Jasmine moves towards the bodies to strip them of valuables and to also take stock of what they had on them. She responds to Tayvon, "If they really were Queens Men, then there should be some sort of badge, emblem or insignia on them. Regardless though, they were trying to extort gold and goods from Eren here and they were willing to kill a merchant and his guards for daring to refuse. Queen's Men or not, that makes them no better than bandits."
She then looks up at the barn and says, "Perhaps we should try and take a Short Rest somewhere near there. Then we can go to the barn and investigate proper. What say you?"
During the short rest, Domi uses Arcane Recovery to gain back a 2nd level slot, Tayvon regains his channel divinity, Jasmine can spend hit dice to heal, After an hour, the party convinces Eren to bring the wagons off-road and head towards the Barn together. They immediately hear voices of other bandits.
Gaining the upper hand, you roll initiative with advantage against monsters Yoku adv init 21, Domi adv inti 17, Tayvon adv init 21
During the short rest Jasmine regains her Hex Blade's Curse and all Pact Slots.
She heals: 13 + 7
Initiative (w/Adv): 18
Jasmine reacts quickly against the encroaching bandits. She draws her war hammer in her left hand. She points to T1 and B6 and tells Yoko and Tayvon. "They look ready to attack. Take them out first."
Seeing that the Thug 2 is paralyzed, Jasmine begins moving towards the bandits. First though, she fires beams at Thug1, to take him out from a distance before she closes in on the bandits to prevent them from being able to shoot at the others. (Moving within 5ft of as many bandits as possible so that they have disadvantage on ranged attacks due to Jasmine being within 5ft of them).
Eldritch Blast vs T1: 16 Dmg: 7 Force Eldritch Blast vs T1:27 Dmg: 7 Force
Jasmine draws ancient rules with her warhammer in the air as she moves up towards the bandits, shield raised to block incoming bolts. Then she points her warhammer at the Thug1 like it was some kind of wand and fires two green beams of pure energy. The beams collide with the thug in the shoulder and the hip, blowing holes through him.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
History DC 15 to know about The Queens Men, Domi History Check 10, Yoku History Check 15, Tayvon History Check 10
“Drakkenheim is mine. Nothing moves in Drakkenheim without me allowing it to happen. I have eyes on every street, a fix on every prize, and tabs on every would-be band of fortune-seekers. Only one can rule this city—me.” — The Queen of Thieves
The Queen's Men are the local Thieves' Guild in Drakkenheim. Judging from your distance away from the city of Drakkenheim, it's unlikely that The Queens Men would be operating so far from the city. When you search the bodies of these road bandits, you find that their leather armor are marked with the insignia of the Queen of Thieves, in the style of a playing card, hand painted and worn nearly to nothing, the faded outline is only recognizable to someone who has seen the insignia before. Either these men were members of the Queens Men, but judging by the age of their armor, they were members in years past... Or they wear old discarded armors belonging to previous members of the same group. Either way, it's clear that their membership has lapsed and any association with the Thieves' Guild is circumstantial.
Jasmine grits her non-existent teeth and powers through the pain of getting shot in the chest by the crossbow. She stands her ground and flings two more green beams of raw magic at the bandits.
Eldritch Blast vs B7: 25 Dmg: 3 Force Eldritch Blast vs B7: 19 Dmg: 6 Force Move: Next to Thug2
Her beams pierce the bandit in the hip and in the head, dropping him like a sack of bricks. Then she begins moving toward the paralyzed thug.
Jasmine notices that the bandit's numbers are dwindling.She tries to pick off more of the bandits with her magic blasts. The less bandits there are, the less they have to worry about. Jasmine begins moving towards the B6 to try and keep it from shooting her allies with its crossbow. While she moves she fires beams at the weakened bandits to take them out.
Eldritch Blast vs B4: 24 Dmg: 5 Force Eldritch Blast vs B8: 20 Dmg: 8 Force
One of her Ancient magic blasts a hole through the B4's chest and finish him off. The other green magic beam blasts B8's head off, finishing that bandit off two.
Move: Melee of B6. If she can get within 5ft of B6, then B6 will have diadvantage on Ranged attacks due to having an enemy (Jasmine) within 5ft of him.
Jasmine notices how wounded the last bandit is. She decides to leave him for the others to deal with and instead goes to the paralyzed thug. She raises her warhammer, elemental wind magic swirling around her weapon and then, she brings it down on the thug.
Domi begins to help Eren circle the wagons and make camp. As night falls, the temperature drops under a starlit sky. The wind carries an eerie stillness, and the crackle of the fire seems sharper than usual. Eren begin cooking spare rations, while Yoku keeping watch in one of the wagon seats, Domi and Tayvon are talking quietly about matters of history and religion.
Out of the darkness, three bedraggled adventurers approach. The flickering firelight reveals their gaunt faces and haunted eyes. They stop just outside the fire’s warmth, hesitant, as if expecting to be turned away.
The first figure is a disheveled man in what was once fine clothing. He clings to a tattered family crest.
The second figure is a wiry woman with sharp eyes, wearing a worn scout’s cloak.
The last figure is a tall, broad-shouldered man hidden under a heavy cloak, moving with a vacant stare. His face is gaunt, his mouth unable to form words. His left arm twitches beneath the cloak. He follows the others silently, responding only to their cues.
“Pardon the intrusion, travelers. We mean no harm. My name is Ludwig von Graff, and this is Endra Jansen.”He gestures weakly to his companion. His voice carries a faint echo of nobility, but it’s cracked with fatigue.
“We’ve come a long way… too long. We’ve had nothing but cold and shadows for days now. Might we..."He falters, swallowing his pride. “Might we share your fire for the night? Just a little warmth and a place to rest.” He clutches the tattered family crest on his cloak, as if to remind himself who he once was.
Endra steps forward, her eyes scanning the party and the surrounding darkness. Her voice is steady but edged with desperation. “Look, we’re not asking for charity. We’ll keep watch, share what little we have left, whatever it takes.” She glances back at Rikard, her face tight with worry.
“We’ve had our fill of trouble, and we’re just trying to get away from that cursed city. Please… we don’t want to spend another night alone in the dark.”
Jasmine moves towards the bodies to strip them of valuables and to also take stock of what they had on them. She responds to Tayvon, "If they really were Queens Men, then there should be some sort of badge, emblem or insignia on them. Regardless though, they were trying to extort gold and goods from Eren here and they were willing to kill a merchant and his guards for daring to refuse. Queen's Men or not, that makes them no better than bandits."
She then looks up at the barn and says, "Perhaps we should try and take a Short Rest somewhere near there. Then we can go to the barn and investigate proper. What say you?"
During the short rest,
Domi uses Arcane Recovery to gain back a 2nd level slot,
Tayvon regains his channel divinity,
Jasmine can spend hit dice to heal,
After an hour, the party convinces Eren to bring the wagons off-road and head towards the Barn together. They immediately hear voices of other bandits.
Gaining the upper hand, you roll initiative with advantage against monsters
Yoku adv init 21, Domi adv inti 17, Tayvon adv init 21
thugs T1 init 20, T2 init 17, bandits B3 init 11, B4 init 7, B5 init 16, B6 init 20, B7 init 14, B8 init 10
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
During the short rest Jasmine regains her Hex Blade's Curse and all Pact Slots.
She heals: 13 + 7
Initiative (w/Adv): 18
Jasmine reacts quickly against the encroaching bandits. She draws her war hammer in her left hand. She points to T1 and B6 and tells Yoko and Tayvon. "They look ready to attack. Take them out first."
Initiative Order
Yoku (31/31), Tayvon (30/30), T1 (32/32), B6 (11/11), Jasmine (61/61), Domi (26/26), T2 (32/32), B5 (11/11), B7 (11/11), B3 (11/11), B8 (11/11), B4 (11/11)
Round 1
Yoku casts hunter's mark on T1
Yoku targets T1, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 18 Damage: 19
Tayvon casts hold person on T2, Wisdom Save DC 14 vs 11
T1 loads his heavy crossbow
T1 targets Tayvon, heavy crossbow Attack: 12 Damage: 5
B6 loads a light crossbow
B6 targets Yoku, light crossbow Attack: 17 Damage: 8
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Seeing that the Thug 2 is paralyzed, Jasmine begins moving towards the bandits. First though, she fires beams at Thug1, to take him out from a distance before she closes in on the bandits to prevent them from being able to shoot at the others. (Moving within 5ft of as many bandits as possible so that they have disadvantage on ranged attacks due to Jasmine being within 5ft of them).
Eldritch Blast vs T1: 16 Dmg: 7 Force
Eldritch Blast vs T1:27 Dmg: 7 Force
Jasmine draws ancient rules with her warhammer in the air as she moves up towards the bandits, shield raised to block incoming bolts. Then she points her warhammer at the Thug1 like it was some kind of wand and fires two green beams of pure energy. The beams collide with the thug in the shoulder and the hip, blowing holes through him.
History DC 15 to know about The Queens Men,

Domi History Check 10, Yoku History Check 15, Tayvon History Check 10
“Drakkenheim is mine. Nothing moves in Drakkenheim without me allowing it to happen. I have eyes on every street, a fix on every prize, and tabs on every would-be band of fortune-seekers. Only one can rule this city—me.” — The Queen of Thieves
The Queen's Men are the local Thieves' Guild in Drakkenheim. Judging from your distance away from the city of Drakkenheim, it's unlikely that The Queens Men would be operating so far from the city. When you search the bodies of these road bandits, you find that their leather armor are marked with the insignia of the Queen of Thieves, in the style of a playing card, hand painted and worn nearly to nothing, the faded outline is only recognizable to someone who has seen the insignia before. Either these men were members of the Queens Men, but judging by the age of their armor, they were members in years past... Or they wear old discarded armors belonging to previous members of the same group. Either way, it's clear that their membership has lapsed and any association with the Thieves' Guild is circumstantial.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine History check to see if she would have known about the Queen's Men or not: 15
She knows without anyone having to tell her.
Anyway... Flashback over. Back to combat we go.
T1 takes 19 damage. T1 (13/32)
T2 becomes paralyzed Wisdom DC 14 save ends.
Yoku takes 8 damage. Yoku (23/31)
Yoku's Hunter's Mark, Concentration Constitution Save DC 10 vs 20
T1 takes 7, 7, total 14 damage and dies. T1 (-1/32)
Yoku (31/31), Tayvon (30/30), thug T1 (dead), bandit B6 (11/11), Jasmine (61/61), Domi (26/26), T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends), B5 (11/11), B7 (11/11), B3 (11/11), B8 (11/11), B4 (11/11)
Round 1 (continued)
Domi casts shatter, hitting B5 and B7 for 17 thunder damage,
B5 Constitution Save DC 14 vs 9,
B7 Constitution Save DC 14 vs 10
T2 loses his turn due to paralyzed,
T2 end of turn Wisdom Save DC 14 vs 13
B5 loads a light crossbow
B5 targets Domi, light crossbow Attack: 9 Damage: 4
B7 loads a light crossbow
B7 targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 16 Damage: 3
B3 loads a light crossbow
B3 targets Tayvon, light crossbow Attack: 16 Damage: 8
B8 loads a light crossbow
B8 targets Tayvon, light crossbow Attack: 20 Damage: 8
B4 loads a light crossbow
B4 targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 15 Damage: 2
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
B5 takes 12 damage and dies
B7 takes half of 12 (6) damage. B7 (5/11)
paralyzed for 9 more rounds, save ends
Domi takes 3 damage. Domi (23/26)
miss, miss
Tayvon takes 8 damage. Tayvon (22/30)
Jasmine has 7 pending damage.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yoku (23/31), Tayvon (22/30), bandit B6 (11/11), Jasmine (61/61, pending 7 damage), Domi (23/26), thug T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends), B5 (dead), B7 (5/11), B3 (11/11), B8 (11/11), B4 (11/11)
Round 2
Yoku re-casts hunter's mark, B4
Yoku targets B4, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 12 Damage: 16
Tayvon casts healing word on himself, 14, moves to B5
Tayvon targets B5, mace Attack: 13 Damage: 4
B6 loads a light crossbow
B6 targets Yoku, light crossbow Attack: 23 Damage: 8
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine grits her non-existent teeth and powers through the pain of getting shot in the chest by the crossbow. She stands her ground and flings two more green beams of raw magic at the bandits.
Eldritch Blast vs B7: 25 Dmg: 3 Force
Eldritch Blast vs B7: 19 Dmg: 6 Force
Move: Next to Thug2
Her beams pierce the bandit in the hip and in the head, dropping him like a sack of bricks. Then she begins moving toward the paralyzed thug.
B4 takes 16 damage and dies. B4 (-5/11)
Tayvon heals to full. Tayvon (30/30)
B7 takes 4 damage. B7 (1/11)
Yoku takes a crit for 8 damage. Yoku (15/31)
Yoku cries out, "A little help here!"
B7 takes 3 damage and dies. B7 (-2/11)
B3 takes 6 damage. B3 (5/11)
Yoku (15/31), Tayvon (30/30), bandit B6 (11/11), Jasmine (61/61, pending 7 damage), Domi (23/26), thug T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends), B5 (dead), B7 (dead), B3 (5/11), B8 (11/11), B4 (11/11)
Round 2 (continued)
Domi casts magic missile, two hit B3 2, 4, one hits B8 4
T2 loses his turn due to paralyzed,
T2 end of turn Wisdom Save DC 14 vs 11
B5 is dead
B7 is dead
B3 loads a light crossbow
B3 targets Tayvon, light crossbow Attack: 7 Damage: 8
B8 loads a light crossbow
B8 targets Tayvon, light crossbow Attack: 8 Damage: 5
B4 loads a light crossbow
B4 targets Jasmine, light crossbow Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
B3 takes 6 damage and dies. B3 (-1/11)
B8 takes 4 damage. B8 (7/11)
This is the best hold person ever!
miss, miss, miss
Yoku (15/31), Tayvon (30/30), bandit B6 (11/11), Jasmine (54/61), Domi (23/26), thug T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends), B8 (7/11), B4 (11/11)
Round 3
Yoku uses a bonus action to move hunter's mark, typeo, killed B5, will target B4 for reals this time
Yoku targets B4, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 16 Damage: 10
Tayvon casts healing word on Yoku, 13, moves to B8
Tayvon targets B8, mace Attack: 9 Damage: 5
B6 is dead
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine notices that the bandit's numbers are dwindling.She tries to pick off more of the bandits with her magic blasts. The less bandits there are, the less they have to worry about. Jasmine begins moving towards the B6 to try and keep it from shooting her allies with its crossbow. While she moves she fires beams at the weakened bandits to take them out.
Eldritch Blast vs B4: 24 Dmg: 5 Force
Eldritch Blast vs B8: 20 Dmg: 8 Force
One of her Ancient magic blasts a hole through the B4's chest and finish him off. The other green magic beam blasts B8's head off, finishing that bandit off two.
Move: Melee of B6. If she can get within 5ft of B6, then B6 will have diadvantage on Ranged attacks due to having an enemy (Jasmine) within 5ft of him.
B4 takes 10 damage. B4 (1/11)
Yoku heals 13. Yoku (28/31)
Tayvon misses
B4 takes 5 damage and dies. B4 (-4/11)
B8 takes 8 damage and dies. B8 (-1/11)
Yoku (28/31), Tayvon (30/30), bandit B6 (11/11), Jasmine (54/61), Domi (23/26), thug T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends), B8 (dead), B4 (dead)
Round 3 (continued)
Domi casts her last spell for the day, magic missile, three missiles hit B6 2, 3, 3,
T2 loses his turn (again) due to paralyzed,
T2 end of turn Wisdom Save DC 14 vs 13,
B8 is dead
B4 is dead
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
B6 takes 8 damage. B6 (3/11)
Incredibly effective spell!
Yoku (28/31), Tayvon (30/30), bandit B6 (3/11), Jasmine (54/61), Domi (23/26), thug T2 (32/32, paralyzed save ends)
Round 4
Yoku uses a bonus action to move hunter's mark to B6
Yoku targets B6, hunter's mark, longbow Attack: 15 Damage: 11
Tayvon targets B6 or T2, mace Attack: 24 Damage: 4
B6 targets Yoku, light crossbow Attack: 5 Damage: 7
Jasmine << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine notices how wounded the last bandit is. She decides to leave him for the others to deal with and instead goes to the paralyzed thug. She raises her warhammer, elemental wind magic swirling around her weapon and then, she brings it down on the thug.
Booming Blade on T2: 16. Dmg (Auto-crit): 15 Bash + 12 Thunder = 27 Damage
The tempestuous strike tears the thug apart though still leaves him alive.
B6 takes 11 damage and dies.
T2 takes 4 damage plus +1d6 from crit (2)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
T2 takes 9 damage. T2 (23/32)
T2 takes 27 damage and dies. T2 (-4/32)
Domi says that it's getting late and that the party should really consider making camp.
Bandit Hideout Rewards
bandits 6x 25 XP (300 XP)
thugs 2x 100 XP (200 XP)
total 500 XP (125 XP each)
stash of coins 75 gp
1x potion of healing
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Domi begins to help Eren circle the wagons and make camp. As night falls, the temperature drops under a starlit sky. The wind carries an eerie stillness, and the crackle of the fire seems sharper than usual. Eren begin cooking spare rations, while Yoku keeping watch in one of the wagon seats, Domi and Tayvon are talking quietly about matters of history and religion.
Out of the darkness, three bedraggled adventurers approach. The flickering firelight reveals their gaunt faces and haunted eyes. They stop just outside the fire’s warmth, hesitant, as if expecting to be turned away.
The first figure is a disheveled man in what was once fine clothing. He clings to a tattered family crest.
The second figure is a wiry woman with sharp eyes, wearing a worn scout’s cloak.
The last figure is a tall, broad-shouldered man hidden under a heavy cloak, moving with a vacant stare. His face is gaunt, his mouth unable to form words. His left arm twitches beneath the cloak. He follows the others silently, responding only to their cues.
“Pardon the intrusion, travelers. We mean no harm. My name is Ludwig von Graff, and this is Endra Jansen.” He gestures weakly to his companion. His voice carries a faint echo of nobility, but it’s cracked with fatigue.
“We’ve come a long way… too long. We’ve had nothing but cold and shadows for days now. Might we..." He falters, swallowing his pride. “Might we share your fire for the night? Just a little warmth and a place to rest.” He clutches the tattered family crest on his cloak, as if to remind himself who he once was.
Endra steps forward, her eyes scanning the party and the surrounding darkness. Her voice is steady but edged with desperation. “Look, we’re not asking for charity. We’ll keep watch, share what little we have left, whatever it takes.” She glances back at Rikard, her face tight with worry.
“We’ve had our fill of trouble, and we’re just trying to get away from that cursed city. Please… we don’t want to spend another night alone in the dark.”

Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)