Hey, it can’t hurt to have someone with a god’s blessing on our team. Then a bit quieter, he seems to want his peace. Let’s give him an hour, then we must come together to discuss our plans for this tournament.
Though it is late, the tavern is still bustling with customers. It's not only a nice gathering space, but it's also the cheapest place to stay for aspiring knights, who don't have anywhere better. As the party talks, with indeed a grudge or two already being formed, a Young man enters the room, bearing the tournaments symbol on his tunic. The room goes silent. "Is there anyone here from team Gilmyer?" He loudly calls out, looking around.
{[Just checked the first post, and that said Glmyer, my bad. It should be Gilmyer.]}
He approaches Torgar and hands him a sealed envelop. "This is a letter from your patron, with instructions for tomorrow. I suggest you get a good nights rest." He than proceeds to do similar with several other gathered groups.
The day has come for you to take your first steps toward the renown you seek. As your patron, I expect nothing less than the display of unity, courage, and skill that I know you are capable of. Your journey begins today at the Grand Tournament of Valoria.
Your first challenge awaits you at dawn. You will be tested on your endurance, strategy, and combat prowess. Here are your instructions for the day:
At sunrise, present yourselves at the tournament grounds' eastern gate, where the herald will call forth the teams. Wear your best gear, for this will be your formal introduction to the lords and knights of Valoria. Make sure to hold your heads high—many eyes will be upon you.
Mid-morning: You will face the Trial of Endurance. This challenge will test your stamina as you navigate obstacles and overcome physical trials. Work together to conquer each task swiftly, for time is of the essence. Every second will count toward your final score.
In the afternoon, you will participate in the Combat Demonstration. Teams will enter the arena to battle summoned creatures. Remember, victory here is not merely in defeating your foes, but in how you stand as one—tactical thinking and coordination will bring you glory.
Heed these instructions well, for the fate of your knighthood journey lies in your hands. Fight with honour, trust your comrades, and show Valoria the strength of Team Gilmyer.
There is much more to come, but for now, focus on the trials ahead. I will be watching.
We should present ourselves as a single unit tomorrow morning, a single mind with determination and resolve.
Re-reading the note about wearing our finest gear, and then looking at the group and finally landing on Im’mame’s degraded gear…
Sir, tomorrow is an important day for us and while I can see you care for and maintain your equipment, may I suggest getting them professionally cleaned and polished?
Speaking to the rest of the group…
I also plan on getting my horse groomed to look a proper warhorse as well. It’s been a long road and even the steeds could use some pampering.
The barmaid returns with the drinks and plates, as well as another letter, sealed with the Gilmyer crest. "Her y'all go, sorry about the wait. That courier forgot to give ya this letter." Letter contents:
To Team Gilmyer,
Your first trial is nearly upon you. The Trial of Endurance will test your strength, agility, and resilience. You will face this trial alone, without the aid of your teammates. Each of you must prove your individual worth, and only through your own effort will you succeed.
The trial is a course filled with obstacles, each designed to challenge a different skill. Pay close attention, for every failure will cost you time.
Trial of Endurance: Course Overview 1. Climbing Wall: A 20-foot structure stands before you. Scale it with strength and determination. - Roll an Athletics check (DC 12). Failure will slow you down.
2. Balance Beam: Cross a narrow beam over a pit of mud, requiring sure footing and focus. - Roll an Acrobatics check (DC 13). Falling means time lost as you climb back up.
3. Rope Swing: Swing across a wide pit of water using a rope. Precision will be key. - Roll an Athletics or Acrobatics check (DC 14). Falling into the water will further delay you.
4. Heavy Load Haul: Lift and carry a heavy log across rough terrain. Strength alone will see you through. - Roll an Athletics check (DC 15). Dropping the log will cost you precious time.
5. Crawl Through Vines: A thicket of thorny vines stands in your path. Carefully maneuveur through them to avoid injury. - Roll a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13). Failing will result in delays or damage from the thorns.
6. Final Sprint: A 100-foot dash to the finish line. Only your willpower and stamina will carry you through. - Roll a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) to avoid exhaustion and finish strong.
Each obstacle is designed to test your endurance in different ways. Failures will add time to your overall score, so be sure to approach each challenge with care. At the end of the trial, your individual performance will determine your standing.
However, this tournament is more than just a series of trials. You must also contend with those who would see you fail—not all your opponents will play fair. To aid you, I offer a brief overview of the teams you will face. Use this knowledge wisely.
The Crimson Hawks Verdict: Avoid at all costs. Aggressive, battle-hardened, and arrogant, they view themselves as the natural winners. Sir Branden Harthwell leads with confidence, but don’t be fooled—they will gladly see you fall if it helps their chances.
The Silver Talons Verdict: Potential allies. Lady Isolde Falconcrest and her team fight for honour and the old codes of knighthood. Earn their respect, and they may be valuable allies in the days to come. But their commitment to chivalry does not mean they will go easy on you.
The Black Vipers Verdict: Stay vigilant. Lysandra Nightsbane and her band of rogues will use deception and underhanded tactics at every opportunity. Trust nothing they say or do. They are your most dangerous foes when it comes to playing fair.
The Iron Bulls Verdict: Honourable, but dangerous. Torvald Stonefist’s team values strength and unity. They fight with respect but don’t underestimate their raw power. If you earn their respect, they may leave you be, but cross them, and you will feel the full force of their might.
The Azure Blades Verdict: Keep your distance. Kaelith Swiftblade’s team is methodical and precise. They are not interested in alliances or rivalries—they simply aim to win. Engaging with them is a risk, as they often outthink their opponents.
The Blood Ravens Verdict: Wild card—proceed with caution. Seraph Volarius leads a team of survivors, each with something to prove. They fight for redemption, but desperation may make them unpredictable. Their loyalties are unclear, so tread carefully.
P.S. As you move forward, it is worth considering the value of unity. A well-coordinated team is often the difference between success and failure. Every great force needs a guiding hand—someone to rally the group, to make decisions when the time comes. I leave it to you to determine who among you will rise to that role. Choose wisely, for a leader will shape not only the outcome of these trials but your journey as knights.
P.P.S. Remember, as you embark on this journey, your appearance speaks volumes about your character. The Tunic of Gilmyer you received is not merely a uniform; it is a symbol of your commitment to honour and excellence. Wear it with pride and keep it clean.
Your armour should shine, reflecting your dedication to the chivalric ideals you strive to embody. Ensure your blades are sharpened and ready for any challenge. Presentation matters, for it is not only about how you carry yourself, but how others perceive you. A polished knight commands respect and instills confidence in their allies.
May fortune favour you.
- A Friend in the Shadows
I'll give the instructions again when the time comes.
"This is...a lot. Our benefactor certainly did his research." Sirin remarks, obviously a little overwhelmed after reading through the letter from the barmaid. She lays it out on the table for whoever else wants to peruse it. Strength...Most of it sounds like she should be able to keep up with her acrobatics, at least. Shrugging, she digs into her meal, being extra careful not to get any on her precious tunic. "Ah, of course! I must have Monty looking his best as well. Hmm...Shall I braid his mane...? I suppose ribbons would be inappropriate." Clearly, she is extremely attached to her horse already. "And as for a leader, in my opinion...not me. Torgar seems experienced with such things from his time in the military, but I would hear everyone else's opinion."
OOC - DM: Can I get pricing for horse grooming and to place a gleaming enchantment on my tunic (never gets dirty).
Also, can you clarify how Rage would work for the obstacle course (specifically; would it last for more than 1 obstacle)
Your rage lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds). It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then.
You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
so every time you fail on obstacle, it adds a minute. I'd say you can use it for one obstacle, for all the rolls, but lose it at the end of the obstacle. As for the pricing. There is a shop in town that will take care grooming horses, as well as polish weapons and armour, and washing clothes. I'm not great when it comes to prices just so you know. 9 GP for grooming horses. 17 for polishing armour and weapons, and washing stuff.
Keshin groans at the thought of standing out at all. "This benefactor... they know who they hired, right?? I don't stand out, and I sure as hell don't follow any codes. I'm a spy for pete's sake, I'm not supposed to stand out." He mutters angrily. He takes another swig of his drink before getting up angrily to go get cleaned up or something like that.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
Keshin noticed the "G" token be placed down and walked over. "Mind if I join you?
Danami set his plate down and responded, "Yes, of course! I'm Danami Pithom of the Watch. I received a summons to be here to meet up with a few others for a tournament and you're the first to introduce yourself since I've arrived." Danami extended an arm and hand for greeting.
Keshin sits down and takes Danami's hand with a firm handshake. "A pleasure. The name's Keshin, intelligence officer of the kingdom of Niki. I assume from the G token that you're one of us?" He flicks his thumb back to the rest of team Gilmyer.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
Sorry, I forgot about the gleaming. We'll go with 60 GP. Yes, you can groom the horses yourselves, but it should make sense lore wise. Some of you just got your horse couple days ago. But I won't stop you from doing it yourself. It will take time, but I genuinely don't care how the horses get cleaned.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Hey, it can’t hurt to have someone with a god’s blessing on our team. Then a bit quieter, he seems to want his peace. Let’s give him an hour, then we must come together to discuss our plans for this tournament.
Keshin scoffs, but ultimately leaves lm'mame to his evening discipline.
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
Though it is late, the tavern is still bustling with customers. It's not only a nice gathering space, but it's also the cheapest place to stay for aspiring knights, who don't have anywhere better.
As the party talks, with indeed a grudge or two already being formed, a Young man enters the room, bearing the tournaments symbol on his tunic. The room goes silent.
"Is there anyone here from team Gilmyer?" He loudly calls out, looking around.
Torgar looks at his teammates and then stands up, If you mean Glymer then we are here and we are ready. What news do you bring.
{[Just checked the first post, and that said Glmyer, my bad. It should be Gilmyer.]}
He approaches Torgar and hands him a sealed envelop.
"This is a letter from your patron, with instructions for tomorrow. I suggest you get a good nights rest." He than proceeds to do similar with several other gathered groups.
Sirin leans forward, barely containing her excitement as she waits to find out what the documents say.
Letter contents:
To the Brave Aspirants of Team Gilmyer,
The day has come for you to take your first steps toward the renown you seek. As your patron, I expect nothing less than the display of unity, courage, and skill that I know you are capable of. Your journey begins today at the Grand Tournament of Valoria.
Your first challenge awaits you at dawn.
You will be tested on your endurance, strategy, and combat prowess. Here are your instructions for the day:
At sunrise, present yourselves at the tournament grounds' eastern gate, where the herald will call forth the teams. Wear your best gear, for this will be your formal introduction to the lords and knights of Valoria. Make sure to hold your heads high—many eyes will be upon you.
Mid-morning: You will face the Trial of Endurance. This challenge will test your stamina as you navigate obstacles and overcome physical trials. Work together to conquer each task swiftly, for time is of the essence. Every second will count toward your final score.
In the afternoon, you will participate in the Combat Demonstration. Teams will enter the arena to battle summoned creatures. Remember, victory here is not merely in defeating your foes, but in how you stand as one—tactical thinking and coordination will bring you glory.
Heed these instructions well, for the fate of your knighthood journey lies in your hands. Fight with honour, trust your comrades, and show Valoria the strength of Team Gilmyer.
There is much more to come, but for now, focus on the trials ahead. I will be watching.
- A Friend in the Shadows
Keshin's brows furrow at the mention of meeting royalty, but he doesn't say anything.
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
We should present ourselves as a single unit tomorrow morning, a single mind with determination and resolve.
Re-reading the note about wearing our finest gear, and then looking at the group and finally landing on Im’mame’s degraded gear…
Sir, tomorrow is an important day for us and while I can see you care for and maintain your equipment, may I suggest getting them professionally cleaned and polished?
Speaking to the rest of the group…
I also plan on getting my horse groomed to look a proper warhorse as well. It’s been a long road and even the steeds could use some pampering.
The barmaid returns with the drinks and plates, as well as another letter, sealed with the Gilmyer crest.
"Her y'all go, sorry about the wait. That courier forgot to give ya this letter."
Letter contents:
To Team Gilmyer,
Your first trial is nearly upon you. The Trial of Endurance will test your strength, agility, and resilience. You will face this trial alone, without the aid of your teammates. Each of you must prove your individual worth, and only through your own effort will you succeed.
The trial is a course filled with obstacles, each designed to challenge a different skill. Pay close attention, for every failure will cost you time.
Trial of Endurance: Course Overview
1. Climbing Wall: A 20-foot structure stands before you. Scale it with strength and determination.
- Roll an Athletics check (DC 12). Failure will slow you down.
2. Balance Beam: Cross a narrow beam over a pit of mud, requiring sure footing and focus.
- Roll an Acrobatics check (DC 13). Falling means time lost as you climb back up.
3. Rope Swing: Swing across a wide pit of water using a rope. Precision will be key.
- Roll an Athletics or Acrobatics check (DC 14). Falling into the water will further delay you.
4. Heavy Load Haul: Lift and carry a heavy log across rough terrain. Strength alone will see you through.
- Roll an Athletics check (DC 15). Dropping the log will cost you precious time.
5. Crawl Through Vines: A thicket of thorny vines stands in your path. Carefully maneuveur through them to avoid injury.
- Roll a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13). Failing will result in delays or damage from the thorns.
6. Final Sprint: A 100-foot dash to the finish line. Only your willpower and stamina will carry you through.
- Roll a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) to avoid exhaustion and finish strong.
Each obstacle is designed to test your endurance in different ways. Failures will add time to your overall score, so be sure to approach each challenge with care. At the end of the trial, your individual performance will determine your standing.
However, this tournament is more than just a series of trials. You must also contend with those who would see you fail—not all your opponents will play fair. To aid you, I offer a brief overview of the teams you will face. Use this knowledge wisely.
The Crimson Hawks
Verdict: Avoid at all costs.
Aggressive, battle-hardened, and arrogant, they view themselves as the natural winners. Sir Branden Harthwell leads with confidence, but don’t be fooled—they will gladly see you fall if it helps their chances.
The Silver Talons
Verdict: Potential allies.
Lady Isolde Falconcrest and her team fight for honour and the old codes of knighthood. Earn their respect, and they may be valuable allies in the days to come. But their commitment to chivalry does not mean they will go easy on you.
The Black Vipers
Verdict: Stay vigilant.
Lysandra Nightsbane and her band of rogues will use deception and underhanded tactics at every opportunity. Trust nothing they say or do. They are your most dangerous foes when it comes to playing fair.
The Iron Bulls
Verdict: Honourable, but dangerous.
Torvald Stonefist’s team values strength and unity. They fight with respect but don’t underestimate their raw power. If you earn their respect, they may leave you be, but cross them, and you will feel the full force of their might.
The Azure Blades
Verdict: Keep your distance.
Kaelith Swiftblade’s team is methodical and precise. They are not interested in alliances or rivalries—they simply aim to win. Engaging with them is a risk, as they often outthink their opponents.
The Blood Ravens
Verdict: Wild card—proceed with caution.
Seraph Volarius leads a team of survivors, each with something to prove. They fight for redemption, but desperation may make them unpredictable. Their loyalties are unclear, so tread carefully.
P.S. As you move forward, it is worth considering the value of unity. A well-coordinated team is often the difference between success and failure. Every great force needs a guiding hand—someone to rally the group, to make decisions when the time comes. I leave it to you to determine who among you will rise to that role. Choose wisely, for a leader will shape not only the outcome of these trials but your journey as knights.
P.P.S. Remember, as you embark on this journey, your appearance speaks volumes about your character. The Tunic of Gilmyer you received is not merely a uniform; it is a symbol of your commitment to honour and excellence. Wear it with pride and keep it clean.
Your armour should shine, reflecting your dedication to the chivalric ideals you strive to embody. Ensure your blades are sharpened and ready for any challenge. Presentation matters, for it is not only about how you carry yourself, but how others perceive you. A polished knight commands respect and instills confidence in their allies.
May fortune favour you.
- A Friend in the Shadows
I'll give the instructions again when the time comes.
"This is...a lot. Our benefactor certainly did his research." Sirin remarks, obviously a little overwhelmed after reading through the letter from the barmaid. She lays it out on the table for whoever else wants to peruse it. Strength...Most of it sounds like she should be able to keep up with her acrobatics, at least. Shrugging, she digs into her meal, being extra careful not to get any on her precious tunic. "Ah, of course! I must have Monty looking his best as well. Hmm...Shall I braid his mane...? I suppose ribbons would be inappropriate." Clearly, she is extremely attached to her horse already. "And as for a leader, in my opinion...not me. Torgar seems experienced with such things from his time in the military, but I would hear everyone else's opinion."
OOC - DM: Can I get pricing for horse grooming and to place a gleaming enchantment on my tunic (never gets dirty).
Also, can you clarify how Rage would work for the obstacle course (specifically; would it last for more than 1 obstacle)
so every time you fail on obstacle, it adds a minute. I'd say you can use it for one obstacle, for all the rolls, but lose it at the end of the obstacle.
As for the pricing. There is a shop in town that will take care grooming horses, as well as polish weapons and armour, and washing clothes.
I'm not great when it comes to prices just so you know.
9 GP for grooming horses.
17 for polishing armour and weapons, and washing stuff.
ooc: Assuming we can groom the horse ourselves, but it will take time? Sirin really overspent lol.
@kirby for reference the DMG says this for magic items:
Magic Item Rarity
If I had to guess I’d say putting a common gleaming (cleaning) enchantment would be like 50-75gp
Note: I really have no idea about dnd economy lol. If you make something up. That works for me too.
Keshin groans at the thought of standing out at all. "This benefactor... they know who they hired, right?? I don't stand out, and I sure as hell don't follow any codes. I'm a spy for pete's sake, I'm not supposed to stand out." He mutters angrily. He takes another swig of his drink before getting up angrily to go get cleaned up or something like that.
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
Danami set his plate down and responded, "Yes, of course! I'm Danami Pithom of the Watch. I received a summons to be here to meet up with a few others for a tournament and you're the first to introduce yourself since I've arrived." Danami extended an arm and hand for greeting.
Keshin sits down and takes Danami's hand with a firm handshake. "A pleasure. The name's Keshin, intelligence officer of the kingdom of Niki. I assume from the G token that you're one of us?" He flicks his thumb back to the rest of team Gilmyer.
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
Sorry, I forgot about the gleaming. We'll go with 60 GP.
Yes, you can groom the horses yourselves, but it should make sense lore wise. Some of you just got your horse couple days ago. But I won't stop you from doing it yourself. It will take time, but I genuinely don't care how the horses get cleaned.