As you try to look through the keyhole, you manage to see...
A keyhole.
The thug returns, key in hand. "now then, let's go see the boss." He unlocks the door, leading to a staircase downward. there are doors to the left and right, he goes to open the door to the right, leading to a lavish room, built with dark oak, with a finely made desk and chair with multiple letters waiting inspection. Bookshelves line the walls, and there is also a golden mace within glass casing. One more door remains within this room. You all get the feeling that something dangerous lies within this door, but this could be gut feeling.
The tug opens the door, which leads to another room, build out of wood, with shelves of folders and books. I'm the middle of the room Is a man with brown hair combed to one side, shadows obscuring his figure due to the lack of light save a chandelier of candles, and a mile on his chin. He wears a suit with light blue and cyan stripes, and is dressed in a tan coat.
"Hey, boss, our captives were the wrong one-" the thug tries to say, before being cut off.
"No. They weren't". The man at the desks gaze turns to you three.
Sirrus, slightly startled at the swift denial from the man, steps forward. "With all do respect sire, if we are not here by mistake, than please do tell us why we ARE here."
Sirrus, slightly startled at the swift denial from the man, steps forward. "With all do respect sire, if we are not here by mistake, than please do tell us why we ARE here."
The stranger stands up from his desk, adjusting his tie. "Very well." He speaks with an odd accent. "I had origionally sent after your detective friend. He had gotten too close to my operations, and when he sent out for assistance outside of the guards, I knew that he was plotting something. It seems we were a tad late, as he had already recruited the three of you, so I had my men keep you in the basement until I could find out what to do with you."
The thug who led you here looks absolutely astonished, unsure of what to believe.
"But it seems you made my choice for me." He reaches into his coat pocket. "Close the doors," He orders the thug.
Sirrus frown, drawing his eyebrows together. "Wait, so you're the mob? Now I'm actually confused. We were told you didn't know about our operation! Although, now that we are standing face to face, I'd like to talk. I wasn't really pulled in by Mr. Detectives story, and was thinking. You could probably use my skills a whole lot more than the authorities, and I'd probably get more out of working with you than them, if you get what I'm saying." Deception/Persuasion: 13
The door closes with an ominous thud, leaving you three in the lowly lit room. While Peyton and Apa still cannot see the man's face, Sirrus can thanks to his dark vision. The man's eyes hold no compassion for you three, however, Sirrus's words have stilled his hand, for now. "I do. But I will need more. What skills can you offer me? And what assurances can you have?"
His eyes search your (Sirrus's) face for any illegitamacy.
Sirrus offers a slight smile. "What skills can I offer? What assurances can I have? Well, for one, we are clearly better suited for probably just about anything, seeing as how we got your guard back there to not only let us go, bring bring us where we wanted to go, but also to give us all of our weapons. Note, we also chose not to kill the man, which I assure you could have been easily accomplished. Also, being completely truthful, I was only in with the detective for the money, and the thrill of the hunt. I suspect I can get a lot more of that with you and your people, so I don't see why I shouldn't try my hand!"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"But can you assure your loyalty? Can I be sure that you won't rat us out to your dear detectives colleagues?" He leans foward, with eyes like razors that glint in the candle light. Peyton and Apa are able to see half of his face, the bottom half, with the mole on his jaw and mouth set in stone. This shall determine the future of sirrus's plan, insight 11
(I assume you mean it is to determine the future of his plan?)
I also assume you mean for me to reply to the insight roll?
As far as the man can tell, Sirrus is being 100% legit. (Sirrus doesn't really know what he plans to do, so this is just because Sirrus knows he could play the role for a long time, and also the roll being rather bad.) Sirrus gives an eery smile. "I'd really appreciate you stop calling them my colleagues. besides, as far as I'm aware there is only one of him."
(Yeah, he was trying to see whether sirrus was serious about joining)
"That's what I'm trying to verify." The boss says dryly. Two goons walk in the office. Before they can say anything, the boss gives them some orders. "Go show these fellows to your job. Let them get some answers for me," one of the goons grins and nods. "Understood, boss." The two goons begin to leave, and the boss turns away. "Consider this to be your interview," he tells Sirrus.
As you try to look through the keyhole, you manage to see...
A keyhole.
The thug returns, key in hand. "now then, let's go see the boss." He unlocks the door, leading to a staircase downward. there are doors to the left and right, he goes to open the door to the right, leading to a lavish room, built with dark oak, with a finely made desk and chair with multiple letters waiting inspection. Bookshelves line the walls, and there is also a golden mace within glass casing. One more door remains within this room. You all get the feeling that something dangerous lies within this door, but this could be gut feeling.
Sirrus won't say or do anything, just continue to follow the guard.
The tug opens the door, which leads to another room, build out of wood, with shelves of folders and books. I'm the middle of the room Is a man with brown hair combed to one side, shadows obscuring his figure due to the lack of light save a chandelier of candles, and a mile on his chin. He wears a suit with light blue and cyan stripes, and is dressed in a tan coat.
"Hey, boss, our captives were the wrong one-" the thug tries to say, before being cut off.
"No. They weren't". The man at the desks gaze turns to you three.
Sirrus, slightly startled at the swift denial from the man, steps forward.
"With all do respect sire, if we are not here by mistake, than please do tell us why we ARE here."
Apa stays silent letting Sirrus who is better with words speak
Persuasion: 21
The stranger stands up from his desk, adjusting his tie. "Very well." He speaks with an odd accent. "I had origionally sent after your detective friend. He had gotten too close to my operations, and when he sent out for assistance outside of the guards, I knew that he was plotting something. It seems we were a tad late, as he had already recruited the three of you, so I had my men keep you in the basement until I could find out what to do with you."
The thug who led you here looks absolutely astonished, unsure of what to believe.
"But it seems you made my choice for me." He reaches into his coat pocket. "Close the doors," He orders the thug.
“Seems like you need better guards” Aja unable to stay quiet snickers at the guard thet closes the door
Sirrus frown, drawing his eyebrows together.
"Wait, so you're the mob? Now I'm actually confused. We were told you didn't know about our operation!
Although, now that we are standing face to face, I'd like to talk. I wasn't really pulled in by Mr. Detectives story, and was thinking.
You could probably use my skills a whole lot more than the authorities, and I'd probably get more out of working with you than them, if you get what I'm saying."
Deception/Persuasion: 13
The door closes with an ominous thud, leaving you three in the lowly lit room. While Peyton and Apa still cannot see the man's face, Sirrus can thanks to his dark vision. The man's eyes hold no compassion for you three, however, Sirrus's words have stilled his hand, for now. "I do. But I will need more. What skills can you offer me? And what assurances can you have?"
His eyes search your (Sirrus's) face for any illegitamacy.
Sirrus offers a slight smile.
"What skills can I offer? What assurances can I have? Well, for one, we are clearly better suited for probably just about anything, seeing as how we got your guard back there to not only let us go, bring bring us where we wanted to go, but also to give us all of our weapons.
Note, we also chose not to kill the man, which I assure you could have been easily accomplished.
Also, being completely truthful, I was only in with the detective for the money, and the thrill of the hunt. I suspect I can get a lot more of that with you and your people, so I don't see why I shouldn't try my hand!"
Aja is not quite sure if this is a ruse or not but she waits to see how this will play out.
Hey Wysperra, are you still here?
OOC: Yup, just waiting to see how things play out. If we're gonna kill the guy or switch employers.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
"But can you assure your loyalty? Can I be sure that you won't rat us out to your dear detectives colleagues?" He leans foward, with eyes like razors that glint in the candle light. Peyton and Apa are able to see half of his face, the bottom half, with the mole on his jaw and mouth set in stone. This shall determine the future of sirrus's plan, insight 11
(I assume you mean it is to determine the future of his plan?)
I also assume you mean for me to reply to the insight roll?
As far as the man can tell, Sirrus is being 100% legit.
(Sirrus doesn't really know what he plans to do, so this is just because Sirrus knows he could play the role for a long time, and also the roll being rather bad.)
Sirrus gives an eery smile.
"I'd really appreciate you stop calling them my colleagues. besides, as far as I'm aware there is only one of him."
(Yeah, he was trying to see whether sirrus was serious about joining)
"That's what I'm trying to verify." The boss says dryly. Two goons walk in the office. Before they can say anything, the boss gives them some orders. "Go show these fellows to your job. Let them get some answers for me," one of the goons grins and nods. "Understood, boss." The two goons begin to leave, and the boss turns away. "Consider this to be your interview," he tells Sirrus.
{[OOC: Crap, I suspect we're about to be interrogating someone, and probably not in a pretty way.]}
Apa feels uncomfortable at the turn this is taking but follows along
"Things will go as Hestia plans. Not to worry friends, we'll be fine."
Peyton follows the group.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale