The two men lead you outside of the room, chuckling like vultures when the boss orders the thug inside. They exit the elaborate room, going up the stairs into the main warehouse. They go to the upper side of the warehouse, walking into a kitchen, with scents of broth, humid air, and lanterns hanging on the cieling, where a kobold in chefs clothing is working on a meal, standing on a stool to reach the pot. "You better not mess up my order," one of the goons says offhandedly, yet somehow filled with malevolence, causing the kobold to flinch. The other one opens a secret door, leading to a dark, lightless room filled with coffins, with a cloaked figure sitting on a crate. "Sup, corpse," the other goon greets it, but it does not respond. Peyton and Apa feel a sense of unease from the figure but the 2 goons have already opened the final doors. "Take these, holler if you need help," the first goons hands you two clubs, a cruel smirk on his face.
"Whatever you can, dear," (You are unsure whether he meant 'dear' or 'deer'). "Try to get him to name coworkers, armories for guards, weak points in the system, undercover constables, the like." The other goon says.
(Oh I see your confusion, but they only have 2 clubs due to there only being 2 goons. The goons didnt expect you three so there is naturally a shortage of clubs)
Apa goes into the dark room, with cells to the left and right. The prisoner is Chained to a chair, and badly beaten. As he looks up, you can see he has a missing tooth and a black eye, but you can still recognize him... as the detective.
"We're here and we're fine. Let me help you with this."
Payton uses her Healer's Kit to patch some of the man's wounds, then looks to see if the chair can be broken (she is guessing easier to break the chair than the chains).
Healing (guessing d6 hit die) 8
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Sirrus steps forward. "It is unclear wether or not he's buying into it, but we've talked to the man who I can only assume is the mobs boss. If I've done everything right, he thinks we are ready to join his forces, and is using you to test us. We're supposed to be extracting information from you. Obviously, we don't plan to hurt you. So we need to figure out what to do. We could say you refused to provide any data, but the fact is he expects us to beat you. Probably to death if you don't talk. I did not expect anything like this back there, and am truly at a bit of a loss as to what we should do?"
(I'd hold off on doing anything to the chair, FYI. Obviously still check it out though.)
Peyton, you manage to treat some of the man's wounds, the detective may need some rest, but for now, he should be OK. "Thank you," He remains silent as sirrus talks, staring into space for a bit. "You met the boss?" He asks, still hoarsly. "Our best course of action... is to arrest him, here, and now. It may be best if you play along for a bit, at least until you can find an exit. We need to be smart, there is no need to alert anyone else we are here. Perhaps... you three could lure him out here... or maybe we could sneak into... where did you meet him?"
"They abducted me because I was trying to take them down... somehow they found out about my plan... I'm sorry I involved you three in this, I knew it was dangerous.... but I never knew they would find us out so quickly.." (by the way the chair is made of a simple wood)
"What kinds of thing do you think they would want to know and why? They know you are the law and they are criminals yes? You had plans to arrest them?"
Peyton tries to obtains as much relevant information as possible.
"Who are your top men? Do you have a safe house? Just name one of them."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
"Of course we had plans to arrest them," detective Iorvensiav says. "They want any investigation against them to be shut down. I called you all into my safe house to discuss taking them down but... well, you can remember the rest." He refers to the discussion about taking down the mob, before you all awoke in this place. "They're probably trying to see if I had any allies."
The two men lead you outside of the room, chuckling like vultures when the boss orders the thug inside. They exit the elaborate room, going up the stairs into the main warehouse. They go to the upper side of the warehouse, walking into a kitchen, with scents of broth, humid air, and lanterns hanging on the cieling, where a kobold in chefs clothing is working on a meal, standing on a stool to reach the pot. "You better not mess up my order," one of the goons says offhandedly, yet somehow filled with malevolence, causing the kobold to flinch. The other one opens a secret door, leading to a dark, lightless room filled with coffins, with a cloaked figure sitting on a crate. "Sup, corpse," the other goon greets it, but it does not respond. Peyton and Apa feel a sense of unease from the figure but the 2 goons have already opened the final doors. "Take these, holler if you need help," the first goons hands you two clubs, a cruel smirk on his face.
"I beg your pardon, what is it exactly you want us to find out?"
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
"Whatever you can, dear," (You are unsure whether he meant 'dear' or 'deer'). "Try to get him to name coworkers, armories for guards, weak points in the system, undercover constables, the like." The other goon says.
{[OOC: Is Sirrus not apart of this?]}
(I'm assuming sirrus followed the two goons with Peyton and Apa)
{[OOC: Yeah, you just didn't mention him getting a club and stuff? I guess I'm just a little confused what's actually happening.]}
(Oh I see your confusion, but they only have 2 clubs due to there only being 2 goons. The goons didnt expect you three so there is naturally a shortage of clubs)
Ok, that makes more sense. i didn't catch that we got theirs.
Good thing Sirrus is intimidating, I guess?
I'm gonna let someone else lead for this.
Apa takes the club and looks at the prisoner "State your name and business"
Apa goes into the dark room, with cells to the left and right. The prisoner is Chained to a chair, and badly beaten. As he looks up, you can see he has a missing tooth and a black eye, but you can still recognize him... as the detective.
Apa gets in close to the detective "You don't look so good....Are you in any shape to walk?"
The detective meets your eyes, and speaks in a hoarse whisper. "Apalock?.. yes, I think I can. But, how did you get here? Are Peyton and Sirrus ok?"
"We're here and we're fine. Let me help you with this."
Payton uses her Healer's Kit to patch some of the man's wounds, then looks to see if the chair can be broken (she is guessing easier to break the chair than the chains).
Healing (guessing d6 hit die) 8
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Sirrus steps forward.
"It is unclear wether or not he's buying into it, but we've talked to the man who I can only assume is the mobs boss.
If I've done everything right, he thinks we are ready to join his forces, and is using you to test us. We're supposed to be extracting information from you.
Obviously, we don't plan to hurt you. So we need to figure out what to do.
We could say you refused to provide any data, but the fact is he expects us to beat you. Probably to death if you don't talk.
I did not expect anything like this back there, and am truly at a bit of a loss as to what we should do?"
(I'd hold off on doing anything to the chair, FYI. Obviously still check it out though.)
Peyton, you manage to treat some of the man's wounds, the detective may need some rest, but for now, he should be OK. "Thank you," He remains silent as sirrus talks, staring into space for a bit. "You met the boss?" He asks, still hoarsly. "Our best course of action... is to arrest him, here, and now. It may be best if you play along for a bit, at least until you can find an exit. We need to be smart, there is no need to alert anyone else we are here. Perhaps... you three could lure him out here... or maybe we could sneak into... where did you meet him?"
"So why did they abduct you? What is it they want to know?"
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
"They abducted me because I was trying to take them down... somehow they found out about my plan... I'm sorry I involved you three in this, I knew it was dangerous.... but I never knew they would find us out so quickly.." (by the way the chair is made of a simple wood)
"What kinds of thing do you think they would want to know and why? They know you are the law and they are criminals yes? You had plans to arrest them?"
Peyton tries to obtains as much relevant information as possible.
"Who are your top men? Do you have a safe house? Just name one of them."
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
(Sorry for the late reply)
"Of course we had plans to arrest them," detective Iorvensiav says. "They want any investigation against them to be shut down. I called you all into my safe house to discuss taking them down but... well, you can remember the rest." He refers to the discussion about taking down the mob, before you all awoke in this place. "They're probably trying to see if I had any allies."
"Do you have any allies besides us?"
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale