Strangely the starting equipment for a guide ranger includes 2 bows, 40 arrows, but only 1 quiver. The 2024 rules actually give a reason for using short bows if you have a long bow, the vex property of a short bow is generally better than the slow property of a long bow..
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ability scores: 81714141318
Would you allow the new Illrigger class?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, deep gnome artificer/sorcerer: Spiderwrangler's Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Artificer/cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volcano Genasi Artificer: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Artificer: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Blue Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): The adventure at Hope's End
Any extra starting money for additional mundane equipment?
Since you're level 7 I'll give you the option to double the money you get from your background, nothing crazy but enough to pick up some items at a general store early on!
Sure, I'm yet to read through it fully myself, but it should be absolutely fine, however if I read it through and find it too unbalanced (which I can't imagine it will be at all for an official class), then I'll say no, but that'll be before the recruitment period ends so you'll have time to adapt your character, if that needs doing, though I really don't expect it will!
Any extra starting money for additional mundane equipment?
Since you're level 7 I'll give you the option to double the money you get from your background, nothing crazy but enough to pick up some items at a general store early on!
I took starting gold instead of the warlock starting equipment for Aralia since it doesn't really work for a Hexblade, then took the Investigator starting items. I already bought her some common armor and such. Hope that's ok.
Any extra starting money for additional mundane equipment?
Since you're level 7 I'll give you the option to double the money you get from your background, nothing crazy but enough to pick up some items at a general store early on!
I took starting gold instead of the warlock starting equipment for Aralia since it doesn't really work for a Hexblade, then took the Investigator starting items. I already bought her some common armor and such. Hope that's ok.
I'm debating applying. I can most multiple times most days, but I can only post some tuesdays, and weekends are off and on. Should I just not bother?
No that’s fine, please go ahead and apply, I just put that clause in to try and make sure there aren’t any unwarned absences, since you’ve shared when you’re free that’s all I need, and it appears like you’re still able to be on frequently most of the time anyway!
Backstory: Amethyst has been a criminal his entire life. And while he isn't really a baad person, he really just doesn't know much better. This iis how things worked where he grew up! He recently started to change his ways when h started making a little bit of actually money. Now he's going around doing just about anything that pays. He's a freelance, and one you don't want to mess with unless you want to be scorched into next year. CHARACTER SHEET
Since others are posting images, here's Silvosh Forestcaller as made with Hero Forge. This lets me customize the appearance, so she can have two backpacks, two different swords, and a pouch on her belt. The one thing I couldn't do was give her armor protecting her horse parts.
Would I be able to come in as and Echo Knight? My current character is L3, but as the campaign has seemed to fold, I can adjust to L7.
Being at L7, I'll assume he can use full plate.
Would I be able to have an Animated Shield, for the +2 to AC, as I'd really like to use a Maul, which is 2 handed? If not, then I'll use a regular shield + warhammer.
At L7, would I be able to have a magic weapon? I was thinking something from either this list, or maybe here?
Some basic background: Cyrus (V.Human) was From about 10, he fought in pits for the entertainment of others, in arenas that didn't have humans, by races that hated humans for too many reasons for him to understand, or care.
In his early adult life, he suddenly gained the ability to "Manifest Echo." These "shadows of potential" are powered by a blessing from The Raven Queen, and this goddess of Death has made him a "Raven Blade," charged with bringing justice to those who harm her followers, with special instructions to hunt down those who took the children of followers, and bring them to justice.
Neutral Alignment:
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Apathetic Yet Observant: While he may seem indifferent, he pays attention to the dynamics around himself and can intervene if he believe it will restore balance or serve their interests.
IDEALS: Balance of Action: "Every action has its consequences, and I strive to maintain equilibrium in all things. I will intervene only when the scales tip too far in one."
BONDS: The Unseen Ally: I have a deep connection to my echo, viewing it not just as a tool but as a companion that shares in my struggles and victories. We fight together, and its existence is a constant reminder of the paths not taken.
FLAWS: Self-Serving Indifference: I often prioritize my own interests over those of others, which can make me seem cold or uncaring. I might only act to help others if it serves me, or my charge from the Raven Queen.
Would I be able to come in as and Echo Knight? My current character is L3, but as the campaign has seemed to fold, I can adjust to L7.
Being at L7, I'll assume he can use full plate.
Would I be able to have an Animated Shield, for the +2 to AC, as I'd really like to use a Maul, which is 2 handed? If not, then I'll use a regular shield + warhammer.
At L7, would I be able to have a magic weapon? I was thinking something from either this list, or maybe here?
Coming in as an Echo Knight is fine, I’m happy with all classes and subclasses, though it’s definitely going to be a no to the Animated Shield as that’s Very Rare and not Uncommon or Common. Same goes for the weapons, I took a look at the lists and they all seem too strong, so I’d recommend just using a +1 Warhammer as your Uncommon Magic Item.
Character Name: Abathax Class and Subclass: Illrigger Architect of Ruin Stats: see above Race: Infernal tiefling Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice(I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!): True name Backstory(Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Abathax comes from the upper cities of Acheron where he was accepted into the Order of Desolation. As a servant of Asmodeus he went on many a mission, as well as on orders of the desolation. Now he has been send to Ilkalith to find out what this Balowang is exactly, and if it is possible to acquire it as an ally to Asmodeus so he can wield its power in his wars. He has been here for a couple of weeks now and already had a Balowang sighting, although he doesn't remember much he sometimes dreams of clear red eyes in the dark. Does it have something to do with the sighting? He sure wants to fight out more.
"grandpa" Salkur, deep gnome artificer/sorcerer: Spiderwrangler's Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Artificer/cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volcano Genasi Artificer: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Artificer: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Blue Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): The adventure at Hope's End
Character Name: Abishai Stromborn Class and Subclass: Bard College of Lore (2014) Stats: Str 10 ; Dex 13 ; Con 16 ; Int 12 ; Wis 14 ; Cha 20 ; Stats include race and ability score increases from levels. Race: Variant human Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice(I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!):Doss Lute Backstory(Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Abishai had been coasting through life, moving from one tavern to another. Finding success in getting his room and board paid for with his musical prowess. His love for the the drink had caused him trouble on more than one occasion and more than one nobleman would love nothing more than to cut Abishai's tongue out or kill him outright for his quick witted insults or bedding the nobleman's wife. However, Abishai was always able to escape from those encounters with his cunning mind, prefering to use his wits to solve a problem over violence. Coming from the outside of Ilkalith he kept hearing rumors of the infamous Balowang. Deciding to head there, he thought he could capitalize on the stories and make some coin. While traveling through a dark forest Abishai swears he saw the creature, though he can't quite recall what it looked like. This sighting peaked his curiosity and he now firmly believes if he can capture the creature alive he can become the richest Circus performer in the world.
Character Name: Shazorwyn Sholdro Class and Subclass: Wizard - Bladesinger Stats: above Race: Wood elf Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Rapier +1 Backstory: Shazorwyn has always loved the great outdoors. Growing up, he spent as much time outside as possible. When his little brother started showing the same love for nature, Shazorwyn encouraged him. That is until the day the Balowang appeared and almost killed them both! Shazorwyn had to get his little brother to safety, and he has never been able to find the creature again. His little brother swears the creature was friendly, but Shazorwyn is sure it was vicious. Character Sheet:
Might as well give it a shot! Though, Shiver, I do have a quick question: I like to play characters that fit well within the parties dynamics, so if I was to make a character that could fit within a few different classes, and if I get in, I'll then select a class so that way I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, would that be okay with you? If it's not, just say so, and I'll be happy to choose a class.
Ability scores: 15121815139
Here's my application, hope you like it!
-Character Name: Llirranoth “Llirra” Galecrest
-Class and Subclass: See above
-Stats: See above
-Species:Ugh! So many different options! I’m lazy, so I’ll cop out and say that whatever fits with the class I chose, I’ll go for. Most likely an Aasimar, Elf, Gnome, Orc, or Tiefling.
-Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice(I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!):A strange, smooth stone, given to Llirra by her mentor, who had her climb an arduous mountain as a test. As a reward, they gave her the stone, along with the words "Feel the cold winds blowing. Even they change the rock, for it is inevitable. Keep this stone, as I reminder of how far you have risen, and how change can always happen. It will assist you in a time of need, but only if you are truly willing to change.". The item will be something determined by my class (If I'm a martial I'm obviously gonna want a magic weapon, so I kind of have to leave that open ended) but I do have a few ideas:
A small vial on a chain, filled with various multicolored pieces of dust, collected from each place she’s visited.
A light and slender blade, sharpened to a deadly keen edge, her father’s ancestral blade.
A fine piece of clothing (cloak, gloves, boots, tunic, ETC) made from the woven silk of a Golden Strand Spider, given to her by her master when she left to wander the world.
-Backstory(Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Llirranoth, or Llirra, as she prefers to be called, was the child of two performers in a plane-traveling circus.
One day, the circus came to Ilkalith, and began to prepare for a performance. Opening night, Llirra wandered off into the forest, and encountered the Balowang. Panicking, she ran, luring the Balowang towards the circus tent. The Balonwang proceeded to wreak havoc on the circus, causing the death of Llirra’s father, forcing the rest of the circus to flee.
For many years after, as Llirra grew from adolescence to young adulthood, she became encircled with sorrow and guilt, lashing out and causing increasing havoc with her burgeoning inherent magical abilities. So, Llirra’s mother sent her away. Llirra does not speak of this time to anyone, only remarking that while away she met a wise mentor, who taught her much.
As Llirra healed from the grief, with the help of this mentor, she began to unlock memories of that dreadful night, which she had buried deep within her mind, so painful were the memories. But, something didn’t add up. Llirra couldn’t quite remember a few crucial details, and this sense of incompleteness troubled her for a long time.
Eventually, she left their mentor, and searched the multiverse for the circus and her mother. For many days she searched, traveling across the planes, as the circus remained ever elusive to her findings. Eventually, she found them trapped in the court of a vengeful fey lord. She managed to appease the Fey Lord and set free the circus, only to find her mother was not among them.
The other performers told her a sad tale of how her mother had grown old and weak, wrapped in despair at the loss of her family. So, Llirra's mother went back to Ilkalith to tyr to find the Balowang and slay it for the havoc it caused, but the beast managed to overcome her, and she was lost, never to be seen again.
At this, a burning flame of revenge was stoked within Llirra's soul, and she know what she must do. Find the Balowang. Remember that night. Avenge her family. So, she set out for Ilkalith, ready to solve this mystery once and for all.
Man, I feel like I barely gave you anything except a backstory, so I'll include a physical description (Buffness subject to change depending on class and subsequent STR and DEX score) and a personality description.
-Physical Description: Llirra is by most standards very conventionally beautiful (of course, in the Outer Planes, the stranger looking you are, the more attractive you're considered to be, so Llirra doesn't think super highly of her appearance). Still, her features are undeniably attractive to most. Her build is tall for a female of her species and quite slender too. She possesses some muscle, but it is more the taught power of a panther than a musclebound bull. Her body is curvy, with an hourglass figure that draws to mind the shape of a ship's figurehead carved by a generous hand. Her skin is radiant and smooth, and her face is long and elegant, with high cheekbones, seeming to glow in the light of the sun, reflecting her good health. Her hair is a lustrous brown, with highlights of fiery red and warm gold tinting her locks, which are usually pulled back in a messy bun or high ponytail. Her eyes shine like twin stars beneath long, fluttering lashes. Her clothes are often simple and light, built to be functional, though the performer in her often shines through with her various accessories and adornments, such as multiple piercings (Ear and nose), as well as various bracelets, amulets, and talismans to remember various things that are important to her. She stands with an alert air, her posture seemingly always ready and displaying a silent kind of confidence.
-Personality Description: Llirra projects an air of confidence and strength. Her face is often wrought in a small, thoughtful smile, which flashes into a fierce grin when faced with challenges. Unlike many who have faced so much tragedy, Llirra was able to conquer it, and now often performs a simple breathing exercise, which she gladly shares with others in times of need and stress. Remembering the wisdom and help her mentor gave her, she tries to take on a similar role for others, though her young nature means the advice isn't always the most sound. Despite this disposition, sometimes sadness overtakes her, and she lashes out at those around her, though she's slowly learning to channel this anger into drive at completing her mission.
Hope you like it! I doubt I'll get in considering all these great apps, but it's worth a shot
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Any extra starting money for additional mundane equipment?
Strangely the starting equipment for a guide ranger includes 2 bows, 40 arrows, but only 1 quiver. The 2024 rules actually give a reason for using short bows if you have a long bow, the vex property of a short bow is generally better than the slow property of a long bow..
Ability scores: 8 17 14 14 13 18
Would you allow the new Illrigger class?
"grandpa" Salkur, deep gnome artificer/sorcerer: Spiderwrangler's Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Artificer/cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volcano Genasi Artificer: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Artificer: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Blue Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): The adventure at Hope's End
Since you're level 7 I'll give you the option to double the money you get from your background, nothing crazy but enough to pick up some items at a general store early on!
Sure, I'm yet to read through it fully myself, but it should be absolutely fine, however if I read it through and find it too unbalanced (which I can't imagine it will be at all for an official class), then I'll say no, but that'll be before the recruitment period ends so you'll have time to adapt your character, if that needs doing, though I really don't expect it will!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
I took starting gold instead of the warlock starting equipment for Aralia since it doesn't really work for a Hexblade, then took the Investigator starting items. I already bought her some common armor and such. Hope that's ok.
I'm debating applying. I can most multiple times most days, but I can only post some tuesdays, and weekends are off and on. Should I just not bother?
Yep that’s absolutely fine!
No that’s fine, please go ahead and apply, I just put that clause in to try and make sure there aren’t any unwarned absences, since you’ve shared when you’re free that’s all I need, and it appears like you’re still able to be on frequently most of the time anyway!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Name: Amethyst
Class: Blood Hunter
Species: Fire Genasi
Magic item: +1 sword
Backstory: Amethyst has been a criminal his entire life. And while he isn't really a baad person, he really just doesn't know much better. This iis how things worked where he grew up! He recently started to change his ways when h started making a little bit of actually money. Now he's going around doing just about anything that pays. He's a freelance, and one you don't want to mess with unless you want to be scorched into next year.
Since others are posting images, here's Silvosh Forestcaller as made with Hero Forge. This lets me customize the appearance, so she can have two backpacks, two different swords, and a pouch on her belt. The one thing I couldn't do was give her armor protecting her horse parts.
Would I be able to come in as and Echo Knight? My current character is L3, but as the campaign has seemed to fold, I can adjust to L7.
Being at L7, I'll assume he can use full plate.
Would I be able to have an Animated Shield, for the +2 to AC, as I'd really like to use a Maul, which is 2 handed? If not, then I'll use a regular shield + warhammer.
At L7, would I be able to have a magic weapon? I was thinking something from either this list, or maybe here?
Some basic background: Cyrus (V.Human) was From about 10, he fought in pits for the entertainment of others, in arenas that didn't have humans, by races that hated humans for too many
reasons for him to understand, or care.
In his early adult life, he suddenly gained the ability to "Manifest Echo." These "shadows of potential" are powered by a blessing from The Raven Queen, and this goddess of Death has made him a "Raven Blade," charged with bringing justice to those who harm her followers, with special instructions to hunt down those who took the children of followers, and bring them to justice.
Neutral Alignment:
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Apathetic Yet Observant: While he may seem indifferent, he pays attention to the dynamics around himself and can intervene if he believe it will restore balance or serve their interests.
IDEALS: Balance of Action: "Every action has its consequences, and I strive to maintain equilibrium in all things. I will intervene only when the scales tip too far in one."
BONDS: The Unseen Ally: I have a deep connection to my echo, viewing it not just as a tool but as a companion that shares in my struggles and victories. We fight together, and its existence is a constant reminder of the paths not taken.
FLAWS: Self-Serving Indifference: I often prioritize my own interests over those of others, which can make me seem cold or uncaring. I might only act to help others if it serves me, or my charge from the Raven Queen.
Coming in as an Echo Knight is fine, I’m happy with all classes and subclasses, though it’s definitely going to be a no to the Animated Shield as that’s Very Rare and not Uncommon or Common. Same goes for the weapons, I took a look at the lists and they all seem too strong, so I’d recommend just using a +1 Warhammer as your Uncommon Magic Item.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Character Name: Abathax
Class and Subclass: Illrigger Architect of Ruin
Stats: see above
Race: Infernal tiefling
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice (I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!): True name
Backstory (Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Abathax comes from the upper cities of Acheron where he was accepted into the Order of Desolation. As a servant of Asmodeus he went on many a mission, as well as on orders of the desolation. Now he has been send to Ilkalith to find out what this Balowang is exactly, and if it is possible to acquire it as an ally to Asmodeus so he can wield its power in his wars. He has been here for a couple of weeks now and already had a Balowang sighting, although he doesn't remember much he sometimes dreams of clear red eyes in the dark. Does it have something to do with the sighting? He sure wants to fight out more.
Character Sheet (Only if you have one ready!):
Any other information you want to include!:
"grandpa" Salkur, deep gnome artificer/sorcerer: Spiderwrangler's Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Artificer/cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volcano Genasi Artificer: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Artificer: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Blue Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): The adventure at Hope's End
Still working on my App, but I wanted to know when recruitment will close?
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Recruitment will close sometime this Saturday! (So recruitment overall is a week, and you’ve got 4 days left to apply!)
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Ability scores: 9 12 18 13 13 10
14 10 15 14 14 14
8 6
Sorry, just trying to learn how the dice function works here.
Ability scores: 16 12 17 9 12 10
Abishai Stromborn: Human Bard: The Hunt for the Balowang!
DM for Tyranny of Dragons and Phandelver and Below, two in-person campaigns that meet weekly on Friday and Saturday nights.
Character Name: Abishai Stromborn
Class and Subclass: Bard College of Lore (2014)
Stats: Str 10 ; Dex 13 ; Con 16 ; Int 12 ; Wis 14 ; Cha 20 ; Stats include race and ability score increases from levels.
Race: Variant human
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice (I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!): Doss Lute
Backstory (Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Abishai had been coasting through life, moving from one tavern to another. Finding success in getting his room and board paid for with his musical prowess. His love for the the drink had caused him trouble on more than one occasion and more than one nobleman would love nothing more than to cut Abishai's tongue out or kill him outright for his quick witted insults or bedding the nobleman's wife. However, Abishai was always able to escape from those encounters with his cunning mind, prefering to use his wits to solve a problem over violence. Coming from the outside of Ilkalith he kept hearing rumors of the infamous Balowang. Deciding to head there, he thought he could capitalize on the stories and make some coin. While traveling through a dark forest Abishai swears he saw the creature, though he can't quite recall what it looked like. This sighting peaked his curiosity and he now firmly believes if he can capture the creature alive he can become the richest Circus performer in the world.
Character Sheet (Only if you have one ready!):
Abishai Stromborn: Human Bard: The Hunt for the Balowang!
DM for Tyranny of Dragons and Phandelver and Below, two in-person campaigns that meet weekly on Friday and Saturday nights.
Character Name: Shazorwyn Sholdro
Class and Subclass: Wizard - Bladesinger
Stats: above
Race: Wood elf
Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice: Rapier +1
Backstory: Shazorwyn has always loved the great outdoors. Growing up, he spent as much time outside as possible. When his little brother started showing the same love for nature, Shazorwyn encouraged him. That is until the day the Balowang appeared and almost killed them both! Shazorwyn had to get his little brother to safety, and he has never been able to find the creature again. His little brother swears the creature was friendly, but Shazorwyn is sure it was vicious.
Character Sheet:
Here's my application, hope you like it!
-Character Name: Llirranoth “Llirra” Galecrest
-Class and Subclass: See above
-Stats: See above
-Species: Ugh! So many different options! I’m lazy, so I’ll cop out and say that whatever fits with the class I chose, I’ll go for. Most likely an Aasimar, Elf, Gnome, Orc, or Tiefling.
-Two Common Magic Items or One Uncommon Magic Item of your choice (I will review these though I'll be happy with nearly all!): A strange, smooth stone, given to Llirra by her mentor, who had her climb an arduous mountain as a test. As a reward, they gave her the stone, along with the words "Feel the cold winds blowing. Even they change the rock, for it is inevitable. Keep this stone, as I reminder of how far you have risen, and how change can always happen. It will assist you in a time of need, but only if you are truly willing to change.". The item will be something determined by my class (If I'm a martial I'm obviously gonna want a magic weapon, so I kind of have to leave that open ended) but I do have a few ideas:
-Backstory (Consider whether you come from Ilkalith or from outside, this will make a difference, and mention anything about your sighting of the Balowang!):
Llirranoth, or Llirra, as she prefers to be called, was the child of two performers in a plane-traveling circus.
One day, the circus came to Ilkalith, and began to prepare for a performance. Opening night, Llirra wandered off into the forest, and encountered the Balowang. Panicking, she ran, luring the Balowang towards the circus tent. The Balonwang proceeded to wreak havoc on the circus, causing the death of Llirra’s father, forcing the rest of the circus to flee.
For many years after, as Llirra grew from adolescence to young adulthood, she became encircled with sorrow and guilt, lashing out and causing increasing havoc with her burgeoning inherent magical abilities. So, Llirra’s mother sent her away. Llirra does not speak of this time to anyone, only remarking that while away she met a wise mentor, who taught her much.
As Llirra healed from the grief, with the help of this mentor, she began to unlock memories of that dreadful night, which she had buried deep within her mind, so painful were the memories. But, something didn’t add up. Llirra couldn’t quite remember a few crucial details, and this sense of incompleteness troubled her for a long time.
Eventually, she left their mentor, and searched the multiverse for the circus and her mother. For many days she searched, traveling across the planes, as the circus remained ever elusive to her findings. Eventually, she found them trapped in the court of a vengeful fey lord. She managed to appease the Fey Lord and set free the circus, only to find her mother was not among them.
The other performers told her a sad tale of how her mother had grown old and weak, wrapped in despair at the loss of her family. So, Llirra's mother went back to Ilkalith to tyr to find the Balowang and slay it for the havoc it caused, but the beast managed to overcome her, and she was lost, never to be seen again.
At this, a burning flame of revenge was stoked within Llirra's soul, and she know what she must do. Find the Balowang. Remember that night. Avenge her family. So, she set out for Ilkalith, ready to solve this mystery once and for all.
Man, I feel like I barely gave you anything except a backstory, so I'll include a physical description (Buffness subject to change depending on class and subsequent STR and DEX score) and a personality description.
-Physical Description: Llirra is by most standards very conventionally beautiful (of course, in the Outer Planes, the stranger looking you are, the more attractive you're considered to be, so Llirra doesn't think super highly of her appearance). Still, her features are undeniably attractive to most. Her build is tall for a female of her species and quite slender too. She possesses some muscle, but it is more the taught power of a panther than a musclebound bull. Her body is curvy, with an hourglass figure that draws to mind the shape of a ship's figurehead carved by a generous hand. Her skin is radiant and smooth, and her face is long and elegant, with high cheekbones, seeming to glow in the light of the sun, reflecting her good health. Her hair is a lustrous brown, with highlights of fiery red and warm gold tinting her locks, which are usually pulled back in a messy bun or high ponytail. Her eyes shine like twin stars beneath long, fluttering lashes. Her clothes are often simple and light, built to be functional, though the performer in her often shines through with her various accessories and adornments, such as multiple piercings (Ear and nose), as well as various bracelets, amulets, and talismans to remember various things that are important to her. She stands with an alert air, her posture seemingly always ready and displaying a silent kind of confidence.
-Personality Description: Llirra projects an air of confidence and strength. Her face is often wrought in a small, thoughtful smile, which flashes into a fierce grin when faced with challenges. Unlike many who have faced so much tragedy, Llirra was able to conquer it, and now often performs a simple breathing exercise, which she gladly shares with others in times of need and stress. Remembering the wisdom and help her mentor gave her, she tries to take on a similar role for others, though her young nature means the advice isn't always the most sound. Despite this disposition, sometimes sadness overtakes her, and she lashes out at those around her, though she's slowly learning to channel this anger into drive at completing her mission.
Hope you like it! I doubt I'll get in considering all these great apps, but it's worth a shot
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart