This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Good to see you all here...and a goblin barbarian? Well, we've an Aasmir from the Shadowfell, so why not?"
He looks around at the interesting collection of people, and thinks...which has never been his strong suit, not known for being at the top of the intelligence pool of things, nor for being the wisest of fighters. However, he's survived his share of fights, so has a good deal of least when it come to being a fighter, and plans.
"Scouting's a good idea. We need to know what sort of enemies we face, as well as where this 'Fallen Star' is kept; it probably won't be in plain sight. While it would be good to avoid enemies, we also have no idea as to how many there are, so enemies we don't take care of now, could come at us from behind for those that we can't avoid. I know you magic types have things like sleep, but I also know you have limits to how often you can do that, and need to save spells for other things...ya healers types, when I've worked with ya, saved my backside, so I know ya want to keep muscles like me this side of the dirt. See how well we can Surprise enemies, and take them out as fast and stealthy as possible?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The elf looks a bit past Cyrus with her sightless eyes, and smiles. "How nice to meet you. My name is Compline. I think you will not be disappointed with Maul, he has always been a wise and capable one." She pats the goblin on the shoulder affectionately. "I do not know what we are looking for exactly, but if this Fallen Star is valuable, it will certainly be guarded. I am ready when you are, I will follow." Compline pulls her hood a little farther down over her head, so that it is more difficult to see her face, her plainweave wool robe grey and indistinct and already seeming to blend into the shadows.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Maul glances at Compline as she pats them. They give a tentative sniff before letting her pat them. "Maul not know. Just know here smells strange. Come from cave so should be in there, other prey as well." They crouch down and walk like a dog on the hunt, low to the ground and sniffing at it.
Cautiously, Richie leads his allies into the cave. The initial entrance being just enough for them to file in, one by one. After about 20 feet, the underground illumination gaining some intensity from the variety of ice and crystals that are growing in seeming random spots. The walls look slick, with the ice, so that probably wouldn't be an option to avoid any encounters. The growths don't look like they would hide anything, but may obscure the view, somewhat.
Coming in on the right side, he sees a chest at an angle almost all the way across the cavern, and also notices the wide opening on the left. He doubts to star would be in the very first chest. Then again, with that being the most common assumption, maybe it would...
Off to the side, in an a back area, he hears some arguing: "Are you goblins trying to pick a fight. The rolls have been fair. I can't help it if I've gotten lucky rolls."
"You may be an Air Gensai..." the first starts.
"And a fairly strong barbarian..." the second continues.
"But you have to admit, Zephyr Stormwhisper, that 3 'nat 20s' in a row, seems suspicious..." the third concludes.
He turns back to his allies, and does his best to speak softly, glad that his voice isn't echoing, as he has no idea how much sound would carry: "It looks like they'll be busy arguing over some dice game. How should we handle this. I highly doubt the star's in a chest, but, well, the irony would be if we didn't examine it, and it is there...too bad we don't have a rouge..."
Cyrus makes his way into the cave, close to his "Shadowfell cousin," and looks to him, and then, to the arguing quartet. It was rather unprofessional, in his opinion, to be arguing over a dice game, while they were most likely assigned to guard the chest, or at least, the entrance.
As he takes the lead, telling his friend that he should help protect his "squishy team mate," his backpack bumps up against some jagged, crystals...and his crowbar comes undone, and bounces off the crystal a few times, and slides about five feet, before spinning to a stop. Cyrus feels his face turn so red, that you could probably use him as a night light.
"It's...not my fault," he insists, "It was secured...I'm not 'Solo,' whoever he is."
"Well, looks like they were right to expect company. Y'all don't look like much, but ya do have a cleric. Doubt he's got any sort of resurrection magic. Still, best to take care of you, first. I think I'd like to RAGE!" Zephyr charges to the cleric, ignoring the fighter.
"A fighter with some bite, huh? Looks like your attempt to be the 'good sentinel' falls flat. Loud & clumsy, and missed your attack...I'm surprised you're still alive. Now, there's a cleric to Kill!"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Maul looks to where the Genasi came from, "Maul take on other prey." They say as they charge forward to meet the goblins with two swings of your light hammers.
The three goblins had hung back for a moment, curiously watching what their boss was up to, but they eagerly leap into the fray as another goblin comes swinging at them with his hammers. "Hey! Who are you?" Maul's target sneers, and slaps off both hammers with his scimitar. "Maybe you should introduce yourself first, cousin!" He then returns blow for blow.
Goblin #1 Scimitar Attack: 18 Damage: 8
Compline, her ears twitching towards the sound of the goblins running forward, follows after Maul. She cannot see them, only hear them, but she can apparently also hear the soft swoosh of them drawing their shortbows at her, and brings her shield up.
Goblin #2 Shortbow at Compline Attack: 9 Damage: 3 Goblin #3 Shortbow at Compline Attack: 11 Damage: 6
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The arrows scatter off of Compline's shield, and she continues her movement towards the attackers she cannot see. But when she gets close enough, some other instinct seems to take over, and it is as if her senses sharpen, her body tunes into its surroundings, and it is almost as if she sees. Her shield in her left hand, her right hand cracks out with a whip at Goblin #1 as he faces off with Maul.
It's a good hit, even though she stands 10 feet away from her target. The whip snakes viciously out and catches Goblin #1 around his neck, leaving such a gash that blood pours from the wound. Goblin #1 gasps, gurgles, and drops his scimitar to grab at his neck. His own blood pooling over his clutching claws, he topples to the ground... dead.
"No!" The other two goblins shout, aghast. And turn blood-red, beady eyes full of rage and apprehension towards his killer, the blind elf.
Goblins, using their shields (15 AC), are able to just barely repel Maul's attacks, although the force of it does drive them back, staggering and scurrying to try to regain their footing after such force. They realize that if it wasn't for their shields, this Goblin would have probably leveled them.
(OOC: CORRECTION. I missed Compline taking out one of the Goblins. With that, and combining their HP, that means we have 28, so all 3 remaining opponents fall asleep)
The goblins start to slow down in their attacks, their minds and bodies becoming lethargic. Everything with them seems to happen in slow motion. Slowing further, they each slowly fall into different states of collapse, before they fall over, asleep.
Zephyr finds herself feeling effected by the spell, partly because of being hurt by the Ray of Frost, and the cold making her more susceptible.
"Damn...if it wasn't for...cold, I'd be able to just rage...wizard should have been my first mark. You get this round....This chest ain't a mimic. Other chests may...our Twilight Cleric...cast sleep. See yous on the flip..." With that, Zephyr Stormwhisper drops, slowly, and falls asleep against the cold wall.
(For the Goblins and the Barbarian, each party member gets 60 XP).
"I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving someone go, that was moments ago wanting to kill me. Well, at least I'm not dead. I'm not really for killing sleeping foes. Let's bind them up, keep them gagged, and check out that chest. Oh, and does anyone else need any healing?"
"Hey, bud. Looks like that Barbarian did a bit on you. Let's see if we can get something useful from that chest."
Investigation: 17
"Let's see, use the crowbar, this blade...ah ha! 3 healing potions. You take one. Save your limited spells for this boss she mentioned. And since the rest of us didn't really get too much hurt, save that Balm of yours...and sorry for making such an amateur mistake...anyone else need a potion?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Thanks, Cyrus. I hope you've a better handle on your stuff..." 7
"A Twilight Cleric? That could be a problem, if they've gotten up their experience. They have the best vision for being in the dark, and their Domain has a ghastly healing feature...does anyone need to rest, before that?"
" break these ones?" Maul asks as they take out their maul and sets it next to one of the sleeping goblin's head. "Can wake, shout for help. Better if they not speak anymore."
Compline shakes her head. "We do not... need to kill them. Maybe this is only their job, and they have families. I do not want to create more orphans unnecessarily. They are not a threat to us now... let's only tie them up." She pulls a length of rope out of her backpack and stooping down, she huffs and puffs to drag the two sleeping goblins over to Zephyr and proceeds to tie them all up together with secure knots around their hands and feet. Her mouth set grimly as she ties the knots.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"Good to see you all here...and a goblin barbarian? Well, we've an Aasmir from the Shadowfell, so why not?"
He looks around at the interesting collection of people, and thinks...which has never been his strong suit, not known for being at the top of the intelligence pool of things, nor for being the wisest of fighters. However, he's survived his share of fights, so has a good deal of least when it come to being a fighter, and plans.
"Scouting's a good idea. We need to know what sort of enemies we face, as well as where this 'Fallen Star' is kept; it probably won't be in plain sight. While it would be good to avoid enemies, we also have no idea as to how many there are, so enemies we don't take care of now, could come at us from behind for those that we can't avoid. I know you magic types have things like sleep, but I also know you have limits to how often you can do that, and need to save spells for other things...ya healers types, when I've worked with ya, saved my backside, so I know ya want to keep muscles like me this side of the dirt. See how well we can Surprise enemies, and take them out as fast and stealthy as possible?"
The elf looks a bit past Cyrus with her sightless eyes, and smiles. "How nice to meet you. My name is Compline. I think you will not be disappointed with Maul, he has always been a wise and capable one." She pats the goblin on the shoulder affectionately. "I do not know what we are looking for exactly, but if this Fallen Star is valuable, it will certainly be guarded. I am ready when you are, I will follow." Compline pulls her hood a little farther down over her head, so that it is more difficult to see her face, her plainweave wool robe grey and indistinct and already seeming to blend into the shadows.
Stealth: 18
Maul glances at Compline as she pats them. They give a tentative sniff before letting her pat them. "Maul not know. Just know here smells strange. Come from cave so should be in there, other prey as well." They crouch down and walk like a dog on the hunt, low to the ground and sniffing at it.
Stealth: 13
Cautiously, Richie leads his allies into the cave. The initial entrance being just enough for them to file in, one by one. After about 20 feet, the underground illumination gaining some intensity from the variety of ice and crystals that are growing in seeming random spots. The walls look slick, with the ice, so that probably wouldn't be an option to avoid any encounters. The growths don't look like they would hide anything, but may obscure the view, somewhat.
Coming in on the right side, he sees a chest at an angle almost all the way across the cavern, and also notices the wide opening on the left. He doubts to star would be in the very first chest. Then again, with that being the most common assumption, maybe it would...
Off to the side, in an a back area, he hears some arguing: "Are you goblins trying to pick a fight. The rolls have been fair. I can't help it if I've gotten lucky rolls."
"You may be an Air Gensai..." the first starts.
"And a fairly strong barbarian..." the second continues.
"But you have to admit, Zephyr Stormwhisper, that 3 'nat 20s' in a row, seems suspicious..." the third concludes.
He turns back to his allies, and does his best to speak softly, glad that his voice isn't echoing, as he has no idea how much sound would carry: "It looks like they'll be busy arguing over some dice game. How should we handle this. I highly doubt the star's in a chest, but, well, the irony would be if we didn't examine it, and it is there...too bad we don't have a rouge..."
Cyrus makes his way into the cave, close to his "Shadowfell cousin," and looks to him, and then, to the arguing quartet. It was rather unprofessional, in his opinion, to be arguing over a dice game, while they were most likely assigned to guard the chest, or at least, the entrance.
As he takes the lead, telling his friend that he should help protect his "squishy team mate," his backpack bumps up against some jagged, crystals...and his crowbar comes undone, and bounces off the crystal a few times, and slides about five feet, before spinning to a stop. Cyrus feels his face turn so red, that you could probably use him as a night light.
"It's...not my fault," he insists, "It was secured...I'm not 'Solo,' whoever he is."
"Well, looks like they were right to expect company. Y'all don't look like much, but ya do have a cleric. Doubt he's got any sort of resurrection magic. Still, best to take care of you, first. I think I'd like to RAGE!" Zephyr charges to the cleric, ignoring the fighter.
"Ignore me, will you? Now, you'll get this!" 6
"A fighter with some bite, huh? Looks like your attempt to be the 'good sentinel' falls flat. Loud & clumsy, and missed your attack...I'm surprised you're still alive. Now, there's a cleric to Kill!"
The Air Air Gensai swings her Greataxe at the Cleric: 19. The attack does 10
Let's see how you like this! "Ray of Frost" 9. Cold damage: 2 (Stormwhisper's speed reduced by 10)
In shadows deep, I call to thee, A shield of light, let none harm me. With whispered prayers, I weave this grace, Protect my heart, my sacred space. (bonus action)
Maul looks to where the Genasi came from, "Maul take on other prey." They say as they charge forward to meet the goblins with two swings of your light hammers.
Attack: 18 Damage: 7
Attack: 13 Damage: 5
The three goblins had hung back for a moment, curiously watching what their boss was up to, but they eagerly leap into the fray as another goblin comes swinging at them with his hammers. "Hey! Who are you?" Maul's target sneers, and slaps off both hammers with his scimitar. "Maybe you should introduce yourself first, cousin!" He then returns blow for blow.
Goblin #1 Scimitar Attack: 18 Damage: 8
Compline, her ears twitching towards the sound of the goblins running forward, follows after Maul. She cannot see them, only hear them, but she can apparently also hear the soft swoosh of them drawing their shortbows at her, and brings her shield up.
Goblin #2 Shortbow at Compline Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Goblin #3 Shortbow at Compline Attack: 11 Damage: 6
The arrows scatter off of Compline's shield, and she continues her movement towards the attackers she cannot see. But when she gets close enough, some other instinct seems to take over, and it is as if her senses sharpen, her body tunes into its surroundings, and it is almost as if she sees. Her shield in her left hand, her right hand cracks out with a whip at Goblin #1 as he faces off with Maul.
Compline Whip Attack on Goblin #1: 10 Damage: 4
It's a good hit, even though she stands 10 feet away from her target. The whip snakes viciously out and catches Goblin #1 around his neck, leaving such a gash that blood pours from the wound. Goblin #1 gasps, gurgles, and drops his scimitar to grab at his neck. His own blood pooling over his clutching claws, he topples to the ground... dead.
"No!" The other two goblins shout, aghast. And turn blood-red, beady eyes full of rage and apprehension towards his killer, the blind elf.
Primrose casts "Sleep" on the goblins. (and Genasi)
(In case it rerolls)
(For Maul's attack)
Goblins, using their shields (15 AC), are able to just barely repel Maul's attacks, although the force of it does drive them back, staggering and scurrying to try to regain their footing after such force. They realize that if it wasn't for their shields, this Goblin would have probably leveled them.
(OOC: CORRECTION. I missed Compline taking out one of the Goblins. With that, and combining their HP, that means we have 28, so all 3 remaining opponents fall asleep)
The goblins start to slow down in their attacks, their minds and bodies becoming lethargic. Everything with them seems to happen in slow motion. Slowing further, they each slowly fall into different states of collapse, before they fall over, asleep.
Zephyr finds herself feeling effected by the spell, partly because of being hurt by the Ray of Frost, and the cold making her more susceptible.
"Damn...if it wasn't for...cold, I'd be able to just rage...wizard should have been my first mark. You get this round....This chest ain't a mimic. Other chests may...our Twilight Cleric...cast sleep. See yous on the flip..." With that, Zephyr Stormwhisper drops, slowly, and falls asleep against the cold wall.
(For the Goblins and the Barbarian, each party member gets 60 XP).
"I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving someone go, that was moments ago wanting to kill me. Well, at least I'm not dead. I'm not really for killing sleeping foes. Let's bind them up, keep them gagged, and check out that chest. Oh, and does anyone else need any healing?"
"Hey, bud. Looks like that Barbarian did a bit on you. Let's see if we can get something useful from that chest."
Investigation: 17
"Let's see, use the crowbar, this blade...ah ha! 3 healing potions. You take one. Save your limited spells for this boss she mentioned. And since the rest of us didn't really get too much hurt, save that Balm of yours...and sorry for making such an amateur mistake...anyone else need a potion?"
"Thanks, Cyrus. I hope you've a better handle on your stuff..." 7
"A Twilight Cleric? That could be a problem, if they've gotten up their experience. They have the best vision for being in the dark, and their Domain has a ghastly healing feature...does anyone need to rest, before that?"
" break these ones?" Maul asks as they take out their maul and sets it next to one of the sleeping goblin's head. "Can wake, shout for help. Better if they not speak anymore."
Compline shakes her head. "We do not... need to kill them. Maybe this is only their job, and they have families. I do not want to create more orphans unnecessarily. They are not a threat to us now... let's only tie them up." She pulls a length of rope out of her backpack and stooping down, she huffs and puffs to drag the two sleeping goblins over to Zephyr and proceeds to tie them all up together with secure knots around their hands and feet. Her mouth set grimly as she ties the knots.