I'm not going to be available tomorrow, so I'm gonna give until Wednesday for everyone who hasn't declared a downtime activity to do so. If you don't have a downtime activity, your default activity will be Relaxation. Once downtime activities are declared (or the default is assigned, I'll drop a cinematic that gets us through the trials of Dana and Princess Harkail, which will take about as long as the longest Downtime Activity takes to complete. 😉
Currently, I have downtime Activities from Sera and Hastos. Check your list of options if you aren't sure which to choose. But here are a few of my personal favorites:
Want to earn some fast cash and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty? Try Pit Fighting (For DEX and STR builds) or Crime (for combo builds on DEX)
Want to make friends/enemies/frenemies while doubling the weight of your coin purse? Try Gambling
Want to improve your character? Craft an item, do some research on special lore, scribe a scroll, or train to learn a language/gain proficiency in a tool.
During non-adventuring downtime, you can perform a downtime activity twice as fast, or do two different downtime activities. If one downtime activity has a consequence that prevents you from finishing your other downtime activity, then the other downtime activity will fail by default.
Thank you for a nice wrap up post. I enjoyed read it. As for the golden company and getting focus on a adventure together I vote for misson 1 to seek out the bronze dragon.
It sounds like a fun challenge to me. Nice to have a lair to explore too. ;) Seras motivation would be find the dragon alive...hopefully. to have it as a a friend or help it. Sera belive it might also teach her much more about her god Paladine. The treasure should be taken back to the settlement if it is dead and used for something that benefits everyone. She not demand you give your share away. We split it equal.
Sera and Hastos’ two weeks went by without incident? I guess that’s a good thing! No major upsets except maybe just a few complaints from the people renting rooms adjacent to ours? LOL.
Do we both add 14GP to our purses?
I think Hastos would decline Amelistas offer. Citing that he doesn’t want to get involved with a ‘secret police’ and that any council members that were causing trouble would eventually be ousted one way or another.
But I had the feel romance was not quite your cup of tea. I feel you eagerly await a little dungeon to crawl into and battle some vile monsters ;)
Actually, I’m really enjoying the RP! I enjoy the adventures as well, but I’ve had a lot of fun with our banter. I’ve been hoping we could get everyone together as well.
Maybe this quest will give us all the opportunity to get to know each other better..
Thank you for a nice wrap up post. I enjoyed read it. As for the golden company and getting focus on a adventure together I vote for misson 1 to seek out the bronze dragon.
It sounds like a fun challenge to me. Nice to have a lair to explore too. ;) Seras motivation would be find the dragon alive...hopefully. to have it as a a friend or help it. Sera belive it might also teach her much more about her god Paladine. The treasure should be taken back to the settlement if it is dead and used for something that benefits everyone. She not demand you give your share away. We split it equal.
What the rest of you say?
So, I should clarify, because the only player who might actually remember this quest is Weathervision.
The dragon is thought to be dead, or at least forced to abandon its horde. Buckeran explained this to The Golden Company ages ago, and Buckeran believes it has something to do with the prolonged drought. It's called magic poisoning. A dragon, as it ages and nests on its horde, it imbues its horde with magical energy. Eventually, that magic energy starts to radiate and spread throughout the surrounding region. The bigger the dragon, the further and more intense the magical radiation becomes. This is usually a good thing. The surrounding land become rich and fertile, and often produces highly potent alchemical ingredients. It also attracts lots of fauna and fey types, and can create a breathtaking ecosystem.
Buuuut. if a dragon is forced to abandon its horde, it can't renew that magic energy, which starts to age and spoil... kind of like milk. And the blessing turns into a curse. This usually happens when a powerful dragon is slain. Even the corpse itself can plague the region... poisoning the waters and soil, and even resulting in the creation of an undead dragon, dracolich or other similar abomination. Buckeran believes that the dragon was perhaps away in the war and was killed in action, because if there was an undead dragon so close to Santekh, the village would've already been destroyed by it.
You can expect to walk in to a cursed lair, filled with unpredictable magic, undead horrors, and a (literally) toxic environment. Protections against poisons and venoms are a good idea. As well as weapons that are affective against the undead.
Buckaran might tried to mention it again during downtime. And if it cursed the land it is even a better eason go and solve this. Maybe the region can get fertile again too :)
Ha! Well, Hastos has spent years alone in the wilds. Aside from isolation, small errors in judgment could be fatal. His first introduction to the town was being held hostage while watching another man being horrifically tortured. I think it’s reasonable to assume it takes a little time to get through that. He’s had a couple of weeks now in the town and is starting to shed some of his guardedness as he acclimates to living in a place of relative safety. He can afford to start thinking at a less primitive level.
Granted, Sera doesn’t know any of that stuff, besides the dungeon. So it makes sense to me that she would likely distance herself as a protective measure, both emotionally and physically. I’m thinking she’s making the right call. And I think Hastos understands he’s lacking a lot of things right now that would make him a good partner to someone like Sera.
Imagine you add what you just wrote about into your character thoughts, comments and emotions in the IC Tread . But maybe he loosen up when we stuck in a old dragons lair with hordes of undeads draining our lifeforce? ;)
Yea, still getting a feel for how this group rolls. With my previous group, you didn’t get any inner thoughts or motivations without an insight check. It’s was fun because we might be very surprised at how a situation plays out. Our fighter and wizard *hated* each other. She literally gutted him in the tavern and it took all of us to keep her from insta- killing him. LOL. Fun story for another time. Maybe I’ll weave it into Hastos’ history.
Your play style is a lot more open about emotions and motivations. At first I was taken aback by it, I thought “Damn, she’s just putting it all out there!” lol. But again, it’s just a different play style and I’m getting used to it. It adds a lot to the RP, which I enjoy. I was a little sad we didn’t RP the two weeks, LOL. But I get it’s not always going to be possible, but I think it would have given me a chance to connect with the others. But that will come.
I appreciate your frequent posting as well, you totally turned the tables on old Hastos who thought he could get Sera to blush, lol. well played. Again, I’m looking forward to more interactions with the others as well!
I'm still struggling to find a 5e rulebook that lays out costs, timeline, and benefits to build structures (like a shrine or temple).
The closest I can find is a Bastion, with a Sanctuary, which I can wedge shrine/temple rules into that framework if everyone is ok with that. Santekh will be providing the funds for it.
But, if anyone knows which book it was in, I'll grant Inspiration to anyone who can reference the book or the link for me. It's driving me crazy, and it's chewing up a lot of time I could be spending actually advancing this game.😅
Yea #3 sounds good!
That seems to be a majority vote for 3. So, we'll keep the party the way it is unless another member drops off.
And yes... sorry, Hastos is an Elf. 😅
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
I found out! Got curious AFTER the sleepover and it was pic of elf!
I'm not going to be available tomorrow, so I'm gonna give until Wednesday for everyone who hasn't declared a downtime activity to do so. If you don't have a downtime activity, your default activity will be Relaxation. Once downtime activities are declared (or the default is assigned, I'll drop a cinematic that gets us through the trials of Dana and Princess Harkail, which will take about as long as the longest Downtime Activity takes to complete. 😉
Currently, I have downtime Activities from Sera and Hastos. Check your list of options if you aren't sure which to choose. But here are a few of my personal favorites:
During non-adventuring downtime, you can perform a downtime activity twice as fast, or do two different downtime activities. If one downtime activity has a consequence that prevents you from finishing your other downtime activity, then the other downtime activity will fail by default.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
But I had the feel romance was not quite your cup of tea. I feel you eagerly await a little dungeon to crawl into and battle some vile monsters ;)
Light romance should be fine. Lol. I don’t want my wife thinking I have a girlfriend, lol.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Transparent__ since you chose work, I rolled for you.
Work Result: 24
You earned 2 GP per day +25 GP working as a local guard.
Complication %: 8%
Complication: 1. A difficult customer or a fight with a coworker reduces the wages you earn by one category.*
Results: You earn a modest lifestyle, which covers your living expenses for the week. You gain no steel, but you lose no steel either.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Thank you for a nice wrap up post. I enjoyed read it. As for the golden company and getting focus on a adventure together I vote for misson 1 to seek out the bronze dragon.
It sounds like a fun challenge to me. Nice to have a lair to explore too. ;) Seras motivation would be find the dragon alive...hopefully. to have it as a a friend or help it. Sera belive it might also teach her much more about her god Paladine. The treasure should be taken back to the settlement if it is dead and used for something that benefits everyone. She not demand you give your share away. We split it equal.
What the rest of you say?
Sera and Hastos’ two weeks went by without incident? I guess that’s a good thing! No major upsets except maybe just a few complaints from the people renting rooms adjacent to ours? LOL.
Do we both add 14GP to our purses?
I think Hastos would decline Amelistas offer. Citing that he doesn’t want to get involved with a ‘secret police’ and that any council members that were causing trouble would eventually be ousted one way or another.
I’m good with the first quest as well.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Actually, I’m really enjoying the RP! I enjoy the adventures as well, but I’ve had a lot of fun with our banter. I’ve been hoping we could get everyone together as well.
Maybe this quest will give us all the opportunity to get to know each other better..
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Sera found her own room after that one night stand. If Hastos like more he better show it ;) Sera found a sweet Kender to flirt with now. .
Ah, Love, though art a fickle mistress!
“after their one-night stand, she quickly decided to get her own room”
LOL, what a burn!
I don’t think Hastos can compete with Amber! Literally polar opposites.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
So, I should clarify, because the only player who might actually remember this quest is Weathervision.
The dragon is thought to be dead, or at least forced to abandon its horde. Buckeran explained this to The Golden Company ages ago, and Buckeran believes it has something to do with the prolonged drought. It's called magic poisoning. A dragon, as it ages and nests on its horde, it imbues its horde with magical energy. Eventually, that magic energy starts to radiate and spread throughout the surrounding region. The bigger the dragon, the further and more intense the magical radiation becomes. This is usually a good thing. The surrounding land become rich and fertile, and often produces highly potent alchemical ingredients. It also attracts lots of fauna and fey types, and can create a breathtaking ecosystem.
Buuuut. if a dragon is forced to abandon its horde, it can't renew that magic energy, which starts to age and spoil... kind of like milk. And the blessing turns into a curse. This usually happens when a powerful dragon is slain. Even the corpse itself can plague the region... poisoning the waters and soil, and even resulting in the creation of an undead dragon, dracolich or other similar abomination. Buckeran believes that the dragon was perhaps away in the war and was killed in action, because if there was an undead dragon so close to Santekh, the village would've already been destroyed by it.
You can expect to walk in to a cursed lair, filled with unpredictable magic, undead horrors, and a (literally) toxic environment. Protections against poisons and venoms are a good idea. As well as weapons that are affective against the undead.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Buckaran might tried to mention it again during downtime. And if it cursed the land it is even a better eason go and solve this. Maybe the region can get fertile again too :)
Well AFTER the breakup you start share thoughts and emotions for your character LOL
I think we be better as ex'es than a couple. ;)
Ha! Well, Hastos has spent years alone in the wilds. Aside from isolation, small errors in judgment could be fatal. His first introduction to the town was being held hostage while watching another man being horrifically tortured. I think it’s reasonable to assume it takes a little time to get through that.
He’s had a couple of weeks now in the town and is starting to shed some of his guardedness as he acclimates to living in a place of relative safety. He can afford to start thinking at a less primitive level.
Granted, Sera doesn’t know any of that stuff, besides the dungeon. So it makes sense to me that she would likely distance herself as a protective measure, both emotionally and physically. I’m thinking she’s making the right call. And I think Hastos understands he’s lacking a lot of things right now that would make him a good partner to someone like Sera.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Imagine you add what you just wrote about into your character thoughts, comments and emotions in the IC Tread . But maybe he loosen up when we stuck in a old dragons lair with hordes of undeads draining our lifeforce? ;)
I am grateful and appreciate you posts so often.
Yea, still getting a feel for how this group rolls. With my previous group, you didn’t get any inner thoughts or motivations without an insight check. It’s was fun because we might be very surprised at how a situation plays out. Our fighter and wizard *hated* each other. She literally gutted him in the tavern and it took all of us to keep her from insta- killing him. LOL. Fun story for another time. Maybe I’ll weave it into Hastos’ history.
Your play style is a lot more open about emotions and motivations. At first I was taken aback by it, I thought “Damn, she’s just putting it all out there!” lol. But again, it’s just a different play style and I’m getting used to it. It adds a lot to the RP, which I enjoy. I was a little sad we didn’t RP the two weeks, LOL. But I get it’s not always going to be possible, but I think it would have given me a chance to connect with the others. But that will come.
I appreciate your frequent posting as well, you totally turned the tables on old Hastos who thought he could get Sera to blush, lol. well played. Again, I’m looking forward to more interactions with the others as well!
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
I'm still struggling to find a 5e rulebook that lays out costs, timeline, and benefits to build structures (like a shrine or temple).
The closest I can find is a Bastion, with a Sanctuary, which I can wedge shrine/temple rules into that framework if everyone is ok with that. Santekh will be providing the funds for it.
But, if anyone knows which book it was in, I'll grant Inspiration to anyone who can reference the book or the link for me. It's driving me crazy, and it's chewing up a lot of time I could be spending actually advancing this game.😅
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground