"Yes, us Wyrmpact", Bokshir replies looking up at the horses warily. He was good with animals, but riding on a horse is daunting to one of such small stature. "Might need hand up. Do have names?", he asks motioning at the two horses.
If Aruzhal agrees, they go back to Ronaldo and ask him about the guards. "Everything was in order, every guard was accounted for with their spears... but apparently one guard fell asleep last night on the job. If the stolen spear theory is true, then they took it while he was asleep, and gave it back when he left."
"Time go, catch hooded guard, ask them many questions", he suggests, ready to kick his heels against the very top of Kathy's flank. Which is as far as he can reach with his little legs.
You guys ride north up towards the Kingdom of Evaneen, at first through a grassy field, but eventually you are lead through a forest. After peacefully riding up for hours of the day, it is eventually time to set up camp. You guys set it up how you wish, and the leads that came with your horses allow you to tie them up to a couple of trees at your site. Go ahead and decide the order of watch duty, and I'll go from there.
Bokshir provides both Ryx and Aruzhal with a familiar fiery red acorn to keep them sustained through the trip, and munches on quite a number himself to alleviate the injuries he had sustained through their investigation.
When the time comes to camp he looks after the horses as best he can, hoping to find saddlebags with feed. He also looks out for a suitable place to camp that has access to water for them close by.
"Want me take first watch?", he asks the others. "Yes, take first watch", he then says more decisively. "Who should wake when done?'.
Bokshir waits for his companions to settle in before dimming the fire to allow him better vision around the camp whilst maintaining the warmth. He sits with his sentinel shield equipped.
Bokshir waits for his companions to settle in before dimming the fire to allow him better vision around the camp whilst maintaining the warmth. He sits with his sentinel shield equipped.
Perception (with advantage): (15, 19)+5=24
as you look through the night, things are peaceful for a while, until you hear a twig break to the west, and that's when you see a bunch of glowing blue eyes approaching your camp site. roll a nature check with advantage to see if you know what it is. (advantage because you've adventured before, and may have encountered this thing before)
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"Yes, us Wyrmpact", Bokshir replies looking up at the horses warily. He was good with animals, but riding on a horse is daunting to one of such small stature. "Might need hand up. Do have names?", he asks motioning at the two horses.
“Of course. The spotted one is Kathy, the other is Morgaan.”
Ryx is also hesitant but agrees to get on. The two kobolds will share a horse.
Aruzhal takes the reins of the brown horse, taking time to let it get used to him before stroking its nose softly.
”Morgaan. ‘Tis a fine name.”
When the others are ready, he mounts up and takes the lead toward Evaneen.
Ready as ever. Let’s go Kathy!
So I assume that Ryx is on the reigns and Bokshir is riding behind?
Works for me
Bokshir will remind Aruzhal they need to check back in with Ronaldo before they leave, to see if he found anything interrogating his guards.
(Bokshir as a druid has a fairly good animal handling, but happy to take a back seat if Ryx is keen to handle the reins)
Since Bokshir is better with animals, he can take the reins and that will leave my hands free for spellwork if needed.
If Aruzhal agrees, they go back to Ronaldo and ask him about the guards. "Everything was in order, every guard was accounted for with their spears... but apparently one guard fell asleep last night on the job. If the stolen spear theory is true, then they took it while he was asleep, and gave it back when he left."
"Maybe guard asleep not chance", Bokshir wonders.
"Time go, catch hooded guard, ask them many questions", he suggests, ready to kick his heels against the very top of Kathy's flank. Which is as far as he can reach with his little legs.
If no-one says any more, he does exactly that.
Ryx agrees and holds on tight as the horse starts to move.
Aruzhal spurs his horse on as he follows.
You guys ride north up towards the Kingdom of Evaneen, at first through a grassy field, but eventually you are lead through a forest. After peacefully riding up for hours of the day, it is eventually time to set up camp. You guys set it up how you wish, and the leads that came with your horses allow you to tie them up to a couple of trees at your site. Go ahead and decide the order of watch duty, and I'll go from there.
Bokshir provides both Ryx and Aruzhal with a familiar fiery red acorn to keep them sustained through the trip, and munches on quite a number himself to alleviate the injuries he had sustained through their investigation.
When the time comes to camp he looks after the horses as best he can, hoping to find saddlebags with feed. He also looks out for a suitable place to camp that has access to water for them close by.
"Want me take first watch?", he asks the others. "Yes, take first watch", he then says more decisively. "Who should wake when done?'.
Ryx gratefully takes the fiery red acorn, and agrees to take the 2nd watch.
Aruzhal pitches the tents with silence and practiced ease, and agrees to take third watch with a grunt.
Ok. Since Bokshir is first watch, go ahead and roll a perception check
Bokshir waits for his companions to settle in before dimming the fire to allow him better vision around the camp whilst maintaining the warmth. He sits with his sentinel shield equipped.
Perception (with advantage): (
15, 19)+5=24as you look through the night, things are peaceful for a while, until you hear a twig break to the west, and that's when you see a bunch of glowing blue eyes approaching your camp site. roll a nature check with advantage to see if you know what it is. (advantage because you've adventured before, and may have encountered this thing before)