Ryx notices nothing out of the ordinary, but Bokshir notices some tracks that seem to be Kobold, but not Gold or Red like him and Ryx. Bokshir, please roll a nature check to see if you know what kind of Kobold made these tracks
Aruzhal, You don’t see anything out of the ordinary, and Bokshir is unable to tell, for he hasn’t seen many other Kobolds, but he still knows that these prints are by a Kobold not native to Ruuth
Bokshir does a very careful sweep of the area, his draconic facial features scrunching into a frown as he spots the odd kobold tracks.
"Tracks from kobold, but not red or gold", he says confused, and loudly enough for the rest of Wyrmpact and the guards to hear. He tries to remember whether there were any such kobolds present here when he was a guard, before approaching the guards present now. "You know if kobolds come here who not from here? Not red or gold?".
@DM: Does Bokshir know of any such kobolds from his time guarding the hoard? Also, can he tell how many tracks there are / how many non red and gold kobolds were here (with a 26 survival check :-) )?
He can tell that the tracks go from the ground outside the cave, to the skylight, then back down, and the spot that is on the ground where he lands is a patch of tall grass, so the trail ends there. He also doesn’t know if any non gold Kobolds that guard for Gorath. Heck, Ryx is the first red one he’s met.
Guard: “No, all gold here”
other guard: “Well, there was that hooded guard from last night that joined us for only an hour”
guard: “hold on, wasn’t he gold like us?”
other guard: “I couldn’t see under his hood, so… I don’t know…”
Guard: “No. well, I tried to at lease, but he just stood there in the same position that we are, and after an hour he went back down. I didn’t think of it much, he was a Kobold with a guards spear, like we do, so I trusted him.”
Aruzhal looks beyond the tall grass on the ground to see what else is in that direction. Perhaps a notable landmark or part of town that they could ask around in.
Bokshir is concerned by the appearance of a strange unknown hooded guard.
"You been much helpful", he says to the guards whilst saluting them in the usual manner, by thumping hist fist against his chest twice and then raising it up next to him. He has a quick look into the skylight to judge the distance from it to the hoard below before turning back to Wyrmpact.
"Guard boss would know if hooded guard meant be here. And armoury boss know if gave hooded kobold guard spear", he suggests to the others. "We go see them before leave. Not know where hooded guard go though".
(@DM: How far would it be from the skylight to where the Orb likely was? Thinking in terms of spells that could reach in, so in feet please. Also, does Bokshir know who the guard boss is, and the one in charge of the armoury if different?)
You wouldn’t know where the orb is, you’ve never really gotten to know about the hoard accept what was generally visible while on guard duty, and the orb was not a part of that, as for the Guard Boss, that would be Ronaldo
@DM - Noted thanks. A general distance from skylight to the floor in feet would be useful then please. Is Ronaldo responsible for handing out weaponry too? If not is that done by another or does each kobold just grab what they want from a central store?
The king actually commissions the local blacksmith to make all of his guards weapons. As for the distance between the skylight and the floor, make a perception or investigation check
Bokshir will also focus on the task as he is searching for tracks and trying to deduce who or what made them.
Survival (with guidance): 18+5+3=26
Ryx notices nothing out of the ordinary, but Bokshir notices some tracks that seem to be Kobold, but not Gold or Red like him and Ryx. Bokshir, please roll a nature check to see if you know what kind of Kobold made these tracks
Bokshir Nature: 13-1=12 (+2 if allowed to use guidance)
Aruzhal Investigation: 3
Aruzhal, You don’t see anything out of the ordinary, and Bokshir is unable to tell, for he hasn’t seen many other Kobolds, but he still knows that these prints are by a Kobold not native to Ruuth
Do the guards know anything about a Kobold recently up here and not native to here (either another guard or messenger)?
Do you specifically ask the guards this? If not, who are you asking?
Bokshir does a very careful sweep of the area, his draconic facial features scrunching into a frown as he spots the odd kobold tracks.
"Tracks from kobold, but not red or gold", he says confused, and loudly enough for the rest of Wyrmpact and the guards to hear. He tries to remember whether there were any such kobolds present here when he was a guard, before approaching the guards present now. "You know if kobolds come here who not from here? Not red or gold?".
@DM: Does Bokshir know of any such kobolds from his time guarding the hoard? Also, can he tell how many tracks there are / how many non red and gold kobolds were here (with a 26 survival check :-) )?
He can tell that the tracks go from the ground outside the cave, to the skylight, then back down, and the spot that is on the ground where he lands is a patch of tall grass, so the trail ends there. He also doesn’t know if any non gold Kobolds that guard for Gorath. Heck, Ryx is the first red one he’s met.
Guard: “No, all gold here”
other guard: “Well, there was that hooded guard from last night that joined us for only an hour”
guard: “hold on, wasn’t he gold like us?”
other guard: “I couldn’t see under his hood, so… I don’t know…”
Hmm hooded guard? Did either of you talk to him?
Well the conversation the guards just had would be their answer to that as well
Ok. Just wasn’t sure if there would’ve been conversation in the hour they were together. 👍
Guard: “No. well, I tried to at lease, but he just stood there in the same position that we are, and after an hour he went back down. I didn’t think of it much, he was a Kobold with a guards spear, like we do, so I trusted him.”
Aruzhal looks beyond the tall grass on the ground to see what else is in that direction. Perhaps a notable landmark or part of town that they could ask around in.
This cave is at the edge of town, and the direction of these tracks is the opposite direction of the rest of the kingdom
Bokshir is concerned by the appearance of a strange unknown hooded guard.
"You been much helpful", he says to the guards whilst saluting them in the usual manner, by thumping hist fist against his chest twice and then raising it up next to him. He has a quick look into the skylight to judge the distance from it to the hoard below before turning back to Wyrmpact.
"Guard boss would know if hooded guard meant be here. And armoury boss know if gave hooded kobold guard spear", he suggests to the others. "We go see them before leave. Not know where hooded guard go though".
(@DM: How far would it be from the skylight to where the Orb likely was? Thinking in terms of spells that could reach in, so in feet please. Also, does Bokshir know who the guard boss is, and the one in charge of the armoury if different?)
You wouldn’t know where the orb is, you’ve never really gotten to know about the hoard accept what was generally visible while on guard duty, and the orb was not a part of that, as for the Guard Boss, that would be Ronaldo
@DM - Noted thanks. A general distance from skylight to the floor in feet would be useful then please. Is Ronaldo responsible for handing out weaponry too? If not is that done by another or does each kobold just grab what they want from a central store?
The king actually commissions the local blacksmith to make all of his guards weapons. As for the distance between the skylight and the floor, make a perception or investigation check
Bokshir Perception (with advantage from sentinel shield): (14,
13)+5=19 (Passive: 20)(Thanks, so best visit the blacksmith as well as Ronaldo)