Yurk was down 3 hp but did a second wind for 6 hp max HP again. He drops his rapiers and goes for his daggers; both connecting first without adv still hits and same for second. dmg 11 killing BW2.
Yurk Initiative: 23 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 14 (AC15, HP dead/11); BW2 Initiative: 14 (AC15, HP dead/11);
Wave 3 rnd 1 Rng 60ft
Yurk Initiative: 18 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 18 (AC15, HP 11/11); BW2 Initiative: 6 (AC15, HP 11/11);
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Wave 3 rnd 1 Rng 60ft
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 19 (AC15, HP 11/11); BW2 Initiative: 10 (AC15, HP 11/11);
Shortbow (vex): 23 Damage: 7 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3) Moves back 20ft now 80ft'
BW1 and 2 move forward 40ft now 40ft end rnd 1
wave 3 rnd 2
Shortbow (vex): 24 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4) Moves back 20ft now 80ft' check adv..Move back 20ft now 60ft; BW1 and 2 move 40ft now 20ft.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk hits for 7 dmg to BW1 rnd 1 then hits for 9 dmg rnd 2 killing BW2.
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 19 (AC15, HP dead/11); BW2 Initiative: 10 (AC15, HP 11/11);
wave 3 rnd 3
Shortbow (vex): 9 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4) Move 20ft back now 40ft BW2 moves 35ft now melee with Yurk; Yurk switches to Daggers to get second wind if needed and still have 2 attacks.
Berserk Bear (Encounter 3) The tunnel opens into a small, dimly lit chamber where the damp air is even heavier with the stench of rot. A large brown bear paces erratically near a shallow pool fed by the corrupted stream, its massive paws leaving muddy prints across the stone floor. The bear’s fur is matted and tangled with patches of mold, and its eyes are wild, bloodshot, and pained. It stops suddenly, turning toward you with a guttural growl. Drool tinged with a sickly green hue drips from its mouth, and it sways unsteadily as though the poisoned water has left it both enraged and confused.
Skill Check Medicine, Nature, or Survival DC 15 You know that the bear suffers from the poisoned condition. 1x Brown Bear CR 1 (200 XP each) Brown Bear Rewards (200 XP, coin stash 50 gp)
Yurk tries to see if the bear is sick or what's going on.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Yurk gets some of his rations to wrap around the acorn and tosses it to the bear to eat. The bear sniffs it but gulps it down and instantly feels better.
Skill Check Medicine, Nature, or Survival DC 15 You know that the bear suffers from the poisoned condition. 1x Brown Bear CR 1 (200 XP each) Brown Bear Rewards (200 XP, coin stash 50 gp)
Ooze’s Lair (Encounter 4) As you enter the cavern at the north end of the stream, the air feels heavy, thick with a foul stench that seems to cling to your skin. In the center of the room is a strange looking rock in front of a giant brain fungus that pulses and twitches, oozing fluid into a shallow pool that flows into the stream to the south. Stirges nesting in the ceiling suddenly see you and attack.
Stirges attack in waves of 2-4
The Ooze uses False Appearance to stay hidden until it attacks Set Each Wave to arrive after the first Wave is defeated
Wave 1, 2x Stirges CR 1/8 (25 XP each) Stirge 1 17 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 4 AC 13 HP 2/2 Wave 2, 2x Stirges CR 1/8 (25 XP each) Stirge 1 23 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 17 AC 13 HP 2/2 Wave 3, 1x Psychic Gray Ooze CR 1/2 (100 XP each) PGO1 Initiative: 10 AC 8 HP 22/22 Wave 4, 2x Stirges CR 1/8 (25 XP each) Stirge 1 15 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 11 AC 13 HP 2/2 Ooze Lair Rewards (250 XP, coin stash 62 gp 5 sp)
Yurk Initiative: 23 AC 19 20/20; Vision Initiative: 5 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 17 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 12 AC 13 HP 2/2
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk Initiative: 15 AC 19 20/20; Stirge 1 11 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 11 AC 13 HP 2/2; Vision Initiative: 4 AC 13 HP5/5;
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 15 Damage: 4 (bludgeoning damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 120ft. ST1 and ST2 fly 40ft then dash 40ft now 40ft away. If ST1 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min dmg is 4.
wave 1 rnd 2
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 23 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 70ft. ST1 and/or ST2 fly 40ft then dash 30ft now melee with Yurk. If ST1 or 2 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min Dmg is 4. Verify rnd 1 hit or miss for adv this roll.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk Initiative: 25 AC 19 20/20; Stirge 2 16 AC 13 HP 2/2; Vision Initiative: 11 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 10 AC 13 HP 2/2;
Vision helps on their initiative.
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 15 Damage: 6 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 120ft. ST1 and ST2 fly 40ft then dash 40ft now 40ft away. If ST1 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min dmg is 4.
wave 2 rnd 2
Vision helps on their initiative.
Shortbow (vex) ST1 or 2: 20 Damage: 7 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 70ft. ST1 and/or ST2 fly 40ft then dash 30ft now melee with Yurk. Vex or help from Vision gives adv. Min Dmg is 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 22/22
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
wave 1 rnd 2
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 23 Damage: 5 (piercing damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 13/22
wave 3 rnd 3
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 20 Damage: 5 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
Vision helps.
wave 3 rnd 4
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 19 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 4/22
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 18 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
wave 3 rnd 5
Vision helps.
wave 3 rnd 6
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 14 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Situation. After miners dug into an Underdark tunnel, a Hook Horror found its way into the mine and became trapped. It has eaten a few miners, and the others are too terrified of the echoing clicks in the mine to hunt down the predator.
Hook. The mayor of the village of Blackstone, Kristryd Splitanvil (a Lawful Good, dwarf Tough), hires the adventurers—perhaps because of how adeptly they handled the situation in “The Fouled Stream”—to deal with the monster in the mines. She offers a precious topaz worth 500 GP to adventurers who kill the creature or drive it away.
The adventure consists of these encounters.
Exploring the Mine. Use the Mine map in Appendix B. In the weeks since the miners abandoned the place, pests have flourished in the tunnels. Each time the characters enter a distinct area of the mine, roll on the following table.
Sounds of Terror. The first time this encounter occurs, the characters hear eerie clacking and scraping noises echoing in the mine shafts and notice gouges in the walls. The second time, they find the source of those sounds and markings—the Hook Horror. The creature is hungry, but what it really wants is to find its way back to the Underdark. It retreats from a fight that is going badly for it.
Underdark Connection. The tunnel in the southeast corner of the bottom level of the mine is where the miners accidentally connected to an Underdark tunnel. The hook horror entered the mine through a hole in the wall, but the hole closed behind it in a cascade of rubble. If the characters clear away the rubble from the hole, they hear clacking and scraping from the other side. The hook horror hears it too and hurries here to rejoin its kin. As long as the characters stay out of its way, it ignores them as it scrambles back through the hole, never to plague the mine again. Each character then earns a bonus 200 XP.
The party/adventurer(s) search by level 1, 2, 3 you have to go level 1 to level 3 to level 2. Roll 1d6 each time you enter each level until you eventually roll 6 two times.
On the second roll of a 6 if you can roll a DC15 investigation you manage to release the hook horror to gain the extra 200xp otherwise it and it's family do the digging to get it back to where it belongs.
The mayor of the village of Blackstone, Kristryd Splitanvil (a Lawful Good, dwarf Tough), hires the adventurers—perhaps because of how adeptly they handled the situation in “The Fouled Stream”—to deal with the monster in the mines. She offers a precious topaz worth 500 GP to adventurers who kill the creature or drive it away.
Yurk barters with the Mayor since he's on his own and asks for 2 antitoxin potions and 2 healing potions up front. Who knows what's been going on down there. Spiders and junk possibly. I'd to get a little safer going on my own please. Kryistryd nods and signals for the foreman to give them to Yurk. "Good hunting."
As you can see rolling a 6 might not happen very often or not even twice in 16 rolls. So I will DM that you do 3 encounters and then automatically get a 6 and then 3 more encounters and then an automatic 6. This way you'll generate 6 random encounters in addition to automatically triggering the Hook Horror final encounter. For enjoyment I'm going to run each encounter once and then roll a random 6th encounter.
Yurk finds the dungeon and starts exploring the underground area. He moves along on Level 1 first. He spots something up ahead in the distance.
Rng 60ft
Random Enc #1
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC 19, HP 28/28); RM1 Initiative: 7 Speed 40 AC 14 HP 27/27; VF1 Initiative: 10 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF2 Initiative: -1 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF3 Initiative: 6 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF4 Initiative: 13 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk was down 3 hp but did a second wind for 6 hp max HP again. He drops his rapiers and goes for his daggers; both connecting first without adv still hits and same for second. dmg 11 killing BW2.
Yurk Initiative: 23 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 14 (AC15, HP dead/11); BW2 Initiative: 14 (AC15, HP dead/11);
Wave 3 rnd 1 Rng 60ft
Yurk Initiative: 18 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 18 (AC15, HP 11/11); BW2 Initiative: 6 (AC15, HP 11/11);
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Wave 3 rnd 1 Rng 60ft
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 19 (AC15, HP 11/11); BW2 Initiative: 10 (AC15, HP 11/11);
Shortbow (vex): 23 Damage: 7 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3) Moves back 20ft now 80ft'
BW1 and 2 move forward 40ft now 40ft end rnd 1
wave 3 rnd 2
Shortbow (vex): 24 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4) Moves back 20ft now 80ft' check adv..Move back 20ft now 60ft; BW1 and 2 move 40ft now 20ft.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk hits for 7 dmg to BW1 rnd 1 then hits for 9 dmg rnd 2 killing BW2.
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC17, HP 13/13); BW1 Initiative: 19 (AC15, HP dead/11); BW2 Initiative: 10 (AC15, HP 11/11);
wave 3 rnd 3
Shortbow (vex): 9 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4) Move 20ft back now 40ft BW2 moves 35ft now melee with Yurk; Yurk switches to Daggers to get second wind if needed and still have 2 attacks.
Wave 3 rnd 4
Bonus action TWF 14 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3)
Action: Dagger Attack (nick): 19 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2)
Action: Dagger Attack (nick): 24 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3)
BW2 Bite Attack Yurk: 15 Damage: 2 (piercing damage) or half (1) BU1 Spear Attack: 19 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
BW2 dies finishing the encounter
Bullywug Rewards (210 XP, coin stash 52 gp 5 sp)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Berserk Bear (Encounter 3)
The tunnel opens into a small, dimly lit chamber where the damp air is even heavier with the stench of rot. A large brown bear paces erratically near a shallow pool fed by the corrupted stream, its massive paws leaving muddy prints across the stone floor. The bear’s fur is matted and tangled with patches of mold, and its eyes are wild, bloodshot, and pained. It stops suddenly, turning toward you with a guttural growl. Drool tinged with a sickly green hue drips from its mouth, and it sways unsteadily as though the poisoned water has left it both enraged and confused.
Skill Check Medicine, Nature, or Survival DC 15
You know that the bear suffers from the poisoned condition.
1x Brown Bear CR 1 (200 XP each)
Brown Bear Rewards (200 XP, coin stash 50 gp)
Yurk tries to see if the bear is sick or what's going on.
Yurk Survival: 22 vs DC 15
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk gets some of his rations to wrap around the acorn and tosses it to the bear to eat. The bear sniffs it but gulps it down and instantly feels better.
Skill Check Medicine, Nature, or Survival DC 15
You know that the bear suffers from the poisoned condition.
1x Brown Bear CR 1 (200 XP each)
Brown Bear Rewards (200 XP, coin stash 50 gp)
Ooze’s Lair (Encounter 4)
As you enter the cavern at the north end of the stream, the air feels heavy, thick with a foul stench that seems to cling to your skin. In the center of the room is a strange looking rock in front of a giant brain fungus that pulses and twitches, oozing fluid into a shallow pool that flows into the stream to the south. Stirges nesting in the ceiling suddenly see you and attack.
Set Each Wave to arrive after the first Wave is defeated
Wave 2, 2x Stirges CR 1/8 (25 XP each) Stirge 1 23 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 17 AC 13 HP 2/2
Wave 3, 1x Psychic Gray Ooze CR 1/2 (100 XP each) PGO1 Initiative: 10 AC 8 HP 22/22
Wave 4, 2x Stirges CR 1/8 (25 XP each) Stirge 1 15 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 11 AC 13 HP 2/2
Ooze Lair Rewards (250 XP, coin stash 62 gp 5 sp)
Yurk Initiative: 23 AC 19 20/20; Vision Initiative: 5 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 17 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 12 AC 13 HP 2/2
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Distance 60ft
Wave 1 Rnd 1
Yurk Initiative: 15 AC 19 20/20; Stirge 1 11 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 11 AC 13 HP 2/2; Vision Initiative: 4 AC 13 HP5/5;
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 15 Damage: 4 (bludgeoning damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 120ft. ST1 and ST2 fly 40ft then dash 40ft now 40ft away. If ST1 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min dmg is 4.
wave 1 rnd 2
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 23 Damage: 9 (bludgeoning damage) or half (4); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 70ft. ST1 and/or ST2 fly 40ft then dash 30ft now melee with Yurk. If ST1 or 2 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min Dmg is 4. Verify rnd 1 hit or miss for adv this roll.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk kills them before they act.
Wave 2 rnd 1
Yurk Initiative: 25 AC 19 20/20; Vision Initiative: 11 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 10 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 16 AC 13 HP 2/2
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Range 60ft
Wave 2 rnd 1
Yurk Initiative: 25 AC 19 20/20; Stirge 2 16 AC 13 HP 2/2; Vision Initiative: 11 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 10 AC 13 HP 2/2;
Vision helps on their initiative.
Shortbow (vex) ST1: 15 Damage: 6 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 120ft. ST1 and ST2 fly 40ft then dash 40ft now 40ft away. If ST1 hit them adv on ST2 next round. Min dmg is 4.
wave 2 rnd 2
Vision helps on their initiative.
Shortbow (vex) ST1 or 2: 20 Damage: 7 (bludgeoning damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 30ft. Now 70ft. ST1 and/or ST2 fly 40ft then dash 30ft now melee with Yurk. Vex or help from Vision gives adv. Min Dmg is 4
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk drops the two stirges again.
Wave 3 rnd 1
Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 22/22
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Rng 60
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 22/22
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
wave 1 rnd 2
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 23 Damage: 5 (piercing damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Rng 60
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 13/22
wave 3 rnd 3
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 20 Damage: 5 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
Vision helps.
wave 3 rnd 4
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 19 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Rng 40
Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Yurk Initiative: 10 AC 19 20/20; PGO1 Initiative: 6 AC 8 HP 4/22
Vision helps.
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 18 Damage: 4 (piercing damage) or half (2); PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min dmg is 4.
wave 3 rnd 5
Vision helps.
wave 3 rnd 6
Shortbow (vex) PGO1: 14 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3); After the shot Yurk backs up 20ft. Now 40ft. PGO1 moves 10ft then dashes 10ft now 20ft away. Min Dmg is 4
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The ooze falls on the 5th rnd.
Wave 4 Rnd 1
Yurk Initiative: 13 AC 19 20/20; Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 1 21 AC 13 HP 2/2; Stirge 2 15 AC 13 HP 2/2
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Range 60ft
Wave 4 Rnd 1
Stirge 1 21 AC 13 HP 2/2; Vision Initiative: 20 AC 13 HP5/5; Stirge 2 15 AC 13 HP 2/2; Yurk Initiative: 13 AC 19 20/20;
Stirge 1 goes first flies 40ft then 15ft now melee with Yurk; Vision helps; Stirge 2 flies 40ft then 15ft to melee with Yurk;
Yurk TWF Bonus Action: Dagger Attack #3 (nick): 14 Damage: 5 (piercing damage) or half (2)
Action: Dagger Attack #1 (nick): 15 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3)
Action: Dagger Attack #2 (nick): 24 Damage: 6 (piercing damage) or half (3)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Yurk drops the stirges before they could attack next round.
Yurk goes and destroys the Brain-like Fungus.
Ooze Lair Rewards (250 XP, coin stash 62 gp 5 sp)
bonus 100 XP and 25 gp
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Miner Difficulties
Adventure for Level 2 Characters
Situation. After miners dug into an Underdark tunnel, a Hook Horror found its way into the mine and became trapped. It has eaten a few miners, and the others are too terrified of the echoing clicks in the mine to hunt down the predator.
Hook. The mayor of the village of Blackstone, Kristryd Splitanvil (a Lawful Good, dwarf Tough), hires the adventurers—perhaps because of how adeptly they handled the situation in “The Fouled Stream”—to deal with the monster in the mines. She offers a precious topaz worth 500 GP to adventurers who kill the creature or drive it away.
The adventure consists of these encounters.
Exploring the Mine. Use the Mine map in Appendix B. In the weeks since the miners abandoned the place, pests have flourished in the tunnels. Each time the characters enter a distinct area of the mine, roll on the following table.
Sounds of Terror. The first time this encounter occurs, the characters hear eerie clacking and scraping noises echoing in the mine shafts and notice gouges in the walls. The second time, they find the source of those sounds and markings—the Hook Horror. The creature is hungry, but what it really wants is to find its way back to the Underdark. It retreats from a fight that is going badly for it.
Underdark Connection. The tunnel in the southeast corner of the bottom level of the mine is where the miners accidentally connected to an Underdark tunnel. The hook horror entered the mine through a hole in the wall, but the hole closed behind it in a cascade of rubble. If the characters clear away the rubble from the hole, they hear clacking and scraping from the other side. The hook horror hears it too and hurries here to rejoin its kin. As long as the characters stay out of its way, it ignores them as it scrambles back through the hole, never to plague the mine again. Each character then earns a bonus 200 XP.
Roll #4 info https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dnd/dmg-2024/dms-toolbox#YellowMold
The party/adventurer(s) search by level 1, 2, 3 you have to go level 1 to level 3 to level 2. Roll 1d6 each time you enter each level until you eventually roll 6 two times.
On the second roll of a 6 if you can roll a DC15 investigation you manage to release the hook horror to gain the extra 200xp otherwise it and it's family do the digging to get it back to where it belongs.
The mayor of the village of Blackstone, Kristryd Splitanvil (a Lawful Good, dwarf Tough), hires the adventurers—perhaps because of how adeptly they handled the situation in “The Fouled Stream”—to deal with the monster in the mines. She offers a precious topaz worth 500 GP to adventurers who kill the creature or drive it away.
Yurk barters with the Mayor since he's on his own and asks for 2 antitoxin potions and 2 healing potions up front. Who knows what's been going on down there. Spiders and junk possibly. I'd to get a little safer going on my own please. Kryistryd nods and signals for the foreman to give them to Yurk. "Good hunting."
1. 2; 2. 1; 3. 2; 4. 1; 5. 3; 6. 1; 7. 3; 8. 3; 9. 5; 10. 3;
11. 5; 12. 4; 13. 3; 14. 2; 15. 3; 16. 2;
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
As you can see rolling a 6 might not happen very often or not even twice in 16 rolls. So I will DM that you do 3 encounters and then automatically get a 6 and then 3 more encounters and then an automatic 6. This way you'll generate 6 random encounters in addition to automatically triggering the Hook Horror final encounter. For enjoyment I'm going to run each encounter once and then roll a random 6th encounter.
1. Four Violet Fungi and one Rust Monster
2; One Giant Spider and two Swarms of Insects (spiders)
3. One Darkmantle and three Piercers
Auto roll 6 for first noise of the hook horror.
4; A patch of yellow mold (see “Hazards” in chapter 3) on a miner’s remains
5. One Gelatinous Cube
6 Random 6th encounter chance.
Second auto roll 6 to encounter the Hook Horror.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
1. Four Violet Fungi and one Rust Monster
Yurk finds the dungeon and starts exploring the underground area. He moves along on Level 1 first. He spots something up ahead in the distance.
Rng 60ft
Random Enc #1
Yurk Initiative: 25 (AC 19, HP 28/28); RM1 Initiative: 7 Speed 40 AC 14 HP 27/27; VF1 Initiative: 10 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF2 Initiative: -1 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF3 Initiative: 6 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18; VF4 Initiative: 13 speed 5 AC 5 HP 18/18
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Rng 60ft
Random Enc #1
Vision Initiative: 15 AC 13 HP 5/5
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;