This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ok, the wight already went, I brought back in the characters and monsters that I blacked out, and they will be taking their turns.
Ghoul 3 attacks Malon with a claw attack:
Attack: 11 Damage: 9 piercing.
Zombie1 attempts to flee, giving Owen an AoO, which he took above and missed.
Zombie2 attacks Vaelen with a slam attack:
Attack: 19 Damage: 2
Vaelen is up. Imgur isn't working still, so I'm using dropbox files to share the battle map. BATTLEMAP (Don't know why I bothered with the spoilers, since the turns are all one line long this time, but I don't feel like removing them.)
Vaelen sidesteps the zombie’s clumsy swing, the creature’s rotting hand slicing only air. With eyes still fixed on the wounded Wight, Vaelen raises one hand, fingers bending in a subtle pattern of arcane gestures. A distant, heavy bell note resonates, low and foreboding.
“Find your rest,” he intones softly, pointing toward the Wight.
The air around him seems to thicken with an otherworldly hush, anticipating whether the energy will gnaw at the Wight or dissipate harmlessly. Vaelen remains composed, focused, prepared for either outcome.
The Wight needs to make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or take 7 Necrotic damage on a fail.
Wisdom saving throw: Fail. The Wight staggers under the impact, letting out a shriek it calls off the attack, with all of the enemies attempting to flee.
Valen can make an AoO on Zombie2, or Wight1. Kaelen can make an AoO on Wight1. Malon can make an AoO on Ghoul3. All the others are already dead or not adjacent to someone. BATTLEMAP (If none of the monsters die from OAs.)
Vaelen watches the Wight's movements closely, the creature reeling from the combined onslaught of magic and arrows. As it turns, intent on fleeing, Vaelen's stance shifts, ready to strike with his staff. His expression remains calm despite the urgency of the moment. Still, his gaze holds a certain focus as he moves to intercept. He aims a clean blow, hoping to end the threat and free the creatures bound to its will.
"Rest, or never rise again," he murmurs under his breath, raising his staff like a judge’s gavel. However, the Wight, driven by desperation, shifts at the last instant. Vaelen’s staff whistles past, missing its mark.
“The path before us still calls,” he says, his voice a low murmur, not one of frustration, but determination. His resolve remains unshaken. It would appear the battle was won by persistence rather than any single blow. A quiet frustration flickers in his eyes, but he remains poised, resolve undimmed.
12 to hit Attack of Opportunity with his staff; 7 Bludgeoning damage
"I have never seen undead flee without being turned by magic before,"Kaelen observes as the creatures either fall or escape, calm but clearly perplexed as he sheathes his blades and stares into the darkness. "They should have no fear...Do they run to alert their master of us, perhaps?"
Vaelen lowers his staff, keeping his gaze on the retreating figures. He speaks softly, in a thoughtful tone, “It is strange indeed for the dead to turn away from a fight. Perhaps they are driven by another will—one that values knowledge of our presence over their immediate victory.” He exhales slowly, shifting his attention to Kaelen and the others. “We should be wary. This might be a summons to their master, or a warning. Either way, the path ahead grows more dangerous.”
Traeth stumbles ahead, shaken by the events which had just taken place. Hesitantly, eyes downcast, he begins to speak. "I-I haven't... I apologize. I should have been of more use there, not... cowering in the corner like some scared rat or worm. It's just that I've never seen those horrible creatures... they were undead, you say? It's just their skin, their sunken eyes... Thank you all." Obviously shaken, Traeth moves towards the back of the procession, fingering his amulet and moving his lips in some silent prayer.
Kaelen regards Traeth with a calm, unreadable expression, his voice steady and matter-of-fact as he responds. "Undead are a corruption of the balance—a mockery of life and death. It makes sense to be disturbed by them; they are unnatural." Without lingering on the moment, he adjusts his gear and turns toward the path ahead. "I'll take the lead. The darkness is where I am at home, and I'll scout ahead to ensure the way is clear." Without waiting for a reply, he slips forward into the shadows, moving with the quiet confidence of someone who knows the weight of his purpose.
((In darkness he is invisible to creatures that rely on darkvision, so he'll go far enough ahead to get out of the lantern light.))
Perception (though maybe not needed with weapon of warning): 11
Vaelen steps forward quietly, offering Traeth a faint nod of understanding. His voice is measured but kind, “Fear is natural when faced with the twisted echo of death—be assured there is no shame in it. In time, we all learn to stand against what causes us fear.” He glances in the direction Kaelen has gone, gathering his cloak closer. “Though necromancy shapes my craft, creatures like these stand outside the proper order of life. Though, rest assured, I have no wish to see them roam. He pauses, "Come; we move on together."
With that, Vaelen settles his staff at his side and readies himself for the path ahead, making sure Traeth feels the quiet reassurance in his presence.
During the next few hours of traveling, the only thing that happens is Traeth spotting some edible Prickleberries, which are small red berries that you have to peal like a pistachio to remove the thorny skin like shell. (Or would it be shell like skin? not sure.)
Shortly after that, through the trees ahead you see the faint light of torches, slowly moving back and forth as if patrolling the area. Judging by how far you've come, it's safe to assume they are guarding the ruins, though for what reason is unknown.
Kaelen moves to join the others when the lights come into view. "Undead don't need torches...If these guards are living, they could be investigating just as we are. Best to be wary though."
Upon hearing Kaelen's words, Vaelen lowers himself to a meditative pose, quietly setting aside his staff. From within his pack, he produces a small brass bowl engraved with faint, arcane symbols. With measured care, he places a pinch of powdered incense into the bowl and lights it, letting a thin ribbon of fragrant smoke curl skyward.
Soft words fall from his lips in hushed repetition, each syllable carefully woven into a gentle chant. After a moment, the smoke grows denser, coiling in on itself until it takes the shape of a sleek Raven. The bird caws once, stretching phantom wings before solidifying into an inky black, living form.
Vaelen looks up at the raven, voice quiet but sure. “Watch the lights ahead, and learn their nature. If there are words to be heard, gather them.”
With a deliberate nod, he sends the raven aloft. The bird flutters into the canopy, gliding from branch to branch, moving closer to the distant torches. Vaelen remains, eyes half-closed, ready to see and hear through the familiar should danger lurk within those dancing lights.
Vaelen will ritually cast Find Familiar to perceive through its senses and scout the figures ahead.
(I haven't made this clear, but it's more of faint rough path following the river, not really a road.)
The raven flys toward the ruins, and sees that there are three distinct sections despite all the overgrowth, and the amount of stone littering the ground. (no way to tell how tall anything was when the tower was still standing)
First is the outer wall. It spans a large area around the tower, and is littered with groups of men sitting and sleeping around small fires. Next is what would seem to be a courtyard, though all that's left is a giant brick patio. Again there are men here, however this time the fires are larger, and almost all of them are alseep. There are also a number a white tents scattered around. Next, in the middle and closer to the back of the walls, is the tower itself. The first floor walls are entirely intact and shaped as a 7 point start. The second floor has most of it's walls, and is a typical circle shape. The third floor is missing most of the walls but has most of the floor intact, giving floor 2 a sound roof. All throughout the ruins are large chunks of stone, remnants of when the spire was destroyed. It is also seemingly crawling with pairs of men with torches, patrolling the area. The trees grown as close as 40 feet away from the ruins, with dense growth closing the gap.
Vaelen closes his eyes, drawing a measured breath as he dismisses the raven’s sight. “There is a ring of men scattered around small fires in the outer walls, with more inside what seems to be a courtyard—white tents and larger fires, most of them asleep. The tower at the center stands in partial ruin: its lower walls intact, the second floor nearly complete, and a broken third floor open to the sky. Patrols carrying torches pace among fallen stones.”
He glances around at his companions, voice down to a hushed whisper. “They are many, and the distance between the trees and the ruins is about forty feet. If we approach in haste, we risk alerting them all at once. We should use the cover of these woods, decide on a path through the broken walls, and move carefully. Whatever purpose they serve here, their numbers are not to be taken lightly.”
(sorry, still can't take the monsters turns, just a lot going on right now.)
OA kick in the rear Attack: 7 Damage: 8
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Ok, the wight already went, I brought back in the characters and monsters that I blacked out, and they will be taking their turns.
Ghoul 3 attacks Malon with a claw attack:
Attack: 11 Damage: 9 piercing.
Zombie1 attempts to flee, giving Owen an AoO, which he took above and missed.
Zombie2 attacks Vaelen with a slam attack:
Attack: 19 Damage: 2
Vaelen is up.
Imgur isn't working still, so I'm using dropbox files to share the battle map.
(Don't know why I bothered with the spoilers, since the turns are all one line long this time, but I don't feel like removing them.)
Vaelen sidesteps the zombie’s clumsy swing, the creature’s rotting hand slicing only air. With eyes still fixed on the wounded Wight, Vaelen raises one hand, fingers bending in a subtle pattern of arcane gestures. A distant, heavy bell note resonates, low and foreboding.
“Find your rest,” he intones softly, pointing toward the Wight.
The air around him seems to thicken with an otherworldly hush, anticipating whether the energy will gnaw at the Wight or dissipate harmlessly. Vaelen remains composed, focused, prepared for either outcome.
The Wight needs to make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or take 7 Necrotic damage on a fail.
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Wisdom saving throw: Fail.
The Wight staggers under the impact, letting out a shriek it calls off the attack, with all of the enemies attempting to flee.
Valen can make an AoO on Zombie2, or Wight1.
Kaelen can make an AoO on Wight1.
Malon can make an AoO on Ghoul3.
All the others are already dead or not adjacent to someone.
BATTLEMAP (If none of the monsters die from OAs.)
Kaelen AoO on Wight: Shortsword to hit 24, damage 9 + 4 HM= 13 piercing
Vaelen watches the Wight's movements closely, the creature reeling from the combined onslaught of magic and arrows. As it turns, intent on fleeing, Vaelen's stance shifts, ready to strike with his staff. His expression remains calm despite the urgency of the moment. Still, his gaze holds a certain focus as he moves to intercept. He aims a clean blow, hoping to end the threat and free the creatures bound to its will.
"Rest, or never rise again," he murmurs under his breath, raising his staff like a judge’s gavel. However, the Wight, driven by desperation, shifts at the last instant. Vaelen’s staff whistles past, missing its mark.
“The path before us still calls,” he says, his voice a low murmur, not one of frustration, but determination. His resolve remains unshaken. It would appear the battle was won by persistence rather than any single blow. A quiet frustration flickers in his eyes, but he remains poised, resolve undimmed.
12 to hit Attack of Opportunity with his staff; 7 Bludgeoning damage
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
"I have never seen undead flee without being turned by magic before," Kaelen observes as the creatures either fall or escape, calm but clearly perplexed as he sheathes his blades and stares into the darkness. "They should have no fear...Do they run to alert their master of us, perhaps?"
Vaelen lowers his staff, keeping his gaze on the retreating figures. He speaks softly, in a thoughtful tone, “It is strange indeed for the dead to turn away from a fight. Perhaps they are driven by another will—one that values knowledge of our presence over their immediate victory.” He exhales slowly, shifting his attention to Kaelen and the others. “We should be wary. This might be a summons to their master, or a warning. Either way, the path ahead grows more dangerous.”
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Traeth stumbles ahead, shaken by the events which had just taken place. Hesitantly, eyes downcast, he begins to speak. "I-I haven't... I apologize. I should have been of more use there, not... cowering in the corner like some scared rat or worm. It's just that I've never seen those horrible creatures... they were undead, you say? It's just their skin, their sunken eyes... Thank you all." Obviously shaken, Traeth moves towards the back of the procession, fingering his amulet and moving his lips in some silent prayer.
Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
Kaelen regards Traeth with a calm, unreadable expression, his voice steady and matter-of-fact as he responds. "Undead are a corruption of the balance—a mockery of life and death. It makes sense to be disturbed by them; they are unnatural." Without lingering on the moment, he adjusts his gear and turns toward the path ahead. "I'll take the lead. The darkness is where I am at home, and I'll scout ahead to ensure the way is clear." Without waiting for a reply, he slips forward into the shadows, moving with the quiet confidence of someone who knows the weight of his purpose.
((In darkness he is invisible to creatures that rely on darkvision, so he'll go far enough ahead to get out of the lantern light.))
Perception (though maybe not needed with weapon of warning): 11
Vaelen steps forward quietly, offering Traeth a faint nod of understanding. His voice is measured but kind, “Fear is natural when faced with the twisted echo of death—be assured there is no shame in it. In time, we all learn to stand against what causes us fear.” He glances in the direction Kaelen has gone, gathering his cloak closer. “Though necromancy shapes my craft, creatures like these stand outside the proper order of life. Though, rest assured, I have no wish to see them roam. He pauses, "Come; we move on together."
With that, Vaelen settles his staff at his side and readies himself for the path ahead, making sure Traeth feels the quiet reassurance in his presence.
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Nothing from perception.
During the next few hours of traveling, the only thing that happens is Traeth spotting some edible Prickleberries, which are small red berries that you have to peal like a pistachio to remove the thorny skin like shell. (Or would it be shell like skin? not sure.)
Shortly after that, through the trees ahead you see the faint light of torches, slowly moving back and forth as if patrolling the area.
Judging by how far you've come, it's safe to assume they are guarding the ruins, though for what reason is unknown.
Kaelen moves to join the others when the lights come into view. "Undead don't need torches...If these guards are living, they could be investigating just as we are. Best to be wary though."
Upon hearing Kaelen's words, Vaelen lowers himself to a meditative pose, quietly setting aside his staff. From within his pack, he produces a small brass bowl engraved with faint, arcane symbols. With measured care, he places a pinch of powdered incense into the bowl and lights it, letting a thin ribbon of fragrant smoke curl skyward.
Soft words fall from his lips in hushed repetition, each syllable carefully woven into a gentle chant. After a moment, the smoke grows denser, coiling in on itself until it takes the shape of a sleek Raven. The bird caws once, stretching phantom wings before solidifying into an inky black, living form.
Vaelen looks up at the raven, voice quiet but sure. “Watch the lights ahead, and learn their nature. If there are words to be heard, gather them.”
With a deliberate nod, he sends the raven aloft. The bird flutters into the canopy, gliding from branch to branch, moving closer to the distant torches. Vaelen remains, eyes half-closed, ready to see and hear through the familiar should danger lurk within those dancing lights.
Vaelen will ritually cast Find Familiar to perceive through its senses and scout the figures ahead.
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Owen watches the raven take form and fly off into the distance. He pets his weasel and says, "Next time Bubbub."
The frogman waits patiently off to the side of the road.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
(I haven't made this clear, but it's more of faint rough path following the river, not really a road.)
The raven flys toward the ruins, and sees that there are three distinct sections despite all the overgrowth, and the amount of stone littering the ground. (no way to tell how tall anything was when the tower was still standing)
First is the outer wall. It spans a large area around the tower, and is littered with groups of men sitting and sleeping around small fires.
Next is what would seem to be a courtyard, though all that's left is a giant brick patio. Again there are men here, however this time the fires are larger, and almost all of them are alseep. There are also a number a white tents scattered around.
Next, in the middle and closer to the back of the walls, is the tower itself. The first floor walls are entirely intact and shaped as a 7 point start. The second floor has most of it's walls, and is a typical circle shape. The third floor is missing most of the walls but has most of the floor intact, giving floor 2 a sound roof.
All throughout the ruins are large chunks of stone, remnants of when the spire was destroyed. It is also seemingly crawling with pairs of men with torches, patrolling the area.
The trees grown as close as 40 feet away from the ruins, with dense growth closing the gap.
Vaelen closes his eyes, drawing a measured breath as he dismisses the raven’s sight. “There is a ring of men scattered around small fires in the outer walls, with more inside what seems to be a courtyard—white tents and larger fires, most of them asleep. The tower at the center stands in partial ruin: its lower walls intact, the second floor nearly complete, and a broken third floor open to the sky. Patrols carrying torches pace among fallen stones.”
He glances around at his companions, voice down to a hushed whisper. “They are many, and the distance between the trees and the ruins is about forty feet. If we approach in haste, we risk alerting them all at once. We should use the cover of these woods, decide on a path through the broken walls, and move carefully. Whatever purpose they serve here, their numbers are not to be taken lightly.”
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
"A stealthy approach then. I should have no trouble, but what about the rest of you?" Kaelen looks at the others with faint curiosity.
"I can do sneaky, but not all of us can. Maybe we get closer, see what they are doing? You said there are too many to defeat."
Owen shrugs.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale