Considering the fact that we're in a chokehold and a Celestial Bison is blocking the path, chances are swapping with Khessa is the right move, yes. Otherwise, you'll likely find yourself wasting a turn, as any projectiles you'd shoot would have to move past both the Steed andthe frontline.
The blonde arcane warrior moves to engage the nearest undead in melee, to the east, brandishing her Greatsword in both hands: "Let's see what you can do, Mr Bones".
[[ OOC: Khessa casts Protection From Evil and Good with her Action - the undead will have Disadvantage to attack her. She then uses her Movement to move as described - two steps south and one east. This way, Tristan and KJ should be able to advance and continue to form, together with her, a barrier against the undead - while characters who want to fight from range should be able to advance safely and have a better view of the battlefield. ]]
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Peering over the back of the bison Naero catches sight of a number of undead warriors. His blood begins to boil. Itching to lay these abominations to rest he all but vaults over KJ and speeds to the warrior due south of him. He attacks with two kicks aimed at the torso of the warrior. Spinning away from that enemy he engages the one currently being taunted by Khessa (from the square below her) with a punch to the throat followed by a roundhouse kick to the chest. He then retreats to the western edge of the hallway, allowing enough room for Tristan to move past him.
M - 5 squares south (35ft, taking into account moving through KJ & Tristan's square)
A - Attack
Attack 1 13 for 9 Force danage
Attack 2 19 for 13 Force damage
M - 2 squares east (10ft)
BA - Flurry of Blows
Attack 3 17 for 13 Force damage
Attack 4 19 for 10 Force damage
M - 1 square north, then 2 west. Ending up between Tristan and the first warrior he attacked (15ft)
All AoO are made at disadvantage due to the Speedy feat.
As Khessa faces down the undead monstrosity, it tightens it's grip on its sword and growls menacingly.
Naero, with seemingly no effort, moves into the room like a whirlwind. His first blow glances off the tattered armor of the monster, but the second blow strikes true, knocking the breath out of it if it was capable of breathing. The monster takes a swipe with its sword as he dances away toward the next victim:
Attack: 14 Damage: 8
His next blows strike the creature dead in its torso, you hear a satisfying crack of bone and the monster begins oozing thick, black liquid that was probably once blood. It too tries to swipe at Naero as he moves away:
Attack: 6 Damage: 7
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
With one ally headed east and the other headed south, Tristan mounts his steed and moves to the enemy to the west, filling in the gap in the front line. Moving almost as one, the holy warrior and KJ move into place. Then he slashes at his target twice with the glowing Longsword.
(Mounted, Tristan gets advantage to attack creatures smaller than his mount. Any creatures attacking his mount have disadvantage and the attack targets Tristan instead. In addition, the Sap weapon mastery means that if he hits, the foe’s next attack is at disadvantage.)
Watching the three spread out, Larry sighs quietly. As the dust from Naero's scurrying about begins to settle, Larry moves to engage the enemy to the East, hoping to either finish it off or at least distract it from attacking the spellcaster.
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 28 Damage: 11 Additional in case I get advantage: 14 Sneak: 10
Watching the three spread out, Larry sighs quietly. As the dust from Naero's scurrying about begins to settle, Larry moves to engage the enemy to the East, hoping to either finish it off or at least distract it from attacking the spellcaster.
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 28 Damage: 11 Additional in case I get advantage: 14 Sneak: 10
[ooc]Vex gains me advantage on my next attack before the end of my next turn. I'm guessing a Nat 20 crit counts.[/ooc]
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 23 Damage: 10 Add the sneak from above if I both hit and didn't get it last time.
[ooc]Nick lets me make the off-hand attack as part of the attack action[/ooc]
Dagger Attack: 28 Damage: 9 Second Attack die if I have advantage: 13
Watching the three spread out, Larry sighs quietly. As the dust from Naero's scurrying about begins to settle, Larry moves to engage the enemy to the East, hoping to either finish it off or at least distract it from attacking the spellcaster.
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 28 Damage: 11 Additional in case I get advantage: 14 Sneak: 10
[ooc]Vex gains me advantage on my next attack before the end of my next turn. I'm guessing a Nat 20 crit counts.[/ooc]
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 23 Damage: 10 Add the sneak from above if I both hit and didn't get it last time.
[ooc]Nick lets me make the off-hand attack as part of the attack action[/ooc]
Dagger Attack: 28 Damage: 9 Second Attack die if I have advantage: 13
[ooc]And improved Critical makes that dagger attack a crit, too.[/ooc]
Additional damage die: 3
[ooc]I count 40 damage plus this D4, all piercing[/ooc]
If this opponent falls, Larry will use his bonus action to Dash, closing with the opponent further South.
Riding into battle, Tristan cuts two vicious gashes into the torso of the monster, causing it to ooze that nasty, thick, black viscous goop. It's stumbling a bit now, and looks quite angry.
Larry dashes in himself, his shortsword whirling and almost severing the head of the undead in front of Khessa with his first blow, and whirling back around finishes it off with the next two hits. It collapses in a heap on the ground, no longer moving. He moves south and sinks his dagger deep into the chest of the next monster, yanking it out from that deep causes him to be off balance just enough that the next blow skids off the thing's armor.
Morgan and Ozus are up next!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Moving into the new room, and standing rightward of Khessa, to allow Ozus to move freely, Morgan unhurriedly took note of the situation in the room, and simply fired off a Fire Bolt at the Undead being currently engaged with the Monk.
The ball of fire goes wide as the undead monstrosity wheels around toward the latest addition to its chamber. It hisses and raises its sword threateningly.
"And so the dance begins. Let us join our partners." Ozus says, satisfaction in his voice as he rushes forward, viol at the ready, playing a melancholic funeral dirge. He stops between Naero and Khessa, as glowing embers begin to swirl around the Undead ten feet in front of Naero. As this happens, two bolts of the same dark energy burst from the instrument, slamming into that same creature.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The first bolt of energy hits, knocking the undead back a step and causing the second bolt to miss wide. The force of the bolt seems to deal pretty good damage...but the undead is already so shriveled and withered the necrotic energy from the hex doesn't seem to have as much of an effect.
The undead monsters, recovering from their surprise at six heavily armed individuals marching into their midst, move into action as well.
The leftmost attacks Tristan astride his bison with a longsword attack: Attack: 5 Damage: 10 slashing if hit; then it will reach out to try and touch him with its dessicated hand: Attack: 14 Damage: 3 necrotic if hit.
The lowest will shoot two black, brittle arrows towards Naero: Attack: 16 Damage: 3 piercing if hit, Attack: 13 Damage: 9 piercing if hit
The one in front of Naero moves up and takes a swipe at the elf with its longsword: Attack: 11 Damage: 9 slashing if hit, then it too will reach out and try to grab on to Naero with its bare hand: Attack: 23 Damage: 7 necrotic if hit.
The last one slashes at Larry: Attack: 8 Damage: 10, along with the obligatory grab: Attack: 20 Damage: 5
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Tristan parries his foe effortlessly, and the two arrows sail harmlessly past Naero. Likewise, Naero also dodges the sword swipe, but doesn't quite get his arm out of the way as the thing latches on. He can feel his life force being drained, but it doesn't seem to be anything to worry about...yet. (Naero needs to make a Con saving throw)
Larry parries his foe's sword attack as well....but just like Naero, leaves his guard open just enough for it to reach in and latch on to an exposed bit of flesh. Larry has a sick feeling as his life force is drained out from the withered hand grabbing his arm. (Larry needs to make a Con save as well)
Next round starts: Khessa, Naero, Tristan, Larry, Morgan, and then Ozus may act!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Khessa, trusting in the protection afforded by her magic, leaps into the midst of the surviving undead, in order to pin them in their current positions and possibly draw their attention to herself.
Since they are skeletons, the blonde arcane warrior brandishes her Maul, with which she hopes to crush their bones, and spins it in circles to strike the enemies that are threatening Tristan and Naero.
[[ OOC: Khessa uses her Movement to take 3 steps: 2 diagonals southwest and 1 west, ending in the middle of the undead's triangle. During this movement she never leaves the reach of any enemy, so she does not give them Attack of Opportunity. Now the undead that attacked from a distance will have Disadvantage if they repeat the move. And if the undead attempt to leave Khessa's Reach, they will give her the Opportunity for an Attack. And if they attack her, they will have to do so with Disadvantage because of her Protection From Evil And Good. She uses her Action to Multiattack (2 attacks) with her Maul. Common skeletons have vulnerability to bludgeoning damage (they take double damage) - that's why she chooses the Maul - but of course I don't know if that holds for these skeletons too. Anyway, she will try to finish off Tristan's enemy, who should be the most damaged. If the enemy falls on the first hit, the second hit goes on Naero's enemy. ]]
Thanks to the Topple mastery property, each target who gets hit must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16). On a failed save, the creature has the Prone condition.
Morgan's Initiative: 15
Considering the fact that we're in a chokehold and a Celestial Bison is blocking the path, chances are swapping with Khessa is the right move, yes. Otherwise, you'll likely find yourself wasting a turn, as any projectiles you'd shoot would have to move past both the Steed and the frontline.
[ooc]Yeah, swap with Khessa. At the double cost move, I would have to stop in an occupied space if I tried to go first.[/ooc]
Khessa, Naero, Tristan, Larry, Morgan, and then Ozus may act in that order.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Round 1
Khessa confidently steps into the room, briefly touching the rod she uses to focus her arcane power, while muttering an esoteric formula.
The blonde arcane warrior moves to engage the nearest undead in melee, to the east, brandishing her Greatsword in both hands: "Let's see what you can do, Mr Bones".
[[ OOC: Khessa casts Protection From Evil and Good with her Action - the undead will have Disadvantage to attack her. She then uses her Movement to move as described - two steps south and one east. This way, Tristan and KJ should be able to advance and continue to form, together with her, a barrier against the undead - while characters who want to fight from range should be able to advance safely and have a better view of the battlefield. ]]
Peering over the back of the bison Naero catches sight of a number of undead warriors. His blood begins to boil. Itching to lay these abominations to rest he all but vaults over KJ and speeds to the warrior due south of him. He attacks with two kicks aimed at the torso of the warrior. Spinning away from that enemy he engages the one currently being taunted by Khessa (from the square below her) with a punch to the throat followed by a roundhouse kick to the chest. He then retreats to the western edge of the hallway, allowing enough room for Tristan to move past him.
M - 5 squares south (35ft, taking into account moving through KJ & Tristan's square)
A - Attack
Attack 1 13 for 9 Force danage
Attack 2 19 for 13 Force damage
M - 2 squares east (10ft)
BA - Flurry of Blows
Attack 3 17 for 13 Force damage
Attack 4 19 for 10 Force damage
M - 1 square north, then 2 west. Ending up between Tristan and the first warrior he attacked (15ft)
All AoO are made at disadvantage due to the Speedy feat.
As Khessa faces down the undead monstrosity, it tightens it's grip on its sword and growls menacingly.
Naero, with seemingly no effort, moves into the room like a whirlwind. His first blow glances off the tattered armor of the monster, but the second blow strikes true, knocking the breath out of it if it was capable of breathing. The monster takes a swipe with its sword as he dances away toward the next victim:
Attack: 14 Damage: 8
His next blows strike the creature dead in its torso, you hear a satisfying crack of bone and the monster begins oozing thick, black liquid that was probably once blood. It too tries to swipe at Naero as he moves away:
Attack: 6 Damage: 7
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Neither strike even comes close as the speedy monk can't be pinned down.
Tristan, Larry, Morgan, then Ozus are up next.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
With one ally headed east and the other headed south, Tristan mounts his steed and moves to the enemy to the west, filling in the gap in the front line. Moving almost as one, the holy warrior and KJ move into place. Then he slashes at his target twice with the glowing Longsword.
(Mounted, Tristan gets advantage to attack creatures smaller than his mount. Any creatures attacking his mount have disadvantage and the attack targets Tristan instead. In addition, the Sap weapon mastery means that if he hits, the foe’s next attack is at disadvantage.)
Crystal Longsword Attack including additional radiant damage: Attack: 25 Damage: 11
Crystal Longsword Attack including additional radiant damage: Attack: 24 Damage: 16
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Watching the three spread out, Larry sighs quietly. As the dust from Naero's scurrying about begins to settle, Larry moves to engage the enemy to the East, hoping to either finish it off or at least distract it from attacking the spellcaster.
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 28 Damage: 11 Additional in case I get advantage: 14 Sneak: 10
[ooc]Vex gains me advantage on my next attack before the end of my next turn. I'm guessing a Nat 20 crit counts.[/ooc]
Moon Blade Shortsword Attack: 23 Damage: 10 Add the sneak from above if I both hit and didn't get it last time.
[ooc]Nick lets me make the off-hand attack as part of the attack action[/ooc]
Dagger Attack: 28 Damage: 9 Second Attack die if I have advantage: 13
[ooc]And improved Critical makes that dagger attack a crit, too.[/ooc]
Additional damage die: 3
[ooc]I count 40 damage plus this D4, all piercing[/ooc]
If this opponent falls, Larry will use his bonus action to Dash, closing with the opponent further South.
Riding into battle, Tristan cuts two vicious gashes into the torso of the monster, causing it to ooze that nasty, thick, black viscous goop. It's stumbling a bit now, and looks quite angry.
Larry dashes in himself, his shortsword whirling and almost severing the head of the undead in front of Khessa with his first blow, and whirling back around finishes it off with the next two hits. It collapses in a heap on the ground, no longer moving. He moves south and sinks his dagger deep into the chest of the next monster, yanking it out from that deep causes him to be off balance just enough that the next blow skids off the thing's armor.
Morgan and Ozus are up next!
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Moving into the new room, and standing rightward of Khessa, to allow Ozus to move freely, Morgan unhurriedly took note of the situation in the room, and simply fired off a Fire Bolt at the Undead being currently engaged with the Monk.
(Fire Bolt: Attack: 11 Damage: 11)
The ball of fire goes wide as the undead monstrosity wheels around toward the latest addition to its chamber. It hisses and raises its sword threateningly.
Ozus is up!
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
"And so the dance begins. Let us join our partners." Ozus says, satisfaction in his voice as he rushes forward, viol at the ready, playing a melancholic funeral dirge. He stops between Naero and Khessa, as glowing embers begin to swirl around the Undead ten feet in front of Naero. As this happens, two bolts of the same dark energy burst from the instrument, slamming into that same creature.
Movement: 30 Ft straight
BA: Casting hex on the undead two squares in front of Naero
A: Casting Eldritch blast, both beams aimed at the hexed undead.
1rst beam: 15 to hit 8 force damage + 3 necrotic damage (from hex) if it landed
2nd beam: 11 to hit, 8 force damage +2 necrotic damage (from hex) if it landed
The first bolt of energy hits, knocking the undead back a step and causing the second bolt to miss wide. The force of the bolt seems to deal pretty good damage...but the undead is already so shriveled and withered the necrotic energy from the hex doesn't seem to have as much of an effect.
The undead monsters, recovering from their surprise at six heavily armed individuals marching into their midst, move into action as well.
The leftmost attacks Tristan astride his bison with a longsword attack: Attack: 5 Damage: 10 slashing if hit; then it will reach out to try and touch him with its dessicated hand: Attack: 14 Damage: 3 necrotic if hit.
The lowest will shoot two black, brittle arrows towards Naero: Attack: 16 Damage: 3 piercing if hit, Attack: 13 Damage: 9 piercing if hit
The one in front of Naero moves up and takes a swipe at the elf with its longsword: Attack: 11 Damage: 9 slashing if hit, then it too will reach out and try to grab on to Naero with its bare hand: Attack: 23 Damage: 7 necrotic if hit.
The last one slashes at Larry: Attack: 8 Damage: 10, along with the obligatory grab: Attack: 20 Damage: 5
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Tristan parries his foe effortlessly, and the two arrows sail harmlessly past Naero. Likewise, Naero also dodges the sword swipe, but doesn't quite get his arm out of the way as the thing latches on. He can feel his life force being drained, but it doesn't seem to be anything to worry about...yet. (Naero needs to make a Con saving throw)
Larry parries his foe's sword attack as well....but just like Naero, leaves his guard open just enough for it to reach in and latch on to an exposed bit of flesh. Larry has a sick feeling as his life force is drained out from the withered hand grabbing his arm. (Larry needs to make a Con save as well)
Next round starts: Khessa, Naero, Tristan, Larry, Morgan, and then Ozus may act!
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Round 2
Khessa, trusting in the protection afforded by her magic, leaps into the midst of the surviving undead, in order to pin them in their current positions and possibly draw their attention to herself.
Since they are skeletons, the blonde arcane warrior brandishes her Maul, with which she hopes to crush their bones, and spins it in circles to strike the enemies that are threatening Tristan and Naero.
[[ OOC: Khessa uses her Movement to take 3 steps: 2 diagonals southwest and 1 west, ending in the middle of the undead's triangle. During this movement she never leaves the reach of any enemy, so she does not give them Attack of Opportunity. Now the undead that attacked from a distance will have Disadvantage if they repeat the move. And if the undead attempt to leave Khessa's Reach, they will give her the Opportunity for an Attack. And if they attack her, they will have to do so with Disadvantage because of her Protection From Evil And Good. She uses her Action to Multiattack (2 attacks) with her Maul. Common skeletons have vulnerability to bludgeoning damage (they take double damage) - that's why she chooses the Maul - but of course I don't know if that holds for these skeletons too. Anyway, she will try to finish off Tristan's enemy, who should be the most damaged. If the enemy falls on the first hit, the second hit goes on Naero's enemy. ]]
Khessa's rolls:
Maul 1st Attack: 25 Damage: 14 (bludgeoning)
Maul 2nd Attack: 21 Damage: 14 (bludgeoning)
Thanks to the Topple mastery property, each target who gets hit must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16). On a failed save, the creature has the Prone condition.
(Remember the +5 on Saves if within 10 feet of Tristan)
Continuing to attack the one he has injured, Tristan slashes at it with his Longsword!
Crystal Longsword: Attack: 28 Damage: 25
Crystal Longsword: Attack: 25 Damage: 19
Tristan then maneuvers to get closer to his allies so they might benefit from his aura.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"