Ok. So you know how most of these dustups start out, right? You’re in a barroom, and the bard says, “I’ll just go over and work the crowd and … “
… AND next thing you know, you’re these guys.
No. I mean literally.
That graphic depicts your adventuring party in this campaign. All nine of you.
Yes, you are the nine closest characters in this most edifying work of high art. Yes, that is a picture of you at the moment the campaign begins. The rest will be storytelling about the individuals portrayed in the graphic.
For your successful application to this campaign, I would like you to choose one of these characters and bring them to this point and to life using anything you can reasonably deduce about them from this graphic image in the most creative way that you can. Bonus points for originality, detail, playing against type and just plain fun writing. Tell with your best RP-forward face on who your character is, what brought them and their companions to this point, and THEN give me the game mechanics, backstory and background first. -- well, second, it’s hard to build a character when you have no idea what their CHA is; so first step is to post in this thread a placeholder using the forum dice roller to generate your characters’ abilities: select a 4d6 array, reroll ‘1’s once. Then post another message quoting the first post (trust me, it will protect you against those “This post contains potentially manipulated results” flags) and adding:
Prefight narrative from your character’s perspective, covering at minimum the critical minutes just before the pictured moment, and at maximum the point at which disinterested readers of the thread wish to shoot either your character or themselves to spare themselves the tormenting tedium of any more prefight narrative
I’ll choose the most interesting characters, and the ones whose stories I consider it easiest to weave into an interesting party narrative, and have a session zero thread with the nine finalists weaving/working out any disparities in backstory and playing out the immortal moments preceding the brawl. If this works out to everyone’s liking it will either be expanded into the main game thread or another one will be started beginning at the pictured moment and going from there.
Some givens.
! You can be as distantly or closely connected to each other as you want, but you’ve all at least known OF each other before this night and none of you is surprised to find any of the others here.
And there is at least some imagined ideal that at least some of the group refers to in varying tones of autrage as ,,, as ‘what we all agreed … that we’d all travel together!”
! You are in the DMs homebrew campaign world of Sauvogia, in any appropriate setting in one of the port/trade cities of the northern frontier (Hvolstead Trade Enclave, Reykholm. Llandovion, Ivergoeddon, Axbleford Port) EXCEPT Myrtea’s place from the “What Lies under Cricket Tor” game thread. All homebrew from Sauvogia threads can be used, as can anymaterial mentioned as being included in the DM’s content sharing (Witchlight, 2014 PHB/DMG, and a few others) (more material about Sauvogia included in the thread here)
! You can choose to write as much of the story up to the point depicted as you like, but not to include results for events that are yet to happen at the moment shown. (“e.g. ‘The elf’s ferocious punch broke her target’s bearded neck, and he fell a dead man next instant!’)
! Conversely, you do not absolutely have to get your chosen character up to this very second so long as your narrative makes it pretty obvious that the next time they get a chance to act they will do what is shown here.
! If you get the joke of the thread title and are p***d off to find your expectations disappointed; and consider the DM a frivolous **head … well, you probably wouldn’t find this campaign’s style of D&D to your taste anyhow and I’m not terribly curious to find out but I’d imagine there are at least a few threads out there you WOULD enjoy, so don’t you think it might be more pleasant for you AND me … ?
If you get the joke and are p***d up to find your expectation of quirkiness sadly underpointed, please submit an application at once, you aren’t who I was just talkng to in the last arrosw
And if you’re getting bored with all the arrows and wondering when we’re going to get to the storytelling part already, I’ll check your application as soon as I log in, and hope to find plot twists amazing enough to want to throw my arms wide open and say, “This just has to be in the script!”
There will be … well, no, maybe there won’t. The Rule of Cool doesn’t hold full sovereignty with diplomatic immunity from prosecution here, but if you can improvise well enough to make it fun I’ll welcome you above a dozen rules lawyers. And if you can rulesify enough to make it fun, for that matter, likewise.
Yes, the DM is nuts. Trust us, just humour his fits of baroquely faerie whimsie and he’ll settle down eventually. Even better, write the most Rperfect post of your life describing why your character grabbed <*ever-they-grabbed*>. That’s absolutely certain to soothe him back down to puttinng said character through Rperfect hoops and calisthenics of fiendishly cackling Dmitude worthy of the seventh sublayer of Baator … um, well, as I was saying, these fits of sanity where he warns you about such things don’t come very frequently, and /// … LOL
(Depending on if we using 2014 or 2024, and what level ranges we are playing my build will be different but I’ve done a sample build as a 70ish+% guideline for what I’m thinking: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/136412287/NiqWMS
Backstory Candle grew up outside in the countryside… waaaaay outside Llandovian on the edge of the dutchy of abyrstwth, but that didn’t stop her of dreaming of going there to live when she was little… her father played on that desire, and brainwashed her into thinking she was a downright a genius, an intellect of the ages… and so she studied hard, between rough housing moments with the local farmhands, and eventually even made it into the honored academy of (insert magic school in Llandovian name here)! But what dumb luck that ended up being… you see, what is genius in the countryside in a town of a few hundred, and when your father is one of the local land owners (a small one but still, had his own library… a small little library), well is actually in the great halls of intellect, mediocre at best. But that didn’t stop candle from proving a point, everyone the mage bastards tried to prove their logic was more sound than theirs… she liked in those moments to end the conversation with her fists… she had a strong kick too; but were getting off topic. Anyway after trying to pass the academy, she learned little more than how to defend herself from magic missiles point at her arse, and spitballs shot into her flaming red hair… god damn all the nicknames kids will make… she’d heard them all. How did she end up a cleric you might ask, the same way it always does with a woman in these parts with a strong opinion.. .. with someone in power having had enough yelling “GET THEE TO A NUNNERY!” Being an apostle fit her in fact well enough! Something about her down to earth and practical logic came off to others as more wise than smart anyway; and the people of the robe were much more impressed with someone who knew how to sweep a floor, fit a meal, and shoo off trouble than someone who could debate eloquently, or played in the world of illusions… charm was the world of the divine (insert desired god to be worshiped by DM, I prefer creating pc’s in tandem with dm and the group) it was her job to act out the will of her god, not question it with logic. That brings us to this moment… how the hell did she end up tankarding one of tue very people she was meaner to travel with?!? That too began with a classic line she could barely remember through her intoxication, something she said before the first ale, “I’m sure I can drink all of you’s under the table! Who dares test good ole Candle!?!” Now she didn’t remember what the orc said to offend her, nor what the bard did to start the whole thing, but she knew that where she came from, one didn’t trust anyone they hadn’t had a good brawl with… how could you trust someone who didn’t put their chin where there thoughts and words took them? If they couldn’t take a punch, how could they take on whatever trouble lay ahead in the road ahead? (Dm if you want more in-world connection if I am chosen I can read more lore and get into that aspect, for now I do not know the world we will be playing in, so kept it more personal and general for now) (I would like her to know intimately at least 1-2 of the group, perhaps in fellowship or charity work over the years. If they are lvl 1 then that is enough, if they are higher lvl then something more significant like a near death experience or a life debt would be a nice balance for godly devotion to have multiple strings to pull at her. Anyway some thoughts )
Backstory One thing you learn working bar in Hafrost is how to use your fists....or frankly anything else that comes to hand. And sometimes, if they're getting a little too free with their own hands, you need to beat the tar out of your friends as well. Birte has no idea how she ended up here......a bunch of idiots blew into town, the damn ' Princess' somehow convinced her to throw her lot in with them and now she was ducking punches and clearing house yet again and NOT getting paid for it.
The comment was because it gave a "dice rolls not available" error. I'll work with this.
Dibs on the auburn haired spellcasting princess (she has a crown).
Backstory Ithrilliel Montura Artifex the 3rd comes from the Ceded Feywilde Landes. Her lineage is old enough that her name has been used thrice, and she has shown Sorcerous powers as a sign of her ability & nobility. Granted the items from her background and class, as well as a Crown of Honor (made of gilded brass, so a real crown wouldn't be lost if she gets killed), she is also a Wandering Princess (or WP), who wanders around (thus the name) gathering wealth and power to become an Archfey. Now, she's got a bunch of adventurers together, of varied alignments.
"Greetings Friends, I am Ithrilliel Montura Artifex the 3rd of the Feywild. I hope I can count on you all for aid on my, I mean our, journey!"
Hi, I'm the one taking the tankard to the face there. What landed me in this predicament, you ask? Bad luck I suppose... My goddess would be pleased, bad luck is still luck is one of the tenants of my faith and, as an Auspician, I'm meant to embody my deity's love of chance. But enough about me, you're probably wondering what started all this and I need to say it before I lose consciousness. It all started when another patron bought us all a round of drinks and, never ones to turn down free swill, we partook heavily. Now that the lights are going out I swear it had a funny taste, but it's a little late to say anything now. When I come to... If I come to, yikes... I hope I can help sort this out. Until then *hrrrgk*.
Background: Acolyte
Class: Any (probably pseudo religious themed regardless)
Race: I honestly see the features as something like an Uniya, from Exandria, so something half-orc/half-elf or somewhere in that spectrum
Going for that human male being walloped by Arthuropodd.
Yup, pretty much coz I already paid WOTCs ransom for that content and I haven't had the courage of Saint Mannox in the case of the ransom they desired for the 2024 content. But if something's available to me through basic rules or whatever means there might be to access content then its on for this campaign. I'll turn full content sharing once I create the campaign.
I'll get to work on a homebrew Princess class right away. But to take it you 'll have to identify what princess is your favorite inspiration from the entire canon of princessia in any source whatsoever that the DM recognizes or can find and assess by your description; and then tell me how they would try to insure their victory in a duel of princessitude with Ce'Nedra from the Pawn of Prophecy/Belgariad series by David and Leigh Eddings.
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Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
There is oc a Welsh inspiration to Aberstwyth and a Scandinavian to Ulvsnesshjolm. But there are also cultures inspired by Basque, Moroccan and Irish sources not far to the south; the Haunted Lands and some of the fey-influenced river border between the two duchies that Llandovion bridges is patrolled by the Aino Aaltonen order which includes clerics, monks and healers. There are several riverfront taverns in the walled harbor ward of Llandovion near the River Gate.
As for religion, here's as far as I've gotten in the planning, but if you want to propose a deity that fits any of the inspiration cultures please DM me. A god of luck though I haven't gotten to it is definitely possible.
-Religion on the contintent of Sauvogia
- Like many things in Sauvogia, and particularly in the northern frontier areas around Cricket Tor and Llandovion, religion is treated in a fluid and easygpong manner typical of the frontier land trope of ‘live and let live’ and being accepting of individual quirks and differences. The main ‘faith’ system of the area, though, is a loose pantheon of deities who more or less represent forces of nature (some of whom have since become deities of various aspects of civilization that can be metaphorically or conceptually linked to their nature in, well, nature ;D ) drawn from the human and possibly halfling cultures prevalent in the area. Other concepts of civilization have evolved their own deities or have deities from the origin cultures that crossed over to the loose pantheon here referreed to. These are the deities one will hear referred to in public and almost always the ones invoked for public ceremonies; but all races have deities of their own also. Even the human cultures from which the loose pantheon was drawn have many other deities of various natures, and it is taken for granted that those from outside the immediate area will have faiths of their own which are considered to be nobody else’s business so long as their adherents extend the same courtesy to others. If they do not, responses will quickly grow frostier and frostier, and the would-be proseltyzer will instead find themselves a pariah and treated as someone who doesn’t know how to conduct themselves as a civilized being … which, coming from what many of these individuals view as back-country hicks and worse, often sends them off into a spluttering frenzy of rage that the city watch of Llandovion sometimes has to cool down overnight in a nice ascetic meditation chamber … AKA cell. They generally choose the one that is otherwise being used as a drunk tank, and then sit all night whooping and jeering at the by now rabidly frothing priests
The two primary deities of the “faith of Llandovion”, as it were, are the seasonal goddesses Gyrk’vasa and Inveralwyn: Gyrk’vasa is the goddess of winter and Inveralwyn of summer. But unlike many faiths where this seasonal distinction is the main thematic split, Inveralwyn is not viewed as necessarily good nor Gyrk’vasa as necessarily evil. A blastingly hot summer that lasts into October and shrivels the apples on the tree can do as much devastation on an agrarian people as a bitterly cold and early winter that nips the storage crops that were supposed to last the cold months before they can finish growing. This characteristic is shared by many if not all of the deities in the pantheon, and unless otherwise mentioned they number good and evil individuals among their worshipers in fairly equal proportions.
Those goddesses in particular, however, as well as several others in the pantheon, dohave a decided bent towards either law or chaos depending on whether the natural force which their first and purest form represents is one of ordering and structure or of multiplication and chaos.
The goddesses of winter and summer each have an avatar who rules, respectively, autumn and spring. These beings are known by separate names ( and ) but are viewed not so much as truly separate goddessess, but daughter goddesses in an endless cycle of rebirth like the phoenix where each daughter is her mother ‘in waiting’, learning to manage the serious business of winter or summer by ruling its gateway season where mortals make preparation for her mother’s full dominion
Gyrk’vasa (LN): Goddess of winter; death; memories (hence also lost lore)
Cymblyyon. *LN(: Goddess of autumn; harvest/pruning;
Inveralwyn (CN): Goddess of summer; travel; lore and knowledge as it pertains to what is now
Jyra’malkr. (CN(: Goddess of spring; sowing/beginnings; birth
Other deities in the pantheon are more or less independent beings, but many are affected by their relationship with the primary goddesses and the seasons they represent. The sun and moon deities, for instance, have both masculine and feminine forms, and they transition between these forms seasonally so that if (for instance; I haven’t yet decided if this is in fact the seasonal breakdown) the male moons courtt the female sun throughout the summer, some cosmological event that takes place when Gyrk’vasa’s autumnal daughter takes rule transforms the moons into women and the sun into a man, in which forms they remain throughout the autumn and winter and from which they are re-transformed on the first day of spring to the genders they had been before. Deities which transition thus in their gender are referred to as ‘G of (sphere)’ below. And all deities who are affected by their relationship to Gyrk’vasa and Inveralwyn, though they may be beings of the same order of power as they in the divine hierarchy, are viewed as being younger and as eventually either giving way to or being defeated and punished by their elders – who also include divine powers like the goddess of the ocean and other primal forces seen as being coeval in the creation with the seasons which in this belief system came before and caused the creation of the celestial bodies which mark them as they light the earth. The moons and sun in particular are seen as doing this for their elders because they fear their power rather than our of willing love and obedience, and the myths of rebellions in heaven often center around these powers and are set in times of eclipse of one or other of these bodies. The ancestor pioneers who came up with this compromise pantheon as one means of ensuring some degree of unity among the competing interests of the various colonizing cultures had observed the skies sufficiently closely to know that the shadow one or more of the moons is involved in a solar eckipse, and so regardless of which bodies were involved in the actual eclipse both deities were seen as involved in the divine plot
. (..): G of the moons;
. (..): G of the sun
Iarícosá, the Pathwearer, goddess of wind, crossroads, and changes in fortune generally ,,, think songs like Dead Can Dance's "Fortune Presents Gifts not According to the Book" -- wheel of fortune always turning idea. A goddess of the spring subpantheon, and thus nominally more affiliated with the Aberstwyth spring goddess Ynveralwyn; but like her randomness/luck affiliated counterpart in the autumn pantheon she is much less particular about those distinctions and more willing to work with deities from the other side of the seasons or even outside the Common pantheon altogether
CHARACTER SHEET Male human being hit by the elf using some sort of yellow fisty magic. Name: Owen Herpenshiel Race: Human Class: Fighter Background: Soldier Owen is a mercenary from a small city. He used to work with a guild, but left due to not liking how things were being run. He now works alone, taking just about any job if it provides enough money. He has spent years mastering the art of moving silently, and is talented with a longsword. Tonight, he may have had a bit to much to drink. Normally, he's an un charismatic, quite fella who sits in a corner sipping his beer. This time however, he was angered when hee saw some people start fighting. Not wanting to waste it, he guzzled down the rest of his drink n joined the fray, not realisiing just how big the cup was. He doesn't realise it yet, but he's sure to have a bad hangover in the morning.
(top to bottom of characters i see as part of group)
Human male leaning bemusedly against wall wit arms folded- applications so far = !o!
Tiefling male going all Undertaker with a folding chair on \/ - applications so far = !o!
Drow male about to have a closer geological proximity to Lolth if he don't make that DEX save - applications so far = !o!
Red-bearded dwarf dancing (?) with green-fringe individual - applications so far = !o!
Green-fringe individual said dwarf is 'dancing' with - applications so far = !o!
Bearded human (half elf? satyr? Don Huan?) gettin' cold-cocked by The Princess - applications so far = i i
The Princess (this now officially has to be part of all characters for this image but interpretation can be as liberal as desired LOL - applications so far = i
Tusked Jaw / tankard target - applications so far = i
Fiery-tressed tankard wielder - applications so far = i
As for religion, here's as far as I've gotten in the planning, but if you want to propose a deity that fits any of the inspiration cultures please DM me. A god of luck though I haven't gotten to it is definitely possible
It doesn't have to be a Deity of "Luck" directly, wind, the moon, crossroads. Something akin to a god of "chaos" but not like, malevolent chaos. Regardless, I don't mind playing any of the characters, the purple tint just made me think of that Prestige Class and I went with it. Also the stats I rolled for perfect for the narrative I set up and I hope I get to play
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Ok. So you know how most of these dustups start out, right? You’re in a barroom, and the bard says, “I’ll just go over and work the crowd and … “
… AND next thing you know, you’re these guys.
No. I mean literally.
That graphic depicts your adventuring party in this campaign. All nine of you.
Yes, you are the nine closest characters in this most edifying work of high art. Yes, that is a picture of you at the moment the campaign begins. The rest will be storytelling about the individuals portrayed in the graphic.
For your successful application to this campaign, I would like you to choose one of these characters and bring them to this point and to life using anything you can reasonably deduce about them from this graphic image in the most creative way that you can. Bonus points for originality, detail, playing against type and just plain fun writing. Tell with your best RP-forward face on who your character is, what brought them and their companions to this point, and THEN give me the game mechanics, backstory and background first. -- well, second, it’s hard to build a character when you have no idea what their CHA is; so first step is to post in this thread a placeholder using the forum dice roller to generate your characters’ abilities: select a 4d6 array, reroll ‘1’s once. Then post another message quoting the first post (trust me, it will protect you against those “This post contains potentially manipulated results” flags) and adding:
I’ll choose the most interesting characters, and the ones whose stories I consider it easiest to weave into an interesting party narrative, and have a session zero thread with the nine finalists weaving/working out any disparities in backstory and playing out the immortal moments preceding the brawl. If this works out to everyone’s liking it will either be expanded into the main game thread or another one will be started beginning at the pictured moment and going from there.
Some givens.
! You can be as distantly or closely connected to each other as you want, but you’ve all at least known OF each other before this night and none of you is surprised to find any of the others here.
! You are in the DMs homebrew campaign world of Sauvogia, in any appropriate setting in one of the port/trade cities of the northern frontier (Hvolstead Trade Enclave, Reykholm. Llandovion, Ivergoeddon, Axbleford Port) EXCEPT Myrtea’s place from the “What Lies under Cricket Tor” game thread. All homebrew from Sauvogia threads can be used, as can anymaterial mentioned as being included in the DM’s content sharing (Witchlight, 2014 PHB/DMG, and a few others) (more material about Sauvogia included in the thread here)
! You can choose to write as much of the story up to the point depicted as you like, but not to include results for events that are yet to happen at the moment shown. (“e.g. ‘The elf’s ferocious punch broke her target’s bearded neck, and he fell a dead man next instant!’)
! Conversely, you do not absolutely have to get your chosen character up to this very second so long as your narrative makes it pretty obvious that the next time they get a chance to act they will do what is shown here.
! If you get the joke of the thread title and are p***d off to find your expectations disappointed; and consider the DM a frivolous **head … well, you probably wouldn’t find this campaign’s style of D&D to your taste anyhow and I’m not terribly curious to find out but I’d imagine there are at least a few threads out there you WOULD enjoy, so don’t you think it might be more pleasant for you AND me … ?
If you get the joke and are p***d up to find your expectation of quirkiness sadly underpointed, please submit an application at once, you aren’t who I was just talkng to in the last arrosw
And if you’re getting bored with all the arrows and wondering when we’re going to get to the storytelling part already, I’ll check your application as soon as I log in, and hope to find plot twists amazing enough to want to throw my arms wide open and say, “This just has to be in the script!”
There will be … well, no, maybe there won’t. The Rule of Cool doesn’t hold full sovereignty with diplomatic immunity from prosecution here, but if you can improvise well enough to make it fun I’ll welcome you above a dozen rules lawyers. And if you can rulesify enough to make it fun, for that matter, likewise.
Yes, the DM is nuts. Trust us, just humour his fits of baroquely faerie whimsie and he’ll settle down eventually. Even better, write the most Rperfect post of your life describing why your character grabbed <*ever-they-grabbed*>. That’s absolutely certain to soothe him back down to puttinng said character through Rperfect hoops and calisthenics of fiendishly cackling Dmitude worthy of the seventh sublayer of Baator … um, well, as I was saying, these fits of sanity where he warns you about such things don’t come very frequently, and /// … LOL
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Ability scores: 16 17 9 14 11 12
What do wedointhis case?
The comment was because it gave a "dice rolls not available" error. I'll work with this.
Dibs on the auburn haired spellcasting princess (she has a crown).
Backstory Pending
Background Noble
Class Sorceress
Race High Elf
Name Ithrilliel Montura Artifex the 3rd
Ability scores: 18 15 14 16 13 9
You're using 2014/legacy/5e rules, right?
Going for that human male being walloped by Arthuropodd.
Ability scores: 16 14 8 17 15 12
Skrach / Miner
Ability scores: 16 17 13 15 16 16
(Depending on if we using 2014 or 2024, and what level ranges we are playing my build will be different but I’ve done a sample build as a 70ish+% guideline for what I’m thinking: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/136412287/NiqWMS
Backstory Candle grew up outside in the countryside… waaaaay outside Llandovian on the edge of the dutchy of abyrstwth, but that didn’t stop her of dreaming of going there to live when she was little… her father played on that desire, and brainwashed her into thinking she was a downright a genius, an intellect of the ages… and so she studied hard, between rough housing moments with the local farmhands, and eventually even made it into the honored academy of (insert magic school in Llandovian name here)! But what dumb luck that ended up being… you see, what is genius in the countryside in a town of a few hundred, and when your father is one of the local land owners (a small one but still, had his own library… a small little library), well is actually in the great halls of intellect, mediocre at best. But that didn’t stop candle from proving a point, everyone the mage bastards tried to prove their logic was more sound than theirs… she liked in those moments to end the conversation with her fists… she had a strong kick too; but were getting off topic. Anyway after trying to pass the academy, she learned little more than how to defend herself from magic missiles point at her arse, and spitballs shot into her flaming red hair… god damn all the nicknames kids will make… she’d heard them all. How did she end up a cleric you might ask, the same way it always does with a woman in these parts with a strong opinion.. .. with someone in power having had enough yelling “GET THEE TO A NUNNERY!” Being an apostle fit her in fact well enough! Something about her down to earth and practical logic came off to others as more wise than smart anyway; and the people of the robe were much more impressed with someone who knew how to sweep a floor, fit a meal, and shoo off trouble than someone who could debate eloquently, or played in the world of illusions… charm was the world of the divine (insert desired god to be worshiped by DM, I prefer creating pc’s in tandem with dm and the group) it was her job to act out the will of her god, not question it with logic. That brings us to this moment… how the hell did she end up tankarding one of tue very people she was meaner to travel with?!? That too began with a classic line she could barely remember through her intoxication, something she said before the first ale, “I’m sure I can drink all of you’s under the table! Who dares test good ole Candle!?!” Now she didn’t remember what the orc said to offend her, nor what the bard did to start the whole thing, but she knew that where she came from, one didn’t trust anyone they hadn’t had a good brawl with… how could you trust someone who didn’t put their chin where there thoughts and words took them? If they couldn’t take a punch, how could they take on whatever trouble lay ahead in the road ahead? (Dm if you want more in-world connection if I am chosen I can read more lore and get into that aspect, for now I do not know the world we will be playing in, so kept it more personal and general for now) (I would like her to know intimately at least 1-2 of the group, perhaps in fellowship or charity work over the years. If they are lvl 1 then that is enough, if they are higher lvl then something more significant like a near death experience or a life debt would be a nice balance for godly devotion to have multiple strings to pull at her. Anyway some thoughts )
Background : sage (Wizard) (if 2024) (or maybe 1 lvl Wizard dip if 2014)
Class : Cleric (thinking trickery cleric based on the image) or Paladin if it fits the party needs better
Race : Red-headed emotional Human (if 2024) and red-headed emotional half dwarf (if 2014)
Name : Candle Indradark (don’t mind something more in-world if you need extreme consistency)
Ability scores: 16 13 14 15 16 15
Backstory One thing you learn working bar in Hafrost is how to use your fists....or frankly anything else that comes to hand. And sometimes, if they're getting a little too free with their own hands, you need to beat the tar out of your friends as well. Birte has no idea how she ended up here......a bunch of idiots blew into town, the damn ' Princess' somehow convinced her to throw her lot in with them and now she was ducking punches and clearing house yet again and NOT getting paid for it.
Background Folk Hero
Class Monk
Race Human
Name Birte Stavanger
Visual Reference - Human Female in foreground.
Ithrilliel wasn't sure where it went wrong but the last she remembered was charging a punch with Shocking Grasp
(Gan we consider the "Princess Class"? How about the spell "Persephone's Pugilistic Pacification"?
Based on this PRC for the purple tinted tusked individual https://www.realmshelps.net/charbuild/classes/prestige/Auspician
(For the purple hued one with the tusks)
Hi, I'm the one taking the tankard to the face there. What landed me in this predicament, you ask? Bad luck I suppose... My goddess would be pleased, bad luck is still luck is one of the tenants of my faith and, as an Auspician, I'm meant to embody my deity's love of chance. But enough about me, you're probably wondering what started all this and I need to say it before I lose consciousness. It all started when another patron bought us all a round of drinks and, never ones to turn down free swill, we partook heavily. Now that the lights are going out I swear it had a funny taste, but it's a little late to say anything now. When I come to... If I come to, yikes... I hope I can help sort this out. Until then *hrrrgk*.
Background: Acolyte
Class: Any (probably pseudo religious themed regardless)
Race: I honestly see the features as something like an Uniya, from Exandria, so something half-orc/half-elf or somewhere in that spectrum
Name: Murf Scarborrow
Ability scores: 14 13 14 15 11 11
Murf is a great name
In the case of "dice rolls not available", you throw whatever rotten produce you have available at the forum dice *A*ritificial *S*tupidities LOL
Yup, pretty much coz I already paid WOTCs ransom for that content and I haven't had the courage of Saint Mannox in the case of the ransom they desired for the 2024 content. But if something's available to me through basic rules or whatever means there might be to access content then its on for this campaign. I'll turn full content sharing once I create the campaign.
I'll get to work on a homebrew Princess class right away. But to take it you 'll have to identify what princess is your favorite inspiration from the entire canon of princessia in any source whatsoever that the DM recognizes or can find and assess by your description; and then tell me how they would try to insure their victory in a duel of princessitude with Ce'Nedra from the Pawn of Prophecy/Belgariad series by David and Leigh Eddings.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
There is oc a Welsh inspiration to Aberstwyth and a Scandinavian to Ulvsnesshjolm. But there are also cultures inspired by Basque, Moroccan and Irish sources not far to the south; the Haunted Lands and some of the fey-influenced river border between the two duchies that Llandovion bridges is patrolled by the Aino Aaltonen order which includes clerics, monks and healers. There are several riverfront taverns in the walled harbor ward of Llandovion near the River Gate.
As for religion, here's as far as I've gotten in the planning, but if you want to propose a deity that fits any of the inspiration cultures please DM me. A god of luck though I haven't gotten to it is definitely possible.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
I’ll make a pc for one of the other images!, Indra is no more~
post when I’m done
Male human being hit by the elf using some sort of yellow fisty magic.
Name: Owen Herpenshiel
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Background: Soldier
Owen is a mercenary from a small city. He used to work with a guild, but left due to not liking how things were being run. He now works alone, taking just about any job if it provides enough money. He has spent years mastering the art of moving silently, and is talented with a longsword.
Tonight, he may have had a bit to much to drink. Normally, he's an un charismatic, quite fella who sits in a corner sipping his beer. This time however, he was angered when hee saw some people start fighting. Not wanting to waste it, he guzzled down the rest of his drink n joined the fray, not realisiing just how big the cup was.
He doesn't realise it yet, but he's sure to have a bad hangover in the morning.
(top to bottom of characters i see as part of group)
Human male leaning bemusedly against wall wit arms folded- applications so far = !o!
Tiefling male going all Undertaker with a folding chair on \/ - applications so far = !o!
Drow male about to have a closer geological proximity to Lolth if he don't make that DEX save - applications so far = !o!
Red-bearded dwarf dancing (?) with green-fringe individual - applications so far = !o!
Green-fringe individual said dwarf is 'dancing' with - applications so far = !o!
Bearded human (half elf? satyr? Don Huan?) gettin' cold-cocked by The Princess - applications so far = i i
The Princess (this now officially has to be part of all characters for this image but interpretation can be as liberal as desired LOL - applications so far = i
Tusked Jaw / tankard target - applications so far = i
Fiery-tressed tankard wielder - applications so far = i
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
It doesn't have to be a Deity of "Luck" directly, wind, the moon, crossroads. Something akin to a god of "chaos" but not like, malevolent chaos. Regardless, I don't mind playing any of the characters, the purple tint just made me think of that Prestige Class and I went with it. Also the stats I rolled for perfect for the narrative I set up and I hope I get to play