Nature of Planar Magic: Planar magic deals with the manipulation of the boundaries between planes of existence, such as the Material Plane, the Feywild, the Shadowfell, and the Outer Planes (like the Nine Hells or the Celestial realms). It often involves summoning, teleportation, or accessing energy from other planes.
Planar Tethers: Items or entities bound to a specific plane can serve as anchors or conduits for planar magic. This might explain why the box had a lingering magical resonance — it could be a tether or key connected to another plane.
The Weave and Planar Magic: The Weave, as the source of magic, is intertwined with all planes of existence. The cryptic message "The Weave awaits" might imply a task or event that spans multiple planes or requires interaction with the fundamental structure of magic.
Connection to Memory and Identity: Planar phenomena are sometimes associated with altered perceptions of time, space or memory. It's possible that the group's fragmented memories and Kalis's mysterious absence are tied to the influence of another plane.
Potential Next Steps: Diego deduces that unraveling the connection between the box, the magical items, and planar magic could require further research in a repository of arcane knowledge. Revisiting their old school or consulting an expert in planar studies might reveal more about what plane Kalis is on — or how to reach her.
Diego's knowledge leaves him with a growing certainty that their quest is tied to something much larger than the Material Plane, with the box as a focal point for unraveling this mystery.
Diego’s suggestion of Vardrim’s draws nods of agreement as the group makes their way back to the bustling streets. Discussions about Kalis and their fragmented memories ripple through their conversations, but the mention of returning to the School of the Arcane sparks a shared sense of purpose.
Iromae and Shenua, though concerned about funds, seem eager to visit their old school, both for practical research and to delve into their missing memories. Vorenus is similarly excited but briefly hesitant, recalling old antics that might give the faculty pause. Shenua, pragmatic as ever, proposes the school's well-stocked library as a logical first step, though she also floats the idea of her guild’s resources as a secondary option.
Shenua knows that her guild might provide lodging or assistance for its members, especially in a city like Suzail with a branch of the guild present. Guilds often maintain dormitories, partnerships with local inns, or other accommodations for members traveling for guild business. However, whether such lodging is available in this case would depend on the guild's policies and the nature of her stay.
If Shenua had contacted the guild in advance, she might have been able to secure something. Since she seems to have left in a hurry without planning, she would likely need to inquire upon arrival at the Suzail branch. It's worth considering that guild-provided lodging might be reserved for official guild missions rather than personal matters, but as a member, she could potentially secure a discount at a recommended establishment.
The mention of Kalis lingers like a shared ghost among them, elusive yet insistent. While they banter about who might approach the school for assistance or pearls, Diego quietly resolves to return to the Old Dwarf later. Playing his lute might help him untangle both his thoughts and the mysterious threads of the Weave.
As they step onto the main street, the evening air carries a mix of possibility and unease. A return to their alma mater feels like both a homecoming and the beginning of a new chapter — one that promises answers, if only they can weave their memories together.
"Vorenus, surely you are exaggerating your time in school. They aren't going to be putting you under any extra scrutiny. You have to come with us!"
To this, Shenua quips, "Oh, I’m positive he is not exaggerating in the slightest." She gives a laugh, but then she pauses and the laughter turns to a smile as she looks towards the wizard and adds, "But they will have to deal with it. You are with us, and we’re doing this together. Aren’t we, Vorenus?" She reaches out and places a hand on his forearm for a moment.
Inside, the artificer is surprised by her own words. She definitely hadn’t felt that happy to see Vorenus again before returning to Suzail. But it seemed that the whole business with the box and Kalis had changed that. Who would have thought? Shenua looked from him to Iromae and then to Diego, wondering why their paths had ever diverged to begin with.
The tiefling then focuses on Diego's performance, closing her eyes and quietly enjoying the music, which makes her forget about what has happened and what they still need to do, if only for an instant. After the performance is over, she smiles widely and even cheers along with the rest of the spectators. She'll throw a few coins in the hat, in the hopes that the crowd does the same.
When they are all sitting together again, Shenua says, "Now that I think about it, I should probably visit the guild before the day is over. With all the rush, I’ve forgotten they usually have partnerships with local inns for members, and I may be able to arrange something at a better price. Would you mind if I checked in before we go to the School? Or I could meet you there once I finish. It shouldn’t take long."
Iromae visibly bristles a bit as Shenua seems to suggest the Vorenus had been worthy of his negative reputation with the school. But she says nothing as she goes to arrange for a room for tonight. Once done she walks out to where Diego is preforming.
Sitting at the table with Shenua, she applauds Diego's performance with genuine admiration. He was always so creative. It made listening to him always a unique experience.
As Shenua speaks about her guild, Iromae turns to her. "You really need to go tonight? We can't just let you go off alone." She glances to Vorenus then Diego before she returns her gaze to Shenua. "I mean, I could go along with you."
Diego sets with his friends, enjoying a drink as they talk. Oh come dear Shenua, you don't have to run off and do that tonight do you? Giving her his best sad puppy dog eyes. Please, stay the night, I'm sure we can get you a room and if not then you can have mine. He slaps Vorenus on the shoulder, I'll bunk with my ol'pal here if needed. We'll make a stop by the guild hall in the morning on our way to the school. He looks around the able at his friends, this is were I belong, where we all belong. We are so so good together. Now to unravel the planes of existence and get our dear Kalis back. His smile broadens, what say you dear, sweet and beautiful Shenua? One night safely locked away in a room across the hall from the notorious bard Diego del la'Goldbow? he strikes a dashing pose sporting an impish grin...
“La Goldbow? La Goldbow? Is that what they called it when they caught you taking a leak after a late night behind the grand tree in the courtyard. Hah! Goldbow indeed! Golden showers more like.” Vorenus crosses his arms on the table and leans his head down, laughing to himself. Then he turns to look over at Shenua.
“But seriously. Don’t go, don’t leave us Shenua. I know this is strange, but I feel like since we shared this, we are in it together, none of us should leave each other. Okay, okay, maybe to go to the bathroom or something, if you need privacy unlike golden showers over here. But….we are in this together, right? Like a vision quest? I think that just in case, we should all stay together. I’ll bunk with Mr. Diego Silvertongue and you two guys can room together. How does that sound?”
Vorenus looks down at the table and makes a mark on it by casting prestidigitation, creating a crude drawing of a stick figure peeing behind a tree, captioned beneath “Diego was here.” Then he starts laughing again.
Diego's smile widens, even at Vorenus's good natured kidding. He looks down at the crude drawing on the table, Vorry! he exclaims, his eyes wide in anger as he stares down the "old" mage and he jumps to his feet, his nostrils flaring...the people at near by tables stop what they're doing, a couple move out of the way expecting a brawl to break out...then his face softens, that sly Diego smile creeping back over his lips and he laughs, almost got you that time, he continues laughing as he takes a set in Vorenus's, he leans over the image, here, let me fix this, using prestidigitation he alters the image. When the rest of the group looks at they notice he's added long wavy hair, at least get the hair right!
He gaze shifts to the ladies, he wraps his arms around Vorenus' neck, what do you say ladies? We get a good nights sleep, all under the same roof for the first in years, and in the morning Vorry here can make us some waffles?
Iromae smiles as Diego suggests waffles. "Excellent Vorenus!" she says, giving him the slightest of nudges with her arm. "You are so kind to offer. I look forward to breakfast then!" A soft laugh comes to her lips as she quickly falls into the banter amongst the group. "Early morning, waffles, off to Shenua's guild, and then the School of the Arcane. Right?"
In reply to Diego, Shenua leans back in her chair, raising the back of her hand to rest it lightly against her brow. With a soft, exaggeratedly concerned voice, she exclaims, "Oh, a night in a room just across from where the notorious bard with the sweet eyes and honeyed lips will be sleeping. Whatever shall I do? How shall I resist such temptation? I will certainly need all my strength not to swoon if he ever held me in his arms!"She grins mischievously at Diego, then lightens her tone as she watches the playful banter between Diego and Vorenus.
The tiefling leans forward again, resting her elbows on the table as she addresses the group. "Well, how could I possibly say no after such pleas? I like your suggestions—let’s share rooms tonight and visit the guild and the school tomorrow," she nods toward Iromae. "But I’m holding you to those waffles in the morning, Vorenus. Coffee and waffles—surely there’s no better way to wake a lady in the morning?" she adds with a smile.
Settling back into her chair, Shenua raises her glass in a toast. "To a night under one roof, and to unraveling all the mysteries at hand together!"
Vorenus pats Diego on his side with affection when he sits on his lap and cracks up at Diego’s alteration of his drawing on the table, he is still chuckling and smiling when they head off to bed, he feels the happiest that he’s been in years, reunited with his friends. They really see me as I am. They put up with me! Whereas most people won’t, or eventually they won’t. Or don’t understand me…
In the morning, he shambles down the stairs with messy bed head, a shambling Vorenus-zombie heads toward the kitchen, slowly gathering a bowl, looking for eggs, milk, flour… all of the essentials. Once he begins, his arms start flailing about and moving super fast, he grabs a spatula and wields it with expertise, making his special Vorenus waffles. He flavors them with berry, banana, and cinnamon taste, with sparkles twinkling away from the spatula as he waves it around, doing battle with the batter and winning with a flourish. He puts little cross marked hashes in the batter and makes a big smiley face on the produced product, serving them on plates to his friends, saying “Presto change-o, waffles appear!” He stands and grins, with a cup of coffee in his hands.
"And here I was thinking the waffles would only be a joke,"Shenua says as she comes downstairs, her face still sleepy and her hair tied up in a messy bun, held together with a lockpick. She sits at the table, resting her chin on her hand with her elbows propped up, watching Vorenus finish the waffles. When he places them on the table, she lets out a hearty laugh at the smiley faces on the waffles. "What a kid, this Vorenus," she thinks while she smiles. Out loud, Shenua says, "You know, this reminds me of home. My dad used to make these when I was a kid. Though, there is something missing."she picks up a knife, makes a few marks on her waffle, and then adds, "There. Perfect!" Now the smiley face has a pair of horns, much like her own.
Diego stirs pulling his lute closer to him, mumbles something about the sweetness of her voice as he does as Vorenus awakens and makes his way down stairs.
The first rays of the morning light flicker through the lone window in the room, the sounds of merchants setting up shop a half a block away break the morning silence. He props himself up against the bed, not the first time he's woken up in the floor, he laughs to himself. The events from the previous day playing through his head as he pulls the baton out and absently fumbles with it listening to the sounds of morning form into a single melody. He remembers this is what fueled his love of music, his mind hearing the sounds of the mundane bring with the first light of a new day, his heart forming it into a beautiful melody of life. As he gets ready, using prestidigitation to make his appearance it's best, one name comes to him, Kalis. Let's bring you home he thinks as he heads out the door to meet the others down stairs.
As Vorenus bustles about the kitchen, his unorthodox cooking style — a flurry of wild arm movements and precision spatula work — draws a few curious glances from the innkeeper and staff. The innkeeper initially raises a brow but quickly softens at the smell of warm waffles wafting through the air.
"Well," the innkeeper chuckles, leaning against the bar, "you don’t see a guest commandeer the kitchen every day. If the food’s good enough to make my customers happy, I’ll waive the fee for breakfast this morning. Just don’t set the place on fire, aye?"
A couple of other patrons clap politely as Vorenus presents the waffles to his friends with a triumphant flourish. Shenua’s addition of horns to her waffle earns an amused smirk from the innkeeper.
“Creative lot, aren’t you?” he comments, shaking his head but with no real malice.
Lodging costs:
Single rooms: 5 silver pieces each per night (includes the waived breakfast).
Double rooms: 7 silver pieces per night for shared accommodation (includes the waived breakfast).
Total cost = 20 silver pieces (2 gold pieces) for four single rooms, or 14 silver for 2 double rooms.
The innkeeper adds, “I don’t normally allow free access to the kitchen, but if you’ve got more tricks up your sleeve like those waffles, we might work out a deal for future stays. Guests love a bit of morning entertainment with their meals.”
Options to earn:
Diego could consider playing another set in the tavern for tips or striking a deal to perform regularly.
Vorenus’s spontaneous kitchen act might inspire an arrangement with the innkeeper to cover future lodging through breakfast service.
Exploring Shenua’s guild connections could reveal discounted or free housing options for the group.
The temple mentioned performing tasks in exchange for borrowing a pearl; they may perhaps also have paying jobs as well.
As the group gathers to enjoy the waffles and plan their day, the warmth of camaraderie fills the room. The challenges ahead feel a little less daunting after a hearty breakfast, laughter, and the sight of Vorenus battling batter like a true waffle warrior.
Iromae had been up early, playing in silence to Deneir. As Shenua got up and headed downstairs, she tried to wrap up her thoughts and prayers. 'Lord of all Glyphs, please guide me in my efforts this day, as you do in all days. May your paths lead me and my friends to recall the past; to recall Kalis. Let me always be your faithful servant.' Standing, she stretches a bit then hurriedly completes her preparations for the day. She washes and dresses, brushing out her hair as best she can.
Finally, she arrives downstairs herself to her friends already enjoying their waffles. A big smile lights up her face. "Vorenus! You made the waffles!" She looks for a plate for herself and quickly sits down. "Oh! Cinnamon? You remembered that I love cinnamon?" she says, staring back at Vorenus with a look of gratitude. She quickly eats her food, hardly pausing until she is done. Only then does she join in on conversation with the others.
"You know guys, it seems like we're all going to be in town for a while here. Perhaps we should start the day looking into how to maintain our lodgings and such." She glances down at her pouch. "I can afford to stay here for a bit, but not forever. And who knows what other expenses might come up." She pauses as she thinks of the offer to work for a pearl. "There was the offer from the temple of Oghma to do some work for them. I think I ought to look into that."
She gives a bit of a sigh as she contemplates how these other things might get in the way of the investigation she would really like to be doing. Finding Kalis still seems to pull at her. And this must be something important. "Maybe a morning taking care of business? Then this afternoon we make our way to the college?"
Shenua greets Iromae and Diego with a still-sleepy wave, which becomes noticeably more lively as she enjoys a delicious waffle and a steaming cup of coffee. Her tail sways in small, content movements behind her as she takes eager sips of the steaming beverage, clearly unbothered by the heat. By the time she finishes her coffee, her energy has returned, and she turns to the innkeeper with a bright smile.
"I could also help by mending anything broken," the gray-skinned tiefling offers. "I'm good at fixing things! If there's anything that needs repairs, I could take a look before we head out for the morning." She reaches up to her hair and pulls out the lockpick she’d tucked there earlier, letting her turquoise locks fall slowly around her shoulders, and waving the tool slightly as she offers her services to the inkeeper.
When the topic of their plans for the day comes up, Shenua nods toward Iromae. "Sounds good. Do you want to visit the temple first? After that, we could stop by the guild, and in the afternoon, the college. I'm really curious to see what we might find there. Plus, I wouldn’t mind checking in on the professors. Even after all these years, I imagine many of them are still teaching."
When they finish agreeing on the plan, the artificer returns upstairs to wash and prepare herself for the day ahead, and will pay her part for the lodging and breakfast before leaving. (OOC: 14 silver for 2 double rooms, so 3 silver and 5 copper each right?)
Diego looking his shiny best, clothes clean and hair falling in near perfect waves, good morning ladies, sleep well or as well as expected I hope? Vorenus these are simply amazing! he sets and listens as the others talk, considering the most reasonable room rates, maybe we could pay for a weeks stay. That might allow us to focus our attention fully on the matter at hand. Then if we needed we could barter our services for a longer stay?
"Why don't we ask first at the guild? If we can't manage to get any discount there, then I'm okay with paying for a full week, or more, as we see fit", Shenua says.
"I agree we should start at your guild," Iromae tells Shenua. "I'll pay up for last night but let's hold off on more until we know our options." She'll make sure to pay her amount before they go.
Vorenus smiles as the innkeeper seems to appreciate his .. creative … cooking. He is used to cooking with artistic flair, with use of his magic to flavor foods. Any crews he’s been with, he’s gained passage by use of his magical skills, and his cooking. Somehow, duties for cooking always turned back to him. By popular vote he was always elected, cook for the crew. He leans over to the innkeeper as he’s finishing his last round of waffles (he ended up cooking for any guests who wanted some) and says “You’ll let me stay, if I can whip up some morning breakfast magic? The Great Vorenus and his Magic Waffles? What do you say, is it a deal?”. Sparkles shine in front of his hands as he finishes, with a wafting smell of cinnamon and chocolate in the air..
Afterwards, he says to the others, “I’m sticking to you like glue. We aren’t separating. Fine, we can do any errands, but then, I’d like to see the school again. And complete what we have started.”
OOC: I believe you all decided you were sharing rooms last night. If that's the case, then, yes, each would pay 3 silver and 5 copper. It sounds as if the guild is your first stop, so I'll go ahead and move you that way ...
The morning sun filters through the city streets as your party steps out of the inn. The air carries the mingling scents of warm bread from nearby bakeries and the faint tang of the sea breeze, a reminder of the port not far away. The city’s usual bustle is already underway, with merchants calling out their wares, laborers hauling crates and barrels, and the occasional bard tuning an instrument in preparation for a day’s performance.
Shenua, tail swishing lightly, leads the way toward the Artisan’s Guild, where she once worked on clockworks and marvels of artifice. As the group navigates the streets, she points out some landmarks with a mix of nostalgia and amusement, one in particular that sold the worst parts and is now a spice vendor.
As you approach the guild’s familiar façade — a sturdy, ivy-covered building with a large iron sign depicting interwoven tools and crafts — Shenua slows her pace. The heavy wooden door bears the marks of years of use, its carvings slightly faded but still clear.
Inside, the Artisan’s Guild is a hive of activity. Apprentices bustle about carrying crates of materials, while seasoned artisans discuss blueprints over steaming mugs of tea. The air hums with the sounds of hammering, sawing, and the occasional hiss of something magical being tested. A counter at the far end of the room is manned by a no-nonsense half-orc with spectacles perched on her nose — Grathna Stonequill — meticulously writing in a ledger.
Shenua waves to a few familiar faces, who greet her with varying levels of warmth and curiosity. Tinkerwick, a gnome covered in soot, grins and calls out, “Shenua! Back to fix our clock again, or have you finally brought us that miracle project you used to brag about?”
The half-orc looks up as you approach the counter. Her sharp eyes take in the group before settling on Shenua. “Well, well. The prodigal artificer returns,” she says, her voice dry but not unkind. “What brings you back, and who are your companions?”
Diego follows along, thoughts bouncing around in his head as they pass old haunts. Wondering how many times the five of us wandered these same streets. Why can't I remember?!? The half orcs gruff voice shaking him from his thoughts...under his breath he says, prodigal artificer? Now there's a song waiting to be written.
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The results of your roll:
Nature of Planar Magic: Planar magic deals with the manipulation of the boundaries between planes of existence, such as the Material Plane, the Feywild, the Shadowfell, and the Outer Planes (like the Nine Hells or the Celestial realms). It often involves summoning, teleportation, or accessing energy from other planes.
Planar Tethers: Items or entities bound to a specific plane can serve as anchors or conduits for planar magic. This might explain why the box had a lingering magical resonance — it could be a tether or key connected to another plane.
The Weave and Planar Magic: The Weave, as the source of magic, is intertwined with all planes of existence. The cryptic message "The Weave awaits" might imply a task or event that spans multiple planes or requires interaction with the fundamental structure of magic.
Connection to Memory and Identity: Planar phenomena are sometimes associated with altered perceptions of time, space or memory. It's possible that the group's fragmented memories and Kalis's mysterious absence are tied to the influence of another plane.
Potential Next Steps: Diego deduces that unraveling the connection between the box, the magical items, and planar magic could require further research in a repository of arcane knowledge. Revisiting their old school or consulting an expert in planar studies might reveal more about what plane Kalis is on — or how to reach her.
Diego's knowledge leaves him with a growing certainty that their quest is tied to something much larger than the Material Plane, with the box as a focal point for unraveling this mystery.
Diego’s suggestion of Vardrim’s draws nods of agreement as the group makes their way back to the bustling streets. Discussions about Kalis and their fragmented memories ripple through their conversations, but the mention of returning to the School of the Arcane sparks a shared sense of purpose.
Iromae and Shenua, though concerned about funds, seem eager to visit their old school, both for practical research and to delve into their missing memories. Vorenus is similarly excited but briefly hesitant, recalling old antics that might give the faculty pause. Shenua, pragmatic as ever, proposes the school's well-stocked library as a logical first step, though she also floats the idea of her guild’s resources as a secondary option.
Shenua knows that her guild might provide lodging or assistance for its members, especially in a city like Suzail with a branch of the guild present. Guilds often maintain dormitories, partnerships with local inns, or other accommodations for members traveling for guild business. However, whether such lodging is available in this case would depend on the guild's policies and the nature of her stay.
If Shenua had contacted the guild in advance, she might have been able to secure something. Since she seems to have left in a hurry without planning, she would likely need to inquire upon arrival at the Suzail branch. It's worth considering that guild-provided lodging might be reserved for official guild missions rather than personal matters, but as a member, she could potentially secure a discount at a recommended establishment.
The mention of Kalis lingers like a shared ghost among them, elusive yet insistent. While they banter about who might approach the school for assistance or pearls, Diego quietly resolves to return to the Old Dwarf later. Playing his lute might help him untangle both his thoughts and the mysterious threads of the Weave.
As they step onto the main street, the evening air carries a mix of possibility and unease. A return to their alma mater feels like both a homecoming and the beginning of a new chapter — one that promises answers, if only they can weave their memories together.
To this, Shenua quips, "Oh, I’m positive he is not exaggerating in the slightest." She gives a laugh, but then she pauses and the laughter turns to a smile as she looks towards the wizard and adds, "But they will have to deal with it. You are with us, and we’re doing this together. Aren’t we, Vorenus?" She reaches out and places a hand on his forearm for a moment.
Inside, the artificer is surprised by her own words. She definitely hadn’t felt that happy to see Vorenus again before returning to Suzail. But it seemed that the whole business with the box and Kalis had changed that. Who would have thought? Shenua looked from him to Iromae and then to Diego, wondering why their paths had ever diverged to begin with.
The tiefling then focuses on Diego's performance, closing her eyes and quietly enjoying the music, which makes her forget about what has happened and what they still need to do, if only for an instant. After the performance is over, she smiles widely and even cheers along with the rest of the spectators. She'll throw a few coins in the hat, in the hopes that the crowd does the same.
When they are all sitting together again, Shenua says, "Now that I think about it, I should probably visit the guild before the day is over. With all the rush, I’ve forgotten they usually have partnerships with local inns for members, and I may be able to arrange something at a better price. Would you mind if I checked in before we go to the School? Or I could meet you there once I finish. It shouldn’t take long."
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Iromae visibly bristles a bit as Shenua seems to suggest the Vorenus had been worthy of his negative reputation with the school. But she says nothing as she goes to arrange for a room for tonight. Once done she walks out to where Diego is preforming.
Sitting at the table with Shenua, she applauds Diego's performance with genuine admiration. He was always so creative. It made listening to him always a unique experience.
As Shenua speaks about her guild, Iromae turns to her. "You really need to go tonight? We can't just let you go off alone." She glances to Vorenus then Diego before she returns her gaze to Shenua. "I mean, I could go along with you."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Diego sets with his friends, enjoying a drink as they talk. Oh come dear Shenua, you don't have to run off and do that tonight do you? Giving her his best sad puppy dog eyes. Please, stay the night, I'm sure we can get you a room and if not then you can have mine. He slaps Vorenus on the shoulder, I'll bunk with my ol'pal here if needed. We'll make a stop by the guild hall in the morning on our way to the school. He looks around the able at his friends, this is were I belong, where we all belong. We are so so good together. Now to unravel the planes of existence and get our dear Kalis back. His smile broadens, what say you dear, sweet and beautiful Shenua? One night safely locked away in a room across the hall from the notorious bard Diego del la'Goldbow? he strikes a dashing pose sporting an impish grin...
“La Goldbow? La Goldbow? Is that what they called it when they caught you taking a leak after a late night behind the grand tree in the courtyard. Hah! Goldbow indeed! Golden showers more like.” Vorenus crosses his arms on the table and leans his head down, laughing to himself. Then he turns to look over at Shenua.
“But seriously. Don’t go, don’t leave us Shenua. I know this is strange, but I feel like since we shared this, we are in it together, none of us should leave each other. Okay, okay, maybe to go to the bathroom or something, if you need privacy unlike golden showers over here. But….we are in this together, right? Like a vision quest? I think that just in case, we should all stay together. I’ll bunk with Mr. Diego Silvertongue and you two guys can room together. How does that sound?”
Vorenus looks down at the table and makes a mark on it by casting prestidigitation, creating a crude drawing of a stick figure peeing behind a tree, captioned beneath “Diego was here.” Then he starts laughing again.
Diego's smile widens, even at Vorenus's good natured kidding. He looks down at the crude drawing on the table, Vorry! he exclaims, his eyes wide in anger as he stares down the "old" mage and he jumps to his feet, his nostrils flaring...the people at near by tables stop what they're doing, a couple move out of the way expecting a brawl to break out...then his face softens, that sly Diego smile creeping back over his lips and he laughs, almost got you that time, he continues laughing as he takes a set in Vorenus's, he leans over the image, here, let me fix this, using prestidigitation he alters the image. When the rest of the group looks at they notice he's added long wavy hair, at least get the hair right!
He gaze shifts to the ladies, he wraps his arms around Vorenus' neck, what do you say ladies? We get a good nights sleep, all under the same roof for the first in years, and in the morning Vorry here can make us some waffles?
Iromae smiles as Diego suggests waffles. "Excellent Vorenus!" she says, giving him the slightest of nudges with her arm. "You are so kind to offer. I look forward to breakfast then!" A soft laugh comes to her lips as she quickly falls into the banter amongst the group. "Early morning, waffles, off to Shenua's guild, and then the School of the Arcane. Right?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
In reply to Diego, Shenua leans back in her chair, raising the back of her hand to rest it lightly against her brow. With a soft, exaggeratedly concerned voice, she exclaims, "Oh, a night in a room just across from where the notorious bard with the sweet eyes and honeyed lips will be sleeping. Whatever shall I do? How shall I resist such temptation? I will certainly need all my strength not to swoon if he ever held me in his arms!" She grins mischievously at Diego, then lightens her tone as she watches the playful banter between Diego and Vorenus.
The tiefling leans forward again, resting her elbows on the table as she addresses the group. "Well, how could I possibly say no after such pleas? I like your suggestions—let’s share rooms tonight and visit the guild and the school tomorrow," she nods toward Iromae. "But I’m holding you to those waffles in the morning, Vorenus. Coffee and waffles—surely there’s no better way to wake a lady in the morning?" she adds with a smile.
Settling back into her chair, Shenua raises her glass in a toast. "To a night under one roof, and to unraveling all the mysteries at hand together!"
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Vorenus pats Diego on his side with affection when he sits on his lap and cracks up at Diego’s alteration of his drawing on the table, he is still chuckling and smiling when they head off to bed, he feels the happiest that he’s been in years, reunited with his friends. They really see me as I am. They put up with me! Whereas most people won’t, or eventually they won’t. Or don’t understand me…
In the morning, he shambles down the stairs with messy bed head, a shambling Vorenus-zombie heads toward the kitchen, slowly gathering a bowl, looking for eggs, milk, flour… all of the essentials. Once he begins, his arms start flailing about and moving super fast, he grabs a spatula and wields it with expertise, making his special Vorenus waffles. He flavors them with berry, banana, and cinnamon taste, with sparkles twinkling away from the spatula as he waves it around, doing battle with the batter and winning with a flourish. He puts little cross marked hashes in the batter and makes a big smiley face on the produced product, serving them on plates to his friends, saying “Presto change-o, waffles appear!” He stands and grins, with a cup of coffee in his hands.
"And here I was thinking the waffles would only be a joke," Shenua says as she comes downstairs, her face still sleepy and her hair tied up in a messy bun, held together with a lockpick. She sits at the table, resting her chin on her hand with her elbows propped up, watching Vorenus finish the waffles. When he places them on the table, she lets out a hearty laugh at the smiley faces on the waffles. "What a kid, this Vorenus," she thinks while she smiles. Out loud, Shenua says, "You know, this reminds me of home. My dad used to make these when I was a kid. Though, there is something missing." she picks up a knife, makes a few marks on her waffle, and then adds, "There. Perfect!" Now the smiley face has a pair of horns, much like her own.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Diego stirs pulling his lute closer to him, mumbles something about the sweetness of her voice as he does as Vorenus awakens and makes his way down stairs.
The first rays of the morning light flicker through the lone window in the room, the sounds of merchants setting up shop a half a block away break the morning silence. He props himself up against the bed, not the first time he's woken up in the floor, he laughs to himself. The events from the previous day playing through his head as he pulls the baton out and absently fumbles with it listening to the sounds of morning form into a single melody. He remembers this is what fueled his love of music, his mind hearing the sounds of the mundane bring with the first light of a new day, his heart forming it into a beautiful melody of life. As he gets ready, using prestidigitation to make his appearance it's best, one name comes to him, Kalis. Let's bring you home he thinks as he heads out the door to meet the others down stairs.
As Vorenus bustles about the kitchen, his unorthodox cooking style — a flurry of wild arm movements and precision spatula work — draws a few curious glances from the innkeeper and staff. The innkeeper initially raises a brow but quickly softens at the smell of warm waffles wafting through the air.
"Well," the innkeeper chuckles, leaning against the bar, "you don’t see a guest commandeer the kitchen every day. If the food’s good enough to make my customers happy, I’ll waive the fee for breakfast this morning. Just don’t set the place on fire, aye?"
A couple of other patrons clap politely as Vorenus presents the waffles to his friends with a triumphant flourish. Shenua’s addition of horns to her waffle earns an amused smirk from the innkeeper.
“Creative lot, aren’t you?” he comments, shaking his head but with no real malice.
Lodging costs:
The innkeeper adds, “I don’t normally allow free access to the kitchen, but if you’ve got more tricks up your sleeve like those waffles, we might work out a deal for future stays. Guests love a bit of morning entertainment with their meals.”
Options to earn:
As the group gathers to enjoy the waffles and plan their day, the warmth of camaraderie fills the room. The challenges ahead feel a little less daunting after a hearty breakfast, laughter, and the sight of Vorenus battling batter like a true waffle warrior.
Iromae had been up early, playing in silence to Deneir. As Shenua got up and headed downstairs, she tried to wrap up her thoughts and prayers. 'Lord of all Glyphs, please guide me in my efforts this day, as you do in all days. May your paths lead me and my friends to recall the past; to recall Kalis. Let me always be your faithful servant.' Standing, she stretches a bit then hurriedly completes her preparations for the day. She washes and dresses, brushing out her hair as best she can.
Finally, she arrives downstairs herself to her friends already enjoying their waffles. A big smile lights up her face. "Vorenus! You made the waffles!" She looks for a plate for herself and quickly sits down. "Oh! Cinnamon? You remembered that I love cinnamon?" she says, staring back at Vorenus with a look of gratitude. She quickly eats her food, hardly pausing until she is done. Only then does she join in on conversation with the others.
"You know guys, it seems like we're all going to be in town for a while here. Perhaps we should start the day looking into how to maintain our lodgings and such." She glances down at her pouch. "I can afford to stay here for a bit, but not forever. And who knows what other expenses might come up." She pauses as she thinks of the offer to work for a pearl. "There was the offer from the temple of Oghma to do some work for them. I think I ought to look into that."
She gives a bit of a sigh as she contemplates how these other things might get in the way of the investigation she would really like to be doing. Finding Kalis still seems to pull at her. And this must be something important. "Maybe a morning taking care of business? Then this afternoon we make our way to the college?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Shenua greets Iromae and Diego with a still-sleepy wave, which becomes noticeably more lively as she enjoys a delicious waffle and a steaming cup of coffee. Her tail sways in small, content movements behind her as she takes eager sips of the steaming beverage, clearly unbothered by the heat. By the time she finishes her coffee, her energy has returned, and she turns to the innkeeper with a bright smile.
"I could also help by mending anything broken," the gray-skinned tiefling offers. "I'm good at fixing things! If there's anything that needs repairs, I could take a look before we head out for the morning." She reaches up to her hair and pulls out the lockpick she’d tucked there earlier, letting her turquoise locks fall slowly around her shoulders, and waving the tool slightly as she offers her services to the inkeeper.
When the topic of their plans for the day comes up, Shenua nods toward Iromae. "Sounds good. Do you want to visit the temple first? After that, we could stop by the guild, and in the afternoon, the college. I'm really curious to see what we might find there. Plus, I wouldn’t mind checking in on the professors. Even after all these years, I imagine many of them are still teaching."
When they finish agreeing on the plan, the artificer returns upstairs to wash and prepare herself for the day ahead, and will pay her part for the lodging and breakfast before leaving. (OOC: 14 silver for 2 double rooms, so 3 silver and 5 copper each right?)
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Diego looking his shiny best, clothes clean and hair falling in near perfect waves, good morning ladies, sleep well or as well as expected I hope? Vorenus these are simply amazing! he sets and listens as the others talk, considering the most reasonable room rates, maybe we could pay for a weeks stay. That might allow us to focus our attention fully on the matter at hand. Then if we needed we could barter our services for a longer stay?
"Why don't we ask first at the guild? If we can't manage to get any discount there, then I'm okay with paying for a full week, or more, as we see fit", Shenua says.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
"I agree we should start at your guild," Iromae tells Shenua. "I'll pay up for last night but let's hold off on more until we know our options." She'll make sure to pay her amount before they go.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Vorenus smiles as the innkeeper seems to appreciate his .. creative … cooking. He is used to cooking with artistic flair, with use of his magic to flavor foods. Any crews he’s been with, he’s gained passage by use of his magical skills, and his cooking. Somehow, duties for cooking always turned back to him. By popular vote he was always elected, cook for the crew. He leans over to the innkeeper as he’s finishing his last round of waffles (he ended up cooking for any guests who wanted some) and says “You’ll let me stay, if I can whip up some morning breakfast magic? The Great Vorenus and his Magic Waffles? What do you say, is it a deal?”. Sparkles shine in front of his hands as he finishes, with a wafting smell of cinnamon and chocolate in the air..
Afterwards, he says to the others, “I’m sticking to you like glue. We aren’t separating. Fine, we can do any errands, but then, I’d like to see the school again. And complete what we have started.”
OOC: I believe you all decided you were sharing rooms last night. If that's the case, then, yes, each would pay 3 silver and 5 copper. It sounds as if the guild is your first stop, so I'll go ahead and move you that way ...
The morning sun filters through the city streets as your party steps out of the inn. The air carries the mingling scents of warm bread from nearby bakeries and the faint tang of the sea breeze, a reminder of the port not far away. The city’s usual bustle is already underway, with merchants calling out their wares, laborers hauling crates and barrels, and the occasional bard tuning an instrument in preparation for a day’s performance.
Shenua, tail swishing lightly, leads the way toward the Artisan’s Guild, where she once worked on clockworks and marvels of artifice. As the group navigates the streets, she points out some landmarks with a mix of nostalgia and amusement, one in particular that sold the worst parts and is now a spice vendor.
As you approach the guild’s familiar façade — a sturdy, ivy-covered building with a large iron sign depicting interwoven tools and crafts — Shenua slows her pace. The heavy wooden door bears the marks of years of use, its carvings slightly faded but still clear.
Inside, the Artisan’s Guild is a hive of activity. Apprentices bustle about carrying crates of materials, while seasoned artisans discuss blueprints over steaming mugs of tea. The air hums with the sounds of hammering, sawing, and the occasional hiss of something magical being tested. A counter at the far end of the room is manned by a no-nonsense half-orc with spectacles perched on her nose — Grathna Stonequill — meticulously writing in a ledger.
Shenua waves to a few familiar faces, who greet her with varying levels of warmth and curiosity. Tinkerwick, a gnome covered in soot, grins and calls out, “Shenua! Back to fix our clock again, or have you finally brought us that miracle project you used to brag about?”
The half-orc looks up as you approach the counter. Her sharp eyes take in the group before settling on Shenua. “Well, well. The prodigal artificer returns,” she says, her voice dry but not unkind. “What brings you back, and who are your companions?”
Diego follows along, thoughts bouncing around in his head as they pass old haunts. Wondering how many times the five of us wandered these same streets. Why can't I remember?!? The half orcs gruff voice shaking him from his thoughts...under his breath he says, prodigal artificer? Now there's a song waiting to be written.