The Darkmoon Vale hosts a small lumber town, owned by many lumber barons, and rule by Gavel Kreed. The town cuts the rare darkwood from the nearby forest, over looked by the active volcano Droskar's Craig.
Word of a strange plague has broken out and the town is desperate to find a cure. Will you adventure to find it and more?
Campaign starts at Lv. 1, in the town of Falcon's Hallow. Anything that can be created by DndBeyond is allowed. Ask any questions you may have.
Nate is a cthonic legacy tiefling, a charlatan wizard and has assumed the false identity of a Chelaxian duke. Apprenticed at a young age to a hedge wizardess/sage/herbalist, Nate is sometimes haunted by the lingering spirit of his deceased twin sister. His arm stunted by an injury incurred by his older brother after fighting about Nate’s desire to become a noble, hurts before storms and reminds him people are petty. Nate is an herbalist/alchemist and sells all manner of tonics poultices syrups potions smelling salts and so on.
I am an RPG player, beginner DM. I started trying PBP a few years ago and love the freedom to chime in daily without scheduling days off every month like I used to do for TTRPGing. I love pathfinder though it’s been awhile…
Switched my stats to point buy as stated, thanks for the opportunity to apply.
fun image and tune below…
Personal preference is to play here rather then discord.
No particular phobias or topics to avoid on my behalf.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
I'm not too familiar with 2024 rules, but I've heard that they could be used together. If that is the case, then I'll allow players to pick and choose.
I am Gurog Quickstep, a Goliath Barbarian, descended from the Cloud Giants. It is because of my ancestry that I have limited teleportation that I incorporate into my battle style, which has earned me my surname, Quickstep. I am motivated to protect my friends and eliminate anyone or anything that threatens them. My protective nature will occasionally get me into trouble as I will sometimes jump into dangerous situations that could have been avoided in order to defend my friend. I recently finished serving my time in the Goliath army and have come in search of an adventuring team to join me in seeking wealth and glory.
The link didn't work, is the character set to private?
It was. Should work now.
To one of you earlier questions as to where to play this game, I would prefer it be on these boards.
Viltharal (Vil for short) is a changeling that has traveled from town to town, village to village, looking for a place to fit in. One would think that it would be easy for someone who can change their appearance at will, but appearances only go so far. Hearing word of a village in need, they made their way to Darkmoon Vale. Perhaps being able to help the people of the Vale will provide the sense of belonging that Vil has sought and finally find a home.
Albus, when he was but a teenager, lived with his mother who had fallen ill from an unknown disease. Village healers tried everything. As his mother's condition continued to get worse, Albus was approached by a shadowy figure who vowed to take the disease away from his mother for but to sign a contract to serve this 'person'. Albus was beside himself and with no other solutions he agreed and signed in his own blood. The next day his mother was killed by robbers.
Since then he has grown and started adventuring. But every one in a while he will hear a voice, like the shadowy figure, urging him to do its bidding. He knows not what lays ahead but he keeps his mothers last words in his heart "Do good today, not for yourself but for others."
Race: Human Class: Illrigger (but he thinks he is a fighter)
-Only accept me if you are playing in the forums- CHARACTER SHEET Name: Davrich Race: Vampire Class: Paladin (When subclass comes, I'll be a death night) Davrich has a dark past. Most of his life he's been scorned, feared, and rejected. And for good reason! And while he's changed his ways, and now does things for the good of the people, it can't be argued that he does so with questionable methods. He doesn't know how he became a vampire, it was something his parents did with some powerful being. All he know is that hen they did that, they sealed his fate. He could never live a normal life. He could never love or beloved. He'd always be hated. And he'd always hate his parents for that.
Tufts's past: The Flowing Flagon where Tufts is employed is owned by a retired adventuer, though truth be told, scoundrel was a better descriptor. This old scoundrel was rumored to have participated in more than one nefarious deed or another. His name was Potuss but Tufts called him "Da". Obviously they weren't related but Potuss had raised Tufts from a kit (or pup, hatchling, whatever baby bugbears are called). Young enough that Tufts didn't remember his real name, only that Potuss pretty much only referred to him as Tufts. Tufts or worthless cur depending on Potuss' level of inabriation. Potuss never revealed how Tufts came into his care but the bugbear showed up at the same time Potuss came up with means to start the pub. The coincidence was not lost on some. Though he treated Tufts mostly with outward disdain, often beating the poor bugbear when he failed at some task or was lax in his training, Truth revealed, Potuss had a bit of a soft spot under all his bluster and rough edges. In the beginning he raise Tufts to fight in the pits and over the years the old warrior grew fond of the companionship the young bugbear provided. So instead of letting that fight training go to waste he gave Tufts a job as tavern chiller. Any time a patron would get heated or to deep in their cups it was Tufts job to cool them down and remove them. A recent encounter with a traveling monk has Tufts seeing the world and his place in it a bit differently. All the violence started to weigh on his conscience. He told his Da but the idea was not well recieved. Refusing to fight for the entertainment of others Tufts now only uses his prowess as a means of preventing harm to others.
The plague has hit the streets hard. A few of the orphans have come down with it. So Tufts is determined to find a solution.
The Darkmoon Vale hosts a small lumber town, owned by many lumber barons, and rule by Gavel Kreed. The town cuts the rare darkwood from the nearby forest, over looked by the active volcano Droskar's Craig.
Word of a strange plague has broken out and the town is desperate to find a cure. Will you adventure to find it and more?
Campaign starts at Lv. 1, in the town of Falcon's Hallow. Anything that can be created by DndBeyond is allowed. Ask any questions you may have.
Interested! How do you want us to do ability scores?
2014 or 2024 rules?
Presenting Nate Colborn AKA Duke Hemsworth.
Nate is a cthonic legacy tiefling, a charlatan wizard and has assumed the false identity of a Chelaxian duke. Apprenticed at a young age to a hedge wizardess/sage/herbalist, Nate is sometimes haunted by the lingering spirit of his deceased twin sister. His arm stunted by an injury incurred by his older brother after fighting about Nate’s desire to become a noble, hurts before storms and reminds him people are petty. Nate is an herbalist/alchemist and sells all manner of tonics poultices syrups potions smelling salts and so on.
I am an RPG player, beginner DM. I started trying PBP a few years ago and love the freedom to chime in daily without scheduling days off every month like I used to do for TTRPGing. I love pathfinder though it’s been awhile…
Switched my stats to point buy as stated, thanks for the opportunity to apply.
fun image and tune below…
Personal preference is to play here rather then discord.
No particular phobias or topics to avoid on my behalf.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Point Buy ability scores please. 27 points.
I'm not too familiar with 2024 rules, but I've heard that they could be used together. If that is the case, then I'll allow players to pick and choose.
Is this the old Hollow's Last Hope module from the 3.5 days of Paizo before Pathfinder? Is this game in Golarion?
What all information are you looking for beyond a character?
Viltharal Valfaren - Changeling Sorcerer (Eventually Wild Magic)
It is, with some added modules and some homebrew changes. The campaign can potentially run to lv 20.
It is in the democracy of Andoran which recently broke away from the country Cheliax.
I would appreciate a rough backstory and general motivation. Everything else I can likely go over when reviewing characters with people.
Question; do people prefer to play here on the forums, or on a discord?
Discord with Avrae
The link didn't work, is the character set to private?
I am Gurog Quickstep, a Goliath Barbarian, descended from the Cloud Giants. It is because of my ancestry that I have limited teleportation that I incorporate into my battle style, which has earned me my surname, Quickstep. I am motivated to protect my friends and eliminate anyone or anything that threatens them. My protective nature will occasionally get me into trouble as I will sometimes jump into dangerous situations that could have been avoided in order to defend my friend. I recently finished serving my time in the Goliath army and have come in search of an adventuring team to join me in seeking wealth and glory.
There isn't a Goliath army nearby, would you be okay with either traveling for a while or being in the Andoran army?
Other than that it looks good.
It was. Should work now.
To one of you earlier questions as to where to play this game, I would prefer it be on these boards.
Viltharal (Vil for short) is a changeling that has traveled from town to town, village to village, looking for a place to fit in. One would think that it would be easy for someone who can change their appearance at will, but appearances only go so far. Hearing word of a village in need, they made their way to Darkmoon Vale. Perhaps being able to help the people of the Vale will provide the sense of belonging that Vil has sought and finally find a home.
Is there still room?
Albus, when he was but a teenager, lived with his mother who had fallen ill from an unknown disease. Village healers tried everything. As his mother's condition continued to get worse, Albus was approached by a shadowy figure who vowed to take the disease away from his mother for but to sign a contract to serve this 'person'. Albus was beside himself and with no other solutions he agreed and signed in his own blood. The next day his mother was killed by robbers.
Since then he has grown and started adventuring. But every one in a while he will hear a voice, like the shadowy figure, urging him to do its bidding. He knows not what lays ahead but he keeps his mothers last words in his heart "Do good today, not for yourself but for others."
Race: Human
Class: Illrigger (but he thinks he is a fighter)
D&D since 1984
Yes there is.
Yeah Andoran army is fine.
-Only accept me if you are playing in the forums-
Name: Davrich
Race: Vampire
Class: Paladin (When subclass comes, I'll be a death night)
Davrich has a dark past. Most of his life he's been scorned, feared, and rejected. And for good reason! And while he's changed his ways, and now does things for the good of the people, it can't be argued that he does so with questionable methods.
He doesn't know how he became a vampire, it was something his parents did with some powerful being. All he know is that hen they did that, they sealed his fate. He could never live a normal life. He could never love or beloved.
He'd always be hated.
And he'd always hate his parents for that.
Interested, I'll get a cleric written up. Prefer forums over discord, but can do both.
I'm in.
Tufts's past:
The Flowing Flagon where Tufts is employed is owned by a retired adventuer, though truth be told, scoundrel was a better descriptor. This old scoundrel was rumored to have participated in more than one nefarious deed or another. His name was Potuss but Tufts called him "Da". Obviously they weren't related but Potuss had raised Tufts from a kit (or pup, hatchling, whatever baby bugbears are called). Young enough that Tufts didn't remember his real name, only that Potuss pretty much only referred to him as Tufts. Tufts or worthless cur depending on Potuss' level of inabriation. Potuss never revealed how Tufts came into his care but the bugbear showed up at the same time Potuss came up with means to start the pub. The coincidence was not lost on some. Though he treated Tufts mostly with outward disdain, often beating the poor bugbear when he failed at some task or was lax in his training, Truth revealed, Potuss had a bit of a soft spot under all his bluster and rough edges. In the beginning he raise Tufts to fight in the pits and over the years the old warrior grew fond of the companionship the young bugbear provided.
So instead of letting that fight training go to waste he gave Tufts a job as tavern chiller. Any time a patron would get heated or to deep in their cups it was Tufts job to cool them down and remove them.
A recent encounter with a traveling monk has Tufts seeing the world and his place in it a bit differently.
All the violence started to weigh on his conscience. He told his Da but the idea was not well recieved. Refusing to fight for the entertainment of others Tufts now only uses his prowess as a means of preventing harm to others.
The plague has hit the streets hard. A few of the orphans have come down with it. So Tufts is determined to find a solution.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider