Arkon gives Valeria a quick once-over. “You look ready to make them regret it,” he says, his tone steady as his gaze shifts to the disappearing imp. “Don't like devils, but I’ll trust you.” Arkon steps toward the shadows, using the light from his lantern to help Val search for the secret entrance.
The redhead gives Arkon a grin at his comment. She did feel ready to make the cultists regret things, maybe more than she would care to admit. It is with slight relief for her the introduction of her little helper does not bring any hostile reactions. She would simply have to build further trust with the others.
As he finds what can only be the secret entrance to the hideout of the Dead Three, the invisible imp mentally reports to his mistress. "Ah, it seems we have found what we're looking for." She says with a pleased smile, the time of reckoning approaching, moving decisively to where Mal indicates. "This should be it..."She points out the pushable indent to the other deputees. "...I suggest we form up and stay alert as we move on. And if you see any statues down there just give them a good smack and we'll see what is what." She says with a growl. "And concerning our mission in there I believe our orders are to wipe them out."
After impaling the final 'statue' Gorin retrieves his Javelins and helps Zim search the bodies for any loot.
He has to pay for a new workshop somehow.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Durak forms up and heads in once the hidden entrance is opened. "I am sure the cultist won't give us another option so yes we will do our best to wipe them out"
Zim slams the door open and foul air flows into the massage room. The door leads to a set of stairs descending downwards, with only two torches giving some light along the way.
Sarris, as a ranger, has encounterd dead bodies of animals (and other things) as well as certain plants that rot or give off rot-like smells.
With his Passive Perception: 17 -- would he be able to 'have a good idea' of those smells coming from beyond the hidden door as he uses one of those torches to light the skull shaped lantern for extra lighting.
Zim slams the door open and foul air flows into the massage room. The door leads to a set of stairs descending downwards, with only two torches giving some light along the way.
Zim silenly signals those behind him to follow. His Darkvision giving him an edge (Perception 14). He moves forward 30 feet and waits for the rest of the party to enter.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
After making faces over being assaulted by the foul air, Valeria quietly follows in the middle of the team of Flaming Fist deputees, her eyes effortlessly piercing the darkness around her. Stealth: 20 Perception: 14
As per ususal she mentally commands her invisible familiar ahead to warn her of threats lurking the darkness. Mal Stealth: 10 Perception: 6
Sarris, as a ranger, has encounterd dead bodies of animals (and other things) as well as certain plants that rot or give off rot-like smells.
With his Passive Perception: 17 -- would he be able to 'have a good idea' of those smells coming from beyond the hidden door as he uses one of those torches to light the skull shaped lantern for extra lighting.
It does not remind you of carcasses, but more of a communal outhouse.
"By all the Gods, did they dig this 'public bath' into the city sewer catacombs? This place reeks." Sarris stops and poors some drinking water onto a kerchief and ties it to cover his nose and mouth. "Don't you magic types have spells to make a stink more pleasant?"
Arkon gives Valeria a quick once-over. “You look ready to make them regret it,” he says, his tone steady as his gaze shifts to the disappearing imp. “Don't like devils, but I’ll trust you.” Arkon steps toward the shadows, using the light from his lantern to help Val search for the secret entrance.
"Let us hope we do not have to battle creatures like that every room in this madhouse of a spa."
Sarris tries his best to find any hidden doors in the area. Perception: 13
Zim sees everyone looking around, so he also start searching. "Aye, what are we looking for?" Perception 18
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
The javelin impales the last foe through her chest. She falls back still with her manic smile.
In the room where the old man was, there is a slight indent along the wall. Giving a bit of a push and pull, you find it give way when you push.
The redhead gives Arkon a grin at his comment. She did feel ready to make the cultists regret things, maybe more than she would care to admit.
It is with slight relief for her the introduction of her little helper does not bring any hostile reactions. She would simply have to build further trust with the others.
As he finds what can only be the secret entrance to the hideout of the Dead Three, the invisible imp mentally reports to his mistress. "Ah, it seems we have found what we're looking for." She says with a pleased smile, the time of reckoning approaching, moving decisively to where Mal indicates. "This should be it..." She points out the pushable indent to the other deputees. "...I suggest we form up and stay alert as we move on. And if you see any statues down there just give them a good smack and we'll see what is what." She says with a growl. "And concerning our mission in there I believe our orders are to wipe them out."
After impaling the final 'statue' Gorin retrieves his Javelins and helps Zim search the bodies for any loot.
He has to pay for a new workshop somehow.
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Loot -
(Unfortunately, they only have their weapons upon them. Which is a total of 6 daggers and a skull shaped lantern.)
I'll mark it down on Zim's character sheet.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Durak forms up and heads in once the hidden entrance is opened. "I am sure the cultist won't give us another option so yes we will do our best to wipe them out"
Arkon will help open the hidden entrance and head inside.
Zim barrels through, opening the door and standing in front. As quietly as possible (Stealth Check 4), "Don't worry laddies and lasses, I'll go first."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Zim slams the door open and foul air flows into the massage room. The door leads to a set of stairs descending downwards, with only two torches giving some light along the way.
Sarris, as a ranger, has encounterd dead bodies of animals (and other things) as well as certain plants that rot or give off rot-like smells.
With his Passive Perception: 17 -- would he be able to 'have a good idea' of those smells coming from beyond the hidden door as he uses one of those torches to light the skull shaped lantern for extra lighting.
Zim silenly signals those behind him to follow. His Darkvision giving him an edge (Perception 14). He moves forward 30 feet and waits for the rest of the party to enter.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
After making faces over being assaulted by the foul air, Valeria quietly follows in the middle of the team of Flaming Fist deputees, her eyes effortlessly piercing the darkness around her.
Stealth: 20 Perception: 14
As per ususal she mentally commands her invisible familiar ahead to warn her of threats lurking the darkness.
Mal Stealth: 10 Perception: 6
Arkon will head down the passage at the front with Zim.
Perception: 7
Sarris is practically walking backward.. making certain the group is not jumped from behind.
It does not remind you of carcasses, but more of a communal outhouse.
"By all the Gods, did they dig this 'public bath' into the city sewer catacombs? This place reeks."
Sarris stops and poors some drinking water onto a kerchief and ties it to cover his nose and mouth.
"Don't you magic types have spells to make a stink more pleasant?"