Zan having enough of missing with is sword, grasp his holy symbol and prays, The light take you! casting Guiding Bolt 16 to hit for 9 radiant damage and the next attack made against the creature before the end of my next turn will have advantage.
'Gladly' submitting to being questioned was a bit of a stretch, but Kessintra was willing to follow Garrick's lead. Being restrained or disarmed is another matter entirely, so when she sees devil-man or the guards reaching for handcuffs she tenses noticeably.
"That's a bit much, don't you think? We risked our lives to protect your people from these undead and were pummeled for our trouble."
Persuasion: 19
She'll ready the dodge action in case they don't seemed swayed by her words.
Garrick also resists being handcuffed (Nat 20+3=23).
I said we would go willingly, not under force. We will gladly walk with you under our own free will AFTER this building has been searched and cleared for any more undead.
"The wardrobe in the next room. Of course, the owner was also the one who told us that. He may be charmed...or insane." Kessintra frowns and cautiously approaches the door to open it.
Garrick and striker prepare to grapple (ready action) in case a vampire is in there. (Trying to keep it in its resting place so we can stake them there)
Instead of listening to the guard, Garrick sits on the floor and closes his eyes. Kess and the others recognize him as preparing a ritual casting.
Garrick will then ritual cast Identify and Detect Magic, trusting his friends will convince or distract the guards long enough for him to complete his spells. He also has Striker hiss at anyone that approaches Garrick.
That succeeds, you are still concentrating. The man reaches for the bones (identify requires you to keep within touch of it for the duration). Make an athletics check.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"The bones of a saint? Why are they in a wardrobe to begin with?" The rogue moves to block devil man from grabbing them, wanting to give Garrick time to finish whatever he is doing. Are some ancient bones really that valuable?
A - missed; BA (15) for 9 dmg
Zan having enough of missing with is sword, grasp his holy symbol and prays, The light take you! casting Guiding Bolt 16 to hit for 9 radiant damage and the next attack made against the creature before the end of my next turn will have advantage.
Both hit, the vampire dies. Kessintra's turn if you want to prepare to resist being handcuffed.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
'Gladly' submitting to being questioned was a bit of a stretch, but Kessintra was willing to follow Garrick's lead. Being restrained or disarmed is another matter entirely, so when she sees devil-man or the guards reaching for handcuffs she tenses noticeably.
"That's a bit much, don't you think? We risked our lives to protect your people from these undead and were pummeled for our trouble."
Persuasion: 19
She'll ready the dodge action in case they don't seemed swayed by her words.
"You broke in and the owner says you intended to steal. Besides, you caused quite the disturbance in the square."
The buff guy handcuffs Kessintra while the guards handcuff everyone else. Acrobatics or athletics if you want to resist.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
How would you say dismissing a familiar looks? Curious if Chipper could discretely dismiss Skipper so he'd be ready for aid later.
Also, any possible sleight of hand check to attempt getting cuffed in a way that makes it feasible to undo them later?
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
"Ah yes, the good owner who was harboring these creatures. I suggest investigating where these crates came from."
Acrobatics: 18 + 3 guidance from Amelia= 21
She had been considering stealing, but only if she'd spotted something very useful.
Garrick also resists being handcuffed (Nat 20+3=23).
I said we would go willingly, not under force. We will gladly walk with you under our own free will AFTER this building has been searched and cleared for any more undead.
Devil man trying to retain Kessintra: 19, you get away.
Guard: Not possible. Literally can't roll high enough. Garrick gets away.
You can roll sleight for a better handcuff placement.
"Fine. What other areas must you search?"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"The wardrobe in the next room. Of course, the owner was also the one who told us that. He may be charmed...or insane." Kessintra frowns and cautiously approaches the door to open it.
Garrick and striker prepare to grapple (ready action) in case a vampire is in there. (Trying to keep it in its resting place so we can stake them there)
You look inside the wardrobe, and all you see are bones. Zan and Amelia can tell that they are in some way holy.
"Ah, the very thing he said was being stolen. Face it, there are no more vampires. You're coming with us."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
“He said we were stealing bones?”
Instead of listening to the guard, Garrick sits on the floor and closes his eyes. Kess and the others recognize him as preparing a ritual casting.
Garrick will then ritual cast Identify and Detect Magic, trusting his friends will convince or distract the guards long enough for him to complete his spells. He also has Striker hiss at anyone that approaches Garrick.
"Stop that!" The devil armed man rushes at you. Make a concentration save (with advantage if someone uses the help action to try and stop him).
No matter the result, he says, "Those are the bones of Saint Andril, and they will be returned to the church."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Con save (8, 18)
That succeeds, you are still concentrating. The man reaches for the bones (identify requires you to keep within touch of it for the duration). Make an athletics check.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"The bones of a saint? Why are they in a wardrobe to begin with?" The rogue moves to block devil man from grabbing them, wanting to give Garrick time to finish whatever he is doing. Are some ancient bones really that valuable?
Kessintra will help for the athletics check.
((Is it like a complete skeleton or a bunch of small bones?))
Athletics (5, 11)
It's a couple of bones. You're able to keep your hold on the bones. "Fine. Just cast your spell, then you're coming with us."
Identify: It can not be attuned to and has no charges. It has a warding effect while in a specific place.
Detect Magic: It is abjuration magic.
"Now, are you going to hand the bones over and come with us, or are we going to have a problem?"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.