"Used to be a rather... 'happy' place. By force and with violence." mutters Chipper. "Strahd's allies used our opposition to its previous leadership to take over." He looks at the staked wolves, "Those are new there. The vampire brought some wolves the first time we met him. Seems not all are fond of the beasts."
"They're on the same side as us technically." Kess frowns, leaning towards Rahadin as she watches the guards. "Say, is Strahd very invested in that Fiona woman running this place? Could we have it if we overthrow her?" She isn't sure how much the vampire encourages competition among his 'followers'. If they can gain more of his misplaced trust and annihilate the cultists at the same time, it would be well worth it.
"Strahd's only relation to her is her loyalty. Perhaps if you found a different ruler more.... favorable for the master, he may accept it. Now, I ought to go." Ireena's brother helps her off the carriage and Rahadin carefully drives into the grass, opting to go around the city.
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
After a few moments, the two figures notice you. They both wear silver dragon masks covering only their eyes. One of them asks you, "Who are you? Why are you here?"
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Razz quickly casts Prestidigitation on himself to dirty his clothes and slides up to the front of the group and asks the guard(s), "Mrs Washer? Oh, does she run the laundry? I bet her clothes are impeccable! Do you think she'd be alright with us cleaning up at the inn first before meeting her? I wouldn't want to soil her expectations of us."
The guards are surprised as you rush forward. They try their best to collect themselves before replying, "No, Mrs Watch-er. She- she runs the city, not the laundry. Nevertheless, of course you may. We'll have her meet you there."
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Ada walks forward, not quite as quickly as Razz. She hangs back enough so that she's near Kessintra. "So what is the purpose of our visit here?" she asks. "What does Strahd want you...us I suppose, to do? Who exactly are we protecting Ireena from?"
"Ok thanks."And with that Razz starts walking off before slowly turning around."Hmm, could you point me in the right directly first?" Razz turns to the others and not so quietly says, "Glad I didn't mishear her name as Mrs Crotcher..."
Kessintra starts to walk into the village. They hadn't really looked for the inn before, but she figures it will be easy to find. She seems a little distracted but Ada's question gets her attention. "Oh, right. According to Strahd the vampire hunter is named Rudolph van Richten. An old man who uses disguises and has a cane with a sword hidden in it. He wasn't specific about what to do other than guard Ireena away from the castle. There are some places nearby that we were curious about anyway, so we figured we'd have Rahadin drop us off here." She casts message on Ada and Razz in turn.
'A mage's tower by a lake, which we saw on the way, and a wolves' den by a mountain lake. The village has a lake just to the north of it, so that could be the one. The leader of the Vistani...or some of the Vistani, at least, gave us a prophecy about finding allies and items to help us defeat Strahd there.'
The guards give you directions to the inn. It's in the center of town, just off the main road.
Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall.
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Razz flutters next to Kess as they make their way to the inn and in a whisper says, "I had hooty survey the mage tower just off of the road. There was no way into the tower except a door that didn't look like you could open it. There was a name above the door and a symbol on it but nothing I recognized. I can write them out and draw them for you when we get to the inn. I had Hooty check on the carriage that was left near it but we were too far from him to hear what he found out yet. Speaking of that, I should go ahead and call him back now." And with that, Razz sends his owl to the pocket dimension before call him back to his side. "What did you find out for us friend?"
The carriage doesn't have any horses attached. It only has one door, which is at the back. A sign is attached to the door with big, bold letters saying, "KEEP OUT!" Below the sign, etched into the wood in slightly smaller letters is, "(Will Explode)".
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"Glad to have you back buddy." Razz would say while petting Hoot, perched on his arm. He would then relay the information to the group while a mischievous grin as he talks about the sign saying "Will Explode". "I definitely have some ideas for that, as long as it can be moved, hahaha."
Razz looks around to see if he can see what Kess (or was Kessi I better nickname, he hadn't decided yet) was looking at, before following her into the Inn. "Please let the food be good and the music better." Razz says before scanning for the innkeeper or really anyone to direct them to a table or chairs. Heck, he was so hungry, he'd eat the food from the rafters if need be.
Garrick walks up to the inn with the others, before anyone enters he has them huddle around, “Remember we can’t trust anyone here or anything. They’ve already imprisoned us once for saving their asses from that vampire nest. If you want food and drink, bring it to our table so I can purify it first.” After that warning, he follows the others in.
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"Used to be a rather... 'happy' place. By force and with violence." mutters Chipper. "Strahd's allies used our opposition to its previous leadership to take over." He looks at the staked wolves, "Those are new there. The vampire brought some wolves the first time we met him. Seems not all are fond of the beasts."
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
"They're on the same side as us technically." Kess frowns, leaning towards Rahadin as she watches the guards. "Say, is Strahd very invested in that Fiona woman running this place? Could we have it if we overthrow her?" She isn't sure how much the vampire encourages competition among his 'followers'. If they can gain more of his misplaced trust and annihilate the cultists at the same time, it would be well worth it.
"Strahd's only relation to her is her loyalty. Perhaps if you found a different ruler more.... favorable for the master, he may accept it. Now, I ought to go." Ireena's brother helps her off the carriage and Rahadin carefully drives into the grass, opting to go around the city.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Kessintra gives a faint smirk as she exits the carriage as well.
Razz hops down with the rest of the group, not wanting to venture off with Rahadin on his own
After a few moments, the two figures notice you. They both wear silver dragon masks covering only their eyes. One of them asks you, "Who are you? Why are you here?"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Kessintra will hand Strahd's note to the two.
They quickly read it and open the gate. "I'll send for Mrs. Watcher immediately."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Razz quickly casts Prestidigitation on himself to dirty his clothes and slides up to the front of the group and asks the guard(s), "Mrs Washer? Oh, does she run the laundry? I bet her clothes are impeccable! Do you think she'd be alright with us cleaning up at the inn first before meeting her? I wouldn't want to soil her expectations of us."
(( Persuasion Check (if needed): 22 ))
The guards are surprised as you rush forward. They try their best to collect themselves before replying, "No, Mrs Watch-er. She- she runs the city, not the laundry. Nevertheless, of course you may. We'll have her meet you there."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Ada walks forward, not quite as quickly as Razz. She hangs back enough so that she's near Kessintra. "So what is the purpose of our visit here?" she asks. "What does Strahd want you...us I suppose, to do? Who exactly are we protecting Ireena from?"
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
"Ok thanks." And with that Razz starts walking off before slowly turning around. "Hmm, could you point me in the right directly first?" Razz turns to the others and not so quietly says, "Glad I didn't mishear her name as Mrs Crotcher..."
Kessintra starts to walk into the village. They hadn't really looked for the inn before, but she figures it will be easy to find. She seems a little distracted but Ada's question gets her attention. "Oh, right. According to Strahd the vampire hunter is named Rudolph van Richten. An old man who uses disguises and has a cane with a sword hidden in it. He wasn't specific about what to do other than guard Ireena away from the castle. There are some places nearby that we were curious about anyway, so we figured we'd have Rahadin drop us off here." She casts message on Ada and Razz in turn.
'A mage's tower by a lake, which we saw on the way, and a wolves' den by a mountain lake. The village has a lake just to the north of it, so that could be the one. The leader of the Vistani...or some of the Vistani, at least, gave us a prophecy about finding allies and items to help us defeat Strahd there.'
The guards give you directions to the inn. It's in the center of town, just off the main road.
Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Razz flutters next to Kess as they make their way to the inn and in a whisper says, "I had hooty survey the mage tower just off of the road. There was no way into the tower except a door that didn't look like you could open it. There was a name above the door and a symbol on it but nothing I recognized. I can write them out and draw them for you when we get to the inn. I had Hooty check on the carriage that was left near it but we were too far from him to hear what he found out yet. Speaking of that, I should go ahead and call him back now." And with that, Razz sends his owl to the pocket dimension before call him back to his side. "What did you find out for us friend?"
Hooty replies, "Hoo!"
The carriage doesn't have any horses attached. It only has one door, which is at the back. A sign is attached to the door with big, bold letters saying, "KEEP OUT!" Below the sign, etched into the wood in slightly smaller letters is, "(Will Explode)".
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"Glad to have you back buddy." Razz would say while petting Hoot, perched on his arm. He would then relay the information to the group while a mischievous grin as he talks about the sign saying "Will Explode". "I definitely have some ideas for that, as long as it can be moved, hahaha."
Kessintra will take a careful glance around before heading into the inn with the others.
Perception: 9 -.-
Razz looks around to see if he can see what Kess (or was Kessi I better nickname, he hadn't decided yet) was looking at, before following her into the Inn. "Please let the food be good and the music better." Razz says before scanning for the innkeeper or really anyone to direct them to a table or chairs. Heck, he was so hungry, he'd eat the food from the rafters if need be.
(( Perception Check outside: 16 ))
(( Perception Check inside: 16 ))
Garrick walks up to the inn with the others, before anyone enters he has them huddle around, “Remember we can’t trust anyone here or anything. They’ve already imprisoned us once for saving their asses from that vampire nest. If you want food and drink, bring it to our table so I can purify it first.” After that warning, he follows the others in.