"Besides the village guards... no. I don't know who to trust in the village guards, if you escape outside to get help, your pleas may never be heard, or a spy could tell the mob what your plan is, and they would find an empty building when they search here." His head hangs low, gloomily as he speaks.
The goon drops to his knee, one hand on the floor. His knee smacks the concrete, and then he kneels further, making him prone. "What the-" is all that comes out of his mouth. He grunts on the floor, trying to push himself up. "Hey!" The second goon draws his shortsword.
Apa watches the goon drop to the ground and the other pull his sword. She cracks her knuckles, unsheathes her own sword and goes for the standing goon "Alright we're doing this...enough of the yappy yappy"
Attack: 15 Damage: 11
On a hit the Goon has disadvantage on their next attack due to weapon mastery
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Sirrus raises both arms and snaps his fingers, causing lightning to spring from his hands to the guard on the floor. (casting Witch Bolt) Spell attack: 14 (< without advantage) 18 (< with advantage since he's on the ground. use the one you want.) Damage: 24 lightning. "PERURE!"
Well, advantage or not, you manage to shock him with the lightning, causing him to spasm on the floor, yelling. He clenches his fist, breathing heavily, as he begins to get up. Peyton, it is your turn.
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"Besides the village guards... no. I don't know who to trust in the village guards, if you escape outside to get help, your pleas may never be heard, or a spy could tell the mob what your plan is, and they would find an empty building when they search here." His head hangs low, gloomily as he speaks.
"Hmm so maybe we call the 2 thugs in and ambush them? I could heal some of your wounds"
"If you must, do it quietly. I thank you, but Peyton did a fine job already." Detective Iorvensiav replies
Peyton calls out to the guards, "Hey, we're done in here!"
And she gets ready to knock some heads.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
(are the detectives hands tied behind him or bound by some other means)
(The detectives arms are bound to his sides Via chain)
"Done? What do ya mean?" The two goons walk into the room. They are unaware of your intentions, but lets all roll initiative to establish turn order.
goon1: 16
goon2: 5
Sirrus initiative: 14
(is it okay if we talk out of order?)
Init: 15
(yeah, its alright to talk out of order out of character, but if you want your characters to say one line snippets after another's turn that's fine)
Sirrus rolls his eyes at the guards.
"By done, we mean we're 'done'. Shocking."
Initiative 17
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Ok, the count for initiative is
17: Peyton
16: goon1
15: apa
14: Sirrus
5: goon2.
The goons aren't hostile so far, but they will notice that the detective is looking a bit better due to some healing.
Peyton glares at goon1 and gives the Command "Grovel! You are in the presence of your betters!"
DC 14 WIS save or drop prone and end turn.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
The goon drops to his knee, one hand on the floor. His knee smacks the concrete, and then he kneels further, making him prone. "What the-" is all that comes out of his mouth. He grunts on the floor, trying to push himself up. "Hey!" The second goon draws his shortsword.
It is Apa's turn.
Apa watches the goon drop to the ground and the other pull his sword. She cracks her knuckles, unsheathes her own sword and goes for the standing goon "Alright we're doing this...enough of the yappy yappy"
Attack: 15 Damage: 11
On a hit the Goon has disadvantage on their next attack due to weapon mastery
Sirrus raises both arms and snaps his fingers, causing lightning to spring from his hands to the guard on the floor. (casting Witch Bolt)
Spell attack: 14 (< without advantage) 18 (< with advantage since he's on the ground. use the one you want.)
Damage: 24 lightning.
You manage to cut down the goon in one hit. I'll let you decide if you want to kill him, or nock him out.
Whoops, my bad, I edited the post to fix the tooltip.
The original rolls were 19, 21, and 9 in order of left to right, top to bottom.
Well, advantage or not, you manage to shock him with the lightning, causing him to spasm on the floor, yelling. He clenches his fist, breathing heavily, as he begins to get up. Peyton, it is your turn.