With a bit of smirk, Doozey waved goodbye to Braden after reconfirming the plan with Braden, before again regarding Rathene. A look of disappointment soon crossed his face, and yet he nodded, affirming freedom was hers. Before she is to depart, Doozey stepped forth to hand her one last card that simply read in common: Well, if you ever change your mind, you'll know where to find us. Though if any of the others had already conveyed as much first, then he'd skip straight to waving goodbye to the half-orc ex-Fist member before again regarding to Raist.
"Neya has right of it. Best stay night with us. Make easier to make good time in morning. We has, eh... spare room."He said/assured in draconic, then without missing a beat began leading the way back to the Leadstopper home, self-assured in every follow along at their own pace.
Rathene accepts Doozey's smile and note. She nods at Neya and Raist, and spares a handshake for Utar by simply saying "Kin..."Leaving it at that, she steps away and disappears behind a different corner than the one used by Braden just a moment ago.
Attentions once again turn to Raist, with CRAP inviting him to spend the night at the Leadstopper Residence, CRAP's headquarters. Whether the elf accepts it or not, Doozey soon begins leading the group that way.
Sagin, the kobold CRAP employs as their HQ caretaker and cook, is fast asleep at this late hour.
(OOC: You are welcome to take a long rest at this point. Since Sagin is not available at the moment, unless you decide to wake him up, I'll ask you to deduct a ration from your inventories for the day. Should you try to whip up something at the kitchen yourselves, someone will have to roll a survival check, for which proficiency with cook's utensils also applies. If you are proficient in both, you can perform the check with advantage.)
Utar returns Rathene's handshakeand gives her a simple head nod. "Kin. Go well."
With Rathene now disappeared into the darkness of the night, Utar heads into Leadstopper Manor. Looking with fondness towards the kitchen, he sighs and heads up to bed. It will be morning soon enough and he can break his fast then.
"That seems like a reasonable enough plan" Raist wheezes
Upon arriving Raist definitely does not wake the kobold just finds a Kettle to boil water and a cup to make his tea then sits at the table cup in his hands
Without any cause for concern to gnaw at the back of his mind, Doozey took but a brief moment upon entering headquarters to sniff at the air, making sure no uncomfortable new scents yet lingered there, before finally relaxing the shoulders and trudge towards his room eager to find respite. He paused for a moment to trace Utar's gaze to the kitchen and sighed at almost about the same time as the half-orc. He'd see to dinner in the form of rations once in his room, but not before hissing out a few words in draconic, assuring Raist he could camp out in the dining room or take his rest in the guest bedroom for the night.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Once Raist accepts CRAP's invitation, the party moves quickly to reach Leadstopper Residence. Tired from the long day, and despite Utar's pensive moment regarding the kitchen, most CRAPers quickly find their way to their rooms. Raist stops to prepare and consume some tea before bed, but soon finds his way to a bed as well. Doozey is sure to point out the guest room in case the elf wants to claim it for the night.
-> You may now complete a long rest.
(OOC: Returning to Phlan and completing a long rest marks the end of ACT II - GRIMSHACKLE JAIL. You can each add 5,100 XP to your character sheets, which should put you above the threshold for Level 13. Time to level up, boys! Be sure to check the OOC channel for details, including some correction in XP totals for a couple of folks.)
When the others awaken they will find Raist still at the table. Cold mug of tea on the table at his side. Papers with writings and symbols around the image of a door. Various materials are written and crossed out.. he seems to be in a bit of a trance
While not a stranger to waking up early, the halfling that burst out of Doozey's room was a disheveled mess that fought to stay standing while whistling and putting on a boot. The whistles are soon drowned out however, as the sound of some great baying beast preceded the sight of a tundra mastiff bounding out of the same room and after the halfling. Though Raist might recall mention of said mastiff by Cassra, any stories shared on the beast prior likely paled in comparison in terms of size when compared to seeing Biscuit, as he stood as nearly as tall if not taller than a full-grown man even when on all fours! Yet curiously enough, Biscuit moved with a supernatural grace even when seemingly bounding recklessly after Doozey, as hardly any possible wall fixtures or stray furniture seemed to hardly stir with the beast's passing.
"Wha-ah! Rai!" Doozey gasped. "Have you be--mevermime! Uhh! We, uh, I be, ohh, oh we're so wa'e!"Deciding to ignore the elf for the moment, Doozey finishes getting his shoot on properly while Biscuit beelined it for the kitchen, fully intending on begging a few morning morsels out of a certain draconic compatriot... if he was awake so early in the morning.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Neya wakes up, with a strange feeling of being lighter than she remembers while still feeling the same. An odd feeling to say the least (as possibly most). She comes downstairs and sees Raist already seated.
She is at first concerned that it didn't seem he had moved at all as she descended the stairs and approached the table. But something within told her nothing wasn't terribly wrong.
Sagin was scared at first. It is not everyday that a burglar sits quietly at the invaded home's dinner table, "half-awake" and holding a half-empty cup of cold tea. He reached for the wand secured to his waist, a gift from Master Doozey. He had hoped he would never have to use it. Who in their right mind would invade the headquarters of the of the most prominent adventuring party in town? The kobold stood there, hesitating for several minutes, wondering if there was anything he could do that would end this encounter more peacefully. The more he thought about it, the more he convinced himself that the thieving elf was playing with him. Surely, he was just pretending to be asleep. Surely, the elf knew exactly where poor Sagin stood and what his intentions were with that wand. Perhaps, the burglar is here FOR Sagin's wand! Yes, he is just waiting for Sagin to make the first move... which the kobold will do any minute now... any minute...
Doozey appears in the kitchen and calls the elf by name. That is a good sign. Sagin falls on his bottom with relief. Before he can engage in conversation with either the halfling or the elf, Biscuit is already upon the kobold, licking, woofing, zooming, begging for breakfast.
By the time Master Neya joins the group in the kitchen, Sagin has already prepared a fruit spread to serve as the party's light breakfast for the morning. Biscuit gets a quickly prepared sausage or two, and Sagin asks if anyone else would like something warm and salty to go with the cold and refreshing fruit this morning. Finally, the caretaker puts a kettle on the fire, expecting Master Utar to join soon and request his usual cup of tea.
Raist pops out of his reverie I guess you could call it at the commotion. He smiles at the mastiff acting like a puppy. He begins putting his notes back together while watching the interplay.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Doozey, having at some point during breakfast taken to examining his things and making sure he had resupplied on blank cards that morning, looked up to Neya and started immediately shaking his head; only to abruptly pause a sudden thought. "Hmm... I meme... we were sor'a suppose, uhh.. shry am meep Cappy Fis am amober, bu.... Eh, Be'er 'e be afer ewin' wi' sables."He tried his best to say in common before switching to draconic and adding, "If lucky, Rethene yet meet there and remind about exact timing of meeting we forget ask before."
As Doozey turned his attention towards repacking some things (along with some carefully bundled up apple slices for the road) his gaze lingered on a strip of white cloth. Nimble little fingers soon snatched it up, and as assuredly as he wrapped it about a hand the words for a charm spilled forth his lips, stirring the air and leaving both Biscuit, Sagin, and Raist feeling a gentle warmth wrap around them and bolster their spirits and vigor. Doozey appeared a touch caught off guard when the same breeze returned and coalesced about him, ruffling still unbound hair and leaving it almost perpetually dancing... much to his visible chagrin. But breathing it in over the course of a few moments, he felt a subtler sense of invigoration that nevertheless left a small, crooked smile on his face.
-Cast (3rd level)Aid on Biscuit, Raist, and Sagin. -Spending charge of Tireless, gaining 7(6) Temp HP till depleted/next long rest.
(OOC: I asked a few clarifying question in the OOC Chat. For now, let me resolve the HP boosts.)
While CRAP munches and collects their things, Doozey casts a boosting spell on Raist, Neya, and Biscuit, providing them with vitality beyond that offered naturally by their own bodies. (Raist, Neya, and Biscuit each see their max and current HP increase by 10 for the next 8 hours.)
Performing a quick breathing exercise, the halfling then pushes his own body beyond its natural limits (Doozey gains 6 temp HP.)
While a number of minor questions float through Utar's head as he lays in his bed, none of them particualrly keep him awake or prevent him from quietly drifting off. There is a nagging worry that they have not contacted Aleyd yet, although there is additional information to provide so that works out and there might be other questions for the good Captain from the rest of CRAP in any case. There is a hope tht Rathene finds herself slipping from Phlan unnoticed towards a new life elsewhere and there is a need to help Doozey recover what was taken from him...
Waking refeshed, Utar readies himself but before going downstairs to join the others, he finds his view directed towards his trunk. Kneeling besides it, his hands move as if guided, knocking some items out of the way until they clutch around something he hasn't used or indeed seen since his early days at the temple. A smooth, painted disc inscribed with prayers he hasn't used since he was required to memories them as a new adept. Holding the prayer wheel, he wonders why his hands were drawn towards it and whether this might serve in some useful way in the coming days. The more he holds the wheel the more certain he is that this is essential and that the guidance that led his hands towards it was on the instruction of Torm.
Coming downstairs, Utar places the wheel on the table in front of Doozey, a fire burning in Utar's eyes. "I have an idea, Doozey. Are you ready?"
Doozey lofted a brow and cocked his head slightly to the side at the question. But between wanting to hurry along to their meetings, both the guaranteed and the potential, he just nodded thinking the half-orc been blessed that morning with some expedient means of translocating the party. Though almost as soon as he had the thought he looks away furrowing his brow and quietly questioning the very notion. For why would he single out Utar single him out specifically...?
As the stoutling became lost in thought its perhaps in that same moment that Utar becomes aware of two things. One is the fact that Doozey hasn't quite figured out what Utar intends to do, but is gradually piecing things together. And two... there's a good chance if Doozey becomes aware before the process even begins that he might reject the blessing.
But why the latter? From the few times Utar has seen him eat the stoutling clearly had some difficulties consuming anything solid, and with every attempt to communicate verbally -- even in languages that relied less on the need for a tongue -- the act often grew visibly frustrated the otherwise usually unflappable halfling. Yet he soldiered on out without a single word of complaint and hasn't remotely even broached the subject of trying to get the tongue back since the deal. Perhaps then Utar's thoughts drift in the direction of the past and to how things went in the forest and the deal itself. Would growing a new tongue somehow be in violation of the Pact? Or might out of spite the hag enforces some new penalty if she should discover what happened? Could the reason why Doozey hadn't expressed any desire to search for a means to restore his tongue be wrapped up in such concerns as well? Given how adamant the halfling had been about following Serenolla's advice about the path, as well as his overall disposition where it came with any deals or promises, the odds certainly favor him being stubborn about adhering to the Pact.
Then again, nothing seemed to have come of him using nonverbal means to communicate so far. Nor of his speaking in other languages, if albeit with some mixed results. Regardless, how things ultimately proceed is up to Utar...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Raist watches the pair with his head locked out of curiosity. He puts the papers in his pouch after separating the one with what looks to be a door drawn on it
Utar joins the group downstairs and, based on some promising endeavor the cleric has in mind, all eyes turn to Doozey. The halfing's face turns and twists in internal dialogue, and Raist and Neya observe and get ready.
Oblivious to the party's plans for the day, good old loyal Sagin continues to cut fruit and cook sausages to replenish the pieces the CRAPers consume. The kobold even prepares packed servings for the group to take on the road, should they so wish.
(OOC: You may each add one ration to your inventories. RP-wise, it would make sense to use this ration this same day.)
Thrusting the prayer wheel into the stoutling's hands, Utar gives Doozey a warning. "I am not at all sure how this will go. But I feel Torm is watching closely, so there is likely no better time than now..."
Placing his own hands over Doozey's, Utar begins to chant, slowly at first, but quickly gaining in speed. His eyes lock with the stoutling and the hand of Torm on his pauldron illuminates sudddenly. As Utar's fevered chanting matches the words inscribed on the prayer wheel, their script illuminates, for just a moment at first but then as Utar's chanting speed increases, it is as though they are permanetly illumianted. Just as Utar's chanting reaches a cresendo, the prayer wheel itself begins to spin despite being held by the stoutling and the orc.
Just as suddenly as it began, Utar's chanting comes to an abrupt stop and the cleric slumps forward in his seat, releasing Doozey's hands on the prayer wheel. The illumination of the words slowly begins to fade and Utar pushes himself up and looks expectantly at Doozey. The fire that was previously in his eyes appears to have disappeared.
"Well? How do you feel? Take your time, I cannot guarantee this will be pleasant."
(OOC - Hopefully Utar successfully cast regenerate. Doozey regains 4d8+15 hp (which isn't really needed given the long rest) plus 1hp at the start of his turn for the next hour. Any missing body parts should regrow after 2 minutes.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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With a bit of smirk, Doozey waved goodbye to Braden after reconfirming the plan with Braden, before again regarding Rathene. A look of disappointment soon crossed his face, and yet he nodded, affirming freedom was hers. Before she is to depart, Doozey stepped forth to hand her one last card that simply read in common: Well, if you ever change your mind, you'll know where to find us. Though if any of the others had already conveyed as much first, then he'd skip straight to waving goodbye to the half-orc ex-Fist member before again regarding to Raist.
"Neya has right of it. Best stay night with us. Make easier to make good time in morning. We has, eh... spare room." He said/assured in draconic, then without missing a beat began leading the way back to the Leadstopper home, self-assured in every follow along at their own pace.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Rathene accepts Doozey's smile and note. She nods at Neya and Raist, and spares a handshake for Utar by simply saying "Kin..." Leaving it at that, she steps away and disappears behind a different corner than the one used by Braden just a moment ago.
Attentions once again turn to Raist, with CRAP inviting him to spend the night at the Leadstopper Residence, CRAP's headquarters. Whether the elf accepts it or not, Doozey soon begins leading the group that way.
Sagin, the kobold CRAP employs as their HQ caretaker and cook, is fast asleep at this late hour.
(OOC: You are welcome to take a long rest at this point. Since Sagin is not available at the moment, unless you decide to wake him up, I'll ask you to deduct a ration from your inventories for the day. Should you try to whip up something at the kitchen yourselves, someone will have to roll a survival check, for which proficiency with cook's utensils also applies. If you are proficient in both, you can perform the check with advantage.)
Utar returns Rathene's handshakeand gives her a simple head nod. "Kin. Go well."
With Rathene now disappeared into the darkness of the night, Utar heads into Leadstopper Manor. Looking with fondness towards the kitchen, he sighs and heads up to bed. It will be morning soon enough and he can break his fast then.
"That seems like a reasonable enough plan" Raist wheezes
Upon arriving Raist definitely does not wake the kobold just finds a Kettle to boil water and a cup to make his tea then sits at the table cup in his hands
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Without any cause for concern to gnaw at the back of his mind, Doozey took but a brief moment upon entering headquarters to sniff at the air, making sure no uncomfortable new scents yet lingered there, before finally relaxing the shoulders and trudge towards his room eager to find respite. He paused for a moment to trace Utar's gaze to the kitchen and sighed at almost about the same time as the half-orc. He'd see to dinner in the form of rations once in his room, but not before hissing out a few words in draconic, assuring Raist he could camp out in the dining room or take his rest in the guest bedroom for the night.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Once Raist accepts CRAP's invitation, the party moves quickly to reach Leadstopper Residence. Tired from the long day, and despite Utar's pensive moment regarding the kitchen, most CRAPers quickly find their way to their rooms. Raist stops to prepare and consume some tea before bed, but soon finds his way to a bed as well. Doozey is sure to point out the guest room in case the elf wants to claim it for the night.
-> You may now complete a long rest.
(OOC: Returning to Phlan and completing a long rest marks the end of ACT II - GRIMSHACKLE JAIL. You can each add 5,100 XP to your character sheets, which should put you above the threshold for Level 13. Time to level up, boys! Be sure to check the OOC channel for details, including some correction in XP totals for a couple of folks.)
When the others awaken they will find Raist still at the table. Cold mug of tea on the table at his side. Papers with writings and symbols around the image of a door. Various materials are written and crossed out.. he seems to be in a bit of a trance
Laissez les bons temps rouler
While not a stranger to waking up early, the halfling that burst out of Doozey's room was a disheveled mess that fought to stay standing while whistling and putting on a boot. The whistles are soon drowned out however, as the sound of some great baying beast preceded the sight of a tundra mastiff bounding out of the same room and after the halfling. Though Raist might recall mention of said mastiff by Cassra, any stories shared on the beast prior likely paled in comparison in terms of size when compared to seeing Biscuit, as he stood as nearly as tall if not taller than a full-grown man even when on all fours! Yet curiously enough, Biscuit moved with a supernatural grace even when seemingly bounding recklessly after Doozey, as hardly any possible wall fixtures or stray furniture seemed to hardly stir with the beast's passing.
"Wha-ah! Rai!" Doozey gasped. "Have you be--mevermime! Uhh! We, uh, I be, ohh, oh we're so wa'e!" Deciding to ignore the elf for the moment, Doozey finishes getting his shoot on properly while Biscuit beelined it for the kitchen, fully intending on begging a few morning morsels out of a certain draconic compatriot... if he was awake so early in the morning.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Neya wakes up, with a strange feeling of being lighter than she remembers while still feeling the same. An odd feeling to say the least (as possibly most). She comes downstairs and sees Raist already seated.
She is at first concerned that it didn't seem he had moved at all as she descended the stairs and approached the table. But something within told her nothing wasn't terribly wrong.
Extended Signature
Sagin was scared at first. It is not everyday that a burglar sits quietly at the invaded home's dinner table, "half-awake" and holding a half-empty cup of cold tea. He reached for the wand secured to his waist, a gift from Master Doozey. He had hoped he would never have to use it. Who in their right mind would invade the headquarters of the of the most prominent adventuring party in town? The kobold stood there, hesitating for several minutes, wondering if there was anything he could do that would end this encounter more peacefully. The more he thought about it, the more he convinced himself that the thieving elf was playing with him. Surely, he was just pretending to be asleep. Surely, the elf knew exactly where poor Sagin stood and what his intentions were with that wand. Perhaps, the burglar is here FOR Sagin's wand! Yes, he is just waiting for Sagin to make the first move... which the kobold will do any minute now... any minute...
Doozey appears in the kitchen and calls the elf by name. That is a good sign. Sagin falls on his bottom with relief. Before he can engage in conversation with either the halfling or the elf, Biscuit is already upon the kobold, licking, woofing, zooming, begging for breakfast.
By the time Master Neya joins the group in the kitchen, Sagin has already prepared a fruit spread to serve as the party's light breakfast for the morning. Biscuit gets a quickly prepared sausage or two, and Sagin asks if anyone else would like something warm and salty to go with the cold and refreshing fruit this morning. Finally, the caretaker puts a kettle on the fire, expecting Master Utar to join soon and request his usual cup of tea.
Raist pops out of his reverie I guess you could call it at the commotion. He smiles at the mastiff acting like a puppy. He begins putting his notes back together while watching the interplay.
Laissez les bons temps rouler
"Do we need to take care of anything small on the way to the stables?" Neya asks before taking a bite of fruit.
Extended Signature
Doozey, having at some point during breakfast taken to examining his things and making sure he had resupplied on blank cards that morning, looked up to Neya and started immediately shaking his head; only to abruptly pause a sudden thought. "Hmm... I meme... we were sor'a suppose, uhh.. shry am meep Cappy Fis am amober, bu.... Eh, Be'er 'e be afer ewin' wi' sables." He tried his best to say in common before switching to draconic and adding, "If lucky, Rethene yet meet there and remind about exact timing of meeting we forget ask before."
As Doozey turned his attention towards repacking some things (along with some carefully bundled up apple slices for the road) his gaze lingered on a strip of white cloth. Nimble little fingers soon snatched it up, and as assuredly as he wrapped it about a hand the words for a charm spilled forth his lips, stirring the air and leaving both Biscuit, Sagin, and Raist feeling a gentle warmth wrap around them and bolster their spirits and vigor. Doozey appeared a touch caught off guard when the same breeze returned and coalesced about him, ruffling still unbound hair and leaving it almost perpetually dancing... much to his visible chagrin. But breathing it in over the course of a few moments, he felt a subtler sense of invigoration that nevertheless left a small, crooked smile on his face.
-Cast (3rd level)Aid on Biscuit, Raist, and Sagin.
-Spending charge of Tireless, gaining 7(6) Temp HP till depleted/next long rest.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
(OOC: I asked a few clarifying question in the OOC Chat. For now, let me resolve the HP boosts.)
While CRAP munches and collects their things, Doozey casts a boosting spell on Raist, Neya, and Biscuit, providing them with vitality beyond that offered naturally by their own bodies. (Raist, Neya, and Biscuit each see their max and current HP increase by 10 for the next 8 hours.)
Performing a quick breathing exercise, the halfling then pushes his own body beyond its natural limits (Doozey gains 6 temp HP.)
While a number of minor questions float through Utar's head as he lays in his bed, none of them particualrly keep him awake or prevent him from quietly drifting off. There is a nagging worry that they have not contacted Aleyd yet, although there is additional information to provide so that works out and there might be other questions for the good Captain from the rest of CRAP in any case. There is a hope tht Rathene finds herself slipping from Phlan unnoticed towards a new life elsewhere and there is a need to help Doozey recover what was taken from him...
Waking refeshed, Utar readies himself but before going downstairs to join the others, he finds his view directed towards his trunk. Kneeling besides it, his hands move as if guided, knocking some items out of the way until they clutch around something he hasn't used or indeed seen since his early days at the temple. A smooth, painted disc inscribed with prayers he hasn't used since he was required to memories them as a new adept. Holding the prayer wheel, he wonders why his hands were drawn towards it and whether this might serve in some useful way in the coming days. The more he holds the wheel the more certain he is that this is essential and that the guidance that led his hands towards it was on the instruction of Torm.
Coming downstairs, Utar places the wheel on the table in front of Doozey, a fire burning in Utar's eyes. "I have an idea, Doozey. Are you ready?"
Doozey lofted a brow and cocked his head slightly to the side at the question. But between wanting to hurry along to their meetings, both the guaranteed and the potential, he just nodded thinking the half-orc been blessed that morning with some expedient means of translocating the party. Though almost as soon as he had the thought he looks away furrowing his brow and quietly questioning the very notion. For why would he single out Utar single him out specifically...?
As the stoutling became lost in thought its perhaps in that same moment that Utar becomes aware of two things. One is the fact that Doozey hasn't quite figured out what Utar intends to do, but is gradually piecing things together. And two... there's a good chance if Doozey becomes aware before the process even begins that he might reject the blessing.
But why the latter? From the few times Utar has seen him eat the stoutling clearly had some difficulties consuming anything solid, and with every attempt to communicate verbally -- even in languages that relied less on the need for a tongue -- the act often grew visibly frustrated the otherwise usually unflappable halfling. Yet he soldiered on out without a single word of complaint and hasn't remotely even broached the subject of trying to get the tongue back since the deal. Perhaps then Utar's thoughts drift in the direction of the past and to how things went in the forest and the deal itself. Would growing a new tongue somehow be in violation of the Pact? Or might out of spite the hag enforces some new penalty if she should discover what happened? Could the reason why Doozey hadn't expressed any desire to search for a means to restore his tongue be wrapped up in such concerns as well? Given how adamant the halfling had been about following Serenolla's advice about the path, as well as his overall disposition where it came with any deals or promises, the odds certainly favor him being stubborn about adhering to the Pact.
Then again, nothing seemed to have come of him using nonverbal means to communicate so far. Nor of his speaking in other languages, if albeit with some mixed results. Regardless, how things ultimately proceed is up to Utar...
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Raist watches the pair with his head locked out of curiosity. He puts the papers in his pouch after separating the one with what looks to be a door drawn on it
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Sees the activity surrounding Utar and Doozey. She is quick to realize what's happening. She feels a mix of hope and worry.
Extended Signature
Utar joins the group downstairs and, based on some promising endeavor the cleric has in mind, all eyes turn to Doozey. The halfing's face turns and twists in internal dialogue, and Raist and Neya observe and get ready.
Oblivious to the party's plans for the day, good old loyal Sagin continues to cut fruit and cook sausages to replenish the pieces the CRAPers consume. The kobold even prepares packed servings for the group to take on the road, should they so wish.
(OOC: You may each add one ration to your inventories. RP-wise, it would make sense to use this ration this same day.)
The party waits for Utar's next move...
Thrusting the prayer wheel into the stoutling's hands, Utar gives Doozey a warning. "I am not at all sure how this will go. But I feel Torm is watching closely, so there is likely no better time than now..."
Placing his own hands over Doozey's, Utar begins to chant, slowly at first, but quickly gaining in speed. His eyes lock with the stoutling and the hand of Torm on his pauldron illuminates sudddenly. As Utar's fevered chanting matches the words inscribed on the prayer wheel, their script illuminates, for just a moment at first but then as Utar's chanting speed increases, it is as though they are permanetly illumianted. Just as Utar's chanting reaches a cresendo, the prayer wheel itself begins to spin despite being held by the stoutling and the orc.
Just as suddenly as it began, Utar's chanting comes to an abrupt stop and the cleric slumps forward in his seat, releasing Doozey's hands on the prayer wheel. The illumination of the words slowly begins to fade and Utar pushes himself up and looks expectantly at Doozey. The fire that was previously in his eyes appears to have disappeared.
"Well? How do you feel? Take your time, I cannot guarantee this will be pleasant."
(OOC - Hopefully Utar successfully cast regenerate. Doozey regains 4d8+15 hp (which isn't really needed given the long rest) plus 1hp at the start of his turn for the next hour. Any missing body parts should regrow after 2 minutes.)