10 + spell level. Most times, if it fails, you just loose the scroll, gp to create, and any extra resources...let's say it cost 200 GP for a L3 scroll, and you need 500 gp for components; since you've spent 200, I plan to have that count as part of the total 500 (so you still owe 300 gp). When using a scroll, you use whatever your spell casting score is: INT, WIS, CHA. However, at random intervals, there can be "misfires," so if the scroll doesn't hit, there can be consequences, more so if you try to cast a scroll from a spell level higher than your PC spell level. For non-spell casters, while I plan scrolls for casters, and magic items for melee, if our spell casters are unconscious, and they have resurrection spells, I'd not be opposed to them being able to use it (using the highest of the 3 abilities); however, rolling against the spell's level, with no spell levels (unless one has something like Bless running), the chances a misfire can be higher.
Other items, please address here, or if your in the OCC, you may do so, there.
...Scrolls: I plan to use a variant rule. If the spell is on your list (you don't have to know it, or have it prepared, just that it's on you list), and as long as it's at your current spell level, or lower, you can use it. If it's not on your list, you must roll against a DC 10 + spell level. Most times, if it fails, you just loose the scroll, gp to create, and any extra resources...let's say it cost 200 GP for a L3 scroll, and you need 500 gp for components; since you've spent 200, I plan to have that count as part of the total 500 (so you still owe 300 gp). When using a scroll, you use whatever your spell casting score is: INT, WIS, CHA. However, at random intervals, there can be "misfires," so if the scroll doesn't hit, there can be consequences, more so if you try to cast a scroll from a spell level higher than your PC spell level...
I'm sorry. Is this for scribing spells or casting them? it sounds like we lose GP if we fail to cast a spell.
If one scribes scrolls in the normal method, it costs 15gp and 1 day for a cantrip. L2 is 250gp and takes 3 days. L5 is 4 work weeks and 5000 gp. Also, If the spell requires material components, you must provide these when scribing the scroll.
This includes:
Consumed Components: Any material components that are consumed by the spell must be provided and factored into the total cost.
Costly Components: If the spell requires components with a specific gold value (e.g., a diamond worth 300 gp for Revivify), you must provide these as well.
So, when scribing a scroll, one must not only pay the amount of gp for the level, but the components with their value, as well as special ink.
This modified rules has the a lower scribe price, as well as a shorter time frame. In addition, from what I read, and I could be wrong, not only are you paying the price of the scroll, but the price of the component (300 gp, in the above example), AND a L3 scroll, totaling 800gp. I propose to include the material components, as applicable, to the entire cost. So, one subtracts the 300 from the overall total of the scrolls.
Since we may only on occasion take down time from scroll scribing, and I don't want that downtime to slow down the gameplay in PbP, I'm suggesting some alternatives.
One would loose GP, either way, if they fail to cast the scroll. What this is proposing is to lower that. Also, if you're a wizard, at L3, with 7 slots, you would still have a lot of other spells on your list, that you wouldn't have prepared. This way, you can use them, as long as they're on your list, and are of the appropriate level (example, casting a L1 spell), with the only "penalty" being the lost of gp, in addition to the components, if applicable. Since you're casting a spell on your list, and of the appropriate level, there's a higher chance of success...imo, I honestly don't see a reason to have the spells fail, as long as they're on your list and aren't from a higher level, as you're already spending the GP to cast more spells than what you have slots for. I'd be more inclined to include a chance for failure, as opposed to flat out working, if a L3 wizard wanted to cast a L9 spell. Would it work? Possibly. But with such a huge differences in levels, and especially experience levels, there should be a higher chance of failure, and risk, so that players don't try to feel like all they have to do is grind (or steal) for gold, and get a fleet of L9 spells, without big risks, at L3.
This will be our first dungeon crawl. Initially, I was thinking everyone would battle a "variant" of their character, but after doing a little more research, several L3 characters could prove to be a deadly encounter. So, there's 3 L1 "minibosses," with a L3 "Oathbreaker Paladin" as the boss. This is also why the Twilight Cleric, with Twilight Sanctuary wasn't put in, as that would seriously off-balance the campaign...granting advantage on initiative, I think, is enough.
Each boss will be accompanied by minions (for simplicity sake, they'll all be the same type, and "attack as one," so no waiting for turns). The spaces where there's no bosses can be used for short rests, or once the area has been cleared.
There's several chests, with at least 1 mimic thrown in, so investigations are needed...unless, of course, you get knocked into one.
This gives everyone a chance to get a feel for the game, balancing, and how well people work as a team, to get through the encounters. I encourage discussions in the OOC chat, to determine a path forward. Keep in mind, the map is for player reference, but unless a character has something like Clairvoyance, or a familiar to scout, or similar, they won't know the layout of Fallen Star Mountain.
More than a year ago, the Shadowfell Aasmir had felt his life was misery. Growing up at the orphanage, he had been identified as an Aasmir, but the subrace wasn't clear. He vaguely seemed to be like a "Fallen," but not quite. Some had said he was sort of like a Shadar Kai, a shadow elf...which brought it's own problems, as many would confuse a "shadow elf," with a "dark elf," and by and large, drows were not trusted, at best, and despised at worse.
Many years, he would be "rented out" as slave labor for battalions of Tieflings, who would have a general disdain for Aasmirs, due to the general favor to those of the celestial planes, while general disdain for those of the abysmal planes. More often than not, while he was officially "hands on training" for the troops, more often, he was simply beaten to unconsciousness. Only some of the older supply personnel would offer him any kindness. When they were done, after the "rental term expired," he would return, usually more spiteful of life. He thought that that would be the worst.
Then, in his teens, he was rented to various worshipers of the abyss, who despised anything related to the celestial planes. The only reason he lived was because of the stern contracts the orphanage had...his first time being resurrected still haunts him to this day.
Now, things were to change. He really is a rarity, a Shadowfell Aasmir, and the Raven Queen took notice of him.
The roughly dozen beings that ran the orphanage were celebrating how high the profits were. He quietly opened the door, and strode into the party. It wasn't until he was close to the party, that they took notice, and things went quiet.
"Shadowfell Descent," he uttered, and with that, he transformed, like other Aasmir do.
The magical divine and shadow energy is unleashed, his eyes becoming pitch dark, with shadowy wings sprouting from his back. A sphere of roughly 15 feet of magical darkness springs forth from him. A minute doesn't seem like much, but when everything is covered in darkness, and even those with dark vision see nothing--only he who called it forth can--and with only sputters of their fellow conspirators filling the air as they die, it is more than enough, especially against those who haven't really fought.
The adrenaline, mixed with the first usage of his powers, exhausted him. He makes his way out of the room, intent on burning the place to the ground. He shuts the door, turns, and sees a few of the older orphans...a few, he remembers, had be a few years, since he last was here.
Ah, Damn! I can't burn this place. These kids have nowhere else. What do I do now?
Today, try as he could, he found it almost impossible to run the orphanage on his own, without any idea how to really fund it. It was stubbornness and pride that kept him at it so long. Some of the older ones, now, legally of age to be adults, can run the day to day operations. But, those who it turned out to help fund the orphanage, especially the medical care, were of the less savory kind, and the funding dried up within the year. The orphanage tended to house those "undesirables," those that weren't "whole;" and just as often, it was a wounded mind and soul. The only thing that stayed strong was what could only be considered an elaborate spy network.
Figures that a front for trafficking people, especially kids, would have such a ring.
With the help of the older ones, he had short letters written out, to some that could help, hopefully. They would be helping keep these children from suffering the same harm they had been forced to endure...and opportunities for vengeance could be theirs, as he had the network hunt for their oppressors. They were to meet him at Fallen Star Mountain range, where an object of immense power was said to be, which could help with the goals of protection of the children, and very likely, their respective desires for revenge.
A flock of ravens burst into the sky, to deliver the messages. He only hoped some would respond...
OOC: While the common thread is the orphanage, we're also including that it could be people who have been in any sort of contact with those who had been with the orphanage, particularly the children who had be "rented out" as slave labor, prostitution, or similar. The main reason is for there to be some sort of "common bond" amongst the PCs. Perhaps Ash will have met a few of them, over the years?
Just some basic in-game info:
In the debate between Spell Slots and Spell Points, the majority consensus is spell slots. Each PC gets 2 feats: 1 for their race, and 1 from their "patron."
Multisubclassing, if one wants, is an option...I think only our Shadowfell Aasmir is trying that, a Peace+Light Cleric.
We're all making our way to Fallen Star Mountain. The Fallen Star, in this case, will be an egg, and in the egg is a Quetzadrake (a homebrew creature, as there doesn't seem to be an official creature): The Offspring is a hybrid of a powerful dragon, which will bring in interest from Tiamat followers, and a coutal, the creates that have essentially imprisoned Sul Khatesh, and her followers.
You should also be added to the OOC chat. The goal is for a lot of team interaction, on how to combat specific battles, as well as working on encounters that may be social or intrigue. The hope is between that, and a set of "mini, 1:1 fights," to allow a steady game progression, without getting held up too much, if people cannot come on to post).
The Raven finds Cyrus Shadowblade, probably much easier than he would have liked. Then again, a half Shadar Kai, and a Shadowfell Aasmir, both having gotten the interest of The Raven Queen...well, when she has a mission (or knowing her, a full on campaign), she has ways of finding her Hexblades (rare as that tends to be), and especially her dubbed "Raven Blades." When she has someone from her realm do minor missions, like collecting memories, they're just another Shadar Kai. But, when she has something major, that's when she has the Raven Blades. He's heard rumors that various dark gods are on the move, as are fiends...both devils and demons. Nasty work, that he'd much rather avoid, but he has a bad feeling, a sinking feeling, that this could be something like that.
He had taken the last few years, since he'd last seen Richie Castle. He had deserted the drow raiding party, and decided to strike out on his own. He'd been a natural talent, watching them fight, and picking up their various techniques. He gained his strength as a pack slave. On the one blade, being a half elf meant that he was too disgusting to the pure and haunty drow of the raid, so they didn't take an "interest" in him. But, because of not only being a part elf with the drows being something they generally hated, but just that he was a half breed, he would often suffer beatings until he blacked some ways, that really had made him closer to the Aasmir. If not brothers, close cousins, maybe?
Within the last several months, he had discovered he could summon a Shadow, what some would call an Echo. It was an interesting concept, a gift awakened by The Raven Queen. It wasn't a creature, like a familiar. Yet, it was more than a mere object. Allowing him to attack from afar. He could use it to trigger traps, yet could not get it to open chests and doors. It was an oddly and confusing gift. He could use it for a very limited amount of scouting, but more of a safe way to see if there was an immediate threat.
"Well, my 'Raven Brother,' it'll be interesting to see what our 'Queen' has in store for us. Lots of others coming onboard, as well. Now, onto Fallen Star Mountain."
He wasn't sure if he was referring to the Aasmir of the Shadowfell, or his Echo? Did it matter?
Maul is an escaped slave of an hobgoblin warband. Their tribe was relatively peaceful until forcibly taken as labor for the warband. Their tribe was used as common labor, fodder for the band, and at worst target practice. For entertainment, they used the tribe to fight among themselves, betting upon the winners. While at first it was submission to decide the match, then it was until one was mutilated in a way, and finally until it was to the death. Maul had managed to survive it, losing themselves to bloodlust and anger, they succumbed to a more feral rage. So much so, that they have forgotten what their name was or who their own family is. They could only remember their purpose as the pitlord called their nickname and announced their enemy. Maul will live if they kill their enemy, Maul will be fed if they break their bodies.
Maul had managed to escape due to them due to simple carelessness. A soldier decided to take Maul of their pen for a different use. Maul did not understand. All they saw was an open cage and a lone soldier. One enemy. After breaking the soldier, Maul was free, an unknown feeling to them. They turned away from the busy sounds of the warband and left the camp, getting lost in the wilderness. They lived among the wilds for a time before they were found by a ranger. At first, they were ready to strike but then the ranger offered food. Not enemy, but a provider. They follow the ranger and ultimately end up at the orphanage. At there, they learn to speak once more, while badly, they're able to speak their desire.
She couldn't see any more--her captors had burned her eyes out long ago when she had closed them to refuse to watch her parents being slaughtered in front of her--but she was always there waiting when the orphans came back from a "job", and most of them knew they could go to her, pale of skin and hair, waif-thin for giving her meals to the children, sightless white eyes seeing nothing but still looking as her long pointed ears twitched, like she could almost see by sense and hearing. Her scrawny arms in tattered and undyed plain-weave wool always ready to offer a refuge to a crying child, and her unseeing eyes and thin form gave a target for angry blows that could not be got out on the perpetrators of an orphan's pain. She didn't mind. She knew what they were suffering. To most of the orphans it seemed as if she had always been there, whether they hated and avoided her or ran to her for succor, and she didn't really seem to age. Probably only a very few of the orphans knew that this was because she was an elf, and elves live long and mature much more slowly than humans.
She would never speak whatever her name used to be. She called herself Compline, an old word for 'complete', perhaps because completion was something she did not feel but aspired to, or perhaps because 'Compline' was also used in some religious orders to name the last prayer service of the day as night fell.
The day that the administration of the orphanage were all killed seemed like any other. But even though she couldn't see, she had looked up from tending the burn wounds of one of her fellow orphans, a teenage girl, and felt a dark presence. A slight tilt of her head, her blind eyes staring, a twitch of her ear, and she knew who it was. Richie. She could recognize his footfalls. But something was different. Terribly different. A dark power throbbed around the feeling of his presence. She got to her feet, turning towards him slowly, unsure.
But then he spoke, and it was the familiar voice she knew, hardly matching that terrible power she could feel. A voice uncertain, almost. "We'll have to run this place ourselves now."
That was it. Only later did she learn that the previous owners had… well, passed on. And then the fight changed. From dreading the next job, and dreading the state her fellow orphans would come back in from those jobs, now it was a scramble not to starve, to keep the children clothed and decent, to teach them back some manners, to keep them from fighting each other in desperation. Compline wasn't very useful at acquisition or documentation, due to her blindness, but she was unmatched at comforting the young ones, and had something of a knack for making sure they all had enough to eat from whatever scraps were available.
One night, while she was silently meditating as elves do instead of sleeping, a voice spoke to her, soft as a gentle rain, warm as the first sunray of the dawn, a sense of peace to her tortured heart. A peace which this torn world cannot give, that is what you have tried to give to the hearts of the suffering orphans. Have you failed? You cannot know, but it is no matter. I have seen your steady patience and your care and I wish to bless you to continue this work of love. Will you accept? Gifts of light and healing I will grant you.
Compline opened her sightless eyes, wondering. I accept. The power of light flooded her limbs, and to her shock, she could see. Not see lights or shapes, not like she used to… but somehow it was as if everything in her near vicinity was… known, to her. The voice spoke again. There are many of us, powerful beings from other planes. Countless. Legion. Some wish only to prey on mortals like yourself. But some of us love you like those who created you, and want to see you flourish. You cannot stand against the predators alone, but I will help you. Together, we will redeem the darkness.
I accept.
And so the thin shade of an elf continued to heal the hurts of her fellow orphans… and she had a power to heal them now that she hadn't possessed before, and not only that, a power to protect them that she hadn't possessed before.
So she was terribly ready when Richie announced his plans to travel to the Fallen Star mountain range. She couldn't help write the invitation notes herself, but she guided some of the older ones to do so, dictating the message. And she could go among them, and see which ones were old and responsible enough to come along. It was something she tried to teach them, now, to take responsibility for themselves and the orphanage. It was a place of refuge for broken ones, and no one would keep it going except those who depended on it. Angry teenagers, feral goblins, mute children… all suffering wounds no one should have to. And yet it was their very brokenness that gave their choices so much power. We will rise above what has been done to us, despite all!
(OOC: Hey, Virst. I've added you to our OOC Private messages. This will give you some ideas as to what all we're doing. As you may have noticed, there were a few polls running. The first is the players have decided on spell slots, over spell points. The other is that we're starting at L3, and there's a feat for our background, and a feat from our respective "patron." There's also some other things, that we're experimenting with, to help keep the PbP game flowing).
The Aasmir waits for the others, outside the cave mouth. The has felt the evil from there. He wasn't expecting an easy time of getting this generation's fallen start. He just hopes he is able to get enough allies to meet him here, to take it. The Ravens should have delivered the messages, and he hopes that soon, they can enter the cave, and find it. It's supposed to allow them to tap into great power, which will allow them to take care of the others, and get their revenge. He took care of the corrupt orphanage, the trafficking ring, but there were those who had at times broke him, physically, mentally, and...whatever it was, for the resurrections...
Suddenly, a portal opens up, and he sees a cleric falls before him. The human...or at least, he seems to mostly be human...stands up, and they lock eyes.
"You, are a Twilight Cleric...human?" he asks, uncertain about the human, who seems to be some sort of...variant. Maybe a vague trace of elf, like his friend, Cyrus.
"You're...Peace...and Light?!? I've not heard of such! And, what race are you. You seem Aasmir, but not fallen. You almost could be Shadar Kai..."
"I guess you could say I'm a Shadowfell Aasmir. I don't know if there's others of my kind. Who are you?"
" I were on a mission, for The Fallen Star. These portals opened up, and brought us here...down there, that's the mark of Emberhand. And he has the flag of the princess...he must have her 2 friends, as well. If you'll excuse me..."
"That...was odd..."
"Oh! From one Cleric with ties to a Dark Lady, to another, with how things go in this world, you may soon come across a human bard. He follows the path of Whispers. With probably most of his forces at the egg, there should be a minimum keeping them hostage. I need to free them, and I think a good sleep spell will work. Should a Klaes show up, let him know that he should join up with you."
"I don't know a bard...and he's gone. Princess and friends? Fallen stars? There seems to be a lot of loose ends, that seem to be tying together, and moving into a new direction..."
A goblin comes to meet the Aasmir at the cave's entrance, dragging their weapon behind them. Maul look to the Aasmir and presents the letter to him.
"Man of woods tell Maul to find the one who send smell of the one. Man of woods say that your prey is mine. Maul will fight Raven one's prey."
"Greetings, Maul. We are going to be entering this cavern, to find the Fallen Star. It's supposed to provide unimaginable power, which will answer a lot of problems many of us face. You're welcome to our shindig. Let us enter into the cavern."
(OOC, to start, I plan to use my Cleric's Emboldening Bond. Feedback as to which 2 this should go to. Remember, each PC must stay within 30 feet, to make this work. On the next, to stack bless, so whichever of our hard hitters didn't get included on EB, to use this.)
"Well, I see you're as busy as ever. Let's get in there, kick names and take...wait a moment. Reverse that!"
(OOC, my suggestion would be to use EB on our barbarian and paladin, so that they can get close and personal with the enemies. Then, if you want to also cast bless, include the Echo Knight, and I can send my Echo out into battle, while my PC serves as mid-line, to protect our squishier characters, especially with my Sentinel Feat).
(OOC, Maul and the stealthier PCs can scout ahead and survey situations if needed. I say to wait for combat to use the EB. It just takes an action to use and it only lasts for 10 minutes.)
Compline had loyally followed Richie to the cave, her stride more confident than one would expect from one who could not see, as if she had an uncanny premonition of where objects and unlevel ground were, at least near to her. Her sightless white eyes do not focus on anything, but her pointed ears seem to swivel under her hood, and her head turns here and there nearly constantly, as if it helps her to better place her impressions.
Hearing Maul and Cyrus, she smiles, and bows unobtrusively to both of them. The waif-like elf is pale and unassuming in her plainweave wool robe, hood, and cloak, but she is armed, a whip in one hand, a shield slung over her back, and a shortsword and dagger visible belted at her waist.
Primrose woke from her nightmare . It was the same, stabbing and stabbing until she woke up. She smiled. He deserved it. That was another day she'd prayed for death. But that time, someone answered.
"Do you want your death- or his?" And something snapped within her. She SCREAMED as she twisted his necklace and cut his throat, then started stabbing him until she was too tired to move. The voice spoke to her as she looted the room. A ring, a necklace, some coins & a spellbook.
"I am the Ruby Sorceress"; the voice said. "Follow me and I will aid you". Primrose had spent several years since then tracking down & killing the men who’d bought her, escaping with the aid of her patron. Then the Raven brought her a letter. Her patron opened a gate. And Primrose stepped through, bright red clothes and a black umbrella.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(OOC: The only reason I was thinking to use Emboldening Bond pre-combat is that it lasts 10 minutes. Then, in combat, I can stack on Bless, also an action, but that only lasts for 1 minute. But that's why I encourage feedback, so we can get the most).
"Thank you, all who could come, for whatever your reasons may be. Some of you, I think we've at least met at...that place. Others, well, some may have heard our stories, have some of your own, and the network that 'that place' has, to grant you your goals...we will bring about restitution..."
For those who want to scout ahead, roll stealth checks. Goblins Passive Perception of 9.
Zephyr Stormwhisper, L1 Air Genasi Barbarian, you must meet or beat: 3
Howdy, 60nes
, and welcome! Have you decided what subclass you're looking to be, for your fighter. One person's looking to be an Echo Knight.
A fighter-rouge would be a good combo. Just curious, and of course, you don't have to, but have you considered "multisubclassing?" It's something I'm experimenting with, in this campaign. Each subclass is treated sort of as it's own class. For example, I'm doing a L2 Peace Domain, L1 Light Cleric, and on my next, I'll be leveling up Light. You also don't have to, right off, and can do so at any could even multisubclass Rogue, as well. All up to you.
This is the campaign link. I'll also be adding you to the OOC private messages, as well.
I found this PBP guide helpful. Some of this will just be an attempt to make things a little cleaner, from the first post:
System: 5e. At present, there's no plans for 5.5. I've read and watched some videos on the differences, and while there are a few good things, there's also some that I, and some others, aren't fond of, like all classes waiting to L3 to get their subclass (granted, we're all starting at 3), and also, as an example, Fighter's AS doesn't permit magic in 5.5, and TBH, as I'm still fairly new to the game, I'm going to keep to what I'm experienced with, as opposed to "blending."
Player Count: The plan is to keep this open and running, because I've seen how people come and go, and with that in mind, I don't want the game to falter, because of that. Since there are some mature themes, some won't want to join, so I think a running and open campaign will work.
Style of Play: While there will be a good share of combat, I do want to explore the social aspects, with social interactions, as well as options of intrigue. I would like there to be a lot of RP'n, so that we can collectively make an awesome story, along with fun encounters. As mentioned, I'm pretty much open to all source content, and can be open to UA, and some others.
Wealth: I'd like to have some feedback, as to if we should start with a flat 100gp (example), or to roll, based on the info in PHB. Also, as I mentioned, I'm thinking of being able to start with up to 3 magic items (one of those can be a bag of holding). These are generally at common and uncommon; sometimes, a "wondrous item" has been listed as "uncommon," so I'm allow a little bit of flexibility. One of the sources I use for some magic items are the class lists on
Ability Scores: I'm allowing for Standard Array or Point Buy...if one wants to go with "roll of the dice," that's fine, unless there's something in the site rules saying otherwise.
Hitpoints/Health: I had been playing with average, on my last game. I think each play can decide which they want, for their character.
While there's no real restrictions on alignments, I want to make sure that there's not going to be any PK'n, or otherwise people trying to get better for themselves, at the expense of the rest of the players. The idea is that we're working for the betterment of the entire team. The exceptions are if someone is possessed, we get somewhere major where fiends can take control of characters, or something to that effect. For those, so that the player doesn't just sit there, unable to play, an idea I'm borrowing is that they will be fighting an internal/spiritual battle, to break free, or at least, take something to impede themselves, to help the rest of the party.
When characters are speaking, I would encourage you to use a color, as opposed to black. I realize there's a limit to the available colors, and some, like yellow, won't show well on the default white background. Don't worry about "duplicating colors," as each person will only be in their thread. When making thoughts, you can use italics.
Rolls will be done here, using the roller on the forum. Attack/Hit, then damage roll (action, reaction, bonus, etc).
Scheduling, Timing, and Pacing: I'd like people to be able to post at least 3 times a week, more as able. For me, I may not be able to post Wed, Th, and especially Sundays, due to other commitments. I will try to at least be able to read things, and help move things along, but if I don't, people have been given prior notice. I really want to encourage cooperation, especially in the OOC chat. How I see encounters, both combat and social, is that each party member will have the individual tasks. Using combat as an example, I would assign a create to your character, using a rough CR from something like a solo toolbox. This way, said player can fight their own, and if people want to in the OOC propose a team strategy, or something with a couple of their party members, to take out a group, great. Or, if we're able to really plot it out, then we can each implement the attacks in unison, such as against a boss. One of the problems I note on PbP is imitative, and the game stalling, because someone's unable to post for a few days. I'm hoping this can address that. If someone's unable to post for a few days, I may simply have the creature disengage, without penalty, and have them engage with someone else. This is to be a great story and game for all of us, and it will be with your help, that we keep it thriving.
If you know you're going to be absent for a time (eg, business trip), please share in the OOC in advance, if possible. Then, we can work on something. If there's advanced notice, we can work something into the story. If it's little to no notice, then something like a combo of being teleported out, and maybe a quest to free said PC, sort of following the possession rules, where the PC can also battle internally, to try to free themselves.
Before adding anyone new, you'll be added to the OOC. From there, it'll range from a basic intro, to something like a new creature comes in, and the new PC comes in to stop that cheap shot...or the OOC with people working together to implement the new PC into the fight.
It mentions the issue of "metagaming," which, given the style I'm going to implement, where players will know the stats of an enemy--one resource I use is here--during their fights, which could be 1:1, where you'd roll for yourself and your opponent, I'll say to use your discernment. Would a L3 fighter know how to handle a vampire? Maybe. A paladin or cleric may be more inclined. Also, while each pc will have a "patron," I don't want that to be the reason for every single choice made. It's a balancing act, to balance the mechanics and fun.
Scrolls: I plan to use a variant rule. If the spell is on your list (you don't have to know it, or have it prepared, just that it's on you list), and as long as it's at your current spell level, or lower, you can use it. If it's not on your list, you must roll against a DC 10 + spell level. Most times, if it fails, you just loose the scroll, gp to create, and any extra resources...let's say it cost 200 GP for a L3 scroll, and you need 500 gp for components; since you've spent 200, I plan to have that count as part of the total 500 (so you still owe 300 gp). When using a scroll, you use whatever your spell casting score is: INT, WIS, CHA. However, at random intervals, there can be "misfires," so if the scroll doesn't hit, there can be consequences, more so if you try to cast a scroll from a spell level higher than your PC spell level. For non-spell casters, while I plan scrolls for casters, and magic items for melee, if our spell casters are unconscious, and they have resurrection spells, I'd not be opposed to them being able to use it (using the highest of the 3 abilities); however, rolling against the spell's level, with no spell levels (unless one has something like Bless running), the chances a misfire can be higher.
Other items, please address here, or if your in the OCC, you may do so, there.
I'm sorry. Is this for scribing spells or casting them? it sounds like we lose GP if we fail to cast a spell.
If one scribes scrolls in the normal method, it costs 15gp and 1 day for a cantrip. L2 is 250gp and takes 3 days. L5 is 4 work weeks and 5000 gp. Also, If the spell requires material components, you must provide these when scribing the scroll.
This includes:
So, when scribing a scroll, one must not only pay the amount of gp for the level, but the components with their value, as well as special ink.
This modified rules has the a lower scribe price, as well as a shorter time frame. In addition, from what I read, and I could be wrong, not only are you paying the price of the scroll, but the price of the component (300 gp, in the above example), AND a L3 scroll, totaling 800gp. I propose to include the material components, as applicable, to the entire cost. So, one subtracts the 300 from the overall total of the scrolls.
Since we may only on occasion take down time from scroll scribing, and I don't want that downtime to slow down the gameplay in PbP, I'm suggesting some alternatives.
One would loose GP, either way, if they fail to cast the scroll. What this is proposing is to lower that. Also, if you're a wizard, at L3, with 7 slots, you would still have a lot of other spells on your list, that you wouldn't have prepared. This way, you can use them, as long as they're on your list, and are of the appropriate level (example, casting a L1 spell), with the only "penalty" being the lost of gp, in addition to the components, if applicable. Since you're casting a spell on your list, and of the appropriate level, there's a higher chance of success...imo, I honestly don't see a reason to have the spells fail, as long as they're on your list and aren't from a higher level, as you're already spending the GP to cast more spells than what you have slots for. I'd be more inclined to include a chance for failure, as opposed to flat out working, if a L3 wizard wanted to cast a L9 spell. Would it work? Possibly. But with such a huge differences in levels, and especially experience levels, there should be a higher chance of failure, and risk, so that players don't try to feel like all they have to do is grind (or steal) for gold, and get a fleet of L9 spells, without big risks, at L3.
This will be our first dungeon crawl. Initially, I was thinking everyone would battle a "variant" of their character, but after doing a little more research, several L3 characters could prove to be a deadly encounter. So, there's 3 L1 "minibosses," with a L3 "Oathbreaker Paladin" as the boss. This is also why the Twilight Cleric, with Twilight Sanctuary wasn't put in, as that would seriously off-balance the campaign...granting advantage on initiative, I think, is enough.
Each boss will be accompanied by minions (for simplicity sake, they'll all be the same type, and "attack as one," so no waiting for turns). The spaces where there's no bosses can be used for short rests, or once the area has been cleared.
There's several chests, with at least 1 mimic thrown in, so investigations are needed...unless, of course, you get knocked into one.
This gives everyone a chance to get a feel for the game, balancing, and how well people work as a team, to get through the encounters. I encourage discussions in the OOC chat, to determine a path forward. Keep in mind, the map is for player reference, but unless a character has something like Clairvoyance, or a familiar to scout, or similar, they won't know the layout of Fallen Star Mountain.
More than a year ago, the Shadowfell Aasmir had felt his life was misery. Growing up at the orphanage, he had been identified as an Aasmir, but the subrace wasn't clear. He vaguely seemed to be like a "Fallen," but not quite. Some had said he was sort of like a Shadar Kai, a shadow elf...which brought it's own problems, as many would confuse a "shadow elf," with a "dark elf," and by and large, drows were not trusted, at best, and despised at worse.
Many years, he would be "rented out" as slave labor for battalions of Tieflings, who would have a general disdain for Aasmirs, due to the general favor to those of the celestial planes, while general disdain for those of the abysmal planes. More often than not, while he was officially "hands on training" for the troops, more often, he was simply beaten to unconsciousness. Only some of the older supply personnel would offer him any kindness. When they were done, after the "rental term expired," he would return, usually more spiteful of life. He thought that that would be the worst.
Then, in his teens, he was rented to various worshipers of the abyss, who despised anything related to the celestial planes. The only reason he lived was because of the stern contracts the orphanage had...his first time being resurrected still haunts him to this day.
Now, things were to change. He really is a rarity, a Shadowfell Aasmir, and the Raven Queen took notice of him.
The roughly dozen beings that ran the orphanage were celebrating how high the profits were. He quietly opened the door, and strode into the party. It wasn't until he was close to the party, that they took notice, and things went quiet.
"Shadowfell Descent," he uttered, and with that, he transformed, like other Aasmir do.
The magical divine and shadow energy is unleashed, his eyes becoming pitch dark, with shadowy wings sprouting from his back. A sphere of roughly 15 feet of magical darkness springs forth from him. A minute doesn't seem like much, but when everything is covered in darkness, and even those with dark vision see nothing--only he who called it forth can--and with only sputters of their fellow conspirators filling the air as they die, it is more than enough, especially against those who haven't really fought.
The adrenaline, mixed with the first usage of his powers, exhausted him. He makes his way out of the room, intent on burning the place to the ground. He shuts the door, turns, and sees a few of the older orphans...a few, he remembers, had be a few years, since he last was here.
Ah, Damn! I can't burn this place. These kids have nowhere else. What do I do now?
Today, try as he could, he found it almost impossible to run the orphanage on his own, without any idea how to really fund it. It was stubbornness and pride that kept him at it so long. Some of the older ones, now, legally of age to be adults, can run the day to day operations. But, those who it turned out to help fund the orphanage, especially the medical care, were of the less savory kind, and the funding dried up within the year. The orphanage tended to house those "undesirables," those that weren't "whole;" and just as often, it was a wounded mind and soul. The only thing that stayed strong was what could only be considered an elaborate spy network.
Figures that a front for trafficking people, especially kids, would have such a ring.
With the help of the older ones, he had short letters written out, to some that could help, hopefully. They would be helping keep these children from suffering the same harm they had been forced to endure...and opportunities for vengeance could be theirs, as he had the network hunt for their oppressors. They were to meet him at Fallen Star Mountain range, where an object of immense power was said to be, which could help with the goals of protection of the children, and very likely, their respective desires for revenge.
A flock of ravens burst into the sky, to deliver the messages. He only hoped some would respond...
OOC: While the common thread is the orphanage, we're also including that it could be people who have been in any sort of contact with those who had been with the orphanage, particularly the children who had be "rented out" as slave labor, prostitution, or similar. The main reason is for there to be some sort of "common bond" amongst the PCs. Perhaps Ash will have met a few of them, over the years?
Just some basic in-game info:
In the debate between Spell Slots and Spell Points, the majority consensus is spell slots. Each PC gets 2 feats: 1 for their race, and 1 from their "patron."
Multisubclassing, if one wants, is an option...I think only our Shadowfell Aasmir is trying that, a Peace+Light Cleric.
We're all making our way to Fallen Star Mountain. The Fallen Star, in this case, will be an egg, and in the egg is a Quetzadrake (a homebrew creature, as there doesn't seem to be an official creature): The Offspring is a hybrid of a powerful dragon, which will bring in interest from Tiamat followers, and a coutal, the creates that have essentially imprisoned Sul Khatesh, and her followers.
You should also be added to the OOC chat. The goal is for a lot of team interaction, on how to combat specific battles, as well as working on encounters that may be social or intrigue. The hope is between that, and a set of "mini, 1:1 fights," to allow a steady game progression, without getting held up too much, if people cannot come on to post).
The Raven finds Cyrus Shadowblade, probably much easier than he would have liked. Then again, a half Shadar Kai, and a Shadowfell Aasmir, both having gotten the interest of The Raven Queen...well, when she has a mission (or knowing her, a full on campaign), she has ways of finding her Hexblades (rare as that tends to be), and especially her dubbed "Raven Blades." When she has someone from her realm do minor missions, like collecting memories, they're just another Shadar Kai. But, when she has something major, that's when she has the Raven Blades. He's heard rumors that various dark gods are on the move, as are fiends...both devils and demons. Nasty work, that he'd much rather avoid, but he has a bad feeling, a sinking feeling, that this could be something like that.
He had taken the last few years, since he'd last seen Richie Castle. He had deserted the drow raiding party, and decided to strike out on his own. He'd been a natural talent, watching them fight, and picking up their various techniques. He gained his strength as a pack slave. On the one blade, being a half elf meant that he was too disgusting to the pure and haunty drow of the raid, so they didn't take an "interest" in him. But, because of not only being a part elf with the drows being something they generally hated, but just that he was a half breed, he would often suffer beatings until he blacked some ways, that really had made him closer to the Aasmir. If not brothers, close cousins, maybe?
Within the last several months, he had discovered he could summon a Shadow, what some would call an Echo. It was an interesting concept, a gift awakened by The Raven Queen. It wasn't a creature, like a familiar. Yet, it was more than a mere object. Allowing him to attack from afar. He could use it to trigger traps, yet could not get it to open chests and doors. It was an oddly and confusing gift. He could use it for a very limited amount of scouting, but more of a safe way to see if there was an immediate threat.
"Well, my 'Raven Brother,' it'll be interesting to see what our 'Queen' has in store for us. Lots of others coming onboard, as well. Now, onto Fallen Star Mountain."
He wasn't sure if he was referring to the Aasmir of the Shadowfell, or his Echo? Did it matter?
Character Sheet: Maul
Maul is an escaped slave of an hobgoblin warband. Their tribe was relatively peaceful until forcibly taken as labor for the warband. Their tribe was used as common labor, fodder for the band, and at worst target practice. For entertainment, they used the tribe to fight among themselves, betting upon the winners. While at first it was submission to decide the match, then it was until one was mutilated in a way, and finally until it was to the death. Maul had managed to survive it, losing themselves to bloodlust and anger, they succumbed to a more feral rage. So much so, that they have forgotten what their name was or who their own family is. They could only remember their purpose as the pitlord called their nickname and announced their enemy. Maul will live if they kill their enemy, Maul will be fed if they break their bodies.
Maul had managed to escape due to them due to simple carelessness. A soldier decided to take Maul of their pen for a different use. Maul did not understand. All they saw was an open cage and a lone soldier. One enemy. After breaking the soldier, Maul was free, an unknown feeling to them. They turned away from the busy sounds of the warband and left the camp, getting lost in the wilderness. They lived among the wilds for a time before they were found by a ranger. At first, they were ready to strike but then the ranger offered food. Not enemy, but a provider. They follow the ranger and ultimately end up at the orphanage. At there, they learn to speak once more, while badly, they're able to speak their desire.
"Maul want pitlord, break pitlord."
She couldn't see any more--her captors had burned her eyes out long ago when she had closed them to refuse to watch her parents being slaughtered in front of her--but she was always there waiting when the orphans came back from a "job", and most of them knew they could go to her, pale of skin and hair, waif-thin for giving her meals to the children, sightless white eyes seeing nothing but still looking as her long pointed ears twitched, like she could almost see by sense and hearing. Her scrawny arms in tattered and undyed plain-weave wool always ready to offer a refuge to a crying child, and her unseeing eyes and thin form gave a target for angry blows that could not be got out on the perpetrators of an orphan's pain. She didn't mind. She knew what they were suffering. To most of the orphans it seemed as if she had always been there, whether they hated and avoided her or ran to her for succor, and she didn't really seem to age. Probably only a very few of the orphans knew that this was because she was an elf, and elves live long and mature much more slowly than humans.
She would never speak whatever her name used to be. She called herself Compline, an old word for 'complete', perhaps because completion was something she did not feel but aspired to, or perhaps because 'Compline' was also used in some religious orders to name the last prayer service of the day as night fell.
The day that the administration of the orphanage were all killed seemed like any other. But even though she couldn't see, she had looked up from tending the burn wounds of one of her fellow orphans, a teenage girl, and felt a dark presence. A slight tilt of her head, her blind eyes staring, a twitch of her ear, and she knew who it was. Richie. She could recognize his footfalls. But something was different. Terribly different. A dark power throbbed around the feeling of his presence. She got to her feet, turning towards him slowly, unsure.
But then he spoke, and it was the familiar voice she knew, hardly matching that terrible power she could feel. A voice uncertain, almost. "We'll have to run this place ourselves now."
That was it. Only later did she learn that the previous owners had… well, passed on. And then the fight changed. From dreading the next job, and dreading the state her fellow orphans would come back in from those jobs, now it was a scramble not to starve, to keep the children clothed and decent, to teach them back some manners, to keep them from fighting each other in desperation. Compline wasn't very useful at acquisition or documentation, due to her blindness, but she was unmatched at comforting the young ones, and had something of a knack for making sure they all had enough to eat from whatever scraps were available.
One night, while she was silently meditating as elves do instead of sleeping, a voice spoke to her, soft as a gentle rain, warm as the first sunray of the dawn, a sense of peace to her tortured heart. A peace which this torn world cannot give, that is what you have tried to give to the hearts of the suffering orphans. Have you failed? You cannot know, but it is no matter. I have seen your steady patience and your care and I wish to bless you to continue this work of love. Will you accept? Gifts of light and healing I will grant you.
Compline opened her sightless eyes, wondering. I accept. The power of light flooded her limbs, and to her shock, she could see. Not see lights or shapes, not like she used to… but somehow it was as if everything in her near vicinity was… known, to her. The voice spoke again. There are many of us, powerful beings from other planes. Countless. Legion. Some wish only to prey on mortals like yourself. But some of us love you like those who created you, and want to see you flourish. You cannot stand against the predators alone, but I will help you. Together, we will redeem the darkness.
I accept.
And so the thin shade of an elf continued to heal the hurts of her fellow orphans… and she had a power to heal them now that she hadn't possessed before, and not only that, a power to protect them that she hadn't possessed before.
So she was terribly ready when Richie announced his plans to travel to the Fallen Star mountain range. She couldn't help write the invitation notes herself, but she guided some of the older ones to do so, dictating the message. And she could go among them, and see which ones were old and responsible enough to come along. It was something she tried to teach them, now, to take responsibility for themselves and the orphanage. It was a place of refuge for broken ones, and no one would keep it going except those who depended on it. Angry teenagers, feral goblins, mute children… all suffering wounds no one should have to. And yet it was their very brokenness that gave their choices so much power. We will rise above what has been done to us, despite all!
(OOC: Hey, Virst. I've added you to our OOC Private messages. This will give you some ideas as to what all we're doing. As you may have noticed, there were a few polls running. The first is the players have decided on spell slots, over spell points. The other is that we're starting at L3, and there's a feat for our background, and a feat from our respective "patron." There's also some other things, that we're experimenting with, to help keep the PbP game flowing).
The Aasmir waits for the others, outside the cave mouth. The has felt the evil from there. He wasn't expecting an easy time of getting this generation's fallen start. He just hopes he is able to get enough allies to meet him here, to take it. The Ravens should have delivered the messages, and he hopes that soon, they can enter the cave, and find it. It's supposed to allow them to tap into great power, which will allow them to take care of the others, and get their revenge. He took care of the corrupt orphanage, the trafficking ring, but there were those who had at times broke him, physically, mentally, and...whatever it was, for the resurrections...
Suddenly, a portal opens up, and he sees a cleric falls before him. The human...or at least, he seems to mostly be human...stands up, and they lock eyes.
"You, are a Twilight Cleric...human?" he asks, uncertain about the human, who seems to be some sort of...variant. Maybe a vague trace of elf, like his friend, Cyrus.
"You're...Peace...and Light?!? I've not heard of such! And, what race are you. You seem Aasmir, but not fallen. You almost could be Shadar Kai..."
"I guess you could say I'm a Shadowfell Aasmir. I don't know if there's others of my kind. Who are you?"
" I were on a mission, for The Fallen Star. These portals opened up, and brought us here...down there, that's the mark of Emberhand. And he has the flag of the princess...he must have her 2 friends, as well. If you'll excuse me..."
"That...was odd..."
"Oh! From one Cleric with ties to a Dark Lady, to another, with how things go in this world, you may soon come across a human bard. He follows the path of Whispers. With probably most of his forces at the egg, there should be a minimum keeping them hostage. I need to free them, and I think a good sleep spell will work. Should a Klaes show up, let him know that he should join up with you."
"I don't know a bard...and he's gone. Princess and friends? Fallen stars? There seems to be a lot of loose ends, that seem to be tying together, and moving into a new direction..."
A goblin comes to meet the Aasmir at the cave's entrance, dragging their weapon behind them. Maul look to the Aasmir and presents the letter to him.
"Man of woods tell Maul to find the one who send smell of the one. Man of woods say that your prey is mine. Maul will fight Raven one's prey."
Maul sits on their heels, waiting for a response.
"Greetings, Maul. We are going to be entering this cavern, to find the Fallen Star. It's supposed to provide unimaginable power, which will answer a lot of problems many of us face. You're welcome to our shindig. Let us enter into the cavern."
(OOC, to start, I plan to use my Cleric's Emboldening Bond. Feedback as to which 2 this should go to. Remember, each PC must stay within 30 feet, to make this work. On the next, to stack bless, so whichever of our hard hitters didn't get included on EB, to use this.)
"Well, I see you're as busy as ever. Let's get in there, kick names and take...wait a moment. Reverse that!"
(OOC, my suggestion would be to use EB on our barbarian and paladin, so that they can get close and personal with the enemies. Then, if you want to also cast bless, include the Echo Knight, and I can send my Echo out into battle, while my PC serves as mid-line, to protect our squishier characters, especially with my Sentinel Feat).
(OOC, Maul and the stealthier PCs can scout ahead and survey situations if needed. I say to wait for combat to use the EB. It just takes an action to use and it only lasts for 10 minutes.)
Compline had loyally followed Richie to the cave, her stride more confident than one would expect from one who could not see, as if she had an uncanny premonition of where objects and unlevel ground were, at least near to her. Her sightless white eyes do not focus on anything, but her pointed ears seem to swivel under her hood, and her head turns here and there nearly constantly, as if it helps her to better place her impressions.
Hearing Maul and Cyrus, she smiles, and bows unobtrusively to both of them. The waif-like elf is pale and unassuming in her plainweave wool robe, hood, and cloak, but she is armed, a whip in one hand, a shield slung over her back, and a shortsword and dagger visible belted at her waist.
Primrose woke from her nightmare . It was the same, stabbing and stabbing until she woke up. She smiled. He deserved it. That was another day she'd prayed for death. But that time, someone answered.
"Do you want your death- or his?" And something snapped within her. She SCREAMED as she twisted his necklace and cut his throat, then started stabbing him until she was too tired to move. The voice spoke to her as she looted the room. A ring, a necklace, some coins & a spellbook.
"I am the Ruby Sorceress"; the voice said. "Follow me and I will aid you". Primrose had spent several years since then tracking down & killing the men who’d bought her, escaping with the aid of her patron.
Then the Raven brought her a letter. Her patron opened a gate. And Primrose stepped through, bright red clothes and a black umbrella.
“I’m ready” she said to the group.
(OOC: The only reason I was thinking to use Emboldening Bond pre-combat is that it lasts 10 minutes. Then, in combat, I can stack on Bless, also an action, but that only lasts for 1 minute. But that's why I encourage feedback, so we can get the most).
"Thank you, all who could come, for whatever your reasons may be. Some of you, I think we've at least met at...that place. Others, well, some may have heard our stories, have some of your own, and the network that 'that place' has, to grant you your goals...we will bring about restitution..."
For those who want to scout ahead, roll stealth checks. Goblins Passive Perception of 9.
Zephyr Stormwhisper, L1 Air Genasi Barbarian, you must meet or beat: 3
Good luck, Players!
Richie: 8