Zooke and Elminster are the only ones who managed to stay on their feet and balance while everyone else is toppled over by the shake and are now prone.
With this please add spending movement to get up from prone to Jodhr's actions
Yes, I'm just saying when it gets to my turn to have him get up, then the healing word on one of the injured party members (I'll let you decide who would look the most wounded at the moment Jodhr can act)
"That's Nasty", Ariel (Ranger) said to the Muscular Zombie while getting up from Prone (half movement). I cast Hunter's Mark on it. Draw my Longbow and shoot it with 12 to hit dealing 10 Piercing + 4 Force Damage (14) and reduce it's speed by 10ft. I move 15ft away further.
I think Zooke went after Jodhr last time around. If so then Zooke will swing at the big zombie with his trident, 23 to hit for 14 pts of damage. If that hits then the creature has to make a Con save DC 15 or be knocked prone. Yoo hoo mates, take that you scurvy looking dog!
With this please add spending movement to get up from prone to Jodhr's actions
It’s half your movement to get up
Yes, I'm just saying when it gets to my turn to have him get up, then the healing word on one of the injured party members (I'll let you decide who would look the most wounded at the moment Jodhr can act)
Yeah that’s fine
(( who's turn? What zombies are still up?))
The buff one and a regular one 2 left
Ariel is next.
"That's Nasty", Ariel (Ranger) said to the Muscular Zombie while getting up from Prone (half movement). I cast Hunter's Mark on it. Draw my Longbow and shoot it with 12 to hit dealing 10 Piercing + 4 Force Damage (14) and reduce it's speed by 10ft. I move 15ft away further.
That hits
I think my familiar is next. I will tell him to just look around and tell me if he sees anyone else.
Perception Roll: 9
as he looks around he sees a lady who is rushing towards you guys as if coming to your aid
Are we still playing?
We are I’ve just been busy these last few days but the game is still on
Most excellent!
I believe Narath is next
My familiar was initiative 3 so Jodhr is next
Jodhr gets up from prone and casts healing word on his most injured ally
(There was a roll in my original post, but here's another just in case)
Who’s next
I think Zooke went after Jodhr last time around. If so then Zooke will swing at the big zombie with his trident, 23 to hit for 14 pts of damage. If that hits then the creature has to make a Con save DC 15 or be knocked prone. Yoo hoo mates, take that you scurvy looking dog!
(Still not sure what order I'm acting in Initiative but I guess i'll roll and you can slot me wherever.)
Narath will grit his teeth and take another shot at one of the Zombies:
Longsword against Zombie Attack: 8 Damage: 10 Slashing, and on a hit that Zombie has Disadvantage on its next attack roll.