According to legend, two families of dragons came into being in the very first days of the world's creation. Bahamut, the noble Platinum Dragon, made the metallic dragons—gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper. Cruel, five-headed Tiamat made the chromatic dragons—red, blue, green, black and white. The metallic and chromatic dragons share a mutual animosity that originates in the enmity between Bahamut and Tiamat (Bahamut is often called the King of Metallic Dragons in the world of the Forgotten Realms, and Tiamat the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. In other worlds they have different names, and like all gods, they are beyond gender.)
The origin of Dragon's Rest is rooted in that animosity. Ages ago, a fire-breathing red dragon called Sharruth rampaged up and down the Sword Coast. Three metallic dragons joined forces to battle Sharruth and imprisoned her beneath the ocean floor, believing seawater would quench her fire and keep her bound forever. But Sharruth's fury, legend says, caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed Stormwreck Isle.
In all likelihood, Sharruth is long dead and entombed beneath the island, but chromatic dragons whisper that she still lives and will one day emerge from her prison. One fact is undeniable: the powerful magic embodied in such an ancient dragon has left a permanent mark on Stormwreck Isle. That magic has drawn other dragons to the island throughout the centuries, making it a recurring battlefield in the conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons. Several of these dragons have died there, each leaving behind a spiritual scar that causes unpredictable magical effects.
A hundred years ago, a blue dragon tried to harness this destructive magic. A bronze dragon named Runara pleaded with him to abandon his schemes. When he refused, Runara killed him, adding one more dragon grave to the island.
Runara has grown weary of strife, and Stormwreck Isle's wounds are a constant reminder to her of the cost of such conflict. Devoting herself to peace and reconciliation, she established the cloister of Dragon's Rest as a safe haven from violence. Living in human guise, Runara now serves as the leader of a tiny group of hermits and ascetics.
But the ageless conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons threatens to disrupt the serenity of Dragon's Rest—and this is where the adventure begins!
Your journey has been smooth sailing so far. You left the bustling port of Neverwinter a few days ago, heading for an island with the foreboding name of Stormwreck Isle. But you woke this morning to a blood-red sunrise, and dark clouds overhead threaten a violent storm.
As lightning flashes across the sky, a monster hauls itself up onto the deck! ”These waters belong to the Scaled Queen. I’m here to collect her tribute.”
Elle has his familiar circle the ship and scout. Archimedes, the familiar always is at least 100 feet away from anyone he sees.
Elle casts Minor Illusion to make it sound like inside the ship are several heavily armored people talking in draconic and getting ready for an attack.
If Archimedes sees any other monsters Elle will move to intercept them.
Can you make a perception check Elle since your familiar Archimedes is scouting. As you cast the illusion the Merrow turns in the direction of the sound and investigates it 14. Realizing the sound doesn’t exist he turns to all of you and says “Thought you could trick me did you? well your tricks won’t work now pay your tribute or am I going to force it out of you? As he pulls out a harpoon.
Seeing the monster reach for it's weapon, Narath's eyes narrow, "Whoever the Scaled Queen is, she holds no sovereignty over this boat or these people." Feeling the Inspiration from Jodhr, he rushes forward and takes a swing at the monster with his Longsword, while throwing up his Shield of Faith, invoking his god.
Action, Longsword - To Hit: 13 (With Inspiration) Damage: 10 Slashing (With Savage Attacker)
The captain turns to you and says “We normally pay him off with goods instead of gold however, the price is 400 gold or give him your entire bag of goods.”
Zooke looks to the captain, "400 gold is kind of steep, guess we fight them." He then rushes the creature, swinging his trident, 12 to hit for 12 damage.
(Narath is intent on fighting this thing, it reached for a weapon while trying to extort people for money. He could be talked into standing down, but it's a bit harder now that he's engaged with the creature.)
(I say, the next person that will reply here is the deciding factor If we will fight or negotiate. If he says something diplomatic, its a social roll. If he will do something offensive, well... initiative?. I'm on ready pose so i'm a passive actor right now until triggered by the enemy)
Adventure Background
According to legend, two families of dragons came into being in the very first days of the world's creation. Bahamut, the noble Platinum Dragon, made the metallic dragons—gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper. Cruel, five-headed Tiamat made the chromatic dragons—red, blue, green, black and white. The metallic and chromatic dragons share a mutual animosity that originates in the enmity between Bahamut and Tiamat (Bahamut is often called the King of Metallic Dragons in the world of the Forgotten Realms, and Tiamat the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. In other worlds they have different names, and like all gods, they are beyond gender.)
The origin of Dragon's Rest is rooted in that animosity. Ages ago, a fire-breathing red dragon called Sharruth rampaged up and down the Sword Coast. Three metallic dragons joined forces to battle Sharruth and imprisoned her beneath the ocean floor, believing seawater would quench her fire and keep her bound forever. But Sharruth's fury, legend says, caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed Stormwreck Isle.
In all likelihood, Sharruth is long dead and entombed beneath the island, but chromatic dragons whisper that she still lives and will one day emerge from her prison. One fact is undeniable: the powerful magic embodied in such an ancient dragon has left a permanent mark on Stormwreck Isle. That magic has drawn other dragons to the island throughout the centuries, making it a recurring battlefield in the conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons. Several of these dragons have died there, each leaving behind a spiritual scar that causes unpredictable magical effects.
A hundred years ago, a blue dragon tried to harness this destructive magic. A bronze dragon named Runara pleaded with him to abandon his schemes. When he refused, Runara killed him, adding one more dragon grave to the island.
Runara has grown weary of strife, and Stormwreck Isle's wounds are a constant reminder to her of the cost of such conflict. Devoting herself to peace and reconciliation, she established the cloister of Dragon's Rest as a safe haven from violence. Living in human guise, Runara now serves as the leader of a tiny group of hermits and ascetics.
But the ageless conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons threatens to disrupt the serenity of Dragon's Rest—and this is where the adventure begins!
Your journey has been smooth sailing so far. You left the bustling port of Neverwinter a few days ago, heading for an island with the foreboding name of Stormwreck Isle. But you woke this morning to a blood-red sunrise, and dark clouds overhead threaten a violent storm.
what would you like to do?
Jodhr scowls at the fish creature, stamps a rhythm with his staff, and belts out over the sound of the stormy sea
"Come ye young sailor and listen to me, I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea"
Giving inspiration to our Paladin and moving up to grant the help to the next person that attacks the creature
Elle has his familiar circle the ship and scout. Archimedes, the familiar always is at least 100 feet away from anyone he sees.
Elle casts Minor Illusion to make it sound like inside the ship are several heavily armored people talking in draconic and getting ready for an attack.
If Archimedes sees any other monsters Elle will move to intercept them.
Can you make a perception check Elle since your familiar Archimedes is scouting. As you cast the illusion the Merrow turns in the direction of the sound and investigates it 14. Realizing the sound doesn’t exist he turns to all of you and says “Thought you could trick me did you? well your tricks won’t work now pay your tribute or am I going to force it out of you? As he pulls out a harpoon.
Archimedes rolled a 16 perception. For that Merrow that used his action to investigate the sound it becomes faint.
Archimedes sees a few things a barrel, a sail, and an anchor. But no other monsters
Ariel, the Ranger, replies to the water creature, "We do not acknowledge your imagined sovereignty! Go back where you came from!"
I make Ready Action: Shoot with Long Bow if the monster move closer or make further hostile attempts.
(You may resolve the attack if triggered dm)
"Don't you dare move closer!"
Seeing the monster reach for it's weapon, Narath's eyes narrow, "Whoever the Scaled Queen is, she holds no sovereignty over this boat or these people." Feeling the Inspiration from Jodhr, he rushes forward and takes a swing at the monster with his Longsword, while throwing up his Shield of Faith, invoking his god.
Action, Longsword - To Hit: 13 (With Inspiration) Damage: 10 Slashing (With Savage Attacker)
Bonus Action - Shield of Faith: AC is now 20
13 hits
Zooke looks from the merrow to the captain, "do you usually pay them off or fight them?"
The captain turns to you and says “We normally pay him off with goods instead of gold however, the price is 400 gold or give him your entire bag of goods.”
Zooke looks to the captain, "400 gold is kind of steep, guess we fight them." He then rushes the creature, swinging his trident, 12 to hit for 12 damage.
Just a tip you can also try to negotiate for a lower price unless you’re serious on fighting it
(Decisions tree if the based on party action.)
If the party decides to pay, Jodhr will say "I've got 80 gold and a joke to tell your friends"
7 +3 if persuasion is what I need + 1 otherwise
Jodhr tries to distract the creature with a "Yawp!" and a twirl of his staff. Performing the help action
(Narath is intent on fighting this thing, it reached for a weapon while trying to extort people for money. He could be talked into standing down, but it's a bit harder now that he's engaged with the creature.)
So fighting it then? Or distracting
(I say, the next person that will reply here is the deciding factor If we will fight or negotiate. If he says something diplomatic, its a social roll. If he will do something offensive, well... initiative?. I'm on ready pose so i'm a passive actor right now until triggered by the enemy)
(And anyone can still negotiate as an Influence Action tbh if they want it as their Action 😆)