Both eyebrows firmly raised at the Tiefling's introduction of both herself as a quote "Pushover" and worse still, the clearly malevolent — or, at the very least, malevolent-adjacent — book's title. Momentarily, his mouth was agape, cigar hanging by, stuck to the skin on his lower lip. The tall man then found himself saying — "Are we all just going to igno- ... ... ...." — before catching himself, pursing his lips, closing his eyes, and bringing the fingers of his left hand together in a meditative-like gesture, visibly centring himself.
A second, profoundly deep sigh in just as many minutes escaped his lips, the redheaded scion composed himself, and announced, not especially loudly: "Never mind. Just... forget I said anything." — before addressing Galmae directly, with a polite smile — "While we're on the subject of taking orders, though. Alcohol. Lots of it. If you don't mind."
Pushovergives a smile to Valiant after his welcome and then turns to Galmae, saying 'Oh, yes, a drink would be lovely please! I'm happy just with a mineral water, helps with the magic migraines, but do you think you could maybe get some lamb's blood for Aebelskink? It's the only ink he'll take, though no worries if you don't have any, I understand it isn't a common thing to stock!' She says this like a mother tenderly explaining her child's fussy eating habits to someone, though doesn't catch Gabe's exasperated half-comment over the ominous spellbook festering on the table. She does manage to take note of Galmae saying not to sit in silence however, and so decides to hum an off-key tune rather loudly, making sure to only take a breath when others are speaking to assure the room is in some form of constant noise.
Galmae gives a laugh, "The only thing we like don't have is people. You'd like think that a new head office they'd like give us more people. But we just have to like deal with it," Galmae opens the room's door and hovering trays begin to come into the room. They set themselves aside the fruits and the contents lift themselves up as well. A plate of rare done walrus steaks are put before Ja'Dul, still bloody. Before Valiant, they set a tall glass and pour two fizzy waters into it, along with two lemon twists. A mineral water is set before Pushover along with an empty inkwell before it is filled with a vial of dark red blood. A tall bottle of wine and a few glasses is put before Gabriel. "Like it's easy for my servants for small things. But how do they like expect me to carry a sword twice my size." She sighs to herself.
(Will advance soon, will bot Trix if no action or introduction is given.)
Valiant takes and sips the fizzy after squeezing the two limes, “I like it extra zesty”.
“It is quite alright Galmae, leave the carrying of heavy objects to the professions… your lack of manpower on the other hand… perhaps that is why we were called in? Or does the bondsman have an extra difficult problem that only people with our expertise can handle?” he looks around at the others, wondering what they are capable of, and where their allegiances lie
Sitting cross-legged in a chair, appears to be a human with brown hair and green eyes. Stops eating grapes for a moment and takes a drink of water. Waves to everyone. “I’m Trix. It’s nice to meet everyone.”
It isn’t long before the door to the conference room opens, and an intense-looking half-elf in plate armor enters. He wears a holy symbol of Tymora, the goddess of fortune, around his neck. It’s Omin Dran! With no introduction, the CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated speaks.
“Thank you for answering my call so quickly. When the earthquake struck the city two days ago, damage was limited, but a sinkhole opened up a fissure beneath an abandoned warehouse in Dock Ward. Two City Watch guards entered the fissure to investigate, but never came out. They’re now feared dead, and the City Watch has asked me to take over the investigation. But my schedule is complicated at the moment, so I’m delegating that job to you. As an experienced adventuring group, I have no doubt that you can handle the task.”
Before you have any chance to respond, Omin drops a hefty bag of coins onto the table. “The pay is 500 gold dragons for the group, with a 20 percent commission going to Acquisitions Incorporated as the broker. Go to the warehouse next to Jolly’s Lamp Emporium down by the docks. Tell the City Watch guards stationed there that I sent you. Explore the fissure, learn the fate of the guards who went missing, and then come back to me with the signed City Watch papers confirming your completed work.”
Then without another word, Omin Dran turns and leaves the room. Galmae follows, giving a wave as she leaves, "Anyway, like nice meeting you all and good luck and all that." She heads to the offices, the last you hear from her is, "Uugh, another message about War Boyz and Bloody Rose fighting again. Why can't they like hook up already..."
“A fine reward for a fine day’s work it shall be, once we have finished dealing with the docks the first round of drinks is on me” *Valiant stands and moves towards the door, his armor making his boots boom on the flooring, not even trying to walk with care…*
“good to know you are all such experienced adventurers, should be a piece of cake!” *he had heard the boss man mention it, and Valiant of course went along with it… but his experiences were more in the getting drunk and telling tale tales departments, in the training hard and working a sweat, not in the solving possible dead guardsmen mysteries… he hid his worry well, or so he thought*
Not having had time to drink a full glass yet, the fiery haired individual downed the rest of his glass and stood up to his full height, towering above most of the party. Though far less enthusiastic than the remainder of this newfound party, he grabbed his few items, and made his way out the door, glancing through the members he'd be diving into the fray with, one by one.
Having no real intention of leading the way, should Gabe reach the door first, he'd post up next to it and allow the most eager to rush through before following, offering Dran and the assistant a silent, polite nod in place of a goodbye as he did.
Pushover is very grateful to receive her water, and is pleasantly surprised to see that there's lambs blood for Aebelskink, however before she can take a sip the CEO arrives and informs them of their mission, which she makes sure to take careful notes on to make sure she follows his words to the later. Ja'Dul then telepaths the group that they should get going, so of course she immediately gets up ready to leave, picking up Aebelskink from the table who gives her a mental reminder to take the blood with her, which she does after requesting to do so from Galmae. She then stands at the door and awaits further instruction.
“Off to jolly”s emporium then?” *he offers the pole position to the barbarian of the ranger, both fierce in their own way, radiating that “don’t come near us” energy in spades. “I think unless there is some need for confiding the locals or such through banter, I am not the best scout or “searcher or facts”… is that a way of putting it!” *he rambles on in his proper schooled accent*
(Added Lamb's blood to Pushover's inventory. So far, current consensus is to proceed with mission given and will proceed unless characters would like to do something else. Updated the public notes to reflect current objectives.)
"Sink hole in the Dock Ward? That near to the coast? More likely a dry cavern collapse..." says Sigurd out loud. He nods to Valiant's comment, "Aye, I can walk point, I'm ready."
“Sigurd my man! A real trooper I see. What brings you to our presence and company?” Valiant walks alongside him and attempts to strike up a conversation while they head to the docks.
he eyes Gabe’s full stature… and checks out the way Ja moves, wondering how effective such a form is in battle, as well as small spaces. For some reason, Valiant feels good about the team assembled… like they might not all just die instantly!
(Due to your background) Your ship has docked a couple of times at Waterdeep, so you know that the Dock Wards are mainly used as the safehouses and fronts for a variety of criminal organizations. But not so familiar with it that you know of the locations in the wards, at most, you know some previous contacts there, if, they're still there. (Any rumors you may have heard before would be not of use due to time passed. You may roll for Perception to get a few current rumors going around, if you would like)
Sigurd leads the party to the Dock wards, whereas its clear that this is the city's slums. Poorly kept roads, buildings in both repair and neglect, and the majority of the citizens here seemingly have a layer of dirt upon them. A ramshackle stall set up along the street bears a sign that reads: “Maps and Poshuns.” Working the stall is a filthy but cheerful gnome urchin. Several pieces of parchment are on display in the stall, with six small ceramic pots placed next to them.
"Oi!" The gnome gives a shout to your party, "Haven't seen any of youse around here before, bet you'd need a map of our fine ward. I got what you need and better yet, I got even more. Poshun of healing for the low, low price of 10 gold. And of course, I may even have more of what you need if you'd like to see to my fine wares."
Not wanting to unnerve the man, Ja'Dul points to the map and one of the potions.
Then he lays out 20 electrum pieces. He hopes this guy will take them because so many other folk have been calling it fake money which lead to a few days of hunger.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Valiant watches Ja try to pay with his fake money, observing to see if it works… he want sure how things were done in this part of town… but he had his armor on, so wasn’t worried either way.
his eyes wandered, trying to size up various dock workers… noticing anyone who would be strong and capable in.m a bar fight… something of a habit from his schooling days… always good to know who was cabable of roughness…
"Hm? Paying in half coins? Eh, coin is coin." The gnome takes out a folded paper and sets it onto the stall's counter. He heads over to the pots and pours the contents into a vial. The liquid shimmers with vibrant red fluids. He puts a cork in the vial and sets it next to the paper. "And seeing as you all are new to the ward, I'll throw in the map for free. And might I interest you in a tool of opening? Just as useful as a lockpick and doesn't need the delicate touch. Hmm?"
(Would you like to roll for Perception to look for any strong looking individuals?)
Val looks out across the eyes and faces that catch his not so perceptive gaze, giving an intimidating challenging expression to each pair of eyes, seeing who flinches… the group as a whole made him a bit daring… perhaps it would be good… perhaps not
16 perception
13 intimidation
he is quite oblivious to ja’s transactions at this point, and doesn’t notice that half money works.. he is still convinced two wrongs don’t make a right, and that the idea stuck true in other realms as well
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Both eyebrows firmly raised at the Tiefling's introduction of both herself as a quote "Pushover" and worse still, the clearly malevolent — or, at the very least, malevolent-adjacent — book's title. Momentarily, his mouth was agape, cigar hanging by, stuck to the skin on his lower lip. The tall man then found himself saying — "Are we all just going to igno- ... ... ...." — before catching himself, pursing his lips, closing his eyes, and bringing the fingers of his left hand together in a meditative-like gesture, visibly centring himself.
A second, profoundly deep sigh in just as many minutes escaped his lips, the redheaded scion composed himself, and announced, not especially loudly: "Never mind. Just... forget I said anything." — before addressing Galmae directly, with a polite smile — "While we're on the subject of taking orders, though. Alcohol. Lots of it. If you don't mind."
Pushover gives a smile to Valiant after his welcome and then turns to Galmae, saying 'Oh, yes, a drink would be lovely please! I'm happy just with a mineral water, helps with the magic migraines, but do you think you could maybe get some lamb's blood for Aebelskink? It's the only ink he'll take, though no worries if you don't have any, I understand it isn't a common thing to stock!' She says this like a mother tenderly explaining her child's fussy eating habits to someone, though doesn't catch Gabe's exasperated half-comment over the ominous spellbook festering on the table. She does manage to take note of Galmae saying not to sit in silence however, and so decides to hum an off-key tune rather loudly, making sure to only take a breath when others are speaking to assure the room is in some form of constant noise.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Galmae gives a laugh, "The only thing we like don't have is people. You'd like think that a new head office they'd like give us more people. But we just have to like deal with it," Galmae opens the room's door and hovering trays begin to come into the room. They set themselves aside the fruits and the contents lift themselves up as well. A plate of rare done walrus steaks are put before Ja'Dul, still bloody. Before Valiant, they set a tall glass and pour two fizzy waters into it, along with two lemon twists. A mineral water is set before Pushover along with an empty inkwell before it is filled with a vial of dark red blood. A tall bottle of wine and a few glasses is put before Gabriel. "Like it's easy for my servants for small things. But how do they like expect me to carry a sword twice my size." She sighs to herself.
(Will advance soon, will bot Trix if no action or introduction is given.)
Valiant takes and sips the fizzy after squeezing the two limes, “I like it extra zesty”.
“It is quite alright Galmae, leave the carrying of heavy objects to the professions… your lack of manpower on the other hand… perhaps that is why we were called in? Or does the bondsman have an extra difficult problem that only people with our expertise can handle?” he looks around at the others, wondering what they are capable of, and where their allegiances lie
Sitting cross-legged in a chair, appears to be a human with brown hair and green eyes. Stops eating grapes for a moment and takes a drink of water. Waves to everyone. “I’m Trix. It’s nice to meet everyone.”
It isn’t long before the door to the conference room opens, and an intense-looking half-elf in plate armor enters. He wears a holy symbol of Tymora, the goddess of fortune, around his neck. It’s Omin Dran! With no introduction, the CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated speaks.
“Thank you for answering my call so quickly. When the earthquake struck the city two days ago, damage was limited, but a sinkhole opened up a fissure beneath an abandoned warehouse in Dock Ward. Two City Watch guards entered the fissure to investigate, but never came out. They’re now feared dead, and the City Watch has asked me to take over the investigation. But my schedule is complicated at the moment, so I’m delegating that job to you. As an experienced adventuring group, I have no doubt that you can handle the task.”
Before you have any chance to respond, Omin drops a hefty bag of coins onto the table. “The pay is 500 gold dragons for the group, with a 20 percent commission going to Acquisitions Incorporated as the broker. Go to the warehouse next to Jolly’s Lamp Emporium down by the docks. Tell the City Watch guards stationed there that I sent you. Explore the fissure, learn the fate of the guards who went missing, and then come back to me with the signed City Watch papers confirming your completed work.”
Then without another word, Omin Dran turns and leaves the room. Galmae follows, giving a wave as she leaves, "Anyway, like nice meeting you all and good luck and all that." She heads to the offices, the last you hear from her is, "Uugh, another message about War Boyz and Bloody Rose fighting again. Why can't they like hook up already..."
You see Ja'Dul's mouthparts flicker over his false hands, cleaning off the meat juice
*mmmm That was delicious!*
Standing up he straightens his equipment belts, *OK, lets go!*
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
“A fine reward for a fine day’s work it shall be, once we have finished dealing with the docks the first round of drinks is on me” *Valiant stands and moves towards the door, his armor making his boots boom on the flooring, not even trying to walk with care…*
“good to know you are all such experienced adventurers, should be a piece of cake!” *he had heard the boss man mention it, and Valiant of course went along with it… but his experiences were more in the getting drunk and telling tale tales departments, in the training hard and working a sweat, not in the solving possible dead guardsmen mysteries… he hid his worry well, or so he thought*
Not having had time to drink a full glass yet, the fiery haired individual downed the rest of his glass and stood up to his full height, towering above most of the party. Though far less enthusiastic than the remainder of this newfound party, he grabbed his few items, and made his way out the door, glancing through the members he'd be diving into the fray with, one by one.
Having no real intention of leading the way, should Gabe reach the door first, he'd post up next to it and allow the most eager to rush through before following, offering Dran and the assistant a silent, polite nod in place of a goodbye as he did.
Pushover is very grateful to receive her water, and is pleasantly surprised to see that there's lambs blood for Aebelskink, however before she can take a sip the CEO arrives and informs them of their mission, which she makes sure to take careful notes on to make sure she follows his words to the later. Ja'Dul then telepaths the group that they should get going, so of course she immediately gets up ready to leave, picking up Aebelskink from the table who gives her a mental reminder to take the blood with her, which she does after requesting to do so from Galmae. She then stands at the door and awaits further instruction.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
“Off to jolly”s emporium then?” *he offers the pole position to the barbarian of the ranger, both fierce in their own way, radiating that “don’t come near us” energy in spades. “I think unless there is some need for confiding the locals or such through banter, I am not the best scout or “searcher or facts”… is that a way of putting it!” *he rambles on in his proper schooled accent*
(Added Lamb's blood to Pushover's inventory. So far, current consensus is to proceed with mission given and will proceed unless characters would like to do something else. Updated the public notes to reflect current objectives.)
"Sink hole in the Dock Ward? That near to the coast? More likely a dry cavern collapse..." says Sigurd out loud. He nods to Valiant's comment, "Aye, I can walk point, I'm ready."
Cats go Moo!
“Sigurd my man! A real trooper I see. What brings you to our presence and company?” Valiant walks alongside him and attempts to strike up a conversation while they head to the docks.
he eyes Gabe’s full stature… and checks out the way Ja moves, wondering how effective such a form is in battle, as well as small spaces. For some reason, Valiant feels good about the team assembled… like they might not all just die instantly!
For Sigurd:
(Due to your background)
Your ship has docked a couple of times at Waterdeep, so you know that the Dock Wards are mainly used as the safehouses and fronts for a variety of criminal organizations. But not so familiar with it that you know of the locations in the wards, at most, you know some previous contacts there, if, they're still there.
(Any rumors you may have heard before would be not of use due to time passed. You may roll for Perception to get a few current rumors going around, if you would like)
Sigurd leads the party to the Dock wards, whereas its clear that this is the city's slums. Poorly kept roads, buildings in both repair and neglect, and the majority of the citizens here seemingly have a layer of dirt upon them. A ramshackle stall set up along the street bears a sign that reads: “Maps and Poshuns.” Working the stall is a filthy but cheerful gnome urchin. Several pieces of parchment are on display in the stall, with six small ceramic pots placed next to them.
"Oi!" The gnome gives a shout to your party, "Haven't seen any of youse around here before, bet you'd need a map of our fine ward. I got what you need and better yet, I got even more. Poshun of healing for the low, low price of 10 gold. And of course, I may even have more of what you need if you'd like to see to my fine wares."
Not wanting to unnerve the man, Ja'Dul points to the map and one of the potions.
Then he lays out 20 electrum pieces. He hopes this guy will take them because so many other folk have been calling it fake money which lead to a few days of hunger.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Valiant watches Ja try to pay with his fake money, observing to see if it works… he want sure how things were done in this part of town… but he had his armor on, so wasn’t worried either way.
his eyes wandered, trying to size up various dock workers… noticing anyone who would be strong and capable in.m a bar fight… something of a habit from his schooling days… always good to know who was cabable of roughness…
"Hm? Paying in half coins? Eh, coin is coin." The gnome takes out a folded paper and sets it onto the stall's counter. He heads over to the pots and pours the contents into a vial. The liquid shimmers with vibrant red fluids. He puts a cork in the vial and sets it next to the paper. "And seeing as you all are new to the ward, I'll throw in the map for free. And might I interest you in a tool of opening? Just as useful as a lockpick and doesn't need the delicate touch. Hmm?"
(Updated Ja'Dul's inventory.)
(Would you like to roll for Perception to look for any strong looking individuals?)
Val looks out across the eyes and faces that catch his not so perceptive gaze, giving an intimidating challenging expression to each pair of eyes, seeing who flinches… the group as a whole made him a bit daring… perhaps it would be good… perhaps not
16 perception
13 intimidation
he is quite oblivious to ja’s transactions at this point, and doesn’t notice that half money works.. he is still convinced two wrongs don’t make a right, and that the idea stuck true in other realms as well