Sirrus's charming words and Apolok's glare seems to create some confusion, like a suspect meeting both bad cop and good cop. "Ehh, leave? That'd be no trouble.. but the boss doesn't like it when people leave without him knowing... maybe I'll take it up with him. Heh heh heh, despite holing us up in this basement, we have the privilege of knowing what the boss looks like, since he personally uses this as meeting grounds. We get paid better than his other goons, and- oh. I got sidetracked for a minute there. I dunno why. Anywho, I'll take it up with the boss, feel free to follow, or stay here." He turns to leave, eying your supplies wistfully.
Sirrus gos to grab the rest of his stuff. "My find, you don't understand. We aren't supposed to be here. And if your boss wouldn't let us leave, then we're a bunch of innocent people trying to go about our lives, coughht up in someone else's fight. Don't you understand? We have families, jobs, friends. If we are trapped here when we aren't meant to be, what will happen to all the people relying on us?"
The thug seems to take your words into consideration. "...Let's just ask the boss, he'll know what to do..." He seems to purposely avoid your questions. "Since this is just a mistake, he will let you leave, yeah? 9 hells, maybe he will even give you three a pretty penny for your troubles. Or keep quiet."
"Well then," He lets out a exhale. "Here we go.". He opens the door, leading to a hallway that extends for around 25 feet before turning right. When walking down the hallway, you notice an incline. The hallway leads into a massive room, presumably a warehouse. The walls and floor are the same dusty grey as the basement, with square stone pillars doting the place. In the center is a brown table with a couple of papers. In the bottom is a sort of metal wall, with a handle near the bottom. At the top end, there are two doors leading into an uknown room. On the far side are two doors spaced 35 ft apart. As the thug goes towards the right door, he asks the party. "You folks wouldn't happen to know about a detective, would ya?"
Sirrus silently curses. Obviously he knew that they weren't here by mistake, but at the same time there was that tiny part of him that hoped they were. "Detective? No. As I told you, we are here by mistake. We just met at a bar when the walls came crashing in and we found ourselves here."
"Ah, forget I said anything then." The guard goes to open the door, which has a lock, but doesn't seem to have the key. "9 Hells, I'll have to borrow one from one of the other guards. Bah,.." He then walks over to the left door, peeking in. (Feel free to observe, wait around, or do something else in the meantime. Him getting the key will only take a second)
I dont see the roll in the game log, do you mind rerolling in the forum?
Oh whoops, my default is set to private.
Aja stands up towering over the guard and stares down at him with a bit of a glare. (Helping with the persuasion)
I already had advantage due to him being charmed by Sirrus.
(Ah well she’ll still glare lol)
Sirrus's charming words and Apolok's glare seems to create some confusion, like a suspect meeting both bad cop and good cop. "Ehh, leave? That'd be no trouble.. but the boss doesn't like it when people leave without him knowing... maybe I'll take it up with him. Heh heh heh, despite holing us up in this basement, we have the privilege of knowing what the boss looks like, since he personally uses this as meeting grounds. We get paid better than his other goons, and- oh. I got sidetracked for a minute there. I dunno why. Anywho, I'll take it up with the boss, feel free to follow, or stay here." He turns to leave, eying your supplies wistfully.
Peyton quickly grabs gear and starts handing it out.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Sirrus gos to grab the rest of his stuff.
"My find, you don't understand. We aren't supposed to be here. And if your boss wouldn't let us leave, then we're a bunch of innocent people trying to go about our lives, coughht up in someone else's fight.
Don't you understand? We have families, jobs, friends. If we are trapped here when we aren't meant to be, what will happen to all the people relying on us?"
Aja picks up her things and stands behind Sirrus. “Indeed. We still don’t know where we are….”
The thug seems to take your words into consideration. "...Let's just ask the boss, he'll know what to do..." He seems to purposely avoid your questions. "Since this is just a mistake, he will let you leave, yeah? 9 hells, maybe he will even give you three a pretty penny for your troubles. Or keep quiet."
(Should we just take him out, or maybe go visit the boss?)
Maybe ask him to take us to his leader. Then we take the leader out.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Sirrus gives a 'polite' smile.
"Sure, we'd love to talk with the feller."
"Well then," He lets out a exhale. "Here we go.". He opens the door, leading to a hallway that extends for around 25 feet before turning right. When walking down the hallway, you notice an incline. The hallway leads into a massive room, presumably a warehouse. The walls and floor are the same dusty grey as the basement, with square stone pillars doting the place. In the center is a brown table with a couple of papers. In the bottom is a sort of metal wall, with a handle near the bottom. At the top end, there are two doors leading into an uknown room. On the far side are two doors spaced 35 ft apart. As the thug goes towards the right door, he asks the party. "You folks wouldn't happen to know about a detective, would ya?"
Aja says nothing...This Sirrus guy seems to know what to say so far. No sense getting in his way and muddling up whatever he has planned.
Sirrus silently curses. Obviously he knew that they weren't here by mistake, but at the same time there was that tiny part of him that hoped they were.
"Detective? No. As I told you, we are here by mistake. We just met at a bar when the walls came crashing in and we found ourselves here."
"Ah, forget I said anything then." The guard goes to open the door, which has a lock, but doesn't seem to have the key. "9 Hells, I'll have to borrow one from one of the other guards. Bah,.." He then walks over to the left door, peeking in. (Feel free to observe, wait around, or do something else in the meantime. Him getting the key will only take a second)
Sirrus will just wait.
Aja looks around and waits for the guard to sense knocking him over the head and making trouble she figures.
Peyton will peek through the keyhole if that is possible
PER check 5
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale