The detective thinks to himself for a bit, but after no one answers he speaks up. "It may be best to go after one of the more harmless organizations which the mob is allied with. Perhaps the thieves guild, or G's Gambling," He suggests.
Vaelin looks around at the group and says "We are just a small group. That direction sounds good. Do either of you have a preference on thieves guild or G's?"
"Might I suggest the thieves guild then? We need not eliminate a whole group but merely seek the connection they have with Geffano. And while the gambling would be a bit easier to talk in to, I feel that we would get farther with them if we have enough coin. The guild seems like a more explorable option between the two, as they say, no honor among thieves."
”Thieves guild it is then do you know the layout of the area by chance detective that way we can sneak in without being detected or do you have a different plan?”
(Sorry for the late reply) "I'm afraid I do not know the exact layout of any operational Theine's guild, otherwise they would've been dismantled. However, the easiest way to access one is by using what I like to call the hollow horse method, pretend to join to learn its secrets. It'd still be risky, but then again, we are going after the mob." The detective ponders for a moment. "However... I do not know how much time it would take to uncover an alliance with a mob member. Perhaps we could bribe a member?.. heh, a tad ironic if we resort to that, but sometimes its necessary."
”If we have to resort to bribery how much do we have in total to begin with, not to mention he may not even talk even if we bribe him, do we have a backup plan in case things go wrong?”
"Well, aside from your pay I believe I have 632 gold in funds, although I will save some of it for basic needs and whatnot. A backup plan is always good, hmmm. Normally I could count on the guards, but nowdays I don't know who to trust... any one of them could execute us on a bribe from the mob, and we have no way of knowing which is which. Hm..." He ponders possible backup plans, although anyone is free to speak up.
"Perhaps that would be best... very well. Does anyone have an alternate plan or shall we begin?" The detective asks, standing up and collecting the papers.
The detective puts his papers in his coat. "Now the-" Suddenly, the walls break down as rubble flies in all directions. You three and the detective stumble as monstrous, ogrelike faces peer in as the ceiling caves. Despite your best efforts to flee, fight, or defend, the flying rubble, collapsing building, and waving arms nocks everyone out in a manner of seconds.
You all awaken, groggy as to what exactly happened. You are all in a grey, dusty room, with no windows which may pertain a location. On the opposite side of the room you see two brown wooden doorways with black metal latches. On your right and left are two stairs which lead to a sort of balcony behind you. Inhabiting the room are several barrels, a emptied out fountain which now contains an assortment of items, and a sturdy-build man with a crossbow, looking rather bored. You all then realize that Those items in the dried out fountain are most of your items! (However, you three keep some items, such as one of Vaelin's numerous daggers which was forgotten by your captors, Yutari's holy symbol, and one of Finnians many daggers) As one or more of you attempt to move, you realize you have all been chained together while sitting on the floor.
Now, for the most famous DM quote: What do you do?
Yutari notices Finnian's attempt and tries to help him by distracting the guard. She looks to the barrels and whispers a chant to make it sound like something fell over there.
The thug perks up a bit from the noise. As the lock chatters to the ground, the thug looks over at the barrels. He goes over to check them, his back is turnt towards you all, 15 ft away, on the right side of the room. You three are now unlocked
The detective thinks to himself for a bit, but after no one answers he speaks up. "It may be best to go after one of the more harmless organizations which the mob is allied with. Perhaps the thieves guild, or G's Gambling," He suggests.
Vaelin looks around at the group and says "We are just a small group. That direction sounds good. Do either of you have a preference on thieves guild or G's?"
D&D since 1984
“No preference here do we know how many are in each organization despite them being the most harmless they could have more people than we can handle.”
"Might I suggest the thieves guild then? We need not eliminate a whole group but merely seek the connection they have with Geffano. And while the gambling would be a bit easier to talk in to, I feel that we would get farther with them if we have enough coin. The guild seems like a more explorable option between the two, as they say, no honor among thieves."
”Thieves guild it is then do you know the layout of the area by chance detective that way we can sneak in without being detected or do you have a different plan?”
(Sorry for the late reply) "I'm afraid I do not know the exact layout of any operational Theine's guild, otherwise they would've been dismantled. However, the easiest way to access one is by using what I like to call the hollow horse method, pretend to join to learn its secrets. It'd still be risky, but then again, we are going after the mob." The detective ponders for a moment. "However... I do not know how much time it would take to uncover an alliance with a mob member. Perhaps we could bribe a member?.. heh, a tad ironic if we resort to that, but sometimes its necessary."
”If we have to resort to bribery how much do we have in total to begin with, not to mention he may not even talk even if we bribe him, do we have a backup plan in case things go wrong?”
"Well, aside from your pay I believe I have 632 gold in funds, although I will save some of it for basic needs and whatnot. A backup plan is always good, hmmm. Normally I could count on the guards, but nowdays I don't know who to trust... any one of them could execute us on a bribe from the mob, and we have no way of knowing which is which. Hm..." He ponders possible backup plans, although anyone is free to speak up.
“ I think finding a thieves guild member and asking some questions is the best approach for now. “
D&D since 1984
"Perhaps that would be best... very well. Does anyone have an alternate plan or shall we begin?" The detective asks, standing up and collecting the papers.
”No further questions from me”
"Let us hunt for some thieves then, to work our way up to our quarry."
"Let us depart"
D&D since 1984
The detective puts his papers in his coat. "Now the-" Suddenly, the walls break down as rubble flies in all directions. You three and the detective stumble as monstrous, ogrelike faces peer in as the ceiling caves. Despite your best efforts to flee, fight, or defend, the flying rubble, collapsing building, and waving arms nocks everyone out in a manner of seconds.
You all awaken, groggy as to what exactly happened. You are all in a grey, dusty room, with no windows which may pertain a location. On the opposite side of the room you see two brown wooden doorways with black metal latches. On your right and left are two stairs which lead to a sort of balcony behind you. Inhabiting the room are several barrels, a emptied out fountain which now contains an assortment of items, and a sturdy-build man with a crossbow, looking rather bored. You all then realize that Those items in the dried out fountain are most of your items! (However, you three keep some items, such as one of Vaelin's numerous daggers which was forgotten by your captors, Yutari's holy symbol, and one of Finnians many daggers) As one or more of you attempt to move, you realize you have all been chained together while sitting on the floor.
Now, for the most famous DM quote: What do you do?
It’s a long shot and not sure if it will even work but can Finnian try to pick the lock on his chain if possible without attracting any attention?
You can try by making a dex check, although if you want to do it without the guard noticing you'll have to make a stealth check too.
Dexterity check: 7
stealth check: 16
Yutari notices Finnian's attempt and tries to help him by distracting the guard. She looks to the barrels and whispers a chant to make it sound like something fell over there.
The thug perks up a bit from the noise. As the lock chatters to the ground, the thug looks over at the barrels. He goes over to check them, his back is turnt towards you all, 15 ft away, on the right side of the room. You three are now unlocked
Vaelin seeing this as his best opportunity, quietly gets up and touches the unsuspecting guard with a Shocking Grasp (19 to hit for 4 damage).
D&D since 1984