Jasmine Concentration save for damage: 11 (Shield of Faith still up)
The bolt whizzes through the air and sticks into Jasmine's chest. However, she can't quite hit back with Bogdan so close and getting in the way of her ranged magic. She glares at him, riding around and trying to attack Tayvon and her eyes soon glow golden. She draws her war-hammer and it shimmers with magic energy and then she swings, trying to knock Bogdan off his horse. As her hammer makes contact with the bandit captain's side and crushes a few ribs, there's an explosion of holy and thunderous energy. That strike was fueled by Jasmine's potent magic.
Jasmine Concentration save for damage: 11 (Shield of Faith still up)
The bolt whizzes through the air and sticks into Jasmine's chest. However, she can't quite hit back with Bogdan so close and getting in the way of her ranged magic. She glares at him, riding around and trying to attack Tayvon and her eyes soon glow golden. She draws her war-hammer and it shimmers with magic energy and then she swings, trying to knock Bogdan off his horse. As her hammer makes contact with the bandit captain's side and crushes a few ribs, there's an explosion of holy and thunderous energy. That strike was fueled by Jasmine's potent magic.
Bogdan's attacks are too numerous for Jasmine to block but she doesn't seem to even try. Instead of raising her shield, she instead raises her war hammer and from it, extends a much larger, translucent blue shield made of pure magic that repels all of attacks.
Jasmine was quite pleased that the bandits tried to focus fire her. Between her magic and her heavy armor, she was quite prepared to handle a barrage of attacks, a fact that she proved with the crossbow bolts breaking against her armor and the magic shield repelling the captain's attacks. Now it was time to counter attack. She pulls her war hammer back, it shining with magic as she takes aim at Bogdan. "RAGH!" Jasmine lets out a war cry and bashes the captain. This time though, her swing misses.
A protective shield shrouds Jasmine, giving off abjuration magic in a bright flash of purple light. Bogdan looks at his scimitar in disbelief while the others begin to lose their morale.
Round 4 Domi casts another magic missile, one missile hits Mudface 3, two missiles hit Bogdan 2, 3
Yoku uses a bonus action to move hunter's mark, "Bogdan, yield or we may take your life." Yoku targets Bogdan, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 16 Damage: 11
Yoku uses a bonus action to move hunter's mark, "Bogdan, yield or we may take your life." Yoku targets Bogdan, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 22 Damage: 12
The crossbow bolt manages to break through Jasmine's defenses and stick into her chest. Which opens her up to a follow-up strike from the captain, slashing across her torso. Even with these wounds, Jasmine holds her ground and can keep fighting. She responds, "If you won't surrender then so be it. The round will be safer without the likessss of you anyway." She swings again at Bogdan though her war hammer barely misses.
Jasmine first turns to Eren and makes sure he's alright. "Sssssorry about that. I felt that what they were demanding from ussss was too much. Are you alright?" Jasmine's voice still has the drawn out hiss sounds as the last bits of adrenaline from the fight still lingers. Of course, now that it has been revealed that Jasmine is very much an evil Snake Monstrosity, it is not clear how much at east Eren will feel. Especially given the fact that Jasmine seemed to drain the residual life force off of Bodgan when he died to heal himself.
As for the tracks, Jasmine will let those more experienced look at those. She is more concerned with looting the bandits.
Also Jasmine regains 8 HP when Bogdan dies due to Hexblade's Curse. Bringing her back up to 44/61
As for the tracks, Jasmine will let those more experienced look at those. She is more concerned with looting the bandits.
Eren suggests that they move the wagons off of the road, while the party takes a short rest. "If you want to follow those tracks to the old barn out there, I'll stay here and watch the wagons."
Domi says, "It seems like there may be more. We will need to cover our tracks if we plan to leave the rest of the bandits alone. Let's move the bodies into the back of the wagons, so that at least it will be difficult for the rest of the bandits to piece together what happened here and maybe they won't track us down."
Yoku speaks up, "Or, we could finish the job. Track down the remaining bandits and take them out."
Tayvon adds, "What if these really are members of the Queens Men and we are just calling them bandits to justify our actions."
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (10/32), Mildred bandit (dead), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (65/65), Jasmine (61/61, pending 8 damage), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 2 (continued)
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine Concentration save for damage: 11 (Shield of Faith still up)
The bolt whizzes through the air and sticks into Jasmine's chest. However, she can't quite hit back with Bogdan so close and getting in the way of her ranged magic. She glares at him, riding around and trying to attack Tayvon and her eyes soon glow golden. She draws her war-hammer and it shimmers with magic energy and then she swings, trying to knock Bogdan off his horse. As her hammer makes contact with the bandit captain's side and crushes a few ribs, there's an explosion of holy and thunderous energy. That strike was fueled by Jasmine's potent magic.
BA: Hex Blade's Curse on Bogdan.
Action: Booming Blade WarHammer: 24 Dmg (Divine Smite Level 2): 10 Bash + 4 Thunder + 16 Radiant
Bogdan becomes sheathed in thunderous magic. If he willingly moves before the end of Jasmine's next turn, he will take 7 Thunder damage
Bogdan takes 10, 4, 16, total 30 damage, a massive smite but he's left still standing. Bogdan (35/65)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (10/32), Mildred bandit (dead), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 2 (end of init)
Sanna bandit cries out, "Go for the armored one!"
Sanna targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 9 Damage: 5
Mudface targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 14 Damage: 9
Eren continued to dodge.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (10/32), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61), Sanna bandit (5/11), Mudface bandit (5/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 3
Domi casts magic missile three missiles hit: Two hit Sanna 4, 4, and one hits Mudface 4
Yoku targets Hosh, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 24 Damage: 13
Hosh thug fires his heavy crossbow at Tayvon,
Hosh targets Tayvon, heavy crossbow Attack: 6 Damage: 3
Tayvon attacks Bogdan with his mace
Tayvon targets Bogdan, mace Attack: 14 Damage: 7
Mildred is dead
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Sanna takes 4, 4, total 8 damage and dies. Sanna (-3/11)
Hosh takes 13 damage and dies. Hosh (-3/32)
Hosh is dead
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (dead), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61), Sanna bandit (dead), Mudface bandit (1/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 3 (continued)
Bogdan switches targets to attack Jasmine
Bogdan targets Jasmine, scimitar1 Attack: 23 Damage: 8
Bogdan targets Jasmine, scimitar2 Attack: 20 Damage: 8
Bogdan targets Jasmine, dagger3 Attack: 11 Damage: 5
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bogdan's attacks are too numerous for Jasmine to block but she doesn't seem to even try. Instead of raising her shield, she instead raises her war hammer and from it, extends a much larger, translucent blue shield made of pure magic that repels all of attacks.
Jasmine Reaction cast: Shield (AC becomes 24, causing Bogdan's attacks to miss)
Jasmine was quite pleased that the bandits tried to focus fire her. Between her magic and her heavy armor, she was quite prepared to handle a barrage of attacks, a fact that she proved with the crossbow bolts breaking against her armor and the magic shield repelling the captain's attacks. Now it was time to counter attack. She pulls her war hammer back, it shining with magic as she takes aim at Bogdan. "RAGH!" Jasmine lets out a war cry and bashes the captain. This time though, her swing misses.
Booming Blade War Hammer: 12
A protective shield shrouds Jasmine, giving off abjuration magic in a bright flash of purple light. Bogdan looks at his scimitar in disbelief while the others begin to lose their morale.
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (dead), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61), Sanna bandit (dead), Mudface bandit (1/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Mudface morale roll, Insight DC 11 vs 2
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Hosh thug (dead), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61), Sanna bandit (dead), Mudface bandit (1/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 2 (end of round)
Mudface targets Jasmine with her light crossbow Attack: 23 Damage: 12
Eren continued to dodge.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (35/65), Jasmine (53/61, pending 12 damage), Mudface bandit (1/11), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 4
Domi casts another magic missile, one missile hits Mudface 3, two missiles hit Bogdan 2, 3
Yoku uses a bonus action to move hunter's mark, "Bogdan, yield or we may take your life."
Yoku targets Bogdan, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 16 Damage: 11
Tayvon targets Bogdan, mace Attack: 21 Damage: 6
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Mudface takes 2 damage and dies.
Bogdan takes 10 damage. Bogdan (25/65)
Bogdan takes 12 damage. Bogdan (13/65)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Round 4 (continued)
Bogdan says, "You'll never take me alive!"
Bogdan targets Jasmine, scimitar1 Attack: 7 Damage: 8
Bogdan targets Jasmine, scimitar2 Attack: 22 Damage: 5
Bogdan targets Jasmine, dagger3 Attack: 6 Damage: 7
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Ouch, crit for 12. The round should be Round 3 (end of round)
5 more damage unless you use shield
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (13/65), Jasmine (41/61, pending 5), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 4 (finale)
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Concentration: 15, 13 (Shield of Faith still up)
The crossbow bolt manages to break through Jasmine's defenses and stick into her chest. Which opens her up to a follow-up strike from the captain, slashing across her torso. Even with these wounds, Jasmine holds her ground and can keep fighting. She responds, "If you won't surrender then so be it. The round will be safer without the likessss of you anyway." She swings again at Bogdan though her war hammer barely misses.
Booming Blade War Hammer: 14
Domi (26/26), Yoku (31/31), Tayvon (30/30), Bogdan bandit captain (13/65), Jasmine (41/61, pending 5), Eren (4/4, dodge)
Round 5
Domi casts another magic missile, four missile hits Bogdan 4, 2, 4
Yoku targets Bogdan, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 18 Damage: 13
Tayvon targets Bogdan, mace Attack: 11 Damage: 8
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bogdan takes 8, 14, 7, total 29 damage and dies.
Bandit Shakedown
Bandit Captain 450 XP
Thug 100 XP
Bandit 3x 25 XP, 75 XP
Total 625 XP (156 XP each)
riding horse
equipment and gear from the bandits
Survival DC 11, you see tracks leading off from the road and towards an old barn in the distance
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine first turns to Eren and makes sure he's alright. "Sssssorry about that. I felt that what they were demanding from ussss was too much. Are you alright?" Jasmine's voice still has the drawn out hiss sounds as the last bits of adrenaline from the fight still lingers. Of course, now that it has been revealed that Jasmine is very much an evil Snake Monstrosity, it is not clear how much at east Eren will feel. Especially given the fact that Jasmine seemed to drain the residual life force off of Bodgan when he died to heal himself.
As for the tracks, Jasmine will let those more experienced look at those. She is more concerned with looting the bandits.
Also Jasmine regains 8 HP when Bogdan dies due to Hexblade's Curse. Bringing her back up to 44/61
Eren suggests that they move the wagons off of the road, while the party takes a short rest. "If you want to follow those tracks to the old barn out there, I'll stay here and watch the wagons."
Tayvon Survival 8
Domi Survival 17
Yoku Survival 12
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi says, "It seems like there may be more. We will need to cover our tracks if we plan to leave the rest of the bandits alone. Let's move the bodies into the back of the wagons, so that at least it will be difficult for the rest of the bandits to piece together what happened here and maybe they won't track us down."
Yoku speaks up, "Or, we could finish the job. Track down the remaining bandits and take them out."
Tayvon adds, "What if these really are members of the Queens Men and we are just calling them bandits to justify our actions."
It's up to Jasmine to decide the next steps.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)