As the group makes its way to Shenua's guild, Iromae keeps near to Vorenus. "It was really nice of you to make those Great Magic Waffles this morning," she says with a light laugh as she emphasizes the 'great' he usually applies to himself. She then bumps him lightly with her arm. "And the cinnamon! I can't believe that after all these years you would remember how much I liked that. And made sure you left one for me." Her smile grows as she talks. "You have a good heart, sir."
The cleric quiets as the group enters the Artisans' Guild. She observes the varied looks of recognition towards Shenua, especially the many warm ones. She grins a bit at the teasing words from the gnome and the dry voice of the half-orc. Her question moves the half-elf to answer. "I am Illuminator Iromae Quinaea," she says, casting a very brief glance at Diego. Then after a pause she adds, "Perhaps more importantly, I'm also an old friend of Shenua. And... actually... I was just here with her."
On their way to the Suzail Guild of Naturalists and Artificers, Shenua looks eager. She hasn’t been there in quite a while, and there are a few people she’s eager to check in with. Standing at the building's door, the tiefling smiles widely. It looks exactly as she remembers—except perhaps for the ivy, which adds a lovely touch to the structure that otherwise appears as neat and orderly as one would expect from a place brimming with arcane scholars.
Once inside, the first familiar face she spots is Tinkerwick. Without saying a word, the tiefling sneaks up to him as silently as she can, and after observing what he’s working on, she suddenly says, "Tsk tsk. That wire isn’t correctly aligned. My dearest Tinkerwick, I would expect better from someone like you!" As the gnome turns to face her, she crosses her arms, dons an expression of mock self-importance, and adds, "Oh, I never brag. I promise, and I deliver." Then she drops the act and smiles warmly. "I’ve missed this place! I may have a few things to share from my recent experiments, and I’m sure you’ve made some exciting developments yourself. We should catch up later, okay?" Shenua glances toward the counter and spots a familiar half-orc. "But first, let me talk to Grathna."
The half-orc looks up as you approach the counter. Her sharp eyes take in the group before settling on Shenua. “Well, well. The prodigal artificer returns,” she says, her voice dry but not unkind. “What brings you back, and who are your companions?”
With a couple of long, steady steps, the tiefling approaches the counter and gives the half-orc an amused look. "You’re not going to tell me you missed me, are you, Master Stonequill?" But as with Tinkerwick, her expression quickly softens, and she waves at Grathna before turning to introduce her companions. "These are my friends: Illuminator Iromae, follower of Deneir and a dedicated seeker of higher knowledge; Diego Goldbow, whose performances are sure to brighten your days if you have the chance to listen to them; and Vorenus, a fellow student of the arcane, like us. You will have a hard time finding one as enthusiastic as him."
Once the introductions are done, Shenua’s demeanor turns a more serious. "I’d like to request help. I know personal projects aren’t usually something we can bring before the Guild, but I thought it was worth asking if an exception could be made. Of course, I’d be more than willing to repay this in any way you see fit." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "The thing is, a friend of ours is missing—and not in an ordinary way. She has literally been stripped from our memories, and we need to recover them to help her. We don’t know how this could have happened, what kind of magic was cast, or who might be behind it."
"I understand if this is seen as a personal matter, but I also believe it’s something worth investigating. Who knows? This could turn out to be significant for the entire arcane community. Taking this into account, Grathna, could we possibly use the Guild’s resources to find discounted or free housing for the group while we are investigating? And would it be possible to visit the Vault of Inspiration? The knowledge stored there might be crucial for our research."
As she finishes speaking, Shenua gives quick glance to Diego. The bard's support might come in handy to persuade Grathna to help them.
Diego smiles toward the half orc, putting on his charming face, I wouldn't want to assume, but would you happen to have an artificer with knowledge of planar travel? In my studies I've read of great artificers capable of creating devices that would allow travel between the planes of existence and, after seeing with my own eyes, the skill and craftsmanship on display here within the guild I would expect to find one such here? He let's the indictment if the question hang in the air for a few seconds, looking to see if he may have struck a nerve of excitement in the half orcs eyes or any that may have overheard. Before continuing he turns slightly to the side so that when he next speaks he not only addresses the half orc but also the others working close by, using prestidigitation to raise his voice just a little, not yelling but more projecting it so that it may be heard even in the corners of the room, you see, preliminary research suggest that there could be the possibility for an excursion to one of the outer planes, and that might require a rather unique, imaginative mode of transportation. We were thinking, if you had someone already working in the field, perhaps a guild project, then we might could work together. Lady Shenua's expert crafting techniques along with the wizard Vorenus's knowledge of the arcane and outer planes...who knows what we could create, fabricate. he raises his eyebrows with a questioning smile.
Grathna Stonequill listens carefully as Shenua and Diego speak, her sharp eyes flicking between the tiefling and the bard, then briefly resting on the rest of the group. The half-orc's expression remains inscrutable as Diego’s impassioned pitch fills the room, but a faint twitch at the corner of her mouth might be the closest thing to a smile anyone has ever seen from her.
“Well,” she finally says, her gravelly voice carrying through the hall with the weight of authority. “It seems you’ve brought quite the entourage, Shenua. And, apparently, quite the ambition.” Her gaze lingers for a moment on Diego before shifting back to Shenua. “But ambition isn’t enough in a place like this. It needs to be backed by skill. And resources.”
She steps out from behind the counter, motioning for the group to follow her. “Let’s make one thing clear: the Guild doesn’t operate on sentimentality. If you want access to the Vault of Inspiration or discounted lodging, you’ll need to offer something in return. That said ...” She casts a glance over her shoulder at the group. “... you’re lucky I like you, Shenua. And that you’ve brought friends who seem more than capable.”
As they walk, Grathna continues. “The Vault of Inspiration is not open to just anyone, but I’ll make an exception if you agree to take on a task for the Guild. We’ve been having issues with a piece of equipment down in the workshop — a planar stabilizer that’s been acting up. If you can repair it or figure out why it’s malfunctioning, I’ll grant you access to the Vault.”
She stops in front of a workshop door and turns to face the group. “As for discounted lodging, I can arrange something modest for your group for the duration of your stay. But don’t expect luxuries. You’ll still need to cover your meals and other expenses.”
At that moment, Tinkerwick, having overheard the conversation, pipes up from behind. “The planar stabilizer? Oh, it’s a beauty, that one. Complicated, though — like an onion with gears. You’ll need sharp minds and steady hands to sort it out. Should be fun!” He grins at Shenua. “Bet you’re itching to get your hands on it already, eh?”
Grathna snorts softly, crossing her arms. “What do you say, Shenua? Are you and your friends up for the challenge? You’ll get access to the Vault if you succeed. And Tinkerwick here can oversee your work to ensure nothing explodes.” Her tone suggests this is only half a joke.
She raises an eyebrow, waiting for the group’s response.
Vorenus gives Ironmae a deep, formal bow as they are walking and she compliments his “legendary” waffles, thanking her for the compliment. “Tis nothing, learned a trick with them here or there, I’ve learned to become somewhat of a short order cook as it were, who would think of such?” He walks along with a skip in his step, pleased that she liked them.
Once they arrive, Vorenus chuckles as he hears the words “Prodigal artificer”, then promptly thinks better of it and holds his hand in front of his mouth. As he watches her reconnect with her old friends and coworkers, a smile is on his face, almost the look of a proud father, a proud friend.. that he knows her and of the growth of her skills. As she introduces “fellow student” Vorenus, he is not able to contain himself as he says without being asked, “Surely you have heard of *ahem* Vorenus, the Great? No? Well.. we are old friends, Shenua and I. As well as Ironmae and Diego here. You are in the company of greatness, surely!” And he broadens his stance, again giving Shenua that proud look with crossed arms.
As the task is detailed to them, the planar stabilizer, Vorenus gives a chuckle, saying “Absolutely we are up to the task! Consider it fixed! With our combined skills we can do .. well .. extraordinary things! Don’t you worry! We’ll have it right as rain before you can say Abracadabrasuziaexpialidocious! Hah!”
"Of course," Shenua says with a smile as Grathna mentioned the Guild wouldn't offer help freely. "I expected no less. And naturally, we’ll be more than happy to assist. But by the Nine Hells, what have you done to the planar stabilizer? That masterpiece was functioning perfectly the last time I saw it! It pains me to hear something's gone wrong. Did someone tamper with it? Surely it didn’t just stop working on its own, did it?"
As she speaks, Shenua’s expression shifts, and the gray and turquoise tiefling is suddenly deep in thought. She begins tapping her clawed nails against the counter, the rhythmic sound accompanying her focus. Her mind races through memories of the stabilizer’s design, recalling details and blueprints she might have seen during her travels to the Suzail branch.
After a moment, during which everyone notices that she was lost in thought, Shenua snaps back to the present. Her eyes brighten as she continues, "Oh well, whatever’s wrong with the planar stabilizer, I’m sure we can fix it. We are quite the team, you know?" She flashed a smile at Grathna and Tinkerwick and a wink at Iromae, Diego and Vorenus, her enthusiasm growing until it lights up her entire expression. "I can’t wait to get my hands on it!" Her demonic tail swished excitedly behind her, curling and uncurling as though it couldn’t contain her eagerness.
Iromae seems distracted a moment as Vorenus finishes up his comments. 'Abracadabra... What did he say? Alidocius? No, there was more.' She realizes the word was just made up, but she had kind of liked the sound of it. She turns her attention back once Shenua agrees to help out. "Yes, I'd be more than happy to offer whatever help I am able to. It is the least we could do for your assistance."
Grathna crosses her arms and regards the group thoughtfully, her expression giving nothing away. She gives an almost imperceptible nod at Shenua’s enthusiasm, the faintest smirk tugging at the corner of her lips when Vorenus boldly declares their competence.
“Alright,” the half-orc says. “The planar stabilizer is one of the Guild’s more ... temperamental constructs. We’ve been using it to calibrate our dimensional experiments, but last week, it started to destabilize unexpectedly. One of our junior members said they heard a strange hum coming from it just before it sputtered and shut down.”
She raises an eyebrow at Shenua. “No, it didn’t just stop on its own. And yes, someone did tamper with it. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. If you’re as capable as you say, your help would be appreciated, but don’t get ahead of yourselves. This isn’t a quick fix. You'll have access to the stabilizer room and any non-restricted Guild resources. We’ll also waive your lodging fees for the next week, assuming you make progress.”
Tinkerwick pipes up, his voice excited and high-pitched. “It’s a beauty, really! One of the most advanced pieces we’ve got. The arcane matrix itself is a marvel! But it’s ... uh ... a little picky about how it’s maintained. We had to close off the room after the last incident. Something about residual planar energy making things a bit unstable.”
Grathna holds up a hand, cutting him off. “That’s enough, Tinkerwick.” She turns her sharp eyes back to the group, assessing them one last time. After a moment, she nods firmly. “You seem ready to help, so let’s not waste any more time. Follow me.”
Without waiting for further confirmation, Grathna steps out from behind the counter and motions for the group to follow her. She leads them through the winding halls of the Guild, the air growing noticeably cooler and more charged with faint magical energy the closer they get. After a few turns, they arrive at a sturdy iron door marked with intricate runes that pulse faintly with light.
“This is it,” she says, producing a key from a pouch at her belt and unlocking the door. As it creaks open, the room beyond is revealed: a large, circular chamber filled with glowing glyphs etched into the floor, walls, and ceiling. In the center stands the planar stabilizer itself — a towering, intricate device of brass, crystal, and silver, its components eerily still. A faint hum fills the air, and the glyphs occasionally flicker as if disturbed by some unseen force.
Grathna steps aside, gesturing toward the device. “There you go. Take a look, but don’t touch anything until you’re sure of what you’re doing. I’ll be nearby if you need anything. Good luck.”
With that, she leans against the wall near the doorway, watching silently as the group takes in the scene.
"Temperamental, huh?"Shenua says. "I like temperamental."She even forgets to thank the half-orc for the lodging and for granting them access to the non-restricted areas of the Guild, her mind already fixed on the task at hand as she follows after Grathna.
When they finally enter the chamber, with the stabilizer standing before them, the artificer can’t help but marvel at it. Quoting Tinkerwick, she murmurs, "A beauty indeed." Then she steps into the room, stopping just a few steps away from the device. Shenua circles it a couple of times, examining it closely to get a full view. "So, a junior member heard a strange hum before it shut down...? What might that mean?"As she mutters to herself, she pulls a lockpick from the inner pocket of her jacket, tapping it gently against her forehead while she thinks.
After a moment, the tiefling turns back to her friends. "I wonder if the problem originated within the device, or if something external affected it. Let's all take a look, okay? We could start with a little detection—maybe figure out if any magic surrounding the device is interfering with it." With this, she points the lockpick toward the device and extends her left hand as well, her fingertips searching for traces of magic emanating from the device and the space around it as she circles the planar stabilizer again.
Diego fallows the group into the room, looking over the device with a mix of awe and confusion. Completely out of his element he studies the thing trying to figure out how it works only to get a headache. Instead he focuses on the glyphs etched in the floor, the wall and ceiling. He eyes Shenua as she talks, good as place as any to start. He pulls the baton from his waist belt and cast detect magic and starts tracing the glyphs, clockworkings or not, all magic follows a pattern, If I could only find the rhythm of that magic, the pattern, then maybe we can identify what's been added or what's missing. Just like a chord of music, commonly made with the root note, then the third and fifth of that same scale. When played together you get this beautiful sound. You can leave the third or the fifth note out and still have a pretty chord, or add the forth or the seventh and still get something pleasing to the ear, but do they belong in the song. He continues to study the glyphs looking for patterns, flow, harmony and if found then he'll start reading it to try to figure out what's missing or what doesn't belong.
Vorenus walks over to the device and starts looking it over, saying under his breath, “Tempramental is my middle name..” He looks over the entire machine, starting at the bottom, looking at the glyphs as well, tracing up one side of the device and down the other, looking for anything that is broken, anything that he could mend. “Hmmmm, it looks like you might have some trouble with your flux capacitor….” He nods to himself and keeps examining, every now and again looking out of the side of his eye at Shenua, watching what she is doing.
Iromae follows the others in silence. As they enter the room and take in the sight of this contraption, it is amazing. Though really arcane contraptions are way more Shenua's thing than hers. Shenua and Diego each seem to already be trying to detect magic here. 'Probably not worth trying that myself.' She watches Vorenus walk towards the device and kept help but stop forward towards him. "They said not to touch it," she whispers to remind him. "What is a flux capacitor?" she then asks. "Do you think that is what is causing the glyphs to flicker?"
Eventually her thoughts turn to writting - as they usually do. "Shenua, I'm not really familiar with these arcano-mechanical things. Could you maybe help us understand what a stabilizer does? And, do you have any documentation about it? Perhaps the notes from the creator or builder? Or a schematic showing how it goes together?"
When Iromae asks about the device, Shenua snaps out of her work, turning to face her directly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sweet hells, I’m sorry. I got so focused on this that I completely forgot to explain. Please excuse me."
She takes a breath before launching into her explanation. "In short, a planar stabilizer regulates interactions between planes of existence. When conducting experiments or casting spells that involve other planes, it ensures the boundaries between them remain intact, preventing unwanted rifts or instabilities. For instance, if the Guild wanted to summon a creature from the Elemental Plane of Fire to study it, the stabilizer would stop lava from spilling into the workshop—or worse, the target plane consuming the area entirely due to nearby rifts."
Shenua pauses briefly, then continues explaining the device's other primary function. "Another key use is harmonizing the energies between planes. Since planes often operate on different frequencies, or arcane wavelengths, the stabilizer aligns and balances these energies to create a safe environment for cross-planar activities. Say we’re building a portal for quick travel to the Feywild. The stabilizer would ensure the portal doesn’t accidentally drop travelers in the Shadowfell, instead—or collapse altogether as someone steps through it."
Finally, regarding the blueprints, she nods in agreement. "You’re absolutely right, Iromae. I recall some of it from memory, but it’d be best to double-check. Grathna, can you bring us the blueprints?"
Vorenus stands with his hands on his hips as Shenua explains the device to Ironmae. “Well, yeah, obviously. Totally what I was gonna say. Harmonizing the energies and whatnot. Like that.” He looks up at Grathna when the blueprints are asked for, mainly to look and see if she was still there watching them. Vorenus says to himself “Sometimes you just gotta smack it a few times and then it’ll start working. Too often we forget to give the smacking it method to get it working…” Vorenus reaches out and smacks the side of the machine gently with his hands, like he is fixing a malfunctioning device at home.
When Vorenus actually smacks the stabilizer, Shenua turns to him with a glare that practically screams, "I am going to kill you!" Almost unconsciously, her tail snaps out and swats him across the back of his legs. "What are you doing!?" the artificer snaps, her voice sharp with disbelief. "This is not mere cargo to be banged about like a crate of tools!"
As Shenua and Diego cast Detect Magic, the room is flooded with a soft glow that reveals the arcane auras of the planar stabilizer and the surrounding glyphs to the pair.
Shenua and Diego:
Planar Stabilizer:
The stabilizer itself radiates a strong aura of conjuration magic, confirming its role in regulating planar boundaries. However, the magic appears to be unstable — flickering intermittently, as if something is disrupting its flow.
There are faint traces of abjuration magic woven into its structure, likely safeguards to prevent planar breaches.
The glyphs etched on the floor, walls, and ceiling pulse with abjuration magic, designed to reinforce the stabilizer and protect the area from unintended planar shifts.
However, several of the glyphs — particularly those on the far side of the room — are dimmer than the others, their magic weakened or disrupted. This could indicate damage or interference.
External Magic:
Both Shenua and Diego sense a faint residual aura of enchantment lingering in the air, as if someone — or something — recently cast a spell in this room. The magic feels out of place and could be a clue to what caused the disruption.
As Vorenus examines the stabilizer, he doesn’t find any physical damage to the machine that could be repaired with Mending. However, his knowledge of arcane mechanisms allows him to notice a few key details:
Mechanical Components:
Some of the stabilizer’s internal gears and conduits appear misaligned, possibly due to the disruption in its magical field. While this misalignment might not be fixable with Mending, it could be adjusted manually with the right tools and care.
Flux Capacitor Joke Aside:
The stabilizer’s core seems to be drawing power unevenly, which could explain the flickering glyphs and unstable magic.
Dangerous Potential:
Based on his observations, Vorenus recognizes that tampering with the stabilizer recklessly could trigger a planar rift. Any adjustments should be done carefully and likely require teamwork.
Grathna, who has been leaning against the doorway and observing the group with a neutral expression, straightens up slightly when Shenua requests the blueprints. She nods curtly, seeming to weigh the artificer’s words. “Blueprints? Yeah, we have them. They’re not recent, but they should help. I’ll send Tinkerwick to grab them for you.”
Her attention shifts as Vorenus smacks the stabilizer, and though the machine remains still, the faint hum in the air briefly spikes before returning to its normal rhythm. Grathna’s eyes narrow, and she lets out a sharp sigh. “I did say not to touch it,” she says, her tone carrying both frustration and a measure of restraint. “If that thing decides to blow, no planar stabilizer in the world will save us.”
Tinkerwick, who has been watching nervously from behind Grathna, gives a small yelp and darts down the hallway, presumably to fetch the requested documents.
Grathna steps into the room, towering over the group, her sharp eyes moving between each of them. “I trust you all know what you’re doing — or at least, I hope you do. This isn’t some common mechanical issue. One wrong move and we’re not just dealing with a broken stabilizer; we could be looking at planar overlaps or rifts. So please, no more improvisation. Got it?”
Her gaze lingers briefly on Vorenus, then softens as she addresses Shenua again. “The blueprints should be here shortly. In the meantime, I suggest you figure out what might be interfering with the stabilizer before making any physical adjustments. If the glyphs are flickering, it could mean an energy imbalance or external disruption. You said you wanted to detect for magic, right? Let’s hope that gets us a lead.”
She steps back toward the doorway, crossing her arms and leaning against the frame again. “I’ll be here if you need anything else.”
Vorenus has a look of shock on his face with the chastising that he received from Shenua and then Grathna, truly surprised that they didn’t think his idea of giving it a good kick in the pants was a good idea. “Okay, okay, sorry, I just, I don’t know why, it just seemed like a good idea to me. Hey, Shenua, I found something? Some of those gears and spokes don’t look right to me, like they have been misaligned. Maybe I can help you with ‘em? I can help hold tools or mend things, but I know I couldn’t fix it on my own, too complicated… have a look, over here!” Vorenus points it out to her, walking more carefully now that he has been sufficiently frightened.
Iromae's eyes widen when Vorenus smacks the device. After Grathna reminds him she said not to touch it, she too whispers, almost more to herself. "I said not to touch it too." Her tone is one of disappointment. She steps away from Vorenus with measured steps and waits for the blueprints. While waiting, her mind is spinning. 'Why is he such a pompous jerk? Can't he listen to anyone?'
It takes her a moment to catch what Vorenus had to say. But as she realizes he is offering some helpful information now, she turns to try to see what it is he is explaining. Tinkering was beyond her, but she knew a thing or two about magic. She studies the gears that seem misaligned, tries to calculate what sort of frequency might be related to them, and see if perhaps that does fully explain the flickering of the glyphs they had seen. (Arcana: 24)
Shenua lets out an exasperated breath when Vorenus apologizes but seems to set it aside as the wizard points to the misaligned gears. "Interesting,"she mutters, her tone shifting to one of focus. "That might explain the disruption in the magical field I've been sensing."She turns toward Diego, her expression questioning. "You've felt it too, right? Someone cast an enchantment spell here—there’s a lingering aura in the room." The artificer looks between Grathna and Tinkerwick before the latter storms off to get the blueprints. "Do you know anything about this? Who cast the spell, and what exactly did they do?"
Her gaze returns to the device, tracing over the gears and glyphs. "Tinkering with it blindly, without understanding what’s already been done, is asking for trouble. Let’s wait for those blueprints. I think the best course is to resolve the magical disruption first and only then adjust whatever’s misaligned."
Diego seemingly oblivious to Vorenus's actions makes his way to the far side of the room studying the glyphs. The sweet tones of Shenua's voice catching his attention, Indeed my fair tinker, it seems like an enchantment was cast here not too long ago and I think this might be the cause of your instability, he points out the dim glyphs, these glyphs aren't as strong as the others. It's as if their magic has been weakened or disrupted. I believe this to be your weak link in the chain so to speak. I can't seem to get a bead on the type of enchantment cast, unsure what it was or what it's desired purpose might have been.
He turns his attention to Grathna, dearest guildmaster, did one of your members cast an enchantment to try to contain some of the planar energy or anything they may have felt would help the situation? And, if I may ask, who did your glyph work?
Without waiting on an answer he turns toward Vorenus, Vorey within your vast knowledge of enchantments, is there one that may dampen or hinder magic? Like a simple knock spell would interrupt the arcane energy of a magically locked box or door long enough for the locking mechanism to fail?
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As the group makes its way to Shenua's guild, Iromae keeps near to Vorenus. "It was really nice of you to make those Great Magic Waffles this morning," she says with a light laugh as she emphasizes the 'great' he usually applies to himself. She then bumps him lightly with her arm. "And the cinnamon! I can't believe that after all these years you would remember how much I liked that. And made sure you left one for me." Her smile grows as she talks. "You have a good heart, sir."
The cleric quiets as the group enters the Artisans' Guild. She observes the varied looks of recognition towards Shenua, especially the many warm ones. She grins a bit at the teasing words from the gnome and the dry voice of the half-orc. Her question moves the half-elf to answer. "I am Illuminator Iromae Quinaea," she says, casting a very brief glance at Diego. Then after a pause she adds, "Perhaps more importantly, I'm also an old friend of Shenua. And... actually... I was just here with her."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
On their way to the Suzail Guild of Naturalists and Artificers, Shenua looks eager. She hasn’t been there in quite a while, and there are a few people she’s eager to check in with. Standing at the building's door, the tiefling smiles widely. It looks exactly as she remembers—except perhaps for the ivy, which adds a lovely touch to the structure that otherwise appears as neat and orderly as one would expect from a place brimming with arcane scholars.
Once inside, the first familiar face she spots is Tinkerwick. Without saying a word, the tiefling sneaks up to him as silently as she can, and after observing what he’s working on, she suddenly says, "Tsk tsk. That wire isn’t correctly aligned. My dearest Tinkerwick, I would expect better from someone like you!" As the gnome turns to face her, she crosses her arms, dons an expression of mock self-importance, and adds, "Oh, I never brag. I promise, and I deliver." Then she drops the act and smiles warmly. "I’ve missed this place! I may have a few things to share from my recent experiments, and I’m sure you’ve made some exciting developments yourself. We should catch up later, okay?" Shenua glances toward the counter and spots a familiar half-orc. "But first, let me talk to Grathna."
With a couple of long, steady steps, the tiefling approaches the counter and gives the half-orc an amused look. "You’re not going to tell me you missed me, are you, Master Stonequill?" But as with Tinkerwick, her expression quickly softens, and she waves at Grathna before turning to introduce her companions. "These are my friends: Illuminator Iromae, follower of Deneir and a dedicated seeker of higher knowledge; Diego Goldbow, whose performances are sure to brighten your days if you have the chance to listen to them; and Vorenus, a fellow student of the arcane, like us. You will have a hard time finding one as enthusiastic as him."
Once the introductions are done, Shenua’s demeanor turns a more serious. "I’d like to request help. I know personal projects aren’t usually something we can bring before the Guild, but I thought it was worth asking if an exception could be made. Of course, I’d be more than willing to repay this in any way you see fit." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "The thing is, a friend of ours is missing—and not in an ordinary way. She has literally been stripped from our memories, and we need to recover them to help her. We don’t know how this could have happened, what kind of magic was cast, or who might be behind it."
"I understand if this is seen as a personal matter, but I also believe it’s something worth investigating. Who knows? This could turn out to be significant for the entire arcane community. Taking this into account, Grathna, could we possibly use the Guild’s resources to find discounted or free housing for the group while we are investigating? And would it be possible to visit the Vault of Inspiration? The knowledge stored there might be crucial for our research."
As she finishes speaking, Shenua gives quick glance to Diego. The bard's support might come in handy to persuade Grathna to help them.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Diego smiles toward the half orc, putting on his charming face, I wouldn't want to assume, but would you happen to have an artificer with knowledge of planar travel? In my studies I've read of great artificers capable of creating devices that would allow travel between the planes of existence and, after seeing with my own eyes, the skill and craftsmanship on display here within the guild I would expect to find one such here? He let's the indictment if the question hang in the air for a few seconds, looking to see if he may have struck a nerve of excitement in the half orcs eyes or any that may have overheard. Before continuing he turns slightly to the side so that when he next speaks he not only addresses the half orc but also the others working close by, using prestidigitation to raise his voice just a little, not yelling but more projecting it so that it may be heard even in the corners of the room, you see, preliminary research suggest that there could be the possibility for an excursion to one of the outer planes, and that might require a rather unique, imaginative mode of transportation. We were thinking, if you had someone already working in the field, perhaps a guild project, then we might could work together. Lady Shenua's expert crafting techniques along with the wizard Vorenus's knowledge of the arcane and outer planes...who knows what we could create, fabricate. he raises his eyebrows with a questioning smile.
Grathna Stonequill listens carefully as Shenua and Diego speak, her sharp eyes flicking between the tiefling and the bard, then briefly resting on the rest of the group. The half-orc's expression remains inscrutable as Diego’s impassioned pitch fills the room, but a faint twitch at the corner of her mouth might be the closest thing to a smile anyone has ever seen from her.
“Well,” she finally says, her gravelly voice carrying through the hall with the weight of authority. “It seems you’ve brought quite the entourage, Shenua. And, apparently, quite the ambition.” Her gaze lingers for a moment on Diego before shifting back to Shenua. “But ambition isn’t enough in a place like this. It needs to be backed by skill. And resources.”
She steps out from behind the counter, motioning for the group to follow her. “Let’s make one thing clear: the Guild doesn’t operate on sentimentality. If you want access to the Vault of Inspiration or discounted lodging, you’ll need to offer something in return. That said ...” She casts a glance over her shoulder at the group. “... you’re lucky I like you, Shenua. And that you’ve brought friends who seem more than capable.”
As they walk, Grathna continues. “The Vault of Inspiration is not open to just anyone, but I’ll make an exception if you agree to take on a task for the Guild. We’ve been having issues with a piece of equipment down in the workshop — a planar stabilizer that’s been acting up. If you can repair it or figure out why it’s malfunctioning, I’ll grant you access to the Vault.”
She stops in front of a workshop door and turns to face the group. “As for discounted lodging, I can arrange something modest for your group for the duration of your stay. But don’t expect luxuries. You’ll still need to cover your meals and other expenses.”
At that moment, Tinkerwick, having overheard the conversation, pipes up from behind. “The planar stabilizer? Oh, it’s a beauty, that one. Complicated, though — like an onion with gears. You’ll need sharp minds and steady hands to sort it out. Should be fun!” He grins at Shenua. “Bet you’re itching to get your hands on it already, eh?”
Grathna snorts softly, crossing her arms. “What do you say, Shenua? Are you and your friends up for the challenge? You’ll get access to the Vault if you succeed. And Tinkerwick here can oversee your work to ensure nothing explodes.” Her tone suggests this is only half a joke.
She raises an eyebrow, waiting for the group’s response.
Vorenus gives Ironmae a deep, formal bow as they are walking and she compliments his “legendary” waffles, thanking her for the compliment. “Tis nothing, learned a trick with them here or there, I’ve learned to become somewhat of a short order cook as it were, who would think of such?” He walks along with a skip in his step, pleased that she liked them.
Once they arrive, Vorenus chuckles as he hears the words “Prodigal artificer”, then promptly thinks better of it and holds his hand in front of his mouth. As he watches her reconnect with her old friends and coworkers, a smile is on his face, almost the look of a proud father, a proud friend.. that he knows her and of the growth of her skills. As she introduces “fellow student” Vorenus, he is not able to contain himself as he says without being asked, “Surely you have heard of *ahem* Vorenus, the Great? No? Well.. we are old friends, Shenua and I. As well as Ironmae and Diego here. You are in the company of greatness, surely!” And he broadens his stance, again giving Shenua that proud look with crossed arms.
As the task is detailed to them, the planar stabilizer, Vorenus gives a chuckle, saying “Absolutely we are up to the task! Consider it fixed! With our combined skills we can do .. well .. extraordinary things! Don’t you worry! We’ll have it right as rain before you can say Abracadabrasuziaexpialidocious! Hah!”
"Of course," Shenua says with a smile as Grathna mentioned the Guild wouldn't offer help freely. "I expected no less. And naturally, we’ll be more than happy to assist. But by the Nine Hells, what have you done to the planar stabilizer? That masterpiece was functioning perfectly the last time I saw it! It pains me to hear something's gone wrong. Did someone tamper with it? Surely it didn’t just stop working on its own, did it?"
As she speaks, Shenua’s expression shifts, and the gray and turquoise tiefling is suddenly deep in thought. She begins tapping her clawed nails against the counter, the rhythmic sound accompanying her focus. Her mind races through memories of the stabilizer’s design, recalling details and blueprints she might have seen during her travels to the Suzail branch.
After a moment, during which everyone notices that she was lost in thought, Shenua snaps back to the present. Her eyes brighten as she continues, "Oh well, whatever’s wrong with the planar stabilizer, I’m sure we can fix it. We are quite the team, you know?" She flashed a smile at Grathna and Tinkerwick and a wink at Iromae, Diego and Vorenus, her enthusiasm growing until it lights up her entire expression. "I can’t wait to get my hands on it!" Her demonic tail swished excitedly behind her, curling and uncurling as though it couldn’t contain her eagerness.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Iromae seems distracted a moment as Vorenus finishes up his comments. 'Abracadabra... What did he say? Alidocius? No, there was more.' She realizes the word was just made up, but she had kind of liked the sound of it. She turns her attention back once Shenua agrees to help out. "Yes, I'd be more than happy to offer whatever help I am able to. It is the least we could do for your assistance."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Grathna crosses her arms and regards the group thoughtfully, her expression giving nothing away. She gives an almost imperceptible nod at Shenua’s enthusiasm, the faintest smirk tugging at the corner of her lips when Vorenus boldly declares their competence.
“Alright,” the half-orc says. “The planar stabilizer is one of the Guild’s more ... temperamental constructs. We’ve been using it to calibrate our dimensional experiments, but last week, it started to destabilize unexpectedly. One of our junior members said they heard a strange hum coming from it just before it sputtered and shut down.”
She raises an eyebrow at Shenua. “No, it didn’t just stop on its own. And yes, someone did tamper with it. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. If you’re as capable as you say, your help would be appreciated, but don’t get ahead of yourselves. This isn’t a quick fix. You'll have access to the stabilizer room and any non-restricted Guild resources. We’ll also waive your lodging fees for the next week, assuming you make progress.”
Tinkerwick pipes up, his voice excited and high-pitched. “It’s a beauty, really! One of the most advanced pieces we’ve got. The arcane matrix itself is a marvel! But it’s ... uh ... a little picky about how it’s maintained. We had to close off the room after the last incident. Something about residual planar energy making things a bit unstable.”
Grathna holds up a hand, cutting him off. “That’s enough, Tinkerwick.” She turns her sharp eyes back to the group, assessing them one last time. After a moment, she nods firmly. “You seem ready to help, so let’s not waste any more time. Follow me.”
Without waiting for further confirmation, Grathna steps out from behind the counter and motions for the group to follow her. She leads them through the winding halls of the Guild, the air growing noticeably cooler and more charged with faint magical energy the closer they get. After a few turns, they arrive at a sturdy iron door marked with intricate runes that pulse faintly with light.
“This is it,” she says, producing a key from a pouch at her belt and unlocking the door. As it creaks open, the room beyond is revealed: a large, circular chamber filled with glowing glyphs etched into the floor, walls, and ceiling. In the center stands the planar stabilizer itself — a towering, intricate device of brass, crystal, and silver, its components eerily still. A faint hum fills the air, and the glyphs occasionally flicker as if disturbed by some unseen force.
Grathna steps aside, gesturing toward the device. “There you go. Take a look, but don’t touch anything until you’re sure of what you’re doing. I’ll be nearby if you need anything. Good luck.”
With that, she leans against the wall near the doorway, watching silently as the group takes in the scene.
"Temperamental, huh?" Shenua says. "I like temperamental." She even forgets to thank the half-orc for the lodging and for granting them access to the non-restricted areas of the Guild, her mind already fixed on the task at hand as she follows after Grathna.
When they finally enter the chamber, with the stabilizer standing before them, the artificer can’t help but marvel at it. Quoting Tinkerwick, she murmurs, "A beauty indeed." Then she steps into the room, stopping just a few steps away from the device. Shenua circles it a couple of times, examining it closely to get a full view. "So, a junior member heard a strange hum before it shut down...? What might that mean?" As she mutters to herself, she pulls a lockpick from the inner pocket of her jacket, tapping it gently against her forehead while she thinks.
After a moment, the tiefling turns back to her friends. "I wonder if the problem originated within the device, or if something external affected it. Let's all take a look, okay? We could start with a little detection—maybe figure out if any magic surrounding the device is interfering with it." With this, she points the lockpick toward the device and extends her left hand as well, her fingertips searching for traces of magic emanating from the device and the space around it as she circles the planar stabilizer again.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Diego fallows the group into the room, looking over the device with a mix of awe and confusion. Completely out of his element he studies the thing trying to figure out how it works only to get a headache. Instead he focuses on the glyphs etched in the floor, the wall and ceiling. He eyes Shenua as she talks, good as place as any to start. He pulls the baton from his waist belt and cast detect magic and starts tracing the glyphs, clockworkings or not, all magic follows a pattern, If I could only find the rhythm of that magic, the pattern, then maybe we can identify what's been added or what's missing. Just like a chord of music, commonly made with the root note, then the third and fifth of that same scale. When played together you get this beautiful sound. You can leave the third or the fifth note out and still have a pretty chord, or add the forth or the seventh and still get something pleasing to the ear, but do they belong in the song. He continues to study the glyphs looking for patterns, flow, harmony and if found then he'll start reading it to try to figure out what's missing or what doesn't belong.
Vorenus walks over to the device and starts looking it over, saying under his breath, “Tempramental is my middle name..” He looks over the entire machine, starting at the bottom, looking at the glyphs as well, tracing up one side of the device and down the other, looking for anything that is broken, anything that he could mend. “Hmmmm, it looks like you might have some trouble with your flux capacitor….” He nods to himself and keeps examining, every now and again looking out of the side of his eye at Shenua, watching what she is doing.
Arcana : 16
Iromae follows the others in silence. As they enter the room and take in the sight of this contraption, it is amazing. Though really arcane contraptions are way more Shenua's thing than hers. Shenua and Diego each seem to already be trying to detect magic here. 'Probably not worth trying that myself.' She watches Vorenus walk towards the device and kept help but stop forward towards him. "They said not to touch it," she whispers to remind him. "What is a flux capacitor?" she then asks. "Do you think that is what is causing the glyphs to flicker?"
Eventually her thoughts turn to writting - as they usually do. "Shenua, I'm not really familiar with these arcano-mechanical things. Could you maybe help us understand what a stabilizer does? And, do you have any documentation about it? Perhaps the notes from the creator or builder? Or a schematic showing how it goes together?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
When Iromae asks about the device, Shenua snaps out of her work, turning to face her directly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sweet hells, I’m sorry. I got so focused on this that I completely forgot to explain. Please excuse me."
She takes a breath before launching into her explanation. "In short, a planar stabilizer regulates interactions between planes of existence. When conducting experiments or casting spells that involve other planes, it ensures the boundaries between them remain intact, preventing unwanted rifts or instabilities. For instance, if the Guild wanted to summon a creature from the Elemental Plane of Fire to study it, the stabilizer would stop lava from spilling into the workshop—or worse, the target plane consuming the area entirely due to nearby rifts."
Shenua pauses briefly, then continues explaining the device's other primary function. "Another key use is harmonizing the energies between planes. Since planes often operate on different frequencies, or arcane wavelengths, the stabilizer aligns and balances these energies to create a safe environment for cross-planar activities. Say we’re building a portal for quick travel to the Feywild. The stabilizer would ensure the portal doesn’t accidentally drop travelers in the Shadowfell, instead—or collapse altogether as someone steps through it."
Finally, regarding the blueprints, she nods in agreement. "You’re absolutely right, Iromae. I recall some of it from memory, but it’d be best to double-check. Grathna, can you bring us the blueprints?"
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Vorenus stands with his hands on his hips as Shenua explains the device to Ironmae. “Well, yeah, obviously. Totally what I was gonna say. Harmonizing the energies and whatnot. Like that.” He looks up at Grathna when the blueprints are asked for, mainly to look and see if she was still there watching them. Vorenus says to himself “Sometimes you just gotta smack it a few times and then it’ll start working. Too often we forget to give the smacking it method to get it working…” Vorenus reaches out and smacks the side of the machine gently with his hands, like he is fixing a malfunctioning device at home.
When Vorenus actually smacks the stabilizer, Shenua turns to him with a glare that practically screams, "I am going to kill you!" Almost unconsciously, her tail snaps out and swats him across the back of his legs. "What are you doing!?" the artificer snaps, her voice sharp with disbelief. "This is not mere cargo to be banged about like a crate of tools!"
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
As Shenua and Diego cast Detect Magic, the room is flooded with a soft glow that reveals the arcane auras of the planar stabilizer and the surrounding glyphs to the pair.
Shenua and Diego:
Planar Stabilizer:
External Magic:
As Vorenus examines the stabilizer, he doesn’t find any physical damage to the machine that could be repaired with Mending. However, his knowledge of arcane mechanisms allows him to notice a few key details:
Mechanical Components:
Flux Capacitor Joke Aside:
Dangerous Potential:
Grathna, who has been leaning against the doorway and observing the group with a neutral expression, straightens up slightly when Shenua requests the blueprints. She nods curtly, seeming to weigh the artificer’s words. “Blueprints? Yeah, we have them. They’re not recent, but they should help. I’ll send Tinkerwick to grab them for you.”
Her attention shifts as Vorenus smacks the stabilizer, and though the machine remains still, the faint hum in the air briefly spikes before returning to its normal rhythm. Grathna’s eyes narrow, and she lets out a sharp sigh. “I did say not to touch it,” she says, her tone carrying both frustration and a measure of restraint. “If that thing decides to blow, no planar stabilizer in the world will save us.”
Tinkerwick, who has been watching nervously from behind Grathna, gives a small yelp and darts down the hallway, presumably to fetch the requested documents.
Grathna steps into the room, towering over the group, her sharp eyes moving between each of them. “I trust you all know what you’re doing — or at least, I hope you do. This isn’t some common mechanical issue. One wrong move and we’re not just dealing with a broken stabilizer; we could be looking at planar overlaps or rifts. So please, no more improvisation. Got it?”
Her gaze lingers briefly on Vorenus, then softens as she addresses Shenua again. “The blueprints should be here shortly. In the meantime, I suggest you figure out what might be interfering with the stabilizer before making any physical adjustments. If the glyphs are flickering, it could mean an energy imbalance or external disruption. You said you wanted to detect for magic, right? Let’s hope that gets us a lead.”
She steps back toward the doorway, crossing her arms and leaning against the frame again. “I’ll be here if you need anything else.”
Vorenus has a look of shock on his face with the chastising that he received from Shenua and then Grathna, truly surprised that they didn’t think his idea of giving it a good kick in the pants was a good idea. “Okay, okay, sorry, I just, I don’t know why, it just seemed like a good idea to me. Hey, Shenua, I found something? Some of those gears and spokes don’t look right to me, like they have been misaligned. Maybe I can help you with ‘em? I can help hold tools or mend things, but I know I couldn’t fix it on my own, too complicated… have a look, over here!” Vorenus points it out to her, walking more carefully now that he has been sufficiently frightened.
Iromae's eyes widen when Vorenus smacks the device. After Grathna reminds him she said not to touch it, she too whispers, almost more to herself. "I said not to touch it too." Her tone is one of disappointment. She steps away from Vorenus with measured steps and waits for the blueprints. While waiting, her mind is spinning. 'Why is he such a pompous jerk? Can't he listen to anyone?'
It takes her a moment to catch what Vorenus had to say. But as she realizes he is offering some helpful information now, she turns to try to see what it is he is explaining. Tinkering was beyond her, but she knew a thing or two about magic. She studies the gears that seem misaligned, tries to calculate what sort of frequency might be related to them, and see if perhaps that does fully explain the flickering of the glyphs they had seen. (Arcana: 24)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Shenua lets out an exasperated breath when Vorenus apologizes but seems to set it aside as the wizard points to the misaligned gears. "Interesting," she mutters, her tone shifting to one of focus. "That might explain the disruption in the magical field I've been sensing." She turns toward Diego, her expression questioning. "You've felt it too, right? Someone cast an enchantment spell here—there’s a lingering aura in the room." The artificer looks between Grathna and Tinkerwick before the latter storms off to get the blueprints. "Do you know anything about this? Who cast the spell, and what exactly did they do?"
Her gaze returns to the device, tracing over the gears and glyphs. "Tinkering with it blindly, without understanding what’s already been done, is asking for trouble. Let’s wait for those blueprints. I think the best course is to resolve the magical disruption first and only then adjust whatever’s misaligned."
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua
Diego seemingly oblivious to Vorenus's actions makes his way to the far side of the room studying the glyphs. The sweet tones of Shenua's voice catching his attention, Indeed my fair tinker, it seems like an enchantment was cast here not too long ago and I think this might be the cause of your instability, he points out the dim glyphs, these glyphs aren't as strong as the others. It's as if their magic has been weakened or disrupted. I believe this to be your weak link in the chain so to speak. I can't seem to get a bead on the type of enchantment cast, unsure what it was or what it's desired purpose might have been.
He turns his attention to Grathna, dearest guildmaster, did one of your members cast an enchantment to try to contain some of the planar energy or anything they may have felt would help the situation? And, if I may ask, who did your glyph work?
Without waiting on an answer he turns toward Vorenus, Vorey within your vast knowledge of enchantments, is there one that may dampen or hinder magic? Like a simple knock spell would interrupt the arcane energy of a magically locked box or door long enough for the locking mechanism to fail?