Most powerful factions of the Sword Coast all recognize the threat of the Cult of the Dragon, and they are willing to cooperate with each other to prevent it. Trust doesn’t come easily for these disparate groups. But even for orders and organizations that have been in conflict in the past, the “enemy of my enemy” is easily understood. Though the leadership of the Cult of the Dragon could not have realized it, one of the key events in the fight to thwart Severin’s plans was the cult’s assassination of Arthagast Ulbrinter, a Masked Lord of Waterdeep and husband of Remi Haventree of the Harpers. News of Arthagast’s recent murder has spread across the Sword Coast, and has galvanized opposition to the cult in Waterdeep. In her grief, Remi Haventree has sworn to destroy the cult and the threat it presents to the Sword Coast. She has been instrumental in bringing the factions together for the Council of Waterdeep. A group of heroes has been fighting the Cult for a while now, and their heroics have been brought to the attention of powerful leaders and earned them a place at the council table.
Zale, Khessa and Eric are met by their friend Leosin Erlanthar. It's good to see you again. Unfortunately we don't have much time for pleasantries, you are summoned to the Lords’ Palace! As Leosin guides you through the City of Spendors he informs you about the council. Although he is not invited to the council discussions, Remallia Haventree has informed him of the agenda and the reason the party has been summoned. He advises the characters that though the factions are all nominally committed to stopping the Cult of the Dragon, none of the delegates have made substantive pledges yet. Too much mistrust still burdens the factions, and not enough is known about the situation. Erlanthar thinks the leaders need someone to show them the right path—heroes who will lead the forces of the Sword Coast with certainty into the coming darkness. He believes that you have a chance to be those heroes. However, he explains that each faction will weigh every word they say and scrutinize every one of their decisions. What pleases one group might anger another, and it will be incredibly difficult to make all parties happy.
During their walk through the streets of Waterdeep a sudden shift in the wind brings with it a strange sense of unease. The feeling is akin to the drop in air pressure before the approach of a deadly storm, or faint tremors felt from a landslide or earthquake far away. You’re not the only ones who have noticed. The city around you goes unnaturally quiet suddenly. No dogs bark, no birds squawk. Even the street vendors have gone silent.
Kni and Jean, you are already in the secret council chamber with your respective faction delegates. The outer galleries are packed with nobles engaged in heated debate, and the guards are wearing livery from city-states across the North. Even they fall silent during this strange event. The silence lasts only a moment before the normal sounds of Waterdeep return to mask the unexplained sensation. In the chambers of the council, that’s more like a war room, a Waterdhavian noble, Dala Silmerhelve, reveals that she might know something about the strange phenomenon. However she would like to wait for the adventurers.
I like you to make your rolls in the Game Log. If you absolutely have to make a roll in the forum and it shows the potential manipulated dice roll thingy, I assume a Nat 1.
The Dwarf stops briefly on the Palace's stairs and directs his gaze through the horizon, following the direction from which the wind change belongs, a strange feeling crosses his body, the feel that the abrupt change in the weather is more than a mere natural phenomenon. His eyes scouts the horizon, looking for anything that may explain it (Perception check: 23)
Khessa, the tall and imposing woman in full plate armor, who, despite the no less imposing weapons sticking out from behind her back (a maul and an elaborately crafted greatsword) was walking alongside the dwarf with ease, as if she didn't even feel the weight of all the metal she was carrying, stops with m and hugs him, passing a hand over his shoulders with confidence and affection, while her wavy blond hair flutters in the wind.
Her blue eyes express all the perplexity of the tall adventuress: "Storm wind... Could it be an omen for the future, Eric? Only that it is not, instead, a magical effect of some further machination of the Cult..." she furtively caresses a rod with arcane engravings that, in its naive simplicity, seems to have been made by a boy... but that evidently helps her to focus on her magical knowledge.
The blonde arcane warrior tries to understand if the origin of the phenomenon could be magical, asking at the same time (even if this time it is not clear to whom she is speaking): "Do you have any idea, Hazirawn? Are you aware of possible magical effects capable of triggering such a sudden change in weather?"
The bronze dragonborn carries herself with an air of confidence as she walks along with the blond warrior and her dwarven companion. Surprisingly, the human woman stands a good head over her. She wears a green bandana around her neck, a rapier at her hip, leather armor, and various belts with pouches hanging from them. Aside from her unusually short stature for a dragonborn, the most notable thing about her appearance is her broken right horn, and the large scar across her temple.
She laughs at Khessa's comment about the storm. "Heh heh, Don't ye be worry'n 'bout the wind. There ain't no storm we can't weather."She grins, "My name be Zale Stormsent for a reason."
She doesn't give any explanation for that, and continues walking towards the trio's destination.
(Decided to redraw her last night! As the longest running pbp character i've played, she deserves it XD)
Eric is pretty sure that if the phenomenon had a natural cause, he would have seen it. So only unnatural causes remain. (Khessa doesn’t have a clue.)
The 3 adventurers reach the Lords’ Palace and Leosin guides them through the outer galleries, where gathered nobles discuss the phenomenon. The entrance to the council chambers is heavily guarded. Leosin has to remain behind as you enter the secret chambers.
Once you enter you notice the various delegates of their different factions, especially the nobles look like they have pulled out all the stops to emphasize their important position. The Greenest-Kobold faction immediately catches your attention. Despite his short stature, Zeminny’s smiling face is easy to recognize. And next to him stands the beautiful Leera and… is that Eek? No this Kobold looks a bit different… Among the Lords’ Alliance a female Half-Elf catches your attention. (Kni and Jean, that’s you cue)
The room has no chairs, only a big table with a large map of the Sword Coast and various documents. There are smaller tables and stand across the room with carafes of wine and water. There are no servants.
Kni is a small kobold, with his plain red scales and some draconic features. And although he had this glimmery kind of armor on, it was transparent and most would note he just wore a make shift tunic. On the tunic was a crudely drawn heraldly of King Eek. Kni just kept a wide but awkward smile as the delegates debated. Even as the strange silence took place, he kept on smiling. He was completely and utterly lost in the meeting, not understanding a single word. But he had to make a good impression, he didn't want anyone to think that King Eek sent an incompetent knight.
But his focus comes to a point as the three adventurers enter the chambers. Kni's short memory flashes back to Greenest, and King Eek comes first. The glorious and mighty King Eek, had entrusted small Kni with an honored role. To aid his queen and her companions in their quest. And it is understandable. For Kni saw the same might and glory radiate from the Queen. So radiant and courageous, she truly was the perfect spouse for King Eek.
But what's this? No servants in sight. Kni panicked as he scampered over to a smaller table, setting a carafe and glasses onto a tray. He took the tray and hurried over to the Queen. He kneeled before Zale and presented the tray to her.
"Kni is Kni, Kni is knight! King Eek send Kni to help the Queen! And King Eek..." He blanks out for a moment, "...King Eek says hi!"
While the group is entering in the Palace's hall, Eric exhales and shakes his head "I feel this is not a matter of natural cause, I feel that this phenomenon is somehow caused by the awakening of a dark unnatural power, perhaps a machination of the Cult of the Dragon" he then enters into the room with the other and wait for the council to begin.
When he sees the little creature approaching Zale and hears his words the dwarf is amused and surprised, and he needs a visible effort to avoid laughing aloud "Quite a long time Zale, isn't? I have almost forgotten you are a Queen!"
While he wait Zale to respond, he replies to the tiny kobold by gently bending his head "Nice to meet you little knight, I'm Eric; Eric Bjorsntad, the Queen's Counselor" he says winking.
OCC: Eric's original description follows: He is a 5 feet tall and bulky dwarf who shares the toughness typical of his kind. He has long reddish barb, with long curly hair of the same color. Firs thing you notice, even from afar, is that he carries the signs of a long and harsh journey but even if his clothes and hair are covered in dust and his boots are patched and covered in dry mud, he still maintain the posture of a notable person, educated and proud in the way he speaks and stands. He wears a blacksmith white garments, that with time and fatigue have turned grey under a rusty chainmail, but a shiny necklace hangs from his neck, shaped with the Moradin's Symbol. You can also notice that he carries a scar that, unless covered by his garments, skims around the base of his neck. On his back he also wears a huge shield which also brings the signature of hard times, as well a symbol of his deity incised all along his convexity. A huge hammer which has been used for a long time an many uses, from forge to the battle, lyes on his right side. Although his wretched appearance, you curiously notice that his armor seems to shine in a supernatural way when hit by dim light.
[[ OOC: Very nice the new Zale picture and the Eek' heraldry also ]]
Khessa is not used to being among important people... so she decides to leave the initiative to the 'hosts'. In the meantime, she casts curious glances in various directions... at the large map of the Sword Coast for example, trying to understand if this is being used to plan some unified strategy of opposition to the Cult.
The blue eyes of the blonde arcane warrior also run to the representatives of the various factions present... she searches with her gaze the other Harpers, but also the Zhentarim, among which she tries to recognize the familiar face of Jamna. And she is obviously intrigued also by the factions that she knows least, such as that of the female Half-Elf [[ OOC: Jean ]] and the representative of the King Eek faction, whom Khessa remembers with affection... and whose heraldry makes her think that the three eggs once entrusted to him have generated healthy, strong dragons and hopefully at the service of the North, rather than devoted to its destruction.
As Kni approaches, the tall adventuress, still at Eric's side, smiles warmly: "Pleased to meet you, brave knight! Anyone who wishes to help the Queen can always count on my friendship. Khessa Cabbagefield, at your service".
'I'd like to know whether Mr Long Arms is still in good health and still in the King's service...' Khessa finds herself thinking, smiling sympathetically at the memory of the 'monster' she helped find employment.
Jean runs a hand through her short ginger hair as the city falls silent. She finds her other hand unconsciously straying towards the iron wand she keeps strapped to her belt, and forcibly returns to the casual position she had assumed at the back of the Lords’ Alliance delegation. Jean is a half-elven woman, lanky, dressed in simple trousers and a white blouse with a fine blue coat draped over her shoulders. As she turns her head you can see the light reflecting off of the blue scales that dapple her cheekbones and temple.
Jean had been hovering near the Lords’ Alliance representatives, keeping one eye on the Neverwinter delegate and putting on a bored affect, but privately attempting to eavesdrop on as many conversations as possible. The three newcomers catch her eye as they enter, and she begins to disentangle herself from the crowd to make her way to them, making a guess at who they are and deciding to seize the opportunity to introduce herself. Her mouth quirks into a charmed smile as the short kobold knight makes his introductions.
She approaches the group, smiling widely, “You must all be the heroes we’ve heard so much about,” She bows gracefully to the group, “And Sir Kni! An honor to meet one of the venerable King Eek’s knights. My name is Jean CamGaret. I am very much looking forward to hearing more of your adventures.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
(Thank you both :D and i agree, that's a great visual for Eek's Heraldry.)
Zale waltzes into the chamber grinning. She immediately picks out Zemminy, and is momentary blind to the existence of the vermin surrounding him. She liked Zemminy a lot, and was quite disapointed when he ran of with...yeiigg... that Kobold. She considers walking over to great her old friend, only to find Not Eek kneeling in front of her. A flurry of emotions run across her face before inevitably landing on an expression of suppressed rage.
Her angry eyes dart over to Eric when the dwarf teases her and she briefly glances at Khessa. Seriously?! Why are they egging this on! And why did this...creature have to do this in the middle of a secret meeting?! It's been how long, and that blasted Kobold is STILL obsessing over her? She'd thought she'd escaped this nightmare, but no...perhaps the gods are punishing her for her past sins.
Her face reddens with anger and embarrassment and she opens her mouth with the intent of yelling. "I AIN'T NO BLOODY QUEEN I BE A PIRATE YE HEAR!!!!" However, she stops herself, her jaw moving soundlessly for a few seconds as she remembers...every bloody word in this room is being scrutinized. Attempting to contain herself, she forces a stiff grin and takes a glass of wine from the tray. "Thank ye for this fine beverage small one, you can tell...Eek... that Captain Zale be perfectly fine on her own." Her words are clearly strained and laced with ice despite the fire of anger in her eyes. She then downs the glace of wine in one swig, places it back on the tray and pats Kni on the head. Then she straitens and walks stiffly past the Kobold to take her place at the large table. She then proceeds to try and distract herself by examining the large map.
A tall, broad-shouldered and strikingly good-looking Human noble with angular features and a mane of silver-flecked pumpkin-brown hair approaches the newcomers. Ah, the adventurers a here! I guess formal introductions are in order.
I am lord Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep, the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and leader of the Lords’ Alliance, the lion of man continues. He goes on to introduce the rest of the council, but much to his annoyance the other nobles insist on making their own introductions. It makes the whole process take much longer than Dagult had in mind (to his visible annoyance).
Because the Lords’ Alliance is a confederation, the order sends multiple delegates to the Council of Waterdeep, each effectively representing his or her own faction (within the LA-faction). They are:
- Lord Dagult Neverember (see above) - Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvi, a male Dwarf from Minthrall Hall - Marshal Ulder Ravengard, the male Human leader of the Flaming Fist from Baldur’s Gate - King Melandrach, a male Elf. King of the Misty Forest and delegate for the Elves of Both the Misty Forest and the High Forest. - Taern “Thunderspells” Hornblade, a male Human Wizard from Silverymoon - Sir Isteval, a well-known former adventurer (male Human Paladin) and Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr. Though not an actual member of the Lords’ Alliance, he is present at the Council of Waterdeep as the alliance’s nominal representative for Daggerford.
Remallia Haventree is the Harper’s leading delegate. The female Moon Elf seems quiet, but honest and friendly.
The strong male Human Paladin Ontharr Frume is also friendly, but less quiet. Far less quiet! The leading delegate for the Order of the Gauntlet even trying to convince Eric to have another drinking contest.
Dalaan Winterhound is a quiet male Half-Elf and the lone representative of the Emerald Enclave.
King Eek the Good, first of his name: King of Kobolds, Protector of the Greenfields and Father of Dragons sends his friend and advisor Zeminny Crickit (a male Halfling) as his delegate. The gorgeous Half-Elf with big beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair, Leera, has joined Zeminny and Kni.
After those annoyingly long introductions, Dagult explains that the council has heard reports from Ontharr, Leosin, and other witnesses, but that the delegates wish to hear from the heroes at the center of recent events.
Eric somehow avoids being involved in another drinking contest for the moment, although he's happy to see Ontarr again and leaves him with the promise of another challenge. He clears his voice and steps forward beyond the Council.
"As you all may already know" he stands up and looks around, searching the gaze of the delegates. "We are chasing the Cult of the Dragon since the sieged Greenest, time ago. The Horde has traveled, under the custody of the one of Cult's leader, Rezmir the black along the Sword Cost, and there was offered at, and guarded by Glazhael, the great white dragon. Although gold and gems seems meaningful for their purpose, we heard that what they estimate the most above all the treasure are the Dragon Masks. We do believe that up to five dragon masks exist and they are key objets in performing a blasphemous ritual, with embodies the ultimate goal of the cult: Freeing Tiamat from her prison in the nine Hells". He stops briefly, observing the reaction of the delegates before continuing. "Herein along with Cultist, there were the Red Wizards: Rath Modar and Azbara Jones, allies of the Cult of the Dragon, fearsome enemies, those power cannot be underestimated. We were able to defeat them in battle but they escaped and so their menace still endures. The half black dragon Rezmir instead, found her end under our swords and she is no more, although she was able to send the black dragon mask away from the castle, by magical mean, before the fall". He pauses again before concluding " But along with all these dreadful enemies we found an unexpected ally in Blagothkus, lord of the Cloud Giants and his ogre crew who bravely fought along us against Glazahel, ultimately crushing Skyreach castle to the ground, so embracing his own end, for the freedom of his people." Eric finally stops "May his sacrifice not be in vain" he ads in lower voice.
Yes, we've read about your attack on the Dragon hatchery. Connerad Brawnanvil replies. Though I don't deny your bold demonstrations of heroism, I have to ask: Why would you leaves those Dragon Egg intact?!
I was wondering the same thing. The arrogant Elven king joins in. Caution is advised.
Frume also doesn't seem to like it, but says nothing. Sir Isteval, a veteran Dragon slayer, joins him in his disapproval and silence.
Marshal Ulder Ravengard is much more outspoken, the stern warrior hits the table with his fist: They should have been destroyed!
It looks like most delegates would have more respect for a decision to destroy the hatchery, accepting that having fewer dragons to deal with later on is an advantage.
[[Allowing the party to respond before Zeminny rushes to your defense]]
"Dragons are not subjected to Tiamat's evilness by nature" answers Eric "their nature develops through experience, like other sentient beings if appropriately risen they become faithful guardians and allies" he briefly stops "Maybe most of you knows little about the small villages along the woodlands" he says apparently changing the subject of the speech "but have you ever observed wolfs? If a wolf puppy is taken by shepherds and risen appropriately, he became the most loyal guarding of the herds, and keeps the wild wolfs at bay" the dwarf concludes with calm voice "so will be the dragons".
Remallia Haventree agrees with Eric. Well, partially that is. I would have preferred the eggs to be kept for ransoming back to their parents, potentially keeping those dragons from cooperating with the cult.
However Delaan Winterhound strongly agrees with Eric: Chromatic dragons are a part of the natural order and killing their young upsets the balance of that order.
Taern Hornblade thinks there might have been a way to leverage the eggs as ransom.
Well, what's done is done! Zeminny chimes in. And lets not forget that now the eggs are hatched those little Dragons have been instrumental to king Eek's reign. We all benefit: the Greenflieds are the savest part of the Swordcoast right now. He says pointing at the map on the table.
Agreed! Dagult says, trying to minimize divisions among the council. I would have sold the valuable eggs to “responsible buyers,” then used that gold to hire more mercenaries. But now we have an army to spare. Let's continue.
Skyreach Castle. Dagult moves on. Are you sure of its fate? Did you see or feel the crash?
"We saw Glazahel daying" replies the dwarf "but we fell from Skyreach before it faced his ultimate fate. But since the dragon and Rezmir have been slayed, with Blagothkus and his Ogres fighting around; it seems reasonable to assume it has been destroyed"
Khessa is pleased with another seemingly friendly meeting and enthusiastically shakes hands with the half-elven woman: "Pleasure to meet you, Jean! I'm Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield! If you want to keep us company after this council, it will be a pleasure to make friends with you! But for now I fear we will have to focus on the threat we bring news of..."
When Zale dismisses the poor kobold knight, the blonde arcane warrior tries to console him: "Don't worry! Your embassy was perfect, but a pirate's heart is not easy to win - there is always the possibility that King Eek will have to choose a different Queen. And that will not stop you from remaining our friend, if it pleases you".
As the tall adventuress supposed, the Cult matter soon comes to the fore. She stays close to Eric, in contact with him to give him silent support. Several times she is disconcerted by the arrogance of those present who, despite not having been present to face the dangers that decimated the party, seem to feel authorized to question (even if only partially) their actions. However, she remains impassive, considering that Eric, her shield, her calm rock, is managing to respond with thoughtfulness and wisdom.
Most powerful factions of the Sword Coast all recognize the threat of the Cult of the Dragon, and they are willing to cooperate with each other to prevent it. Trust doesn’t come easily for these disparate groups. But even for orders and organizations that have been in conflict in the past, the “enemy of my enemy” is easily understood. Though the leadership of the Cult of the Dragon could not have realized it, one of the key events in the fight to thwart Severin’s plans was the cult’s assassination of Arthagast Ulbrinter, a Masked Lord of Waterdeep and husband of Remi Haventree of the Harpers. News of Arthagast’s recent murder has spread across the Sword Coast, and has galvanized opposition to the cult in Waterdeep. In her grief, Remi Haventree has sworn to destroy the cult and the threat it presents to the Sword Coast. She has been instrumental in bringing the factions together for the Council of Waterdeep. A group of heroes has been fighting the Cult for a while now, and their heroics have been brought to the attention of powerful leaders and earned them a place at the council table.
Zale, Khessa and Eric are met by their friend Leosin Erlanthar. It's good to see you again. Unfortunately we don't have much time for pleasantries, you are summoned to the Lords’ Palace! As Leosin guides you through the City of Spendors he informs you about the council. Although he is not invited to the council discussions, Remallia Haventree has informed him of the agenda and the reason the party has been summoned. He advises the characters that though the factions are all nominally committed to stopping the Cult of the Dragon, none of the delegates have made substantive pledges yet. Too much mistrust still burdens the factions, and not enough is known about the situation. Erlanthar thinks the leaders need someone to show them the right path—heroes who will lead the forces of the Sword Coast with certainty into the coming darkness. He believes that you have a chance to be those heroes. However, he explains that each faction will weigh every word they say and scrutinize every one of their decisions. What pleases one group might anger another, and it will be incredibly difficult to make all parties happy.
During their walk through the streets of Waterdeep a sudden shift in the wind brings with it a strange sense of unease. The feeling is akin to the drop in air pressure before the approach of a deadly storm, or faint tremors felt from a landslide or earthquake far away. You’re not the only ones who have noticed. The city around you goes unnaturally quiet suddenly. No dogs bark, no birds squawk. Even the street vendors have gone silent.
Kni and Jean, you are already in the secret council chamber with your respective faction delegates. The outer galleries are packed with nobles engaged in heated debate, and the guards are wearing livery from city-states across the North. Even they fall silent during this strange event. The silence lasts only a moment before the normal sounds of Waterdeep return to mask the unexplained sensation. In the chambers of the council, that’s more like a war room, a Waterdhavian noble, Dala Silmerhelve, reveals that she might know something about the strange phenomenon. However she would like to wait for the adventurers.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
A few things:
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
The Dwarf stops briefly on the Palace's stairs and directs his gaze through the horizon, following the direction from which the wind change belongs, a strange feeling crosses his body, the feel that the abrupt change in the weather is more than a mere natural phenomenon. His eyes scouts the horizon, looking for anything that may explain it (Perception check: 23)
Khessa, the tall and imposing woman in full plate armor, who, despite the no less imposing weapons sticking out from behind her back (a maul and an elaborately crafted greatsword) was walking alongside the dwarf with ease, as if she didn't even feel the weight of all the metal she was carrying, stops with m and hugs him, passing a hand over his shoulders with confidence and affection, while her wavy blond hair flutters in the wind.
Her blue eyes express all the perplexity of the tall adventuress: "Storm wind... Could it be an omen for the future, Eric? Only that it is not, instead, a magical effect of some further machination of the Cult..." she furtively caresses a rod with arcane engravings that, in its naive simplicity, seems to have been made by a boy... but that evidently helps her to focus on her magical knowledge.
The blonde arcane warrior tries to understand if the origin of the phenomenon could be magical, asking at the same time (even if this time it is not clear to whom she is speaking): "Do you have any idea, Hazirawn? Are you aware of possible magical effects capable of triggering such a sudden change in weather?"
Khessa's Arcana roll (in game log), if needed: 2 + 4 = 6
(Let's hope it's not needed 😉)
The bronze dragonborn carries herself with an air of confidence as she walks along with the blond warrior and her dwarven companion. Surprisingly, the human woman stands a good head over her. She wears a green bandana around her neck, a rapier at her hip, leather armor, and various belts with pouches hanging from them. Aside from her unusually short stature for a dragonborn, the most notable thing about her appearance is her broken right horn, and the large scar across her temple.
She laughs at Khessa's comment about the storm. "Heh heh, Don't ye be worry'n 'bout the wind. There ain't no storm we can't weather." She grins, "My name be Zale Stormsent for a reason."
She doesn't give any explanation for that, and continues walking towards the trio's destination.
(Decided to redraw her last night! As the longest running pbp character i've played, she deserves it XD)
Eric is pretty sure that if the phenomenon had a natural cause, he would have seen it. So only unnatural causes remain. (Khessa doesn’t have a clue.)
The 3 adventurers reach the Lords’ Palace and Leosin guides them through the outer galleries, where gathered nobles discuss the phenomenon. The entrance to the council chambers is heavily guarded. Leosin has to remain behind as you enter the secret chambers.
Once you enter you notice the various delegates of their different factions, especially the nobles look like they have pulled out all the stops to emphasize their important position. The Greenest-Kobold faction immediately catches your attention. Despite his short stature, Zeminny’s smiling face is easy to recognize. And next to him stands the beautiful Leera and… is that Eek? No this Kobold looks a bit different… Among the Lords’ Alliance a female Half-Elf catches your attention. (Kni and Jean, that’s you cue)
The room has no chairs, only a big table with a large map of the Sword Coast and various documents. There are smaller tables and stand across the room with carafes of wine and water. There are no servants.
[[OOC: very nice Zale!]]
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Kni is a small kobold, with his plain red scales and some draconic features. And although he had this glimmery kind of armor on, it was transparent and most would note he just wore a make shift tunic. On the tunic was a crudely drawn heraldly of King Eek. Kni just kept a wide but awkward smile as the delegates debated. Even as the strange silence took place, he kept on smiling. He was completely and utterly lost in the meeting, not understanding a single word. But he had to make a good impression, he didn't want anyone to think that King Eek sent an incompetent knight.
But his focus comes to a point as the three adventurers enter the chambers. Kni's short memory flashes back to Greenest, and King Eek comes first. The glorious and mighty King Eek, had entrusted small Kni with an honored role. To aid his queen and her companions in their quest. And it is understandable. For Kni saw the same might and glory radiate from the Queen. So radiant and courageous, she truly was the perfect spouse for King Eek.
But what's this? No servants in sight. Kni panicked as he scampered over to a smaller table, setting a carafe and glasses onto a tray. He took the tray and hurried over to the Queen. He kneeled before Zale and presented the tray to her.
"Kni is Kni, Kni is knight! King Eek send Kni to help the Queen! And King Eek..." He blanks out for a moment, "...King Eek says hi!"
Eek's heraldry
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
While the group is entering in the Palace's hall, Eric exhales and shakes his head "I feel this is not a matter of natural cause, I feel that this phenomenon is somehow caused by the awakening of a dark unnatural power, perhaps a machination of the Cult of the Dragon" he then enters into the room with the other and wait for the council to begin.
When he sees the little creature approaching Zale and hears his words the dwarf is amused and surprised, and he needs a visible effort to avoid laughing aloud "Quite a long time Zale, isn't? I have almost forgotten you are a Queen!"
While he wait Zale to respond, he replies to the tiny kobold by gently bending his head "Nice to meet you little knight, I'm Eric; Eric Bjorsntad, the Queen's Counselor" he says winking.
OCC: Eric's original description follows: He is a 5 feet tall and bulky dwarf who shares the toughness typical of his kind. He has long reddish barb, with long curly hair of the same color. Firs thing you notice, even from afar, is that he carries the signs of a long and harsh journey but even if his clothes and hair are covered in dust and his boots are patched and covered in dry mud, he still maintain the posture of a notable person, educated and proud in the way he speaks and stands. He wears a blacksmith white garments, that with time and fatigue have turned grey under a rusty chainmail, but a shiny necklace hangs from his neck, shaped with the Moradin's Symbol. You can also notice that he carries a scar that, unless covered by his garments, skims around the base of his neck. On his back he also wears a huge shield which also brings the signature of hard times, as well a symbol of his deity incised all along his convexity. A huge hammer which has been used for a long time an many uses, from forge to the battle, lyes on his right side. Although his wretched appearance, you curiously notice that his armor seems to shine in a supernatural way when hit by dim light.
[[ OOC: Very nice the new Zale picture and the Eek' heraldry also ]]
Khessa is not used to being among important people... so she decides to leave the initiative to the 'hosts'. In the meantime, she casts curious glances in various directions... at the large map of the Sword Coast for example, trying to understand if this is being used to plan some unified strategy of opposition to the Cult.
The blue eyes of the blonde arcane warrior also run to the representatives of the various factions present... she searches with her gaze the other Harpers, but also the Zhentarim, among which she tries to recognize the familiar face of Jamna. And she is obviously intrigued also by the factions that she knows least, such as that of the female Half-Elf [[ OOC: Jean ]] and the representative of the King Eek faction, whom Khessa remembers with affection... and whose heraldry makes her think that the three eggs once entrusted to him have generated healthy, strong dragons and hopefully at the service of the North, rather than devoted to its destruction.
As Kni approaches, the tall adventuress, still at Eric's side, smiles warmly: "Pleased to meet you, brave knight! Anyone who wishes to help the Queen can always count on my friendship. Khessa Cabbagefield, at your service".
'I'd like to know whether Mr Long Arms is still in good health and still in the King's service...' Khessa finds herself thinking, smiling sympathetically at the memory of the 'monster' she helped find employment.
Jean runs a hand through her short ginger hair as the city falls silent. She finds her other hand unconsciously straying towards the iron wand she keeps strapped to her belt, and forcibly returns to the casual position she had assumed at the back of the Lords’ Alliance delegation. Jean is a half-elven woman, lanky, dressed in simple trousers and a white blouse with a fine blue coat draped over her shoulders. As she turns her head you can see the light reflecting off of the blue scales that dapple her cheekbones and temple.
Jean had been hovering near the Lords’ Alliance representatives, keeping one eye on the Neverwinter delegate and putting on a bored affect, but privately attempting to eavesdrop on as many conversations as possible. The three newcomers catch her eye as they enter, and she begins to disentangle herself from the crowd to make her way to them, making a guess at who they are and deciding to seize the opportunity to introduce herself. Her mouth quirks into a charmed smile as the short kobold knight makes his introductions.
She approaches the group, smiling widely, “You must all be the heroes we’ve heard so much about,” She bows gracefully to the group, “And Sir Kni! An honor to meet one of the venerable King Eek’s knights. My name is Jean CamGaret. I am very much looking forward to hearing more of your adventures.”
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
(Thank you both :D and i agree, that's a great visual for Eek's Heraldry.)
Zale waltzes into the chamber grinning. She immediately picks out Zemminy, and is momentary blind to the existence of the vermin surrounding him. She liked Zemminy a lot, and was quite disapointed when he ran of with...yeiigg... that Kobold. She considers walking over to great her old friend, only to find Not Eek kneeling in front of her. A flurry of emotions run across her face before inevitably landing on an expression of suppressed rage.
Her angry eyes dart over to Eric when the dwarf teases her and she briefly glances at Khessa. Seriously?! Why are they egging this on! And why did this...creature have to do this in the middle of a secret meeting?! It's been how long, and that blasted Kobold is STILL obsessing over her? She'd thought she'd escaped this nightmare, but no...perhaps the gods are punishing her for her past sins.
Her face reddens with anger and embarrassment and she opens her mouth with the intent of yelling. "I AIN'T NO BLOODY QUEEN I BE A PIRATE YE HEAR!!!!" However, she stops herself, her jaw moving soundlessly for a few seconds as she remembers...every bloody word in this room is being scrutinized. Attempting to contain herself, she forces a stiff grin and takes a glass of wine from the tray. "Thank ye for this fine beverage small one, you can tell...Eek... that Captain Zale be perfectly fine on her own." Her words are clearly strained and laced with ice despite the fire of anger in her eyes. She then downs the glace of wine in one swig, places it back on the tray and pats Kni on the head. Then she straitens and walks stiffly past the Kobold to take her place at the large table. She then proceeds to try and distract herself by examining the large map.
A tall, broad-shouldered and strikingly good-looking Human noble with angular features and a mane of silver-flecked pumpkin-brown hair approaches the newcomers. Ah, the adventurers a here! I guess formal introductions are in order.
I am lord Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep, the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and leader of the Lords’ Alliance, the lion of man continues. He goes on to introduce the rest of the council, but much to his annoyance the other nobles insist on making their own introductions. It makes the whole process take much longer than Dagult had in mind (to his visible annoyance).
Because the Lords’ Alliance is a confederation, the order sends multiple delegates to the Council of Waterdeep, each effectively representing his or her own faction (within the LA-faction). They are:
- Lord Dagult Neverember (see above)
- Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvi, a male Dwarf from Minthrall Hall
- Marshal Ulder Ravengard, the male Human leader of the Flaming Fist from Baldur’s Gate
- King Melandrach, a male Elf. King of the Misty Forest and delegate for the Elves of Both the Misty Forest and the High Forest.
- Taern “Thunderspells” Hornblade, a male Human Wizard from Silverymoon
- Sir Isteval, a well-known former adventurer (male Human Paladin) and Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr. Though not an actual member of the Lords’ Alliance, he is present at the Council of Waterdeep as the alliance’s nominal representative for Daggerford.
Remallia Haventree is the Harper’s leading delegate. The female Moon Elf seems quiet, but honest and friendly.
The strong male Human Paladin Ontharr Frume is also friendly, but less quiet. Far less quiet! The leading delegate for the Order of the Gauntlet even trying to convince Eric to have another drinking contest.
Dalaan Winterhound is a quiet male Half-Elf and the lone representative of the Emerald Enclave.
King Eek the Good, first of his name: King of Kobolds, Protector of the Greenfields and Father of Dragons sends his friend and advisor Zeminny Crickit (a male Halfling) as his delegate. The gorgeous Half-Elf with big beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair, Leera, has joined Zeminny and Kni.
After those annoyingly long introductions, Dagult explains that the council has heard reports from Ontharr, Leosin, and other witnesses, but that the delegates wish to hear from the heroes at the center of recent events.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Eric somehow avoids being involved in another drinking contest for the moment, although he's happy to see Ontarr again and leaves him with the promise of another challenge. He clears his voice and steps forward beyond the Council.
"As you all may already know" he stands up and looks around, searching the gaze of the delegates. "We are chasing the Cult of the Dragon since the sieged Greenest, time ago. The Horde has traveled, under the custody of the one of Cult's leader, Rezmir the black along the Sword Cost, and there was offered at, and guarded by Glazhael, the great white dragon. Although gold and gems seems meaningful for their purpose, we heard that what they estimate the most above all the treasure are the Dragon Masks. We do believe that up to five dragon masks exist and they are key objets in performing a blasphemous ritual, with embodies the ultimate goal of the cult: Freeing Tiamat from her prison in the nine Hells". He stops briefly, observing the reaction of the delegates before continuing. "Herein along with Cultist, there were the Red Wizards: Rath Modar and Azbara Jones, allies of the Cult of the Dragon, fearsome enemies, those power cannot be underestimated. We were able to defeat them in battle but they escaped and so their menace still endures. The half black dragon Rezmir instead, found her end under our swords and she is no more, although she was able to send the black dragon mask away from the castle, by magical mean, before the fall". He pauses again before concluding " But along with all these dreadful enemies we found an unexpected ally in Blagothkus, lord of the Cloud Giants and his ogre crew who bravely fought along us against Glazahel, ultimately crushing Skyreach castle to the ground, so embracing his own end, for the freedom of his people." Eric finally stops "May his sacrifice not be in vain" he ads in lower voice.
Yes, we've read about your attack on the Dragon hatchery. Connerad Brawnanvil replies. Though I don't deny your bold demonstrations of heroism, I have to ask: Why would you leaves those Dragon Egg intact?!
I was wondering the same thing. The arrogant Elven king joins in. Caution is advised.
Frume also doesn't seem to like it, but says nothing. Sir Isteval, a veteran Dragon slayer, joins him in his disapproval and silence.
Marshal Ulder Ravengard is much more outspoken, the stern warrior hits the table with his fist: They should have been destroyed!
It looks like most delegates would have more respect for a decision to destroy the hatchery, accepting that having fewer dragons to deal with later on is an advantage.
[[Allowing the party to respond before Zeminny rushes to your defense]]
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
"Dragons are not subjected to Tiamat's evilness by nature" answers Eric "their nature develops through experience, like other sentient beings if appropriately risen they become faithful guardians and allies" he briefly stops "Maybe most of you knows little about the small villages along the woodlands" he says apparently changing the subject of the speech "but have you ever observed wolfs? If a wolf puppy is taken by shepherds and risen appropriately, he became the most loyal guarding of the herds, and keeps the wild wolfs at bay" the dwarf concludes with calm voice "so will be the dragons".
Remallia Haventree agrees with Eric. Well, partially that is. I would have preferred the eggs to be kept for ransoming back to their parents, potentially keeping those dragons from cooperating with the cult.
However Delaan Winterhound strongly agrees with Eric: Chromatic dragons are a part of the natural order and killing their young upsets the balance of that order.
Taern Hornblade thinks there might have been a way to leverage the eggs as ransom.
Well, what's done is done! Zeminny chimes in. And lets not forget that now the eggs are hatched those little Dragons have been instrumental to king Eek's reign. We all benefit: the Greenflieds are the savest part of the Swordcoast right now. He says pointing at the map on the table.
Agreed! Dagult says, trying to minimize divisions among the council. I would have sold the valuable eggs to “responsible buyers,” then used that gold to hire more mercenaries. But now we have an army to spare. Let's continue.
Skyreach Castle. Dagult moves on. Are you sure of its fate? Did you see or feel the crash?
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
"We saw Glazahel daying" replies the dwarf "but we fell from Skyreach before it faced his ultimate fate. But since the dragon and Rezmir have been slayed, with Blagothkus and his Ogres fighting around; it seems reasonable to assume it has been destroyed"
Khessa is pleased with another seemingly friendly meeting and enthusiastically shakes hands with the half-elven woman: "Pleasure to meet you, Jean! I'm Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield! If you want to keep us company after this council, it will be a pleasure to make friends with you! But for now I fear we will have to focus on the threat we bring news of..."
When Zale dismisses the poor kobold knight, the blonde arcane warrior tries to console him: "Don't worry! Your embassy was perfect, but a pirate's heart is not easy to win - there is always the possibility that King Eek will have to choose a different Queen. And that will not stop you from remaining our friend, if it pleases you".
As the tall adventuress supposed, the Cult matter soon comes to the fore. She stays close to Eric, in contact with him to give him silent support. Several times she is disconcerted by the arrogance of those present who, despite not having been present to face the dangers that decimated the party, seem to feel authorized to question (even if only partially) their actions. However, she remains impassive, considering that Eric, her shield, her calm rock, is managing to respond with thoughtfulness and wisdom.