Jasmine steps towards Endra and places a hand on her shoulder while she grieves. Sometimes, it is best to let one grieve instead of trying to offer condolences. It is clear that this woman has seen much.
After Endra leaves, Jasmine looks back at the corpses littering the camp site. She pulls her hood up, obscuring her face and with it, the true monstrous nature of her form. She speaks, "It sssseems I now know of a new threat to livelihood plaguing the land that I must deal with. Drakkenheim... what is happening to that city? What caused thissss? I must find out and exorcise whatever evil that has befallen it."
She then looks to where Eren is. He could sense she was smiling at him from under her hood but given her serpentine head, what might have been meant as a reassuring smile seemed nothing but sinister with the way her two snake fangs seemed to glint from the deep shadow cast by her hood. "But I cannot simply go off now. I did promise that I would guard you on your trip to Emberwood. That is something I very much intend to do still. Let ussss have some breakfast and be off. Besides, I need to research a bit on Drakkenheim so that I know what to expect before I travel for the city proper. The slope from bravery to reckless stupidity is a slippery one after all and rushing blindly into danger without proper knowledge would be the latter."
Jasmine steps towards Endra and places a hand on her shoulder while she grieves. Sometimes, it is best to let one grieve instead of trying to offer condolences. It is clear that this woman has seen much.
After Endra leaves, Jasmine looks back at the corpses littering the camp site. She pulls her hood up, obscuring her face and with it, the true monstrous nature of her form. She speaks, "It sssseems I now know of a new threat to livelihood plaguing the land that I must deal with. Drakkenheim... what is happening to that city? What caused thissss? I must find out and exorcise whatever evil that has befallen it."
She then looks to where Eren is. He could sense she was smiling at him from under her hood but given her serpentine head, what might have been meant as a reassuring smile seemed nothing but sinister with the way her two snake fangs seemed to glint from the deep shadow cast by her hood. "But I cannot simply go off now. I did promise that I would guard you on your trip to Emberwood. That is something I very much intend to do still. Let ussss have some breakfast and be off. Besides, I need to research a bit on Drakkenheim so that I know what to expect before I travel for the city proper. The slope from bravery to reckless stupidity is a slippery one after all and rushing blindly into danger without proper knowledge would be the latter."
Eren watches Endra walk away, the weight of the moment pressing on him like a stone. He doesn’t call out, doesn’t try to make her stay. Instead, he lets out a shaky breath and turns to the others.
“Don’t touch the bodies.” His voice is steady, but his eyes betray a flicker of fear. “As a porter, I’ve… heard stories.”
He pauses, his gaze drifting to some distant memory he doesn’t wish to share. After a moment, he forces himself to continue.
“But they were all just stories, right? Delerium crystals, it's like a gem and it could be hammered into sheets like iron. For a while, people traded it, used it.” He swallows hard. “Until they realized it was poisoning them. Contaminating them.”
His eyes narrow, his voice growing urgent. “So if you see any shards, metal or gem, don’t touch them. They might be Delerium crystgals, and that stuff… it changes you.”
He falls silent, the campfire crackling between you, the morning air colder than before.
Domi and the others help break down camp and they press on towards Emberwood.
A few miles south of Drakkenheim lies Emberwood Village, a humble crossroads along Champion’s Way surrounded by forsaken farmsteads and dark pine forests. Many residences are abandoned and slowly deteriorating with their windows and doors nailed shut. However, the village centre is alive with activity. Conversation, laughter, and music resound from several taverns along the main thoroughfare. Amidst a bustling market square, a small crowd of adventurers, merchants, and prospectors busily traffic all manner of weapons, equipment, coins, recovered treasures, and a few strange glimmering crystals. Even the light of the Sacred Flame still glows within the modest stone chapel at the heart of town.
As you arrive in Emberwood Village, the relief of reaching civilization washes over you. Eren leads you through the village. He stops in front of a sturdy building with a sign reading “Gainsbury Supplies.” The door swings open, and a stocky man with graying hair and a friendly grin looks up from behind the counter.
“Armin! Still fleecing adventurers for all they’re worth?”Eren jokes, clapping the man on the shoulder.
Armin chuckles, his eyes sharp and observant. “Only the ones who don’t know better.” He gives the party a once-over, nodding in approval. “You lot look like you’ve seen trouble. Welcome to Gainsbury Supplies. I’ve got gear, advice, and maybe a little luck, if you’re buying.”
Eren turns to you. “Armin’s been around these parts forever. If you’re planning on heading into the ruins, you should definitely buy some supplies. Here is the 25 gp I owe each of you.”
Eren hands out small cloth pouches, tied with hempen string. Inside are a number of gold and silver coins adding up to 25 gp.
Armin leans forward, his smile fading a little. “Drakkenheim’s no joke, friends. Gear up, plan well, and for the gods’ sake, watch your backs.”
Eren says, "Tomorrow, it's getting late. Armin will be here in the morning. If you need a place to stay the night, try the Bark and Buzzard. You can find the tavern among the cottages on the other side of the way."
Jasmine nods and thanks Eren for the advice. "Yes, no need to rush. Besides, I need to sell some of the gear I've been carrying." Jasmine begins turning towards the tavern before stopping and turning around to face Domi, Tayvon and Yoko. She asks them, "What do the three of you plan to do, now that this quest is complete?"
Jasmine nods and thanks Eren for the advice. "Yes, no need to rush. Besides, I need to sell some of the gear I've been carrying." Jasmine begins turning towards the tavern before stopping and turning around to face Domi, Tayvon and Yoko. She asks them, "What do the three of you plan to do, now that this quest is complete?"
Domi straightens, her thin frame radiating determination despite the fatigue in her eyes. “To hell with the warnings. We have our sights set on Drakkenheim.”
She glances at Tayvon and Yoku, who exchange a glance before nodding firmly.
Tayvon, his white armor gleaming faintly in the village light, speaks with a calm, steady voice. “The horrors are real, yes. But so is our purpose. I won’t turn away now.”
Yoku grins, golden hair catching the breeze. “Curiosity’s a dangerous thing—but we’ve never been the type to play it safe.”
Domi’s gaze returns to Jasmine, her eyes fierce. “It’s good to know firsthand what we might face, but that knowledge doesn’t scare us. It only fuels the fire.”
Their resolve hangs in the air, a spark of ambition burning against the chill of uncertainty.
Jasmine pries a bit into the intentions of these three. She's been traveling with them, yes, but she hasn't really gotten to know them very well. She asks, "I don't think I've quite had the pleasure of knowing your intentions... why are you heading to Drakkenheim? For me personally, I cannot let the horror that effected the cursed man spread unchecked. But I still don't know your reasons for heading there."
Domi looks at Jasmine, her expression one of quiet determination. “Drakkenheim holds something I’ve been searching for my whole life, answers about my father and his work. He disappeared there, and I won’t stop until I find out what happened to him. The ruins are dangerous, I know, but they’re also full of knowledge waiting to be uncovered.” She pauses, then adds, “And who knows? Maybe we’ll find something worth more than gold or fame, a chance to make sense of the madness.”
Yoku leans back casually, a faint smirk on his face.“For me? It’s curiosity. Places like Drakkenheim don’t come along every day, and the contamination’s already seeping into the wilds. I want to see what’s causing it, and maybe, just maybe, put a stop to it before it spreads.”He chuckles lightly, though his golden eyes betray a flicker of unease. “Besides, someone has to keep these two alive, right?”
Tayvon steps forward, his voice calm but resolute. “Drakkenheim is a blight on this world, a wound that hasn’t healed. I’ve seen what its corruption does to people, to families. I don’t believe it’s beyond saving, not yet. If I can do anything to make it right, I must.”He meets Jasmine’s gaze. “Whether that means cleansing its evil or simply protecting those brave enough to face it, I’m called to try.”
Jasmine nods and then says, "Then it seems we shall be traveling together. Though I do implore you to not rush and take a day or two to prepare. That is what I plan to do. I will go to Drakkenheim as well but not today. I will spend some days here in this village, gathering any information that I can so that I know what it is we are facing and how this all began and what to expect once we enter the city itself. In the mean time I ask that you stay in the tavern as well. Maybe with help we can do the necessary preparations sooner."
Jasmine will head to the Bark and Buzzard to try and secure a few nights stay. If the price is too much, she might just camp outside the town for the time she spends here.
This is what she plans to do during the next couple of days that she will stay in the village.
- Sell 1 Heavy crossbow; 3 Light Crossbows; 1 Dagger; 1 Mace; 4 Scimitars. - She may buy something based on how much gold she gets from selling the loot and how much she has to spend to stay in the tavern
- (This is the important part) Jasmine will try to find any information she can about Drakkenheim, what is over there, maps of the city, safest path to get there, people and creature's living there etc. She will do this through a combination of talking to people in the village, listening to rumors and looking for books in libraries Background Feature: Researcher.
- Sell 1 Heavy crossbow; 3 Light Crossbows; 1 Dagger; 1 Mace; 4 Scimitars. - She may buy something based on how much gold she gets from selling the loot and how much she has to spend to stay in the tavern
Armin Gainsbury offers 116 gp for the lot.
Browsing for items, you notice that shop prices seem to be double what they are normally valued and food is five times as expensive.
- (This is the important part) Jasmine will try to find any information she can about Drakkenheim, what is over there, maps of the city, safest path to get there, people and creature's living there etc. She will do this through a combination of talking to people in the village, listening to rumors and looking for books in libraries Background Feature: Researcher.
A ten-year-old red-headed, freckle-faced girl approaches you and proclaims, "I'm the official town greeter. You look like you can afford the full tour. For just 1 gp, I'll show you around town."
She guides you and the party to the Bark and Buzzard Tavern, "This spot is so popular, if you make friends here, you might get a chance to challenge good old Rattlecan. He's like a scarecrow made from armor."
"While the Bark and Buzzard Tavern is a great place to meet people they don't have any rooms for rent, but Karin Alsberg has been renting out old houses around town. Lots of people been leaving town, lots of adventurers are looking for places to stay."
"There are a couple other taverns too, like the Gilded Lily and the Skull & Sword Saloon."
"Over here is the only real inn, The Red Lion Hotel. That's where good old Reeve Kosta lives, he's like our town mayor. His house is real fancy and only the best adventurers stay there."
"This is my home here. It's Crowe and Son's Smithy. That's my name, Emma Crowe, and my dad and brothers work here making armor and stuff at the forge."
"And over this way is our only temple, it's the Chapel of the Sacred Flame, see the burning brazier outside. I think it's called Saint Ardenna's but everyone just calls it Chapel of the Sacred Flame, because of the fire I guess."
"There is the tallest building over there, the Watchtower. That's our town lookout. They always gots people coming and going from there."
"Well we've come to the edge of town, see out there, seven shrines, that's outside of town, some druid lady cares for the shrines, each one is to a different god, I don't know them at all, never heard of em. Let's circle round to the other side of town to see more places."
"Oh that's Hendrix's Farm way out there. Since the crops and animals all died, it's become a campsite for dirty pilgrims. I'm not allowed to go out there but you can see the campfires from here."
"This is the tip of town, over there is a place called Eventide Manor, that house caught fire a long time ago, no one live there anymore."
"This is my favorite place, Caravan Court, you can get dresses, and candy, and all sorts of things here. You've got Marlowe's over there and Gainsbury's Expeditionary. Don't forget to visit Fairweather's place, he's famous, and he's got lots of stuff for sale. I almost forgot, there's also Aldor the Genie. He's huge! He has lots of magic items."
"And that ends the tour. Thank you for the gold coin, if you have any questions, you know where to find me."
Jasmine comments, "This place is quite big for a village. Why have so many people fled and why does the Mayor Reeve not stay at his own house but at a hotel?"
Emma Crowe stares at you for a moment, then lets out a soft giggle before catching herself. Her expression shifts to one of seriousness, tinged with respect.
“The curse, silly. Some call it the haze. It happened before I was born, but I’ve heard stories. Back then, this town had farms, real ones, with crops that actually grew. Now? Nothing grows in the ground anymore. Not a thing.”
She gestures around the village with a slight shrug. “This place has become more of an outpost. Adventurers brave enough to head into Drakkenheim stop here to prepare, or to rest. Most don’t come back, but the strong ones?”Her eyes gleam, as if recalling tales she’s heard. “They return with huge crystals, gems, gold, and treasures you wouldn’t believe. I guess it’s enough to keep adventuring types like you coming here.”
Her voice softens, almost wistful. “But it’s not enough for normal folks. The scared ones? They pack up and leave. Can’t really blame them, can you?”
Jasmine hands the girl her 1 GP but urges her to stay and talk a bit more. She shakes her head and says, "No... I cannot blame them. And for me and I'm sure some others, Gold, gems and treasures is not enough either. You said this place was once a normal village before the curse. Can you tell me of people who may have been around when the curse started? I think I would like to have a chat with them."
Two hooded figures approach Jasmine as the tour of the village is coming to an end. Their green cloaks and chain armor make them immediately recognizable as members of the Town Watch. The woman has an expression that's warm and approachable, while the man has a gaze more scrutinizing, his hand resting casually near the hilt of his weapon.
The hooded woman steps forward, offering a polite nod. “You must be new to Emberwood. Word travels fast in a place like this.” Her tone is friendly but tinged with purpose.
“I’m Lieutenant Petra Lang of the Hooded Lanterns, and this is my brother, Captain Ansom Lang. Our mission is simple: protect what’s left of our nation and ensure it has a future.”
Her voice becomes firmer, her expression resolute. “Drakkenheim has torn this land apart. It’s our duty to fight for its survival, to do whatever it takes to bring stability back to these ruins. That’s why the Hooded Lanterns are here. We defend Emberwood and push back against the horrors spilling out of that cursed city.”
Ansom steps closer, his angular jaw set in a hard line. His voice is low and direct. “It’s not a mission for the faint of heart. When your commander gives you an order, you follow it without question. You must be prepared to give your life for the cause. Anything less is weakness we can’t afford.”
His eyes narrow slightly as he studies Jasmine.“If you’re thinking of heading into Drakkenheim, know this: the ruins will test you in ways you can’t imagine. If you’re not ready to risk everything, turn back now.”
Petra softens slightly, a faint smile breaking through her otherwise serious demeanor. “We all must do our part. If you’re willing to stand with us against the darkness, then perhaps you have a place here. But make no mistake, this is a battle for survival, not glory.”
Ansom crosses his arms, his expression remaining steely.“Just follow the rules here and don't cause us any problems. We have enough trouble securing this town. Get what you need here and get out."
Jasmine watches the two guards from behind the veil of darkness cast by her hood. Her snake tail rattles against the ground she stands on. After looking both of them up and down, she says, "A duty to protect this village and those who reside within it is an admirable one. You are correct that I am planning on heading to Drakkenheim soon but I am correctly collecting what information I can before I head out. Surely someone such as yourself who have seen the horrors firsthand would appreciate the value of proper reconnaissance. I mean no trouble. Though I do not intend to enter Drakkenheim and fight merely to survive, I intend to fight to excise its blight; That said... you mentioned horrors among the ruins. Can you tell me of what exactly I should watch out for and how to deal with them? Your experience on the topic of the horrors would be much appreciated."
Ansom crosses his arms, his sharp eyes scanning the adventurer as if weighing their worth. His voice is blunt and measured.
“The ruins aren’t for the reckless or the greedy. I’ve seen too many adventurers walk into Drakkenheim full of bravado, thinking they’ll come back rich. Most don’t come back at all.”
He pauses, his gaze hardening. “The haze isn’t just some fog. It’s contamination. Touch the wrong thing, breathe too deep, stay too long, you’ll change, and not for the better. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Friends turned into monsters, their minds and bodies twisted beyond recognition. And the ones who survive? They’re never the same.”
“Drakkenheim is now divided into three main regions, each more dangerous than the last. The first is the Outer City, the estates, suburbs, and slums that used to surround the city walls. That’s where most adventurers start. It’s bad, but not unbearable, especially with the Hooded Lanterns holding some ground. You’ll find ruins, squatters, and outlaws lurking in the shadows there.”
He pauses, “Beyond the Outer City is the Inner City, protected by the old walls. You can only get through using one of the five gates, what’s left of them, anyway. Inside, things get worse. Contamination is stronger, and the monsters… well, let’s just say, they don’t take kindly to visitors.”
His tone becomes colder and more direct. “And at the center of it all is Castle Drakken, the heart of the city. A fortress perched on a high crag. No one in their right mind goes there.” He crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing. “That’s where the contamination is at its worst. The things that come out of there? They make everything else in the city look tame. Whatever secrets or treasures you think you’ll find there, I guarantee they’re not worth your life.”
Jasmine listens intently, making mental notes and already trying to formulate plans and angles of approach. She then asks, "And what of this contamination? How did it begin and how did it get this bad? Do you know when it all began and how it might be stopped?"
Jasmine listens intently, making mental notes and already trying to formulate plans and angles of approach. She then asks, "And what of this contamination? How did it begin and how did it get this bad? Do you know when it all began and how it might be stopped?"
Ansom stares off into the distance, his eyes clouded with thought as if recalling a memory buried deep. Petra opens her mouth to speak, but her voice cracks. Ansom raises a hand gently, signaling for her to wait. The silence hangs heavy before he finally begins, his voice low and deliberate.
“The curse. The contamination. I wonder if either of those words are correct. What happened to Drakkenheim is unknown, even to those of us who’ve spent our lives fighting its aftermath. But there have always been rumors.”
He pauses, choosing his words carefully, then continues.
“It happened over fifteen years ago. They say some farmers were watching the skies over Drakkenheim that evening, marveling at a few falling stars streaking across the horizon. The kind with long tails that fade into nothingness as the sun sets. But as night fell, the stars didn’t stop falling.”
Ansom’s voice grows quieter, more measured.
“I once heard a traveling wizard call it an Eldritch Storm. According to those who saw it, the stars kept falling. One after another, streaking across the sky for hours. And then, at the height of the storm, the heavens ignited with fire. A meteorite, a massive shard of Delerium, fell from the sky. It didn’t burn up like the others. It smashed into the heart of Drakkenheim, carving devastation into the city.”
He looks down briefly, as if weighing the truth of his own words, before meeting your gaze again.
“They say when the meteor struck, it shattered, scattering thousands of shards of Delerium across the city. These shards began to glow, pulsing with an otherworldly light. And from them, a fog began to seep out. The Haze. The curse. The contamination. Whatever you want to call it.”
Ansom’s voice tightens, a trace of bitterness slipping through.
“But that’s all they are, stories. The truth of what happened that night, what caused the Star Fall, whether it was an Eldritch Storm, a curse, or something else entirely… no one knows. And maybe we never will.”
He falls silent, his words lingering in the air like the ghost of a memory too painful to banish. Petra glances at him, her expression soft, before turning her gaze back to you.
Jasmine thanks the two guards for the information. She had heard stories about meteors from the stars crashing down and bringing with them the dangers from the void. She now had a name that she could use to conduct research further and source of the corruption that she can investigate. She then asks, "Is there any way to remove the Delirium Safely from the city? Perhaps if someone can go into the heart of the city and neutralize the original shard, it might lift the curse."
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Jasmine steps towards Endra and places a hand on her shoulder while she grieves. Sometimes, it is best to let one grieve instead of trying to offer condolences. It is clear that this woman has seen much.
After Endra leaves, Jasmine looks back at the corpses littering the camp site. She pulls her hood up, obscuring her face and with it, the true monstrous nature of her form. She speaks, "It sssseems I now know of a new threat to livelihood plaguing the land that I must deal with. Drakkenheim... what is happening to that city? What caused thissss? I must find out and exorcise whatever evil that has befallen it."
She then looks to where Eren is. He could sense she was smiling at him from under her hood but given her serpentine head, what might have been meant as a reassuring smile seemed nothing but sinister with the way her two snake fangs seemed to glint from the deep shadow cast by her hood. "But I cannot simply go off now. I did promise that I would guard you on your trip to Emberwood. That is something I very much intend to do still. Let ussss have some breakfast and be off. Besides, I need to research a bit on Drakkenheim so that I know what to expect before I travel for the city proper. The slope from bravery to reckless stupidity is a slippery one after all and rushing blindly into danger without proper knowledge would be the latter."
Eren watches Endra walk away, the weight of the moment pressing on him like a stone. He doesn’t call out, doesn’t try to make her stay. Instead, he lets out a shaky breath and turns to the others.
“Don’t touch the bodies.” His voice is steady, but his eyes betray a flicker of fear. “As a porter, I’ve… heard stories.”
He pauses, his gaze drifting to some distant memory he doesn’t wish to share. After a moment, he forces himself to continue.
“But they were all just stories, right? Delerium crystals, it's like a gem and it could be hammered into sheets like iron. For a while, people traded it, used it.” He swallows hard. “Until they realized it was poisoning them. Contaminating them.”
His eyes narrow, his voice growing urgent. “So if you see any shards, metal or gem, don’t touch them. They might be Delerium crystgals, and that stuff… it changes you.”
He falls silent, the campfire crackling between you, the morning air colder than before.
Domi and the others help break down camp and they press on towards Emberwood.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine gets back on her wagon and rides next to Eren to make sure more hostiles wanting to get to him have to get through her first.
A few miles south of Drakkenheim lies Emberwood Village, a humble crossroads along Champion’s Way surrounded by forsaken farmsteads and dark pine forests. Many residences are abandoned and slowly deteriorating with their windows and doors nailed shut. However, the village centre is alive with activity. Conversation, laughter, and music resound from several taverns along the main thoroughfare. Amidst a bustling market square, a small crowd of adventurers, merchants, and prospectors busily traffic all manner of weapons, equipment, coins, recovered treasures, and a few strange glimmering crystals. Even the light of the Sacred Flame still glows within the modest stone chapel at the heart of town.

As you arrive in Emberwood Village, the relief of reaching civilization washes over you. Eren leads you through the village. He stops in front of a sturdy building with a sign reading “Gainsbury Supplies.” The door swings open, and a stocky man with graying hair and a friendly grin looks up from behind the counter.
“Armin! Still fleecing adventurers for all they’re worth?” Eren jokes, clapping the man on the shoulder.
Armin chuckles, his eyes sharp and observant. “Only the ones who don’t know better.” He gives the party a once-over, nodding in approval. “You lot look like you’ve seen trouble. Welcome to Gainsbury Supplies. I’ve got gear, advice, and maybe a little luck, if you’re buying.”
Eren turns to you. “Armin’s been around these parts forever. If you’re planning on heading into the ruins, you should definitely buy some supplies. Here is the 25 gp I owe each of you.”
Eren hands out small cloth pouches, tied with hempen string. Inside are a number of gold and silver coins adding up to 25 gp.
Armin leans forward, his smile fading a little. “Drakkenheim’s no joke, friends. Gear up, plan well, and for the gods’ sake, watch your backs.”
Eren says, "Tomorrow, it's getting late. Armin will be here in the morning. If you need a place to stay the night, try the Bark and Buzzard. You can find the tavern among the cottages on the other side of the way."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine nods and thanks Eren for the advice. "Yes, no need to rush. Besides, I need to sell some of the gear I've been carrying." Jasmine begins turning towards the tavern before stopping and turning around to face Domi, Tayvon and Yoko. She asks them, "What do the three of you plan to do, now that this quest is complete?"
Domi straightens, her thin frame radiating determination despite the fatigue in her eyes. “To hell with the warnings. We have our sights set on Drakkenheim.”
She glances at Tayvon and Yoku, who exchange a glance before nodding firmly.
Tayvon, his white armor gleaming faintly in the village light, speaks with a calm, steady voice. “The horrors are real, yes. But so is our purpose. I won’t turn away now.”
Yoku grins, golden hair catching the breeze. “Curiosity’s a dangerous thing—but we’ve never been the type to play it safe.”
Domi’s gaze returns to Jasmine, her eyes fierce. “It’s good to know firsthand what we might face, but that knowledge doesn’t scare us. It only fuels the fire.”
Their resolve hangs in the air, a spark of ambition burning against the chill of uncertainty.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine pries a bit into the intentions of these three. She's been traveling with them, yes, but she hasn't really gotten to know them very well. She asks, "I don't think I've quite had the pleasure of knowing your intentions... why are you heading to Drakkenheim? For me personally, I cannot let the horror that effected the cursed man spread unchecked. But I still don't know your reasons for heading there."
Domi looks at Jasmine, her expression one of quiet determination.
“Drakkenheim holds something I’ve been searching for my whole life, answers about my father and his work. He disappeared there, and I won’t stop until I find out what happened to him. The ruins are dangerous, I know, but they’re also full of knowledge waiting to be uncovered.” She pauses, then adds, “And who knows? Maybe we’ll find something worth more than gold or fame, a chance to make sense of the madness.”
Yoku leans back casually, a faint smirk on his face. “For me? It’s curiosity. Places like Drakkenheim don’t come along every day, and the contamination’s already seeping into the wilds. I want to see what’s causing it, and maybe, just maybe, put a stop to it before it spreads.” He chuckles lightly, though his golden eyes betray a flicker of unease. “Besides, someone has to keep these two alive, right?”
Tayvon steps forward, his voice calm but resolute. “Drakkenheim is a blight on this world, a wound that hasn’t healed. I’ve seen what its corruption does to people, to families. I don’t believe it’s beyond saving, not yet. If I can do anything to make it right, I must.” He meets Jasmine’s gaze. “Whether that means cleansing its evil or simply protecting those brave enough to face it, I’m called to try.”
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine nods and then says, "Then it seems we shall be traveling together. Though I do implore you to not rush and take a day or two to prepare. That is what I plan to do. I will go to Drakkenheim as well but not today. I will spend some days here in this village, gathering any information that I can so that I know what it is we are facing and how this all began and what to expect once we enter the city itself. In the mean time I ask that you stay in the tavern as well. Maybe with help we can do the necessary preparations sooner."
Jasmine will head to the Bark and Buzzard to try and secure a few nights stay. If the price is too much, she might just camp outside the town for the time she spends here.
This is what she plans to do during the next couple of days that she will stay in the village.
- Sell 1 Heavy crossbow; 3 Light Crossbows; 1 Dagger; 1 Mace; 4 Scimitars.
- She may buy something based on how much gold she gets from selling the loot and how much she has to spend to stay in the tavern
- (This is the important part) Jasmine will try to find any information she can about Drakkenheim, what is over there, maps of the city, safest path to get there, people and creature's living there etc. She will do this through a combination of talking to people in the village, listening to rumors and looking for books in libraries
Background Feature: Researcher.
Armin Gainsbury offers 116 gp for the lot.
Browsing for items, you notice that shop prices seem to be double what they are normally valued and food is five times as expensive.
A ten-year-old red-headed, freckle-faced girl approaches you and proclaims, "I'm the official town greeter. You look like you can afford the full tour. For just 1 gp, I'll show you around town."
She guides you and the party to the Bark and Buzzard Tavern, "This spot is so popular, if you make friends here, you might get a chance to challenge good old Rattlecan. He's like a scarecrow made from armor."
"While the Bark and Buzzard Tavern is a great place to meet people they don't have any rooms for rent, but Karin Alsberg has been renting out old houses around town. Lots of people been leaving town, lots of adventurers are looking for places to stay."
"There are a couple other taverns too, like the Gilded Lily and the Skull & Sword Saloon."
"Over here is the only real inn, The Red Lion Hotel. That's where good old Reeve Kosta lives, he's like our town mayor. His house is real fancy and only the best adventurers stay there."
"This is my home here. It's Crowe and Son's Smithy. That's my name, Emma Crowe, and my dad and brothers work here making armor and stuff at the forge."
"And over this way is our only temple, it's the Chapel of the Sacred Flame, see the burning brazier outside. I think it's called Saint Ardenna's but everyone just calls it Chapel of the Sacred Flame, because of the fire I guess."
"There is the tallest building over there, the Watchtower. That's our town lookout. They always gots people coming and going from there."
"Well we've come to the edge of town, see out there, seven shrines, that's outside of town, some druid lady cares for the shrines, each one is to a different god, I don't know them at all, never heard of em. Let's circle round to the other side of town to see more places."
"Oh that's Hendrix's Farm way out there. Since the crops and animals all died, it's become a campsite for dirty pilgrims. I'm not allowed to go out there but you can see the campfires from here."
"This is the tip of town, over there is a place called Eventide Manor, that house caught fire a long time ago, no one live there anymore."
"This is my favorite place, Caravan Court, you can get dresses, and candy, and all sorts of things here. You've got Marlowe's over there and Gainsbury's Expeditionary. Don't forget to visit Fairweather's place, he's famous, and he's got lots of stuff for sale. I almost forgot, there's also Aldor the Genie. He's huge! He has lots of magic items."
"And that ends the tour. Thank you for the gold coin, if you have any questions, you know where to find me."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine comments, "This place is quite big for a village. Why have so many people fled and why does the Mayor Reeve not stay at his own house but at a hotel?"
Emma Crowe stares at you for a moment, then lets out a soft giggle before catching herself. Her expression shifts to one of seriousness, tinged with respect.
“The curse, silly. Some call it the haze. It happened before I was born, but I’ve heard stories. Back then, this town had farms, real ones, with crops that actually grew. Now? Nothing grows in the ground anymore. Not a thing.”
She gestures around the village with a slight shrug. “This place has become more of an outpost. Adventurers brave enough to head into Drakkenheim stop here to prepare, or to rest. Most don’t come back, but the strong ones?” Her eyes gleam, as if recalling tales she’s heard. “They return with huge crystals, gems, gold, and treasures you wouldn’t believe. I guess it’s enough to keep adventuring types like you coming here.”
Her voice softens, almost wistful. “But it’s not enough for normal folks. The scared ones? They pack up and leave. Can’t really blame them, can you?”
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine hands the girl her 1 GP but urges her to stay and talk a bit more. She shakes her head and says, "No... I cannot blame them. And for me and I'm sure some others, Gold, gems and treasures is not enough either. You said this place was once a normal village before the curse. Can you tell me of people who may have been around when the curse started? I think I would like to have a chat with them."
Two hooded figures approach Jasmine as the tour of the village is coming to an end. Their green cloaks and chain armor make them immediately recognizable as members of the Town Watch. The woman has an expression that's warm and approachable, while the man has a gaze more scrutinizing, his hand resting casually near the hilt of his weapon.
The hooded woman steps forward, offering a polite nod. “You must be new to Emberwood. Word travels fast in a place like this.” Her tone is friendly but tinged with purpose.
“I’m Lieutenant Petra Lang of the Hooded Lanterns, and this is my brother, Captain Ansom Lang. Our mission is simple: protect what’s left of our nation and ensure it has a future.”
Her voice becomes firmer, her expression resolute. “Drakkenheim has torn this land apart. It’s our duty to fight for its survival, to do whatever it takes to bring stability back to these ruins. That’s why the Hooded Lanterns are here. We defend Emberwood and push back against the horrors spilling out of that cursed city.”
Ansom steps closer, his angular jaw set in a hard line. His voice is low and direct. “It’s not a mission for the faint of heart. When your commander gives you an order, you follow it without question. You must be prepared to give your life for the cause. Anything less is weakness we can’t afford.”
His eyes narrow slightly as he studies Jasmine. “If you’re thinking of heading into Drakkenheim, know this: the ruins will test you in ways you can’t imagine. If you’re not ready to risk everything, turn back now.”
Petra softens slightly, a faint smile breaking through her otherwise serious demeanor. “We all must do our part. If you’re willing to stand with us against the darkness, then perhaps you have a place here. But make no mistake, this is a battle for survival, not glory.”
Ansom crosses his arms, his expression remaining steely. “Just follow the rules here and don't cause us any problems. We have enough trouble securing this town. Get what you need here and get out."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine watches the two guards from behind the veil of darkness cast by her hood. Her snake tail rattles against the ground she stands on. After looking both of them up and down, she says, "A duty to protect this village and those who reside within it is an admirable one. You are correct that I am planning on heading to Drakkenheim soon but I am correctly collecting what information I can before I head out. Surely someone such as yourself who have seen the horrors firsthand would appreciate the value of proper reconnaissance. I mean no trouble. Though I do not intend to enter Drakkenheim and fight merely to survive, I intend to fight to excise its blight; That said... you mentioned horrors among the ruins. Can you tell me of what exactly I should watch out for and how to deal with them? Your experience on the topic of the horrors would be much appreciated."
Ansom crosses his arms, his sharp eyes scanning the adventurer as if weighing their worth. His voice is blunt and measured.
“The ruins aren’t for the reckless or the greedy. I’ve seen too many adventurers walk into Drakkenheim full of bravado, thinking they’ll come back rich. Most don’t come back at all.”
He pauses, his gaze hardening. “The haze isn’t just some fog. It’s contamination. Touch the wrong thing, breathe too deep, stay too long, you’ll change, and not for the better. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Friends turned into monsters, their minds and bodies twisted beyond recognition. And the ones who survive? They’re never the same.”
“Drakkenheim is now divided into three main regions, each more dangerous than the last. The first is the Outer City, the estates, suburbs, and slums that used to surround the city walls. That’s where most adventurers start. It’s bad, but not unbearable, especially with the Hooded Lanterns holding some ground. You’ll find ruins, squatters, and outlaws lurking in the shadows there.”
He pauses, “Beyond the Outer City is the Inner City, protected by the old walls. You can only get through using one of the five gates, what’s left of them, anyway. Inside, things get worse. Contamination is stronger, and the monsters… well, let’s just say, they don’t take kindly to visitors.”
His tone becomes colder and more direct. “And at the center of it all is Castle Drakken, the heart of the city. A fortress perched on a high crag. No one in their right mind goes there.” He crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing. “That’s where the contamination is at its worst. The things that come out of there? They make everything else in the city look tame. Whatever secrets or treasures you think you’ll find there, I guarantee they’re not worth your life.”
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jasmine listens intently, making mental notes and already trying to formulate plans and angles of approach. She then asks, "And what of this contamination? How did it begin and how did it get this bad? Do you know when it all began and how it might be stopped?"
Ansom stares off into the distance, his eyes clouded with thought as if recalling a memory buried deep. Petra opens her mouth to speak, but her voice cracks. Ansom raises a hand gently, signaling for her to wait. The silence hangs heavy before he finally begins, his voice low and deliberate.
“The curse. The contamination. I wonder if either of those words are correct. What happened to Drakkenheim is unknown, even to those of us who’ve spent our lives fighting its aftermath. But there have always been rumors.”
He pauses, choosing his words carefully, then continues.
“It happened over fifteen years ago. They say some farmers were watching the skies over Drakkenheim that evening, marveling at a few falling stars streaking across the horizon. The kind with long tails that fade into nothingness as the sun sets. But as night fell, the stars didn’t stop falling.”
Ansom’s voice grows quieter, more measured.
“I once heard a traveling wizard call it an Eldritch Storm. According to those who saw it, the stars kept falling. One after another, streaking across the sky for hours. And then, at the height of the storm, the heavens ignited with fire. A meteorite, a massive shard of Delerium, fell from the sky. It didn’t burn up like the others. It smashed into the heart of Drakkenheim, carving devastation into the city.”
He looks down briefly, as if weighing the truth of his own words, before meeting your gaze again.
“They say when the meteor struck, it shattered, scattering thousands of shards of Delerium across the city. These shards began to glow, pulsing with an otherworldly light. And from them, a fog began to seep out. The Haze. The curse. The contamination. Whatever you want to call it.”
Ansom’s voice tightens, a trace of bitterness slipping through.
“But that’s all they are, stories. The truth of what happened that night, what caused the Star Fall, whether it was an Eldritch Storm, a curse, or something else entirely… no one knows. And maybe we never will.”
He falls silent, his words lingering in the air like the ghost of a memory too painful to banish. Petra glances at him, her expression soft, before turning her gaze back to you.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
OOC: BTW, Happy New Year!

Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
((Happy New Year to you too))
Jasmine thanks the two guards for the information. She had heard stories about meteors from the stars crashing down and bringing with them the dangers from the void. She now had a name that she could use to conduct research further and source of the corruption that she can investigate. She then asks, "Is there any way to remove the Delirium Safely from the city? Perhaps if someone can go into the heart of the city and neutralize the original shard, it might lift the curse."