Before you leave the palace a servant asks if he could direct you to your rooms. All council members have their own room (befitting their station) in the palace during the crisis. Apparently that includes you.
Surprised, Eric answers back to the servant "Ahaha, If so, I have no objections. Lead the way" he holds Khessa's hand and winks to the servant "we can share our room"
Hazirawn interjects: Please don't. Although I don't need sleep, I do appreciate my rest. I also don't think it would be appreciated if you kept the entire palace wing awake by indulging your carnal desires.
Khessa and Eric both have small room close together but not next to each other. These rooms are not large and not overly luxurious. But nicer than a servant's room would be. There is a single bed in it.
Jean has lager and nicer room near the other (lesser) nobles from Neverwinter.
But Queen Zale has the best room equal to that of the Masked Lord of Waterdeep. This large luxuryious room is not accessible from the hallway. You must first pass through a smaller room reserved for bodyguards or sworn shields. This is where Kni will be staying.
Khessa pats Hazirawn on the hilt: "Oh, fear not... I will leave you in the room alone, while I go with Eric. You will rest well... Silence spells are not only useful in adventure, you see..."
However, once she has seen the rooms, if it is not too late and the shops are still open, the blonde arcane warrior still intends to sell the loot and share with the party... especially considering that she needs the funds to copy new spells...
Dagult answers: Nothing comes without effort, and sacrifices must be made when necessary. Most of the people in the Queen's party are commoners and need strong leaders to protect them—and to do what must be done even when it is distasteful. Use any means at your disposal to reach your goals, as long as those means are legally justifiable.
Jean bows again, "I understand, my lord."She bids Dagult farewell and walks back over to hover near the entrance until the others finish their business.Gods above, what a prick. I'll have to be careful with that one, I'm sure all this free reign could end easily.
Jean trails after the others as the servant leads them to their rooms, and hums to herself at the sight of her quarters. This, however, I will take gladly. She'll wait for the rest of the party to see if they're shopping or discussing next moves (ooc: i wouldn't mind picking up some crossbow bolts once we get to that), shooting a pleasantly startled glance towards what she now realizes is a talking sword. Remarkable. I can't wait to see where all this goes...
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I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
... (ooc: i wouldn't mind picking up some crossbow bolts once we get to that)...
So given that the loot to sell is:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp) - A scroll of Mage Armor - An unknown book - Ink (1 ounce bottle), - a sheet of Parchment - 1 day worth of rations - rope (50ft) - waterskin
Khessa's proposal is to look for, in order: 1) a collector to sell the statuette of a Black Dragon (being the most valuable and potentially most fragile object, it is better to sell that first) 2) an arcane magic-user (or guild of arcane magic-users) to sell magic scrolls and unknown books 3) a weapons shop to allow Jeand to buy crossbow bolts 4) a general store to sell the rest
The blonde arcane warrior may ask Leosin or other Harpers who know Waterdeep well to help her if she sees that she is having trouble with her research. I therefore expect that we will be able to sell and buy everything...
Zale frowns at Zemminy again when he asks her if she's going to try the thing on, and her eye starts twitching again when Kni starts bouncing up and down whilst babbling about trying the 'crown'.
"No." She replies bluntly. There's no way in hell that she's going to be seen playing dress up in the middle of this council room. ...though she can't deny that she's curious as to what the thing does. She'll have to try it later... in private where no one will see herself look like a fool.
One way of the other, someone shows her to her room. She gawks at it as it's probably the nicest room she's seen since the captain's quarters of her mother's ship. Maybe people thinking she's a queen isn't to bad? ....NO NO NO. She will not think of herself as that. Especially not when they think she's the KOBOLD queen of all things.
Her view of the room changes farther when she realizes that Kni will be sleeping right outside her door. GAH why is this happening to her? What curse had the gods placed on her and why?
Assuming Khessa and Eric are still around, she stalks over to Khessa obviously fuming. "We gonna sell that loot of not? I need to be away from here."
Khessa tries to cheer her friend up: "Oh, Zale..." she winks "You know I'm used to group with the best pirate captain ever... Something must I have learned, right? Of course we go and sell the loot! Let's go!"
Ok, so that we don't have to RP every shop: post what you want to sell and buy. Since you are among allies and have the writ from the council you'll have no problem finding what you're looking for.
[PS I know you should be smart enough not to sell quest items, but just to warn you all: check your inventory]
OK, so... Keeping for now the 'Unknown Book', in case it is a fundamental 'quest item'... The rest of the loot should bring:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp) ==> Let's say 1100Gp then? - A scroll of Mage Armor ==> 50Gp? - Ink (1 ounce bottle) ==> 10Gp - a sheet of Parchment ==> 1Sp - 1 day worth of rations ==> 5Sp - rope (50ft) ==> 1Gp - waterskin ==> 2Sp
OK, so... Keeping for now the 'Unknown Book', in case it is a fundamental 'quest item'... The rest of the loot should bring:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp) ==> Let's say 1100Gp then? - A scroll of Mage Armor ==> 50Gp? - Ink (1 ounce bottle) ==> 10Gp - a sheet of Parchment ==> 1Sp - 1 day worth of rations ==> 5Sp - rope (50ft) ==> 1Gp - waterskin ==> 2Sp
Before you leave the palace a servant asks if he could direct you to your rooms. All council members have their own room (befitting their station) in the palace during the crisis. Apparently that includes you.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Kni excitedly hops about, accidently spilling the wine about. "Try crown! Try crown!" He happily yips.
Surprised, Eric answers back to the servant "Ahaha, If so, I have no objections. Lead the way" he holds Khessa's hand and winks to the servant "we can share our room"
"...And we definitely will!" Khessa enthusiastically agrees with her beloved dwarf.
Hazirawn interjects: Please don't. Although I don't need sleep, I do appreciate my rest. I also don't think it would be appreciated if you kept the entire palace wing awake by indulging your carnal desires.
Khessa and Eric both have small room close together but not next to each other. These rooms are not large and not overly luxurious. But nicer than a servant's room would be. There is a single bed in it.
Jean has lager and nicer room near the other (lesser) nobles from Neverwinter.
But Queen Zale has the best room equal to that of the Masked Lord of Waterdeep. This large luxuryious room is not accessible from the hallway. You must first pass through a smaller room reserved for bodyguards or sworn shields. This is where Kni will be staying.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Khessa pats Hazirawn on the hilt: "Oh, fear not... I will leave you in the room alone, while I go with Eric. You will rest well... Silence spells are not only useful in adventure, you see..."
However, once she has seen the rooms, if it is not too late and the shops are still open, the blonde arcane warrior still intends to sell the loot and share with the party... especially considering that she needs the funds to copy new spells...
Pah, spells!
You still have the afternoon to yourselves, so you go and do your thing.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
"It is exactly what I was about to say" winks Eric.
Jean bows again, "I understand, my lord." She bids Dagult farewell and walks back over to hover near the entrance until the others finish their business. Gods above, what a prick. I'll have to be careful with that one, I'm sure all this free reign could end easily.
Jean trails after the others as the servant leads them to their rooms, and hums to herself at the sight of her quarters. This, however, I will take gladly. She'll wait for the rest of the party to see if they're shopping or discussing next moves (ooc: i wouldn't mind picking up some crossbow bolts once we get to that), shooting a pleasantly startled glance towards what she now realizes is a talking sword. Remarkable. I can't wait to see where all this goes...
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
So given that the loot to sell is:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp)
- A scroll of Mage Armor
- An unknown book
- Ink (1 ounce bottle),
- a sheet of Parchment
- 1 day worth of rations
- rope (50ft)
- waterskin
Khessa's proposal is to look for, in order:
1) a collector to sell the statuette of a Black Dragon (being the most valuable and potentially most fragile object, it is better to sell that first)
2) an arcane magic-user (or guild of arcane magic-users) to sell magic scrolls and unknown books
3) a weapons shop to allow Jeand to buy crossbow bolts
4) a general store to sell the rest
The blonde arcane warrior may ask Leosin or other Harpers who know Waterdeep well to help her if she sees that she is having trouble with her research. I therefore expect that we will be able to sell and buy everything...
Zale frowns at Zemminy again when he asks her if she's going to try the thing on, and her eye starts twitching again when Kni starts bouncing up and down whilst babbling about trying the 'crown'.
"No." She replies bluntly. There's no way in hell that she's going to be seen playing dress up in the middle of this council room. ...though she can't deny that she's curious as to what the thing does. She'll have to try it later... in private where no one will see herself look like a fool.
One way of the other, someone shows her to her room. She gawks at it as it's probably the nicest room she's seen since the captain's quarters of her mother's ship. Maybe people thinking she's a queen isn't to bad? ....NO NO NO. She will not think of herself as that. Especially not when they think she's the KOBOLD queen of all things.
Her view of the room changes farther when she realizes that Kni will be sleeping right outside her door. GAH why is this happening to her? What curse had the gods placed on her and why?
Assuming Khessa and Eric are still around, she stalks over to Khessa obviously fuming. "We gonna sell that loot of not? I need to be away from here."
Khessa tries to cheer her friend up: "Oh, Zale..." she winks "You know I'm used to group with the best pirate captain ever... Something must I have learned, right? Of course we go and sell the loot! Let's go!"
Ok, so that we don't have to RP every shop: post what you want to sell and buy. Since you are among allies and have the writ from the council you'll have no problem finding what you're looking for.
[PS I know you should be smart enough not to sell quest items, but just to warn you all: check your inventory]
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
OK, so... Keeping for now the 'Unknown Book', in case it is a fundamental 'quest item'... The rest of the loot should bring:
- a 2-foot-tall statuette of a Black Dragon, made from actual Black Dragon scales and claws, with ruby eyes and diamond teeth (Damaged by acid, but It should still fetch you 1000-1200 gp) ==> Let's say 1100Gp then?
- A scroll of Mage Armor ==> 50Gp?
- Ink (1 ounce bottle) ==> 10Gp
- a sheet of Parchment ==> 1Sp
- 1 day worth of rations ==> 5Sp
- rope (50ft) ==> 1Gp
- waterskin ==> 2Sp
Total = 1161Gp 8Sp
dividing between Khessa, Eric and Zale, each one gets 387Gp 3Sp. (1 less Sp for Khessa; she gets 2Sp only)
Khessa uses her share plus some savings to copy into her Spellbook some of the spells that appear in the Spellbooks stolen from the Cult:
- Alarm
- Catapult
- Chromatic Orb
- False Life
- Ice Knife
- Longstrider
- Darkvision
- Magic Weapon
- Spider Climb
She spends 575Gp for this and basically a full day of time.
Let's make it 1230 Gp and 9 Sp.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Are you working through the night?
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Would Eric be able to trade is current armor for a full plate one?
Splint for plate? Normally that would be 1.500 Gp -/- 200 Gp = 1.300 Gp. But since you're among friends, you can get it for a measly 800 Gp.
Player: Any Good Alignment // DM: Lawful Evil
Unless we are in terrible hurry, Khessa will rest at night, using the other hours of the current and next day to copy.
It should not be a big thing, to start the journey one day later...