The dwarf mumbles "Uhfff, I was expecting a battle of iron and fire, Ice is not my domain.... But if this is will of the Council I'll answer this call; after all dwarf are suited for expeditions in the extreme condition, exploring Icy glaciers of the north is not much different from climbing mountains"
I think there is some confusion. Only Connerad Brawnanvil prefers the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks (he also doesn't seem to like you). All others are content to let you make that decision. The reasons there's more talk about the Draakhorn are: 1. It just freaking happend, 2. there is someone present that knows something about it and 3. there was no intel about the Dragon Masks until you said something about that Varram dude.
The party is free to do whatever they want. Varram, Draakhorn, or go on a shopping spree.
Anyway, you've been vested with your powers, adventure awaits!
The meeting has come to an end, but most people still linger (you can choose to talk privately to any of the people, Zeminny will approach Zale if nothing happens first).
[[ OOC: Oh, OK. Khessa, then, thinks it makes more sense to deal with the Dragon Masks first - so with Varram - but she will discuss it with the party once they are alone to hear everyone's opinion. ]]
Khessa is not sure she fully understands the reasons that push Connerad Brawnanvil to prefer to focus on the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks... 'Plus, he also doesn't seem to like us...' she thinks 'Let's hope it's just an initial antipathy that can be smoothed out... and not the symptom of something worse. The last thing we need is spies from the Cult within the council!'
The blonde arcane warrior, while waiting to be able to discuss the next move in private with the party members, goes to look for Leosin to get information on Varram.
(Apologies for the radio silence I’ve been out for the holidays)
Zale has been utterly silent for the majority of this meeting. Her expression remains relatively indifferent, though inside she’s seething. What did that bloody kobold do?! Why is this entire council calling her queen?! Her right eye twitches, but she forces a grin and a nod when the human lord addresses her. It’s quite a feat for her to contain her anger. Speaking on anything would probably betray her facade.
Once the meeting disperses Zale’s mask of indifference fractures. She crosses her arms and glares at Zeminny when he approaches. “Ye care to explain how this whole Queen business has blown up?”
Zale has some thoughts about this Draakhorn and the dragon masks, but she is currently to distracted to discuss that with Eric and Khessa.
Jean steps forward as she is called officially to represent the Lord's Alliance, schooling her reaction and aiming to look deferential. She will, however, flash a grin at Khessa as the other woman claps her on the shoulder. "I look forward to that very much, Khessa." As Khessa leaves to talk with Leosin and Zale turns to Zeminny, Jean will excuse herself and go to find Lord Dagult Neverember and as many of the Lords' Alliance representatives as happened to stick around.
"My lord!" Jean will bow as she approaches, intending it more as a flourish and flattery than as a show of respect. "I thank you — and the rest of the Alliance — for placing your trust in me. If there are any goals you hope to see accomplished in this group, or anything you would like for me to do as a representative, please let me know."
Kni follows Zeminny, carrying another tray of wine.
"Queen is Queen because Queen is strong like dragon. Is easy to see why others would know Queen's strength. Very famed, Queen is best Queen!" Kni lifts the tray over his head, offering another drink to Zale.
[[ OOC: Oh, OK. Khessa, then, thinks it makes more sense to deal with the Dragon Masks first - so with Varram - but she will discuss it with the party once they are alone to hear everyone's opinion. ]]
Khessa is not sure she fully understands the reasons that push Connerad Brawnanvil to prefer to focus on the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks... 'Plus, he also doesn't seem to like us...' she thinks 'Let's hope it's just an initial antipathy that can be smoothed out... and not the symptom of something worse. The last thing we need is spies from the Cult within the council!'
The blonde arcane warrior, while waiting to be able to discuss the next move in private with the party members, goes to look for Leosin to get information on Varram.
You find him just outside the room. He's been waiting for you.
(Apologies for the radio silence I’ve been out for the holidays)
Zale has been utterly silent for the majority of this meeting. Her expression remains relatively indifferent, though inside she’s seething. What did that bloody kobold do?! Why is this entire council calling her queen?! Her right eye twitches, but she forces a grin and a nod when the human lord addresses her. It’s quite a feat for her to contain her anger. Speaking on anything would probably betray her facade.
Once the meeting disperses Zale’s mask of indifference fractures. She crosses her arms and glares at Zeminny when he approaches. “Ye care to explain how this whole Queen business has blown up?”
Zale has some thoughts about this Draakhorn and the dragon masks, but she is currently to distracted to discuss that with Eric and Khessa.
Zeminny apologizes for the whole situation, but judging by his smiling face he's enjoying it.
It's not all bad however! The king told me to give you this! Your crown! And before you ask it has a nifty perk you might like.
[OOC: it's the Crown of the Kobold Queen. It looks more like a circlet and it has the Dragon Fear feat. I'll put it in your inventory]
Jean steps forward as she is called officially to represent the Lord's Alliance, schooling her reaction and aiming to look deferential. She will, however, flash a grin at Khessa as the other woman claps her on the shoulder. "I look forward to that very much, Khessa." As Khessa leaves to talk with Leosin and Zale turns to Zeminny, Jean will excuse herself and go to find Lord Dagult Neverember and as many of the Lords' Alliance representatives as happened to stick around.
"My lord!" Jean will bow as she approaches, intending it more as a flourish and flattery than as a show of respect. "I thank you — and the rest of the Alliance — for placing your trust in me. If there are any goals you hope to see accomplished in this group, or anything you would like for me to do as a representative, please let me know."
Dagult answers: Nothing comes without effort, and sacrifices must be made when necessary. Most of the people in the Queen's party are commoners and need strong leaders to protect them—and to do what must be done even when it is distasteful. Use any means at your disposal to reach your goals, as long as those means are legally justifiable.
"Leosin!" Khessa hugs the monk, smiling "It's nice to see you again! Now that this council business is over, I can finally ask you how you are... Are you okay? Have you fully recovered from the scars of captivity?"
After finishing checking on Leosin, the blonde arcane warrior continues: "I was told that you could provide me with information on a certain Varram, a shield dwarf who probably has a high rank within the Cult of the Dragon... in fact it seems that he has been entrusted with a powerful artifact. A Dragon Mask".
The tall adventuress explains what she knows about the Dragon Masks, the fact that they are needed to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells, that there is one for each color of evil chromatic dragon, and that apparently Varram has been entrusted with the White Dragon Mask. She then concludes: "Of course, none of us want Tiamat showing up at our house for dinner. So it will be better to take the Dragon Masks away from the Cult. Can you help us with this? If nothing else by giving us information on Varram?"
The monk replies: I have, I have... but Khessa, how are you? You changed, did something happen?
Hazirawn answers before you can: It's probably that tattoo in her neck.
And a talking sword no less Leosin continues Anyway, I'not going to pry. I'll tell you what I know about Varram. Those Dragon Masks are too important to ignore this lead. Harper agents have heard rumors of a Dwarf named Varram that was adventuring near Boareskyr Bridge. I thought he could be a hing ranking Cult member since I learned that he wears purple ropes. Boareskyr Bridge is near the Serpent Hills. With our Harper agents already spread far and wide on intelligence-gathering missions, you are a perfect choice to pursue this Varram!
For an instance, Eric looks worried by Leosin's words about he beloved and, when Hazirawn speaks, he takes a brief look in the direction of the mark on his neck. Nonetheless he hides his concern and speaks to the monks "Who are the Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge? It would make the things easier if we know them in advance, so we can actively looking for them instead of letting them doing all the job"
At the moment there are no Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge. I believe the rumors were shared by the Paladins from the theocracy of Elturgard. They maintain watch over the bridge in a newly built keep. There's also a rough-and-tumble establishment set up in a large pavilion near the center of Boareskyr’s tent city. That could be a good place to listen for more rumors.
Khessa smiles at the monk Harper, when he takes note of the talking greatsword: "Leosin, meet Hazirawn, noble Netherese weapon of ancient times, who has a not-negligible desire to kill wizards... So, since it seems several Red Wizards are in league with the Cult... we have temporarily joined forces. Hazirawn, meet Leosin, a friend of mine who you would probably like even more than me... he does not use magic - other than that of the perfect martial training of his body, that is".
"Anyway, Leosin..." the blonde arcane warrior is puzzled "what do you mean 'I changed'? Now, what Hazirawn says is true: since we lost sight of each other I have received a magical tattoo here, usually hidden under my hair" (she shows it to him). "I had it done to me by the Red Wizards, to better infiltrate the Cult - but even if it is a tattoo that has occasional unpleasant side effects, I have not noticed that it has 'changed' me in any obvious way. What have you noticed, Leosin?"
When the conversation turns to Varram, the tall adventuress, in response to Leosin's answer to Eric, concludes: "A high-ranking Cultist told us about Varram, envying him because he was entrusted with a Dragon Mask - so we can eliminate any doubts about his involvement with the Cult; he is certainly a high-ranking member. If there are no Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge at the moment, that is all the more reason for at least one to go there as soon as possible, I would say" she winks (obviously referring to herself). "I will consult with the other party members, but I believe we need to get to this large pavilion near the center of Boareskyr’s tent city as soon as possible – and get on the trail of Varram – and his Dragon Mask".
Leosin is polite when Hazirawn talks about how spell slots run out (and sword swings don't) but tries to ignore him when he replies to Khessa. He tries to hide his shock when he notices Tiamat's symbol in Khessa's neck.
Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing. It's probably nothing... maybe I just noticed that you are more experienced now.
Khessa shares Leosin's patience with Hazirawn's sermons - which she does acknowledge to have some validity: "Indeed, Hazirawn... That's why I often resort to sword swings. It's just that, as you'll see if you continue to hang out with me, there are times when magic can help sword swings hit better or be more effective... Or there are things that spells can do that sword swings can't - like saving you from a nasty fall from a flying fortress, to cite an example well known to all of us. Having more options open to you is usually a good thing - in fact, even if you don't want to bind yourself to me enough for me to use them right now, you have spells at your disposal too - and that's something that I think complements your power. The same goes for my few spells in my case".
The blonde arcane warrior, while saying goodbye to Leosin, asks for information on how to reach the destination, then turns to her beloved dwarf: "Before leaving, since we are in a metropolis, it would be convenient for us to sell the loot and share the proceeds... If I earned enough, I could also copy some of the spells we found in the spellbooks stolen from the Cult - thus improving our chances of success. What do you say, Eric?"
And if the party members agree, this would be the next step that the tall adventuress takes... and therefore starts looking for merchants to whom it can sell: - a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp) - A scroll of Mage Armor - An unknown book - Ink (1 ounce bottle), - a sheet of Parchment - 1 day worth of rations - rope (50ft) - waterskin
"Indeed my dear" Eric replies "We should take the chance we have here for getting prepared for our incoming expedition, I feel we won't have similar opportunity for quite a long time!"
Kni follows Zeminny, carrying another tray of wine.
"Queen is Queen because Queen is strong like dragon. Is easy to see why others would know Queen's strength. Very famed, Queen is best Queen!" Kni lifts the tray over his head, offering another drink to Zale.
The dragonborn glances down briefly at Kni, her eye twitching slightly before she waves the tray away with a slight growl. She refuses to encourage the creature, not to mention she isn't a huge fan of wine.
[[ OOC: Oh, OK. Khessa, then, thinks it makes more sense to deal with the Dragon Masks first - so with Varram - but she will discuss it with the party once they are alone to hear everyone's opinion. ]]
Khessa is not sure she fully understands the reasons that push Connerad Brawnanvil to prefer to focus on the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks... 'Plus, he also doesn't seem to like us...' she thinks 'Let's hope it's just an initial antipathy that can be smoothed out... and not the symptom of something worse. The last thing we need is spies from the Cult within the council!'
The blonde arcane warrior, while waiting to be able to discuss the next move in private with the party members, goes to look for Leosin to get information on Varram.
You find him just outside the room. He's been waiting for you.
(Apologies for the radio silence I’ve been out for the holidays)
Zale has been utterly silent for the majority of this meeting. Her expression remains relatively indifferent, though inside she’s seething. What did that bloody kobold do?! Why is this entire council calling her queen?! Her right eye twitches, but she forces a grin and a nod when the human lord addresses her. It’s quite a feat for her to contain her anger. Speaking on anything would probably betray her facade.
Once the meeting disperses Zale’s mask of indifference fractures. She crosses her arms and glares at Zeminny when he approaches. “Ye care to explain how this whole Queen business has blown up?”
Zale has some thoughts about this Draakhorn and the dragon masks, but she is currently to distracted to discuss that with Eric and Khessa.
Zeminny apologizes for the whole situation, but judging by his smiling face he's enjoying it.
It's not all bad however! The king told me to give you this! Your crown! And before you ask it has a nifty perk you might like.
[OOC: it's the Crown of the Kobold Queen. It looks more like a circlet and it has the Dragon Fear feat. I'll put it in your inventory]
Jean steps forward as she is called officially to represent the Lord's Alliance, schooling her reaction and aiming to look deferential. She will, however, flash a grin at Khessa as the other woman claps her on the shoulder. "I look forward to that very much, Khessa." As Khessa leaves to talk with Leosin and Zale turns to Zeminny, Jean will excuse herself and go to find Lord Dagult Neverember and as many of the Lords' Alliance representatives as happened to stick around.
"My lord!" Jean will bow as she approaches, intending it more as a flourish and flattery than as a show of respect. "I thank you — and the rest of the Alliance — for placing your trust in me. If there are any goals you hope to see accomplished in this group, or anything you would like for me to do as a representative, please let me know."
Dagult answers: Nothing comes without effort, and sacrifices must be made when necessary. Most of the people in the Queen's party are commoners and need strong leaders to protect them—and to do what must be done even when it is distasteful. Use any means at your disposal to reach your goals, as long as those means are legally justifiable.
Zale continues to glare at Zemminy as the halfling apologizes, and was about to say something before he shoves the 'crown' into her hands. How the heck was that stupid kobold getting a hold of this kind of thing? Her disgust towards Eek nearly causes her to hurdle the thing across the room...however, her pirate blood restrains her. It's shiny, and obviously worth something. She has no clue how that kobold expected her to wear the thing. With her frill it would not fit right...but then again when you have a brain the size of a pea it's no wonder he didn't consider that. Perhaps she could have Eric forge it into something else... maybe a replacement for the missing end of her horn.
Speaking of, where did Eric and Khessa go? ACK! They left her here with this Koblod and Zemminy! She also realizes that she'd been staring at the circlet for several moments. Growling at herself, she shoves the thing into her satchel.
"Gah! Tell him i don't be needin anymore gifts." She snarls at Zemminy. "Now where the bloody hell did Khessa and Eric go?" She looks around wildly, trying desparately not to look down at Kni.
occ: Eric would like to trade his current armor for a suit of full plate one, do we have to rp it?
No you don't have to rp it. In a city like Waterdeep you can probably find wathever you want. I'll need some some check when we get to it though. And the downside is that in a large city like Waterdeep it would probably cost the better part of the day to sell and shop your things.
Zale continues to glare at Zemminy as the halfling apologizes, and was about to say something before he shoves the 'crown' into her hands. How the heck was that stupid kobold getting a hold of this kind of thing? Her disgust towards Eek nearly causes her to hurdle the thing across the room...however, her pirate blood restrains her. It's shiny, and obviously worth something. She has no clue how that kobold expected her to wear the thing. With her frill it would not fit right...but then again when you have a brain the size of a pea it's no wonder he didn't consider that. Perhaps she could have Eric forge it into something else... maybe a replacement for the missing end of her horn.
Speaking of, where did Eric and Khessa go? ACK! They left her here with this Koblod and Zemminy! She also realizes that she'd been staring at the circlet for several moments. Growling at herself, she shoves the thing into her satchel.
"Gah! Tell him i don't be needin anymore gifts." She snarls at Zemminy. "Now where the bloody hell did Khessa and Eric go?" She looks around wildly, trying desparately not to look down at Kni.
Aren't you going to try it on? Zeminny asks.
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Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
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The dwarf mumbles "Uhfff, I was expecting a battle of iron and fire, Ice is not my domain.... But if this is will of the Council I'll answer this call; after all dwarf are suited for expeditions in the extreme condition, exploring Icy glaciers of the north is not much different from climbing mountains"
I think there is some confusion. Only Connerad Brawnanvil prefers the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks (he also doesn't seem to like you). All others are content to let you make that decision. The reasons there's more talk about the Draakhorn are: 1. It just freaking happend, 2. there is someone present that knows something about it and 3. there was no intel about the Dragon Masks until you said something about that Varram dude.
The party is free to do whatever they want. Varram, Draakhorn, or go on a shopping spree.
Anyway, you've been vested with your powers, adventure awaits!
The meeting has come to an end, but most people still linger (you can choose to talk privately to any of the people, Zeminny will approach Zale if nothing happens first).
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
[[ OOC: Oh, OK. Khessa, then, thinks it makes more sense to deal with the Dragon Masks first - so with Varram - but she will discuss it with the party once they are alone to hear everyone's opinion. ]]
Khessa is not sure she fully understands the reasons that push Connerad Brawnanvil to prefer to focus on the Draakhorn over the Dragon Masks... 'Plus, he also doesn't seem to like us...' she thinks 'Let's hope it's just an initial antipathy that can be smoothed out... and not the symptom of something worse. The last thing we need is spies from the Cult within the council!'
The blonde arcane warrior, while waiting to be able to discuss the next move in private with the party members, goes to look for Leosin to get information on Varram.
(Apologies for the radio silence I’ve been out for the holidays)
Zale has been utterly silent for the majority of this meeting. Her expression remains relatively indifferent, though inside she’s seething. What did that bloody kobold do?! Why is this entire council calling her queen?! Her right eye twitches, but she forces a grin and a nod when the human lord addresses her. It’s quite a feat for her to contain her anger. Speaking on anything would probably betray her facade.
Once the meeting disperses Zale’s mask of indifference fractures. She crosses her arms and glares at Zeminny when he approaches. “Ye care to explain how this whole Queen business has blown up?”
Zale has some thoughts about this Draakhorn and the dragon masks, but she is currently to distracted to discuss that with Eric and Khessa.
Jean steps forward as she is called officially to represent the Lord's Alliance, schooling her reaction and aiming to look deferential. She will, however, flash a grin at Khessa as the other woman claps her on the shoulder. "I look forward to that very much, Khessa." As Khessa leaves to talk with Leosin and Zale turns to Zeminny, Jean will excuse herself and go to find Lord Dagult Neverember and as many of the Lords' Alliance representatives as happened to stick around.
"My lord!" Jean will bow as she approaches, intending it more as a flourish and flattery than as a show of respect. "I thank you — and the rest of the Alliance — for placing your trust in me. If there are any goals you hope to see accomplished in this group, or anything you would like for me to do as a representative, please let me know."
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Kni follows Zeminny, carrying another tray of wine.
"Queen is Queen because Queen is strong like dragon. Is easy to see why others would know Queen's strength. Very famed, Queen is best Queen!" Kni lifts the tray over his head, offering another drink to Zale.
You find him just outside the room. He's been waiting for you.
Zeminny apologizes for the whole situation, but judging by his smiling face he's enjoying it.
It's not all bad however! The king told me to give you this! Your crown! And before you ask it has a nifty perk you might like.
[OOC: it's the Crown of the Kobold Queen. It looks more like a circlet and it has the Dragon Fear feat. I'll put it in your inventory]
Dagult answers: Nothing comes without effort, and sacrifices must be made when necessary. Most of the people in the Queen's party are commoners and need strong leaders to protect them—and to do what must be done even when it is distasteful. Use any means at your disposal to reach your goals, as long as those means are legally justifiable.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
"Leosin!" Khessa hugs the monk, smiling "It's nice to see you again! Now that this council business is over, I can finally ask you how you are... Are you okay? Have you fully recovered from the scars of captivity?"
After finishing checking on Leosin, the blonde arcane warrior continues: "I was told that you could provide me with information on a certain Varram, a shield dwarf who probably has a high rank within the Cult of the Dragon... in fact it seems that he has been entrusted with a powerful artifact. A Dragon Mask".
The tall adventuress explains what she knows about the Dragon Masks, the fact that they are needed to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells, that there is one for each color of evil chromatic dragon, and that apparently Varram has been entrusted with the White Dragon Mask. She then concludes: "Of course, none of us want Tiamat showing up at our house for dinner. So it will be better to take the Dragon Masks away from the Cult. Can you help us with this? If nothing else by giving us information on Varram?"
The monk replies: I have, I have... but Khessa, how are you? You changed, did something happen?
Hazirawn answers before you can: It's probably that tattoo in her neck.
And a talking sword no less Leosin continues Anyway, I'not going to pry. I'll tell you what I know about Varram. Those Dragon Masks are too important to ignore this lead. Harper agents have heard rumors of a Dwarf named Varram that was adventuring near Boareskyr Bridge. I thought he could be a hing ranking Cult member since I learned that he wears purple ropes. Boareskyr Bridge is near the Serpent Hills. With our Harper agents already spread far and wide on intelligence-gathering missions, you are a perfect choice to pursue this Varram!
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
For an instance, Eric looks worried by Leosin's words about he beloved and, when Hazirawn speaks, he takes a brief look in the direction of the mark on his neck. Nonetheless he hides his concern and speaks to the monks "Who are the Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge? It would make the things easier if we know them in advance, so we can actively looking for them instead of letting them doing all the job"
At the moment there are no Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge. I believe the rumors were shared by the Paladins from the theocracy of Elturgard. They maintain watch over the bridge in a newly built keep. There's also a rough-and-tumble establishment set up in a large pavilion near the center of Boareskyr’s tent city. That could be a good place to listen for more rumors.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Khessa smiles at the monk Harper, when he takes note of the talking greatsword: "Leosin, meet Hazirawn, noble Netherese weapon of ancient times, who has a not-negligible desire to kill wizards... So, since it seems several Red Wizards are in league with the Cult... we have temporarily joined forces. Hazirawn, meet Leosin, a friend of mine who you would probably like even more than me... he does not use magic - other than that of the perfect martial training of his body, that is".
"Anyway, Leosin..." the blonde arcane warrior is puzzled "what do you mean 'I changed'? Now, what Hazirawn says is true: since we lost sight of each other I have received a magical tattoo here, usually hidden under my hair" (she shows it to him). "I had it done to me by the Red Wizards, to better infiltrate the Cult - but even if it is a tattoo that has occasional unpleasant side effects, I have not noticed that it has 'changed' me in any obvious way. What have you noticed, Leosin?"
When the conversation turns to Varram, the tall adventuress, in response to Leosin's answer to Eric, concludes: "A high-ranking Cultist told us about Varram, envying him because he was entrusted with a Dragon Mask - so we can eliminate any doubts about his involvement with the Cult; he is certainly a high-ranking member. If there are no Harpers in Boareskyr Bridge at the moment, that is all the more reason for at least one to go there as soon as possible, I would say" she winks (obviously referring to herself). "I will consult with the other party members, but I believe we need to get to this large pavilion near the center of Boareskyr’s tent city as soon as possible – and get on the trail of Varram – and his Dragon Mask".
Leosin is polite when Hazirawn talks about how spell slots run out (and sword swings don't) but tries to ignore him when he replies to Khessa. He tries to hide his shock when he notices Tiamat's symbol in Khessa's neck.
Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing. It's probably nothing... maybe I just noticed that you are more experienced now.
Good luck and happy hunting, he adds with a wink.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Khessa shares Leosin's patience with Hazirawn's sermons - which she does acknowledge to have some validity: "Indeed, Hazirawn... That's why I often resort to sword swings. It's just that, as you'll see if you continue to hang out with me, there are times when magic can help sword swings hit better or be more effective... Or there are things that spells can do that sword swings can't - like saving you from a nasty fall from a flying fortress, to cite an example well known to all of us. Having more options open to you is usually a good thing - in fact, even if you don't want to bind yourself to me enough for me to use them right now, you have spells at your disposal too - and that's something that I think complements your power. The same goes for my few spells in my case".
The blonde arcane warrior, while saying goodbye to Leosin, asks for information on how to reach the destination, then turns to her beloved dwarf: "Before leaving, since we are in a metropolis, it would be convenient for us to sell the loot and share the proceeds... If I earned enough, I could also copy some of the spells we found in the spellbooks stolen from the Cult - thus improving our chances of success. What do you say, Eric?"
And if the party members agree, this would be the next step that the tall adventuress takes... and therefore starts looking for merchants to whom it can sell:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp)
- A scroll of Mage Armor
- An unknown book
- Ink (1 ounce bottle),
- a sheet of Parchment
- 1 day worth of rations
- rope (50ft)
- waterskin
"Indeed my dear" Eric replies "We should take the chance we have here for getting prepared for our incoming expedition, I feel we won't have similar opportunity for quite a long time!"
OCC: first we should sell the statuettes
[I'm allowing the other players to do their thing before we moven on]
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
occ: Eric would like to trade his current armor for a suit of full plate one, do we have to rp it?
The dragonborn glances down briefly at Kni, her eye twitching slightly before she waves the tray away with a slight growl. She refuses to encourage the creature, not to mention she isn't a huge fan of wine.
Zale continues to glare at Zemminy as the halfling apologizes, and was about to say something before he shoves the 'crown' into her hands. How the heck was that stupid kobold getting a hold of this kind of thing? Her disgust towards Eek nearly causes her to hurdle the thing across the room...however, her pirate blood restrains her. It's shiny, and obviously worth something. She has no clue how that kobold expected her to wear the thing. With her frill it would not fit right...but then again when you have a brain the size of a pea it's no wonder he didn't consider that. Perhaps she could have Eric forge it into something else... maybe a replacement for the missing end of her horn.
Speaking of, where did Eric and Khessa go? ACK! They left her here with this Koblod and Zemminy! She also realizes that she'd been staring at the circlet for several moments. Growling at herself, she shoves the thing into her satchel.
"Gah! Tell him i don't be needin anymore gifts." She snarls at Zemminy. "Now where the bloody hell did Khessa and Eric go?" She looks around wildly, trying desparately not to look down at Kni.
No you don't have to rp it. In a city like Waterdeep you can probably find wathever you want. I'll need some some check when we get to it though. And the downside is that in a large city like Waterdeep it would probably cost the better part of the day to sell and shop your things.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Aren't you going to try it on? Zeminny asks.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil