It's a cool, misty morning in Neverwinter as you approach Lord Neverember's villa. He's sent for you specifically, though without giving details as to why. Just a time and a date and a hint of it being rather important that you show.
Armed guards stand at attention at the gate as you arrive, along with an unarmed steward that appears to be waiting, hands behind his back and a look of smug importance with just a touch of indifferent boredom on his face.
No one seems particularly nervous, so there doesn't seem to be any world ending catastrophe. That they know of anyway.
As you approach the gate, the steward consults a small scroll. Name? he inquires, without any outward show of emotion.
The tall, imposing woman who approached farstriding on her long legs in her no less imposing full plate adamantine armor, almost not hindered by the heavy weapons resting on her back, a maul and a greatsword, introduces herself, with a broad smile: "Khessa. Khessa Cabbagefield".
The woman's long weavy blond hair pokes out from under her helm as she turns her lively blue eyes to some of the guards she already knows. Khessa is quite well known in Neverwinter, having spent most of her unsought - but devotedly embraced - life as an adventurer there... and she is known to Lord Dagult Neverember too. In fact, over the various occasions in which they have met, a bond of mutual respect has formed between the two - especially since the powerful Lord himself supported Khessa in what was her most famous exploit: the expedition into the Underdark to free several drow slaves... among whom was Khessa's own family.
'I've never met this steward before...' the blonde arcane warrior notes, while, on the contrary, she recognizes some of the guards who have been serving longer 'Perhaps Dagult hired him recently - and that's why the steward didn't recognize me but had to ask my name'.
"It's Lord Neverember who sent for me..." the tall adventuress adds "You know the same, I imagine. And may I know your name?" she holds out her hand for a possible handshake, her bright smile still on her lips "Are you happy to work here, even though you have to put up with a bit of cold and fog today?"
Approaching beside the one called Morgan, a human male of middling height and size strides calmly up to a respectful distance from the gate. He wears a simple but smart brown uniform in an unfamiliar cut with a horn of some kind featured centrally on his elegant white tabard.
Although his attire seems subdued in hues of brown and white, his smile is dazzling and his presence is mesmerizing. “I am Tristan Everwood, Knight of Solamnia,” he intones calmly but confidently.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Lord Neverember? What would he be reaching out to me for? He's got his own army to kill someone, and I haven't really built a name as an adventurer, yet. I hope he's not just looking for an assassin. Hard to tell a man in his position no, after all." The middle-aged man sighs to himself as he folds the "invitation" back up and puts it in his pouch. Standing gracefully from his seat at the bar, he looks to the 'keep. "Can you recommend a tailor who can get me an outfit today?" He nods in appreciation of the answer and tosses another coin on the bar as thanks for the information.
Then he spends the rest of the day being dressed to meet Lord Neverember.
That evening, Larry arrives at Lord Neverember's home, dressed for court, with a decorated shortsword and ornate dagger on his worn arming belt, but no armor or other weaponry in sight.
Larry patiently waits while the warrior in front of him speaks with the guard. "Khessa? Dressed for the wrong fight. Interesting. Something I should know about the Lord, or her, I wonder?" When she lets the guard return to his duties, and he asks his question, the older warrior answers "I am Larry, son of Barry, lately of Tempus' Torment. I hope that I have not kept your Lord waiting." He pauses in case the house guard member has any instructions, but if none are forthcoming, he'll ask "Where should we go for the Lord's audience?" indicating the warrior before him as he asks.
Approaching beside the one called Morgan, a human male of middling height and size strides calmly up to a respectful distance from the gate. He wears a simple but smart brown uniform in an unfamiliar cut with a horn of some kind featured centrally on his elegant white tabard.
Although his attire seems subdued in hues of brown and white, his smile is dazzling and his presence is mesmerizing. “I am Tristan Everwood, Knight of Solamnia,” he intones calmly but confidently.
"And I, am not." — playfully jabbed a pale skinned man of above average height, with a full head of shock white hair, draped in turquoise and white garbs, beautifully embroidered in gold, that bestowed him an air of formality, but looked to value function over form.
No more than a handful of small trinkets were displayed about his person, each with a story to tell, and the man, with a subtle air of wispiness or even fragility to him, strutted up to the gate with a snake-helmed cane in hand — "It's good to see you." — the man paused, and leaned over to shamelessly peek at the steward's scroll, a polite, but decidedly impish smile on his lips — "Will you be making me state my name this time as well?"
The man doesn't even look up from his scroll, seeming to not even hear the questions as he says to Khessa, Through the gate and to the side until all have gathered, please. The guards open up the gate at this, and one of the guards that knows Khessa is a regular gives her a wink and a small eyeroll.
Again without looking up, he checks off names and motions for Tristan and Larry to move to the side as well. He finally does look up, directly into Morgan's eyes. His inflection doesn't waver an inch, however, as he says in the same mildly bored monotone To the side, with the others, sir, once I have your name. Thank you.
Larry looks at those gathering with him to wait. "Good evening, I hope. I assume we were all summoned with little notice and less explanation? Anyone have an idea what the Lord might want? The group seems quite combat capable, with the obvious exception, but he already has his own army, and I know for a fact there's a mercenary unit available he has trusted before . . .."
The figure strolls to the gate, his boots softly clicking, each step deliberate and part of steady rhythm. A slightly charred, but functional viol is slung over his back, and rather than a sword, the bow to play it hangs in a sheath at his side. A dagger glints from his other hip, but he seems otherwise unarmed. His slender build and the emotionless smile of his mask make him somewhat unsettling. He tilts his head curiously as he sees the others, but otherwise gives little sign of recognition. Approaching the steward directly, he speaks in a smooth, if somewhat muffled voice, his tone entirely neutral. "Vindicta. The Lord has requested my services."
Khessa turns to give a welcoming look with her blue eyes to the newcomers who arrive: "Something tells me that we are not meeting by mere coincidence... Dag..." (she corrects herself in time, but, having never completely stopped being the country girl she has always been, accustomed to calling the Lord by his name in private, she would often spontaneously call him by his name in public, when instead it is inappropriate) "er... Lord Neverember must have summoned you too! There must be something that is bothering him greatly. And therefore, I imagine that the company of all of you will be invaluable! Nice to meet you," she introduces herself to each one "Khessa Cabbagefield".
Amused by the exchange between Morgan and the steward, the blonde arcane warrior jokingly intervenes: "Hey, friend," to the steward "he just told you... He is 'Not'!" she winks "Check, please... I bet you can confirm that he is 'Not' on the list!" she then winks and leaves the two to sort it out between them.
Following the indicated path, the tall adventuress winks back at Lander, the guard she has known for some time now. She would like to ask him how his wife is and how his two daughters are growing up, but first things first - as she makes clear in response to Larry's direct question: "Lord Neverember must have had great worries indeed, to summon such a large company - but he has not told me anything in advance" she shrugs. "I suppose we will know all soon. And I am sure he has his reasons".
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
A message visible to only those who knew nature in its most primal sense had instructed him to travel to Neverwinter for an audience with non other than Lord Neverember himself. After travelling for 3 straight days to make the allotted time, the villa in question was finally within sight. A small group of oddly matched people stood at a gate waiting for their turn to enter. Naero comes to a halt and waits for the crowd to thin. Once the musician looking patron moves through Naero moves quickly to the gate, crossing the some 100ft in mere seconds. Allowing the surprise of his hasty appearance to fade from the guards face he waits calmly. After hearing the requisite "Name" he replies in a courteous tone with "Naero, of Evermeet" whilst never meeting the gaze of any guard.
Any who turn at Naero's arrival would see a tanned figure dressed in plain travellers robes accented by a dark green sash at the waist. Finely detailed leather bracers fit snugly on each wrist over very faint vine-like markings. A single short staff of some sort sits neatly across his back while over one shoulder hangs a small bag. He strides across the courtyard at an impressive pace and comes to stand next to (5) Khessa. "You were summoned also" he says as more a statement than question. "I am Naero, of Evermeet."
((The number relates to the order in which you all posted.))
Khessa initially seems surprised to suddenly find herself next to the enigmatic (and graceful) figure of the elf. And a moment later the gleam in her blue eyes as she smiles to him seems to indicate that she does not mind this proximity at all: "Very nice to meet you, Naero, of Evermeet. I have not heard of Evermeet many times, but everyone who has spoken to me has described it as a place of legend! I am Khessa, of Twardens - but Twardens no longer exists, sadly, so you may as well just call me Khessa".
The steward checks off the final names, tucks the scroll under his arm, and begins walking toward the villa. Everyone is here. Follow me please. Lord Neverember will see you now.
He leads the way into the modest home, where wealth is evident but still tastefully done. Several other servants bustle around, not making eye contact with the heroes traipsing right through the home before them. Down a hallway, the steward opens up a door and ushers you into a large audience room. Lord Neverember seems to be holding court already, three men who look like they're wearing priestly robes are in deep discussion that breaks off as you enter the room. Some of you recognize a few more local guards that are in the room as well, though they seem to be a lot more relaxed than the ones at the gate. The heroes you called for, sir. He bows, and backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
As you enter, Neverember stands up smiling in recognition. Thank you Mr. Godrick, and greetings, my heroic friends! I'm so glad you were able to make it. He grasps everyone's hands warmly in turn, adding another wink to Khessa as he turns back to his desk. Please, have a seat. I daresay, terrible events are afoot. I have never gathered such a force as this, but these are dire times indeed. Specifically, four prominent citizens of our great city have been kidnapped in the past several days. His smile has dropped now, as he looks around at the gathered heroes. May I count on your help in rescuing them?
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Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Edit: ((Apologies, didn't realise there was a new post. Everything in the spoiler would've happened before Matt's last post.))
A pale hand clutched at his chest in mock hurt. As it did, the sleeves rolled up slightly, revealing deep scars, spanning all across the wrist, and presumably well into the forearm.
"You did it again... I'm crushed." — the Sorcerer 'accused' between chuckles, entirely unfazed by the proceedings around him, the lax, impish grin still firmly on his lips. The index finger from that same hand plonked down atop the scroll, on his own name — "There I am." — and again, the index finger from the parchment, to point at Tristan — "And that one, over there, is with me."
Standing back a full step, Morgan offered a casual wink in greetings to a grouping of guards that he recognised. "Will that be sufficient?" — he inquired, moving towards the Paladin, and in the direction of the gathering, fully expecting the answer (or better still, the lack thereof) from the evergreen steward.
"What does the old boy want this time, I wonder?" — Morgan asked, of none in particular, before offering Tristan a glance that wordlessly asked something to the effect of 'You good?' as he led him to wait with the others, who he greeted with a polite nod.
"Tristan Everwood. A friend from another world." — he told Dagult Neverember, upon their brief greeting, taking the time to properly introduce Tristan to the Lord, making some small chatter about the last time they (Morgan and Neverember) had met, and attempting his best to ensure that the newcomer feel welcomed and be remembered, in a hopefully positive light.
Taking a seat as instructed, Morgan would say nothing as the request was asked, and instead direct his attention towards the room — and, more specifically, his Paladin companion — studying the reactions of those around him with care.
Following their guide in, Tristian bows and clasps the Lord’s hand warmly, saying, “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Neverember.”
Sitting as instructed, he leans forward intently upon hearing of the kidnappings. In a concerned voice, he says, “I am no trained investigator, but I listen well and I am good in a scrap—I’ll do my part to aid in returning your kidnapped citizens. What can you tell us of them and the circumstances of their disappearance?”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Ozus's gaze lingers on the three apparent priests, before his train of thought is interrupted by the Lord's offered handshake. He returns the gesture, listening intently as Neverember explains the situation. "A rescue operation? Not my usual kind of work, but I'd be a poor sellsword indeed if I was in the habit of turning down jobs." He lets out a dry, mirthless chuckle. "It'll cost, but I'm sure we can work that out later, seeing as you've been so generous with your patronage in the past. Any information on where I-" The mercenary cuts himself off, glancing at the others. "Pardon me. On where we should begin?"
When Khessa introduce herself, Larry bows slightly, straightening back to look her in the eyes before answering "Larry."
As Lord Neverember makes his rounds, Larry clasps his arm and smiles. "I would be Larry, Lord." He takes a seat when instructed, but stays forward on the chair, not settling his weight back into it. Can't, really, with the blade on his hip. As Neverember begins his story, Larry looks at the priests. "Delivered the ransom message? Attempting to divine the location? What's their connection?" he asks himself as the others begin responding and asking questions, until he finally joins the fray.
"It seems a worthy task on the surface, but the questions unanswered! Who was kidnapped? Why do you care enough to be THIS personally involved? How do you know they were kidnapped? What part do these priests play? And those aren't even the entire surface layer of questions.
Khessa shakes the hand of the Lord she so much respects - and smiles as she winks back - but quickly becomes as serious as the other, when she learns the number of disappearances: "Four in just a few days? These kidnappers are keeping up a good pace. A sign that either they are in a hurry to organize... something (and probably not something good), or they are planning to kidnap a great number of people indeed".
"If the drow slavers had not recently suffered a severe blow," the blonde arcane warrior continues to muse aloud "I might even suspect them... But I think (and hope) that it is something different".
Taking the time to smile gratefully at those, like Tristan, Ozus and Larry, who have already agreed to help, the tall adventuress turns to the Dagult again, summarizing, given the so many questions: "It is probably better if you tell us everything you know about who disappeared and under what circumstances they disappeared, please. Everything you can think of - every detail can be important. I am sure that among the group of expert professionals you have assembled there will also be someone with good investigative skills. And I will do my best to integrate those skills with that pinch of magic that I have managed to learn. We will leave no stone unturned to save your citizens," the heartfelt statement would not look out of place in pronouncing a paladin's oath "you can rest assured of that".
Her blue eyes also briefly glance at the three men who look like they're wearing priestly robes... But, having already asked for everything to be told, she avoids asking explicitly about their role, trusting that Dagult will reveal it spontaneously, if relevant.
Neverember claps his hands together and walks back around his desk. He faces your gathered forms again, This is exactly why I sent for you, and I'm happy to have you on board as well, sir nodding at Tristan. You immediately asked the important questions, and I do have answers for you. Eldon Keyword was the first to disappear...a highly respected, and highly knowledgeable, scholar who specializes in the Outer Planes. Indrina Lamsensettle is an actor, she moves in some of our highest social circles. Very influential, and she missed a very important rehearsal. Sarcelle Malinosh is a sorcerer who also delves into the Outer Planes, more tangibly than Eldon. He hasn't been seen in almost a week. Umberto Noblin is one of our historians, he has written many books on various deities. He was supposed to be in the libraries yesterday, but has disappeared as well.
Each victim seems to have been kidnapped at night, and as far as we can tell, did not know each other, and do not have any other connection between them besides Sarcelle and Eldon's interest in the Outer Planes. I have funded divinations from the House of Knowledge he indicates the priests around him hoping to find them, but they were unable to pinpoint them.
One of the priests speaks up, We were able to divine the trail up to the Hallix Mausoleum, but the mystical trail ends there he says in a soft voice. It seems that someone could be blocking our divinations into the mausoleum, which is worrisome.
Neverember nods at the priest. I would like you to investigate the mausoleum. It's in Neverdeath Graveyard. Find the victims, bring them home, and bring the kidnappers to justice, and you each will receive a fine house here in Neverwinter. We have plenty to choose from. Ah, and per your last question Larry, he leans forward, hands on the desk, and looks directly into Larry's eyes. I care because these are not only citizens of my city, they are friends, and I would have them returned safely. He breaks eye contact and falls heavily into his chair. Any additional questions?
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Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Still a stranger to these lands, Tristan starts with surprise at the name of the graveyard. “ ‘Neverdeath’ sounds like a necromancer stronghold, not a city graveyard”, he thinks.
Turning to Morgan, he asks, “What do we know about this graveyard and mausoleum—are there rumors of any groups who might operate out of the area? And given the…ah…unfortunate name of the graveyard, should we prepare to encounter undead?”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Although he is aware that Neverember means for all to sit in one of the voluminous chairs scattered around the room, Naero finds a clear patch of floor and lowers himself into deep kneel. He seems both comfortable and ready to act at any moment.
Sitting quietly and respectfully while the Lord speaks, Naero listens intently to the questions of the gathered vetrans and the answers given. When most have spoken and asked their questions he takes a moment of silence to voice his own concern. "Two students of the Outer Planes and a trail that stops at a crypt, potentially blocked by some other worldly being. Are we to surmise then that we face a force not of this world?" He maintains a unwavering expression of calm as he speaks.
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It's a cool, misty morning in Neverwinter as you approach Lord Neverember's villa. He's sent for you specifically, though without giving details as to why. Just a time and a date and a hint of it being rather important that you show.
Armed guards stand at attention at the gate as you arrive, along with an unarmed steward that appears to be waiting, hands behind his back and a look of smug importance with just a touch of indifferent boredom on his face.
No one seems particularly nervous, so there doesn't seem to be any world ending catastrophe. That they know of anyway.
As you approach the gate, the steward consults a small scroll. Name? he inquires, without any outward show of emotion.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
The tall, imposing woman who approached farstriding on her long legs in her no less imposing full plate adamantine armor, almost not hindered by the heavy weapons resting on her back, a maul and a greatsword, introduces herself, with a broad smile: "Khessa. Khessa Cabbagefield".
The woman's long weavy blond hair pokes out from under her helm as she turns her lively blue eyes to some of the guards she already knows. Khessa is quite well known in Neverwinter, having spent most of her unsought - but devotedly embraced - life as an adventurer there... and she is known to Lord Dagult Neverember too. In fact, over the various occasions in which they have met, a bond of mutual respect has formed between the two - especially since the powerful Lord himself supported Khessa in what was her most famous exploit: the expedition into the Underdark to free several drow slaves... among whom was Khessa's own family.
'I've never met this steward before...' the blonde arcane warrior notes, while, on the contrary, she recognizes some of the guards who have been serving longer 'Perhaps Dagult hired him recently - and that's why the steward didn't recognize me but had to ask my name'.
"It's Lord Neverember who sent for me..." the tall adventuress adds "You know the same, I imagine. And may I know your name?" she holds out her hand for a possible handshake, her bright smile still on her lips "Are you happy to work here, even though you have to put up with a bit of cold and fog today?"
Approaching beside the one called Morgan, a human male of middling height and size strides calmly up to a respectful distance from the gate. He wears a simple but smart brown uniform in an unfamiliar cut with a horn of some kind featured centrally on his elegant white tabard.
Although his attire seems subdued in hues of brown and white, his smile is dazzling and his presence is mesmerizing. “I am Tristan Everwood, Knight of Solamnia,” he intones calmly but confidently.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Lord Neverember? What would he be reaching out to me for? He's got his own army to kill someone, and I haven't really built a name as an adventurer, yet. I hope he's not just looking for an assassin. Hard to tell a man in his position no, after all." The middle-aged man sighs to himself as he folds the "invitation" back up and puts it in his pouch. Standing gracefully from his seat at the bar, he looks to the 'keep. "Can you recommend a tailor who can get me an outfit today?" He nods in appreciation of the answer and tosses another coin on the bar as thanks for the information.
Then he spends the rest of the day being dressed to meet Lord Neverember.
That evening, Larry arrives at Lord Neverember's home, dressed for court, with a decorated shortsword and ornate dagger on his worn arming belt, but no armor or other weaponry in sight.
Larry patiently waits while the warrior in front of him speaks with the guard. "Khessa? Dressed for the wrong fight. Interesting. Something I should know about the Lord, or her, I wonder?" When she lets the guard return to his duties, and he asks his question, the older warrior answers "I am Larry, son of Barry, lately of Tempus' Torment. I hope that I have not kept your Lord waiting." He pauses in case the house guard member has any instructions, but if none are forthcoming, he'll ask "Where should we go for the Lord's audience?" indicating the warrior before him as he asks.
Larry in Armor
"And I, am not." — playfully jabbed a pale skinned man of above average height, with a full head of shock white hair, draped in turquoise and white garbs, beautifully embroidered in gold, that bestowed him an air of formality, but looked to value function over form.
No more than a handful of small trinkets were displayed about his person, each with a story to tell, and the man, with a subtle air of wispiness or even fragility to him, strutted up to the gate with a snake-helmed cane in hand — "It's good to see you." — the man paused, and leaned over to shamelessly peek at the steward's scroll, a polite, but decidedly impish smile on his lips — "Will you be making me state my name this time as well?"
The man doesn't even look up from his scroll, seeming to not even hear the questions as he says to Khessa, Through the gate and to the side until all have gathered, please. The guards open up the gate at this, and one of the guards that knows Khessa is a regular gives her a wink and a small eyeroll.
Again without looking up, he checks off names and motions for Tristan and Larry to move to the side as well. He finally does look up, directly into Morgan's eyes. His inflection doesn't waver an inch, however, as he says in the same mildly bored monotone To the side, with the others, sir, once I have your name. Thank you.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Larry looks at those gathering with him to wait. "Good evening, I hope. I assume we were all summoned with little notice and less explanation? Anyone have an idea what the Lord might want? The group seems quite combat capable, with the obvious exception, but he already has his own army, and I know for a fact there's a mercenary unit available he has trusted before . . .."
The figure strolls to the gate, his boots softly clicking, each step deliberate and part of steady rhythm. A slightly charred, but functional viol is slung over his back, and rather than a sword, the bow to play it hangs in a sheath at his side. A dagger glints from his other hip, but he seems otherwise unarmed. His slender build and the emotionless smile of his mask make him somewhat unsettling. He tilts his head curiously as he sees the others, but otherwise gives little sign of recognition. Approaching the steward directly, he speaks in a smooth, if somewhat muffled voice, his tone entirely neutral. "Vindicta. The Lord has requested my services."
Khessa turns to give a welcoming look with her blue eyes to the newcomers who arrive: "Something tells me that we are not meeting by mere coincidence... Dag..." (she corrects herself in time, but, having never completely stopped being the country girl she has always been, accustomed to calling the Lord by his name in private, she would often spontaneously call him by his name in public, when instead it is inappropriate) "er... Lord Neverember must have summoned you too! There must be something that is bothering him greatly. And therefore, I imagine that the company of all of you will be invaluable! Nice to meet you," she introduces herself to each one "Khessa Cabbagefield".
Amused by the exchange between Morgan and the steward, the blonde arcane warrior jokingly intervenes: "Hey, friend," to the steward "he just told you... He is 'Not'!" she winks "Check, please... I bet you can confirm that he is 'Not' on the list!" she then winks and leaves the two to sort it out between them.
Following the indicated path, the tall adventuress winks back at Lander, the guard she has known for some time now. She would like to ask him how his wife is and how his two daughters are growing up, but first things first - as she makes clear in response to Larry's direct question: "Lord Neverember must have had great worries indeed, to summon such a large company - but he has not told me anything in advance" she shrugs. "I suppose we will know all soon. And I am sure he has his reasons".
A message visible to only those who knew nature in its most primal sense had instructed him to travel to Neverwinter for an audience with non other than Lord Neverember himself. After travelling for 3 straight days to make the allotted time, the villa in question was finally within sight. A small group of oddly matched people stood at a gate waiting for their turn to enter. Naero comes to a halt and waits for the crowd to thin. Once the musician looking patron moves through Naero moves quickly to the gate, crossing the some 100ft in mere seconds. Allowing the surprise of his hasty appearance to fade from the guards face he waits calmly. After hearing the requisite "Name" he replies in a courteous tone with "Naero, of Evermeet" whilst never meeting the gaze of any guard.
Any who turn at Naero's arrival would see a tanned figure dressed in plain travellers robes accented by a dark green sash at the waist. Finely detailed leather bracers fit snugly on each wrist over very faint vine-like markings. A single short staff of some sort sits neatly across his back while over one shoulder hangs a small bag. He strides across the courtyard at an impressive pace and comes to stand next to (5) Khessa. "You were summoned also" he says as more a statement than question. "I am Naero, of Evermeet."
((The number relates to the order in which you all posted.))
Khessa initially seems surprised to suddenly find herself next to the enigmatic (and graceful) figure of the elf. And a moment later the gleam in her blue eyes as she smiles to him seems to indicate that she does not mind this proximity at all: "Very nice to meet you, Naero, of Evermeet. I have not heard of Evermeet many times, but everyone who has spoken to me has described it as a place of legend! I am Khessa, of Twardens - but Twardens no longer exists, sadly, so you may as well just call me Khessa".
The steward checks off the final names, tucks the scroll under his arm, and begins walking toward the villa. Everyone is here. Follow me please. Lord Neverember will see you now.
He leads the way into the modest home, where wealth is evident but still tastefully done. Several other servants bustle around, not making eye contact with the heroes traipsing right through the home before them. Down a hallway, the steward opens up a door and ushers you into a large audience room. Lord Neverember seems to be holding court already, three men who look like they're wearing priestly robes are in deep discussion that breaks off as you enter the room. Some of you recognize a few more local guards that are in the room as well, though they seem to be a lot more relaxed than the ones at the gate. The heroes you called for, sir. He bows, and backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
As you enter, Neverember stands up smiling in recognition. Thank you Mr. Godrick, and greetings, my heroic friends! I'm so glad you were able to make it. He grasps everyone's hands warmly in turn, adding another wink to Khessa as he turns back to his desk. Please, have a seat. I daresay, terrible events are afoot. I have never gathered such a force as this, but these are dire times indeed. Specifically, four prominent citizens of our great city have been kidnapped in the past several days. His smile has dropped now, as he looks around at the gathered heroes. May I count on your help in rescuing them?
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Edit: ((Apologies, didn't realise there was a new post. Everything in the spoiler would've happened before Matt's last post.))
A pale hand clutched at his chest in mock hurt. As it did, the sleeves rolled up slightly, revealing deep scars, spanning all across the wrist, and presumably well into the forearm.
"You did it again... I'm crushed." — the Sorcerer 'accused' between chuckles, entirely unfazed by the proceedings around him, the lax, impish grin still firmly on his lips. The index finger from that same hand plonked down atop the scroll, on his own name — "There I am." — and again, the index finger from the parchment, to point at Tristan — "And that one, over there, is with me."
Standing back a full step, Morgan offered a casual wink in greetings to a grouping of guards that he recognised. "Will that be sufficient?" — he inquired, moving towards the Paladin, and in the direction of the gathering, fully expecting the answer (or better still, the lack thereof) from the evergreen steward.
"What does the old boy want this time, I wonder?" — Morgan asked, of none in particular, before offering Tristan a glance that wordlessly asked something to the effect of 'You good?' as he led him to wait with the others, who he greeted with a polite nod.
"Tristan Everwood. A friend from another world." — he told Dagult Neverember, upon their brief greeting, taking the time to properly introduce Tristan to the Lord, making some small chatter about the last time they (Morgan and Neverember) had met, and attempting his best to ensure that the newcomer feel welcomed and be remembered, in a hopefully positive light.
Taking a seat as instructed, Morgan would say nothing as the request was asked, and instead direct his attention towards the room — and, more specifically, his Paladin companion — studying the reactions of those around him with care.
Following their guide in, Tristian bows and clasps the Lord’s hand warmly, saying, “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Neverember.”
Sitting as instructed, he leans forward intently upon hearing of the kidnappings. In a concerned voice, he says, “I am no trained investigator, but I listen well and I am good in a scrap—I’ll do my part to aid in returning your kidnapped citizens. What can you tell us of them and the circumstances of their disappearance?”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Ozus's gaze lingers on the three apparent priests, before his train of thought is interrupted by the Lord's offered handshake. He returns the gesture, listening intently as Neverember explains the situation. "A rescue operation? Not my usual kind of work, but I'd be a poor sellsword indeed if I was in the habit of turning down jobs." He lets out a dry, mirthless chuckle. "It'll cost, but I'm sure we can work that out later, seeing as you've been so generous with your patronage in the past. Any information on where I-" The mercenary cuts himself off, glancing at the others. "Pardon me. On where we should begin?"
When Khessa introduce herself, Larry bows slightly, straightening back to look her in the eyes before answering "Larry."
As Lord Neverember makes his rounds, Larry clasps his arm and smiles. "I would be Larry, Lord." He takes a seat when instructed, but stays forward on the chair, not settling his weight back into it. Can't, really, with the blade on his hip. As Neverember begins his story, Larry looks at the priests. "Delivered the ransom message? Attempting to divine the location? What's their connection?" he asks himself as the others begin responding and asking questions, until he finally joins the fray.
"It seems a worthy task on the surface, but the questions unanswered! Who was kidnapped? Why do you care enough to be THIS personally involved? How do you know they were kidnapped? What part do these priests play? And those aren't even the entire surface layer of questions.
Khessa shakes the hand of the Lord she so much respects - and smiles as she winks back - but quickly becomes as serious as the other, when she learns the number of disappearances: "Four in just a few days? These kidnappers are keeping up a good pace. A sign that either they are in a hurry to organize... something (and probably not something good), or they are planning to kidnap a great number of people indeed".
"If the drow slavers had not recently suffered a severe blow," the blonde arcane warrior continues to muse aloud "I might even suspect them... But I think (and hope) that it is something different".
Taking the time to smile gratefully at those, like Tristan, Ozus and Larry, who have already agreed to help, the tall adventuress turns to the Dagult again, summarizing, given the so many questions: "It is probably better if you tell us everything you know about who disappeared and under what circumstances they disappeared, please. Everything you can think of - every detail can be important. I am sure that among the group of expert professionals you have assembled there will also be someone with good investigative skills. And I will do my best to integrate those skills with that pinch of magic that I have managed to learn. We will leave no stone unturned to save your citizens," the heartfelt statement would not look out of place in pronouncing a paladin's oath "you can rest assured of that".
Her blue eyes also briefly glance at the three men who look like they're wearing priestly robes... But, having already asked for everything to be told, she avoids asking explicitly about their role, trusting that Dagult will reveal it spontaneously, if relevant.
Neverember claps his hands together and walks back around his desk. He faces your gathered forms again, This is exactly why I sent for you, and I'm happy to have you on board as well, sir nodding at Tristan. You immediately asked the important questions, and I do have answers for you. Eldon Keyword was the first to disappear...a highly respected, and highly knowledgeable, scholar who specializes in the Outer Planes. Indrina Lamsensettle is an actor, she moves in some of our highest social circles. Very influential, and she missed a very important rehearsal. Sarcelle Malinosh is a sorcerer who also delves into the Outer Planes, more tangibly than Eldon. He hasn't been seen in almost a week. Umberto Noblin is one of our historians, he has written many books on various deities. He was supposed to be in the libraries yesterday, but has disappeared as well.
Each victim seems to have been kidnapped at night, and as far as we can tell, did not know each other, and do not have any other connection between them besides Sarcelle and Eldon's interest in the Outer Planes. I have funded divinations from the House of Knowledge he indicates the priests around him hoping to find them, but they were unable to pinpoint them.
One of the priests speaks up, We were able to divine the trail up to the Hallix Mausoleum, but the mystical trail ends there he says in a soft voice. It seems that someone could be blocking our divinations into the mausoleum, which is worrisome.
Neverember nods at the priest. I would like you to investigate the mausoleum. It's in Neverdeath Graveyard. Find the victims, bring them home, and bring the kidnappers to justice, and you each will receive a fine house here in Neverwinter. We have plenty to choose from. Ah, and per your last question Larry, he leans forward, hands on the desk, and looks directly into Larry's eyes. I care because these are not only citizens of my city, they are friends, and I would have them returned safely. He breaks eye contact and falls heavily into his chair. Any additional questions?
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Still a stranger to these lands, Tristan starts with surprise at the name of the graveyard. “ ‘Neverdeath’ sounds like a necromancer stronghold, not a city graveyard”, he thinks.
Turning to Morgan, he asks, “What do we know about this graveyard and mausoleum—are there rumors of any groups who might operate out of the area? And given the…ah…unfortunate name of the graveyard, should we prepare to encounter undead?”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Although he is aware that Neverember means for all to sit in one of the voluminous chairs scattered around the room, Naero finds a clear patch of floor and lowers himself into deep kneel. He seems both comfortable and ready to act at any moment.
Sitting quietly and respectfully while the Lord speaks, Naero listens intently to the questions of the gathered vetrans and the answers given. When most have spoken and asked their questions he takes a moment of silence to voice his own concern. "Two students of the Outer Planes and a trail that stops at a crypt, potentially blocked by some other worldly being. Are we to surmise then that we face a force not of this world?" He maintains a unwavering expression of calm as he speaks.