In the quiet, quaint rural county of Ilkalith lives a legendary cryptid; The Balowang. This creature enthralls the imagination of everybody who hears of it, from children to monster hunters, however the beast is only ever sighted within Ilkalith. Well, sighted is a poor descriptor, as although nearly every local claims to have seen the Balowang, each of them can only recount one vague detail about it, and nothing else. However, you are determined to change this. You will hunt, capture, or even kill the Balowang, and bring this mystery to an end...
Welcome all! I am recruiting for my homebrew campaign, The Hunt for The Balowang! It is from level 7-12, will be ran on the forums, and as the name and snippet above suggests, your characters will be hunting this legendary beast to finally uncover what the mystery behind it is! Each of your characters has been brought together as you all believe to have seen the Balowang, but can't remember what it looks like, and are forming a party to put this mental bugbear to rest! You will each be assigned a random aspect of the Balowang that your character thinks they remember about it, however if you have a potential idea, feel free to suggest it in your backstory and I will consider adding it! If you would like to apply, what I'd like to see from your application is below:
Character Name: Class and Subclass: Stats: Race: Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice(I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!): Backstory(Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!): Character Sheet (Only if you have one ready!): Any other information you want to include!:
2014 or 2024 rules are fine, for stats I do not mind if it is Point Buy, Standard Array or rolling in this thread (reroll ones once)! I would also like to make it clear that I am looking for players that are willing to post at least once a day, unless you've given a reason anytime before an absence of course, and will stay committed! If you are unsure that you can stick to this, mention it in your application so I am aware! I will be closing applications in roughly a week depending on results, good luck to everybody, if there are any questions feel free to ask, and may the hunt begin!
Backstory: Born and raised in Ilkalith, Aralia Nightshade grew up surrounded by the legends of the Balowang. As a child, she claimed to have seen the creature herself, but she could only recall one fragment of the encounter. The memory haunted her dreams and whispered through her waking thoughts, driving her curiosity to obsession.
Aralia trained as an investigator, using her sharp mind, charisma, and resourcefulness to solve cases around the county. Her skills gained her a reputation for digging up answers where none could be found. Yet no matter how many mysteries she solved, the Balowang eluded her.
Her search took a darker turn when she discovered an old relic in the ruins of an abandoned chapel: a Ring of Mind Shielding. When she donned the ring, her thoughts became her own, protected from outside interference—but along with the protection came the whispers of a shadowy being. This mysterious entity offered her forbidden knowledge and power in exchange for a pact, promising the truth about the Balowang in return for her service. Desperate for answers, she agreed.
The pact granted her abilities she never thought possible, but it also left her questioning the price of her choices. Now, Aralia is determined to find the Balowang, not just to end the torment of her fractured memories but also to break the influence of the shadowy whispers that pull her toward an uncertain fate.
One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Mithral Plate (see backstory to how obtained)
Backstory: A true dwarf from under the mountain, Thulewyn was from a middle class family and joined the army when he came of age. He didn't like being a soldier, to much of being told what to do and not making up your own mind so he got out when his time was done. He had made a friend in Baldri Stonemaker, the only son of a prominent noble house. After they left the army, Baldri was obsessed with monster hunting, bring Thulewyn along do do the sneaky dirt work that didn't befit a noble. When Baldri was bent on tracking down this Balowang, his father forbade it, wanting Baldri to take the role as his aire more seriously, learning politics over hunting. So Baldri's father secretly had Thulewyn locked up thinking his son wouldn't have the nerve to go on this track without his partner in crime. It wasn't, Baldri gave up looking for his friend and hire a crew to go on the hunt.
Only 2 returned, carrying the body of Baldri. So saddened by his sons death and at himself for his role in hampering the expedition, the old noble offered his son's armor as a price to Thulewyn to kill the monster that killed his son, and offered if he came back with proof of the monsters death, he would proclaim Thulewyn as his aire. So Thulewyn is on the hunt for the monster that killed his friend and maybe get him to move up in the dwarvan society. He traveled to Ilkalith as that was the last lead Thulewyn had heard before being imprisoned, choosing to find other hunters more experienced in such tasks.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Character Name: Kael'Serath of Skyhaven Class and Subclass: Fighter - Eldritch Knight Stats:1291113168 Race: Air Genasi Two Common Magic Items:Pot of Awakening, Ruby of the War Mage Backstory
Kael'Serath was born during a fierce storm in the small village of Skyhaven in the windswept peaks of the Arcanial Cliffs, a region where the sky always seemed to churn with clouds and lightning. His genasi heritage marked him as different from the start—his hair seemed to flow like a gentle breeze even in still air, and his light blue skin carried faint swirls that glowed softly during moments of heightened emotion. Growing up, Kael exhibited an unyielding energy and curiosity, channeling his boundless enthusiasm into martial training. Despite his youthful recklessness, he displayed a knack for strategy, making him a standout among his peers.
As a teenager, Kael began to experiment with magic, initially to enhance his combat skills. His first attempts were clumsy, often leaving his sparring partners singed or knocked off their feet by errant gusts of wind. Yet over time, he discovered an innate ability to blend magic with swordsmanship, weaving together arcane spells and martial strikes with elegant precision. This unique talent caught the attention of an emissary from the Skyward Pact, an ancient order of Eldritch Knights dedicated to preserving balance and seeking knowledge of the unknown.
Under the tutelage of the Pact, Kael spent years honing his dual disciplines. His natural agility and affinity for air magic made him a formidable combatant, while his discipline and hunger for knowledge deepened his understanding of arcane theory. He rose through the ranks, earning the respect of his peers and mentors alike for his determination and creativity. By the time he completed his rites of passage, he had forged his own path as an Eldritch Knight, embracing the title Galeborn Seeker.
Kael’s most recent mission comes from the Skyward Pact itself: he has been dispatched to Ilkalith, a remote county shrouded in mystery and whispers of the strange mythical creature known as the Balowang. The Pact, ever seeking to unravel the truth behind legends, tasked Kael with uncovering whether this creature truly exists or is nothing more than the product of local folklore.
More than happy to change things where needed, especially parts I added at the beginning. Skyhaven, Arcanial Cliffs, Skyward Pact.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Might as well give it a shot! Though, Shiver, I do have a quick question: I like to play characters that fit well within the parties dynamics, so if I was to make a character that could fit within a few different classes, and if I get in, I'll then select a class so that way I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, would that be okay with you? If it's not, just say so, and I'll be happy to choose a class.
Ability scores: 161213131417
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Might as well give it a shot! Though, Shiver, I do have a quick question: I like to play characters that fit well within the parties dynamics, so if I was to make a character that could fit within a few different classes, and if I get in, I'll then select a class so that way I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, would that be okay with you? If it's not, just say so, and I'll be happy to choose a class.
Ability scores: 15121815139
Hey Raccoon, that sounds fine, I don't mind at all so go ahead! It's very thoughtful of you to do that since it keeps options wide for other applicants, and it could save me a little bit of trouble when trying to pick out a balanced party! Looking forward to seeing all the other details!
Character Name: Verland Salte Class and Subclass: Barabarian/Path of the Storm Herald Stats: S20 D18 C15 I11 W16 Ch11 Race: Human Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Goggles of Night Backstory From Outside - "Why do you care? If you really need to know my mother gave birth to me on the high seas. I was a member of a family of pirates. Short story on how I got here: My ship was wiped out during a clan war, I got sold into slavery, escaped and now I'm here looking for work. That's when I heard about the Balowa-whatits...The Balgo-winnie... The thing we were talking about. I've seen strange things on the sea as a young lad and strange things always can always be sold to collectors for a lot of coin!"
Character Name:Nigel Forsyth Class and Subclass: Wizard/Scribe Stats: Point buy Race: Variant human Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice Goggles of object reading Backstory(Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Nigel grew up in (insert agricultural area), a small farming community located near (insert well renowned library or wizard College or monastery). His father tended the orchards, and his mother was a housekeeper. They lived in a small parsonage on the property edge. Nigel was a sickly boy. Always suffering from one maladity or another. This served him better than one would expect. Not only did it strengthen his constitution thru the constant exposure to various illnesses, but it also gave him time to read and study.
During those times when Nigel wasn't afflicted by some random bug, he would play in the orchards and surrounding farmlands. His favorite pastime was to collect the polished and smoothed stones from a nearby creekbed. His second favorite game was to throw those rocks at rotting fruit and any pests that were eating the harvest. To this day, Nigel loves to polish and smooth stones. He keeps a pouch full on his person at all times. It was on one of these excusions that he saw something that would influence hum forever. Though everyone seemed to have a story the belief that he actually saw what he said he saw was small. The Balowang legend was well know in the area but myths are often relegated to fireside and bedtime stories not fact.
As he grew older Nigel would often climb to a perch next to an open window at the (library, college, monastery) where he could listen to the resident (teachers, wizards, clerics) give lectures and debate intellectual matters. In spite of being repeatedly scolded and beaten by the grounds keepers, he would find new and better ways to eavesdrop on the inner goings on. A quest for knowledge had been ignited in him that wouldn't be denied.
Sometime during Nigel's tween years, he was caught sneaking back a book he had stolen. The book was in rough shape due to an accidental dunk in the creek. During a tear filled disciplinary discussion, he revealed he couldn't read the book and only took it because he wanted to see what was inside. Out of respect for the years of service Nigels parents had provided, the (head wizard, monks, patron) decided as a punishment and as reparation for the damaged tome, Nigel would serve as page. His duties included keeping the inkwells filled, parchments stocked, quills sharp and fetching volumes upon volumes of tomes for the scholars in residence.
As time went on Nigel was taught not only to read but write as well. His responsibilities expanded to copying texts and scribbling out titles and deeds of contract.
In his spare time Nigels nose was buried in a book. The more he grew the more he toiled at his chores and the more he learned. The more he learned from the arcane tomes he would sneak peeks at, the more the magical weave began to reveal itself.
The gears of life grind on and so it was for Nigel. As a young man barely out of his teens, Nigel made the decision that there was a vast world of knowledge to be discovered and recorded. And so Nigel began his journey, traveling from town to town selling his skills as a scribe. All the while continuing his study of the mystical and magical. His early encounter with the Balowang and the memory of its glowing aqua colored eyes gave him a purpose for his writings. He wishes to study and record the creatures of the realm. He has come back to Llkliath to find the Balowang and settle the claims if his youth.
Character Sheet (at top of post) Any other information you want to include!:I post daily and have had several campaigns on here last years so commitment isn't a problem.
Character Name: Silvosh Forestcaller Class and Subclass: Ranger Hunter Stats: 13169121712 Race: Centaur Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice:Quiver of Ehlonna and silvered scimitar
Backstory: Silvosh has always lived a nomadic existence, spending most of her time between towns instead of in them. Due to frequent attacks on her tribe when she was growing up, Silvosh has a special hatred of Orcs and Goblins and will take any opportunity to hunt them. This only applies to the wild orcs and goblins. She won't attack Orcs and Goblins found in town (unless they are raiding the town).
Silvosh has spent the last couple of years wandering on her own, exploring the Ilkalith fields and forests. On her own, she finds herself in towns far more often than when she was younger, as she checks for hunting and gathering quests. Having once caught a glimpse of the Balowang, she's willing to join a party to find this elusive creature.
Any other information you want to include!: This reminds me of the parable of the blind men and the elephant that I read as a kid. Here's the short form:
A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable". So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. The first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said, "This being is like a thick snake". For another one whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said the elephant, "is a wall". Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope. The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.
Welcome all! I am recruiting for my homebrew campaign, The Hunt for The Balowang! It is from level 7-12, will be ran on the forums, and as the name and snippet above suggests, your characters will be hunting this legendary beast to finally uncover what the mystery behind it is! Each of your characters has been brought together as you all believe to have seen the Balowang, but can't remember what it looks like, and are forming a party to put this mental bugbear to rest! You will each be assigned a random aspect of the Balowang that your character thinks they remember about it, however if you have a potential idea, feel free to suggest it in your backstory and I will consider adding it! If you would like to apply, what I'd like to see from your application is below:
Character Name:
Class and Subclass:
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice (I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!):
Backstory (Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Character Sheet (Only if you have one ready!):
Any other information you want to include!:
2014 or 2024 rules are fine, for stats I do not mind if it is Point Buy, Standard Array or rolling in this thread (reroll ones once)! I would also like to make it clear that I am looking for players that are willing to post at least once a day, unless you've given a reason anytime before an absence of course, and will stay committed! If you are unsure that you can stick to this, mention it in your application so I am aware! I will be closing applications in roughly a week depending on results, good luck to everybody, if there are any questions feel free to ask, and may the hunt begin!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Ability scores: 14 16 16 10 14 16
Ability scores: 11 15 15 17 13 18
Character Name: Aralia Nightshade
Class and Subclass: Warlock/Hexblade
Stats: Rolled above
Background: Investigator
Race: Tiefling (Chthonic)
Uncommon Magic Item: Ring of Mind Shielding
Backstory: Born and raised in Ilkalith, Aralia Nightshade grew up surrounded by the legends of the Balowang. As a child, she claimed to have seen the creature herself, but she could only recall one fragment of the encounter. The memory haunted her dreams and whispered through her waking thoughts, driving her curiosity to obsession.
Aralia trained as an investigator, using her sharp mind, charisma, and resourcefulness to solve cases around the county. Her skills gained her a reputation for digging up answers where none could be found. Yet no matter how many mysteries she solved, the Balowang eluded her.
Her search took a darker turn when she discovered an old relic in the ruins of an abandoned chapel: a Ring of Mind Shielding. When she donned the ring, her thoughts became her own, protected from outside interference—but along with the protection came the whispers of a shadowy being. This mysterious entity offered her forbidden knowledge and power in exchange for a pact, promising the truth about the Balowang in return for her service. Desperate for answers, she agreed.
The pact granted her abilities she never thought possible, but it also left her questioning the price of her choices. Now, Aralia is determined to find the Balowang, not just to end the torment of her fractured memories but also to break the influence of the shadowy whispers that pull her toward an uncertain fate.
Character Sheet:
Character Name: Thulewyn Thunderwood
Class and Subclass: Fighter 1/ Rouge(AT) 6
Stats: Rolled above
Race: Dwarf
One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Mithral Plate (see backstory to how obtained)
Backstory: A true dwarf from under the mountain, Thulewyn was from a middle class family and joined the army when he came of age. He didn't like being a soldier, to much of being told what to do and not making up your own mind so he got out when his time was done. He had made a friend in Baldri Stonemaker, the only son of a prominent noble house. After they left the army, Baldri was obsessed with monster hunting, bring Thulewyn along do do the sneaky dirt work that didn't befit a noble. When Baldri was bent on tracking down this Balowang, his father forbade it, wanting Baldri to take the role as his aire more seriously, learning politics over hunting. So Baldri's father secretly had Thulewyn locked up thinking his son wouldn't have the nerve to go on this track without his partner in crime. It wasn't, Baldri gave up looking for his friend and hire a crew to go on the hunt.
Only 2 returned, carrying the body of Baldri. So saddened by his sons death and at himself for his role in hampering the expedition, the old noble offered his son's armor as a price to Thulewyn to kill the monster that killed his son, and offered if he came back with proof of the monsters death, he would proclaim Thulewyn as his aire. So Thulewyn is on the hunt for the monster that killed his friend and maybe get him to move up in the dwarvan society. He traveled to Ilkalith as that was the last lead Thulewyn had heard before being imprisoned, choosing to find other hunters more experienced in such tasks.
Character sheet:
Ability scores: 11 12 15 14 15 13
Ability scores: 11 18 15 15 11 17
Cats go Moo!
Character Name: Kael'Serath of Skyhaven
Class and Subclass: Fighter - Eldritch Knight
Stats: 12 9 11 13 16 8
Race: Air Genasi
Two Common Magic Items: Pot of Awakening, Ruby of the War Mage
Kael'Serath was born during a fierce storm in the small village of Skyhaven in the windswept peaks of the Arcanial Cliffs, a region where the sky always seemed to churn with clouds and lightning. His genasi heritage marked him as different from the start—his hair seemed to flow like a gentle breeze even in still air, and his light blue skin carried faint swirls that glowed softly during moments of heightened emotion. Growing up, Kael exhibited an unyielding energy and curiosity, channeling his boundless enthusiasm into martial training. Despite his youthful recklessness, he displayed a knack for strategy, making him a standout among his peers.
As a teenager, Kael began to experiment with magic, initially to enhance his combat skills. His first attempts were clumsy, often leaving his sparring partners singed or knocked off their feet by errant gusts of wind. Yet over time, he discovered an innate ability to blend magic with swordsmanship, weaving together arcane spells and martial strikes with elegant precision. This unique talent caught the attention of an emissary from the Skyward Pact, an ancient order of Eldritch Knights dedicated to preserving balance and seeking knowledge of the unknown.
Under the tutelage of the Pact, Kael spent years honing his dual disciplines. His natural agility and affinity for air magic made him a formidable combatant, while his discipline and hunger for knowledge deepened his understanding of arcane theory. He rose through the ranks, earning the respect of his peers and mentors alike for his determination and creativity. By the time he completed his rites of passage, he had forged his own path as an Eldritch Knight, embracing the title Galeborn Seeker.
Kael’s most recent mission comes from the Skyward Pact itself: he has been dispatched to Ilkalith, a remote county shrouded in mystery and whispers of the strange mythical creature known as the Balowang. The Pact, ever seeking to unravel the truth behind legends, tasked Kael with uncovering whether this creature truly exists or is nothing more than the product of local folklore.
More than happy to change things where needed, especially parts I added at the beginning. Skyhaven, Arcanial Cliffs, Skyward Pact.
Character Sheet:
Might as well give it a shot! Though, Shiver, I do have a quick question: I like to play characters that fit well within the parties dynamics, so if I was to make a character that could fit within a few different classes, and if I get in, I'll then select a class so that way I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, would that be okay with you? If it's not, just say so, and I'll be happy to choose a class.
Ability scores: 16 12 13 13 14 17
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Hey Raccoon, that sounds fine, I don't mind at all so go ahead! It's very thoughtful of you to do that since it keeps options wide for other applicants, and it could save me a little bit of trouble when trying to pick out a balanced party! Looking forward to seeing all the other details!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
what level are we starting at?
Cats go Moo!
Level 7 please!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Doing the same as raccoon, looks like we need what a cleric and maybe a wizard or ranger?
Character Name: Verland Salte
Class and Subclass: Barabarian/Path of the Storm Herald
Stats: S20 D18 C15 I11 W16 Ch11
Race: Human
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Goggles of Night
Backstory From Outside - "Why do you care? If you really need to know my mother gave birth to me on the high seas. I was a member of a family of pirates. Short story on how I got here: My ship was wiped out during a clan war, I got sold into slavery, escaped and now I'm here looking for work. That's when I heard about the Balowa-whatits...The Balgo-winnie... The thing we were talking about. I've seen strange things on the sea as a young lad and strange things always can always be sold to collectors for a lot of coin!"
Character Sheet Verland Salte's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
Cats go Moo!
Ability scores: 14 14 17 14 11 15
Do we have to take the numbers 'as rolled' / the order they are rolled or are they swappable to other positions? Asking for an orc friend. :p
Ability scores: 15 12 14 14 9 15
Here is my character sheet. (Updated).
Character Name:Nigel Forsyth
Class and Subclass: Wizard/Scribe
Stats: Point buy
Race: Variant human
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice Goggles of object reading
Backstory (Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Nigel grew up in (insert agricultural area), a small farming community located near (insert well renowned library or wizard College or monastery). His father tended the orchards, and his mother was a housekeeper. They lived in a small parsonage on the property edge. Nigel was a sickly boy. Always suffering from one maladity or another. This served him better than one would expect. Not only did it strengthen his constitution thru the constant exposure to various illnesses, but it also gave him time to read and study.
During those times when Nigel wasn't afflicted by some random bug, he would play in the orchards and surrounding farmlands. His favorite pastime was to collect the polished and smoothed stones from a nearby creekbed. His second favorite game was to throw those rocks at rotting fruit and any pests that were eating the harvest. To this day, Nigel loves to polish and smooth stones. He keeps a pouch full on his person at all times. It was on one of these excusions that he saw something that would influence hum forever. Though everyone seemed to have a story the belief that he actually saw what he said he saw was small. The Balowang legend was well know in the area but myths are often relegated to fireside and bedtime stories not fact.
As he grew older Nigel would often climb to a perch next to an open window at the (library, college, monastery) where he could listen to the resident (teachers, wizards, clerics) give lectures and debate intellectual matters. In spite of being repeatedly scolded and beaten by the grounds keepers, he would find new and better ways to eavesdrop on the inner goings on. A quest for knowledge had been ignited in him that wouldn't be denied.
Sometime during Nigel's tween years, he was caught sneaking back a book he had stolen. The book was in rough shape due to an accidental dunk in the creek. During a tear filled disciplinary discussion, he revealed he couldn't read the book and only took it because he wanted to see what was inside. Out of respect for the years of service Nigels parents had provided, the (head wizard, monks, patron) decided as a punishment and as reparation for the damaged tome, Nigel would serve as page. His duties included keeping the inkwells filled, parchments stocked, quills sharp and fetching volumes upon volumes of tomes for the scholars in residence.
As time went on Nigel was taught not only to read but write as well. His responsibilities expanded to copying texts and scribbling out titles and deeds of contract.
In his spare time Nigels nose was buried in a book. The more he grew the more he toiled at his chores and the more he learned. The more he learned from the arcane tomes he would sneak peeks at, the more the magical weave began to reveal itself.
The gears of life grind on and so it was for Nigel. As a young man barely out of his teens, Nigel made the decision that there was a vast world of knowledge to be discovered and recorded. And so Nigel began his journey, traveling from town to town selling his skills as a scribe. All the while continuing his study of the mystical and magical. His early encounter with the Balowang and the memory of its glowing aqua colored eyes gave him a purpose for his writings. He wishes to study and record the creatures of the realm. He has come back to Llkliath to find the Balowang and settle the claims if his youth.
Character Sheet (at top of post)
Any other information you want to include!:I post daily and have had several campaigns on here last years so commitment isn't a problem.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Class and Subclass: Ranger Hunter
Stats: 13 16 9 12 17 12
Race: Centaur
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Quiver of Ehlonna and silvered scimitar
Silvosh has spent the last couple of years wandering on her own, exploring the Ilkalith fields and forests. On her own, she finds herself in towns far more often than when she was younger, as she checks for hunting and gathering quests. Having once caught a glimpse of the Balowang, she's willing to join a party to find this elusive creature.
Character Sheet:
Any other information you want to include!: This reminds me of the parable of the blind men and the elephant that I read as a kid. Here's the short form:Fully swappable!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!