Yes they did mention the unnamed guard had a spear which is why they allowed him into their ranks. We also discovered tracks that were made by a kobold of non-gold or red descent.
"Hmm... I did see a silver Kobold in town yesterday... If the tracks in question lead north, then they probably came from the Arctic Kingdom of Evaneen. There also have been reports of a potential Tiamat Cult base in Evaneen! Hmm... if that's the same hooded kobold... then that spear was stolen, since There aren't any numbers wrong with the current spear distribution... that's just my theorizing, I don't know if any of what I said is true. However, in case that's what is happening, then I'll be questioning my guard if any spears were stolen before/during last night. Sadly I don't know anyone who could examine the tracks better, but I hope my info helps"
Roll a history check if you think your character knows anything about the Kingdom of Evaneen
Bokshir had remained quiet and merely listened due to the pounding behind his eyes, but it finally subsides as the news that the hooded guard could be a silver kobold is revealed. He shivers involuntarily as Ronaldo speaks of the Arctic Kingdom of Evaneen.
"Info good. But not know this Evaneen. Sound cold. What about blacksmith? Might have spare spears?", he asks of Ronaldo. "Should we go see? Need get better clothing to go Arctic too".
Ronaldo: “arctic clothing is a good idea, but the blacksmith wouldn’t be able to help. These spears are specially ordered. He’s not even allowed to make them for anyone else.”
Ryx has heard of Evaneen but never visited there nor met anyone from there. Thank you sir, he says to Ronaldo, we shall go investigate for the Great One.
the two of you know that that kingdom exists, but know nothing much about it. Aruzhal, However, you do know that the kingdom of Evaneen isn't far from the Lair of the white dragon that had you frozen in Ice for those thousands of years.
If you wish to buy arctic clothing, or buy things in general, there is one large store in the center of the kingdom, but it's more like a mall, where it's multiple small stores in one place, each one with a different thing to sell. The winter clothes will be 8gp each, for it includes the coat, pants, boots, and other pieces to go with it. Functionally, It'll keep you from freezing out there in the cold.
Aruzhal, your backstory would indicate that you already have some, since you've been up north before. However, it is old and partly worn out, so to buy only what needs replaced, it will cost you 4gp for the winter cloths.
If there's anything else you'd like to buy, let me know and I'll check the price.
"K, K. We go get better gear. Charge to king. Then come back", Bokshir states to Ronaldo, giving Ryx a thumbs up for persuading the King to cover their cold weather gear expenses.
"Can question guards now about spear? If hooded kobold was silver, and does go this Arctic place, we must leave quick quick. Maybe catch up silver before reach Cult base", he adds to Ronaldo, hoping the guard boss would see the urgency of their task.
"Well, his majesty has provided you guys two horses. Go and get your gear, once you come back, the horses are outside the guild, and while you're gone, I'll be questioning the guards."
Bokshir looks to Ryx and Aruzhal and motions that they leave, before heading off towards the central store and back via the guild to pick up the horses, just as Ronaldo had suggested.
As you get your gear and return, you see the two horses outside of the Golders Guild Building. An Elven woman is standing next to them. One horse is a white horse with black spots, including one across it's eye, and the other horse is a nice brown color. "Oh! Hello! You must be wyrmpact, I assume?"
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Yes they did mention the unnamed guard had a spear which is why they allowed him into their ranks. We also discovered tracks that were made by a kobold of non-gold or red descent.
Ronaldo looks up at you. "Could you tell what color Kobold it was... or even what direction the tracks came from?"
Unfortunately we do not know the color, not red or gold though. And the tracks led away from the kingdom.
Perhaps you might know someone more worldly in these matters that could examine the tracks and perceive more details than we could.
"Hmm... I did see a silver Kobold in town yesterday... If the tracks in question lead north, then they probably came from the Arctic Kingdom of Evaneen. There also have been reports of a potential Tiamat Cult base in Evaneen! Hmm... if that's the same hooded kobold... then that spear was stolen, since There aren't any numbers wrong with the current spear distribution... that's just my theorizing, I don't know if any of what I said is true. However, in case that's what is happening, then I'll be questioning my guard if any spears were stolen before/during last night. Sadly I don't know anyone who could examine the tracks better, but I hope my info helps"
Roll a history check if you think your character knows anything about the Kingdom of Evaneen
Bokshir had remained quiet and merely listened due to the pounding behind his eyes, but it finally subsides as the news that the hooded guard could be a silver kobold is revealed. He shivers involuntarily as Ronaldo speaks of the Arctic Kingdom of Evaneen.
"Info good. But not know this Evaneen. Sound cold. What about blacksmith? Might have spare spears?", he asks of Ronaldo. "Should we go see? Need get better clothing to go Arctic too".
Ronaldo: “arctic clothing is a good idea, but the blacksmith wouldn’t be able to help. These spears are specially ordered. He’s not even allowed to make them for anyone else.”
History 5
Ryx has heard of Evaneen but never visited there nor met anyone from there. Thank you sir, he says to Ronaldo, we shall go investigate for the Great One.
Aruzhal nods. “We thank thee for this information. We shalt investigate immediately.”
History: 6
the two of you know that that kingdom exists, but know nothing much about it. Aruzhal, However, you do know that the kingdom of Evaneen isn't far from the Lair of the white dragon that had you frozen in Ice for those thousands of years.
If you wish to buy arctic clothing, or buy things in general, there is one large store in the center of the kingdom, but it's more like a mall, where it's multiple small stores in one place, each one with a different thing to sell. The winter clothes will be 8gp each, for it includes the coat, pants, boots, and other pieces to go with it. Functionally, It'll keep you from freezing out there in the cold.
Aruzhal, your backstory would indicate that you already have some, since you've been up north before. However, it is old and partly worn out, so to buy only what needs replaced, it will cost you 4gp for the winter cloths.
If there's anything else you'd like to buy, let me know and I'll check the price.
Are we able to request funds from Ronaldo in order to be prepared for our trip?
Roll a persuasion. Not for him, but for the king whom Ronaldo have to convince.
Nat 20 + 5
The king says that he'll cover the cost of everyone.s winter gear, since he hears that you have a potential lead in the case.
"K, K. We go get better gear. Charge to king. Then come back", Bokshir states to Ronaldo, giving Ryx a thumbs up for persuading the King to cover their cold weather gear expenses.
"Can question guards now about spear? If hooded kobold was silver, and does go this Arctic place, we must leave quick quick. Maybe catch up silver before reach Cult base", he adds to Ronaldo, hoping the guard boss would see the urgency of their task.
"Well, his majesty has provided you guys two horses. Go and get your gear, once you come back, the horses are outside the guild, and while you're gone, I'll be questioning the guards."
Ryx nods his head appreciatively of Ronaldo’s administrative efficiency
"Yes, sire!" Aruzhal responds, ready to retrieve the gear and head out.
Bokshir looks to Ryx and Aruzhal and motions that they leave, before heading off towards the central store and back via the guild to pick up the horses, just as Ronaldo had suggested.
As you get your gear and return, you see the two horses outside of the Golders Guild Building. An Elven woman is standing next to them. One horse is a white horse with black spots, including one across it's eye, and the other horse is a nice brown color. "Oh! Hello! You must be wyrmpact, I assume?"