Gimmond will also hold his current position for the time being, but for the time being switch from halberd to his javelin and shield in anticipation of dealing with more swift footed foes.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Curerntly: Player In: Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In: Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In: Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
Zumfir will keep his position, touching Twinkle's shoulder and casting Resistance on her, allowing her to reduce damage from slashing attacks by1d4 for one minute.
I assume that you cast that right at the end of the 5 minute prep time as the enemy starts to appear. So before main initiative but the full 1 minute gets counted. To be precise, you cast it as you see the grate in the centre open up, and hear the winch pulling up a platform as a large angry bear becomes visible.
"That's more like it." Athos will vault over the sandbags and charge at the large bear. He'll swing his longsword at it (and immediately use his heroic inspiration granted to him as a human to reroll the attack). In addition, he'll use a divine smite with his attack, assuming it hits.
15 to hit, for 10 slashing damage and 5 radiant damage.
On a hit, his longsword will impose sap (disadvantage on its next attack roll before Athos' next turn)
Twinkle thanks Zumfir for the enchantment, then bounds off in the direction of the bear, after Athos.
Kicking off from the sandbags, she jumps 10 feet. Momentarily it seems like the goliath is suspended in the air, her hair flowing in the wind. Then, she attempts to collide with the bear, striking twice with her fists. She lands next to Athos and stays there.
Not wanting to lose the advantage of cover in case the bear proved to have some unexpected supernatural ability, Gimmond stayed back both in anticipation of surprise and to protect Zumfir. But until such a danger revealed itself, the dwarf gathered his strength and put on full display his mastery over the javelin in a powerful throw of the weapon aimed to cripple a leg! He then immediately pulls out a second one and prepared to launch it too at any moment.
Gimmond's-Ac: Attack with Javelin. Javelin Throw vs Bear(AC ??) - To Hit: 11For: 9slashing damage and slowing the creature.)
Slow. If you hit a creature with a Javelin and deal damage to it, you can reduce its Speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. If the creature is hit more than once by weapons that have this property, the Speed reduction doesn’t exceed 10 feet.
"That was . . . a big jump! From kobolds to a bear!" The drow comments, before pointing his mace at the bear, as a light bolt of energy managed to hit the bear jackpot right on his left eye.
Attack: 26 to hit (Nat 20!) Damage: 33 (Dayum!) on the bear (if for some reason he survives, advantage on the next attack against him)
Well that was.... something. That crit was insane....
Athos gets a solid hit in, the smite increasing the damage further.
Twinkle then gets two solid punches in. (bear was down to 9hp)
Gimmond just barely misses.
Zumfir then annihilates the bear....
The crowd are in disbelief (as is the DM) and then erupt in a giant roar. Its only been two fights so far but they have high hopes for you. It is one of the most entertaining fights to date. But you know what they say. If the challengers find it too easy, then the fights just get harder....
You all leave the arena and are given another pouch of 25 gold and this time are given time to spend your winnings on any equipment you might want for the fights.
Athos pauses for a moment after the guiding bolt takes out the bear then turns to Zumfir and lets out a cheer. He will opt to keep saving his winnings and readies himself for the next fight.
Zumfir blinks in surprise. He wasn't used to simply . . . obliterating things. Not that he was complaining.
Well, anyway, when he leaves the arena he buys a health potion, and when they enter the arena again, he would cast Bless on Athos, Twinkle, and Gimmond before the next fight starts. (1d4 bonus on attack rolls/saving throws)
The goliath monk slaps Zumfir on the back. "What mighty magic you have!"
Twinkle doesn't need any additional equipment, so she simply pockets the money for now. She gratefully accepts the blessing and gets ready for the next combat by doing a couple of stretching exercises.
Even the somewhat taciturn dwarf of the party couldn't help letting a whistle from being impressed by the aftermath of Zumfir's spell. He accepts his winnings not long after retrieving his javelin, then toyed with the idea of buying a potion of healing. Yet upon seeing the vague shape of splint armor in a passing cloud above, Gimmond refrains this time around and settled in to wait until called back into the arena once more.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Curerntly: Player In: Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In: Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In: Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
You rejoin the arena after a little break, feeling stronger than you did before. This time, you feel the temperature start to rise as the centre platform raises up (And unless someone tells me otherwise I will always assume the same starting position) and you see a flaming newt flanked by two flaming snakes.
As they emerge and become visible, you guys get the drop on them and can act first (officially Twinkle got a lower init than they did, but I like putting all of the party on the same init count so I am basing it off the majority and Twinkle can still go first)
I will distinguish them as Snake A is the top one (Above), and Snake B is the Bottom one. If they move, I might colour code them.
Gimmond very much followed Athos example. Although in his case, seeing the flaming newt as much of a commander as it was a big glowing target thanks to Zumfir, the dwarf struck it without hesitation, aiming as always for the knees.
Gimmond's-Ac: Attack with Javelin. Javelin Throw vs Bear(AC ??) - To Hit: 18For: 9Piercing damage and slowing the creature by 10 ft (Includes +1 from bless. Flat d20 was the adv. roll... which was a 2.)
Slow. If you hit a creature with a Javelin and deal damage to it, you can reduce its Speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. If the creature is hit more than once by weapons that have this property, the Speed reduction doesn’t exceed 10 feet.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Curerntly: Player In: Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In: Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In: Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
Twinkle, quite the hothead herself, is ecstatic at the sight of these enemies. She springs up from a crouch and goes for a strafing manoeuvre.
The monk rushes the upper snake creature, making sure to not get into reach of the newt and the other snake. She feels great after the rest, the teachings of her elders coming back to her after a long period of boring travel.
She unleashes three kicks at the snake!
[Action] Attack: 16 (including +2 from bless), damage: 5 bludgeoning [Bonus Action] - [Flurry of Blows] attack 1: 22 (including +2 from bless), damage: 7 bludgeoning - [Flurry of Blows] attack 2: 11 (including +1 from bless), damage: 10 bludgeoning
Regardless of if these kicks fell the snake (and accepting an opportunity attack in such a case), the goliath dashes back behind the large cage to the north. Her masters had told her, when faced with a pack of wolves, it was best to divide their attention.
[Twinkles movement. She has a bit of a weird speed (goliath 35 ft base + 10 feet monk = 45). I'm assuming diagonals are also counting for 5 feet. If not, feel free to move her in the general direction of the cage instead.]
I am using the suggested rules of diagonals alternate between 5ft and 10ft, so with 45ft movement you can end up at your proposed route.
Zumfir gets a solid hit on the newt, which guides Gimmond's aim. Between the two of you, the newt looks quite injured.
Athos and Twinkle combined get Snake A looking critical (the third hit from Twinkle misses). The two hits that do connect from her though allow her to feel how hot the snake actually is, hot enough that kicking it burns (and you feel even a melee attack would burn you too, regardless of if it is unarmed or not). She takes 4fire damage (2 from each hit). The snake will angrily try and bite as she leaves its range too. But it misses (7 to hit)
The snake (A) then follows up to Twinkle, this time landing a bite (21 to hit), dealing 3 piercing and 4 fire damage. It then whips its tail around (22to hit) dealing 2 bludgeoning and 6fire damage.
Snake B heads south and around to try and bite and tail whip Zumfir. The bite barely penetrates through to the skin (16to hit) for 5 piercing and 3 fire damage. The tail misses totally (5 to hit)
The firenewt heads to Athos, spitting fire at him on the way there. I rolled a dex save on your sheet which failed (3) so you take 11fire damage.
Everyone is up (I applied changes to everyone's HP apart from Zumfir as I am expecting a possible usage of shield which would negate the damage)
Gimmond will also hold his current position for the time being, but for the time being switch from halberd to his javelin and shield in anticipation of dealing with more swift footed foes.
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
Twinkle feels a surge of healing wash through her from the elf cleric. "Thank you, friend!"
She accepts the gold, weighing it with one hand appreciatively. This arena business was certainly lucrative.
She will keep her position, simply adjusting her belts and daggers, ready for the next challenge.
Zumfir will keep his position, touching Twinkle's shoulder and casting Resistance on her, allowing her to reduce damage from slashing attacks by1d4 for one minute.
I assume that you cast that right at the end of the 5 minute prep time as the enemy starts to appear. So before main initiative but the full 1 minute gets counted. To be precise, you cast it as you see the grate in the centre open up, and hear the winch pulling up a platform as a large angry bear becomes visible.
You guys are up first this time. Good luck!
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"That's more like it." Athos will vault over the sandbags and charge at the large bear. He'll swing his longsword at it (and immediately use his heroic inspiration granted to him as a human to reroll the attack). In addition, he'll use a divine smite with his attack, assuming it hits.
15 to hit, for 10 slashing damage and 5 radiant damage.
On a hit, his longsword will impose sap (disadvantage on its next attack roll before Athos' next turn)
Twinkle thanks Zumfir for the enchantment, then bounds off in the direction of the bear, after Athos.
Kicking off from the sandbags, she jumps 10 feet. Momentarily it seems like the goliath is suspended in the air, her hair flowing in the wind. Then, she attempts to collide with the bear, striking twice with her fists. She lands next to Athos and stays there.
[Action] attack: 14, damage: 10 bludgeoning
[Bonus action] attack: 15, damage: 8 bludgeoning
Not wanting to lose the advantage of cover in case the bear proved to have some unexpected supernatural ability, Gimmond stayed back both in anticipation of surprise and to protect Zumfir. But until such a danger revealed itself, the dwarf gathered his strength and put on full display his mastery over the javelin in a powerful throw of the weapon aimed to cripple a leg! He then immediately pulls out a second one and prepared to launch it too at any moment.
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
"That was . . . a big jump! From kobolds to a bear!" The drow comments, before pointing his mace at the bear, as a light bolt of energy managed to hit the bear jackpot right on his left eye.
Attack: 26 to hit (Nat 20!) Damage: 33 (Dayum!) on the bear (if for some reason he survives, advantage on the next attack against him)
Well that was.... something. That crit was insane....
Athos gets a solid hit in, the smite increasing the damage further.
Twinkle then gets two solid punches in. (bear was down to 9hp)
Gimmond just barely misses.
Zumfir then annihilates the bear....
The crowd are in disbelief (as is the DM) and then erupt in a giant roar. Its only been two fights so far but they have high hopes for you. It is one of the most entertaining fights to date. But you know what they say. If the challengers find it too easy, then the fights just get harder....
You all leave the arena and are given another pouch of 25 gold and this time are given time to spend your winnings on any equipment you might want for the fights.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Athos pauses for a moment after the guiding bolt takes out the bear then turns to Zumfir and lets out a cheer. He will opt to keep saving his winnings and readies himself for the next fight.
Zumfir blinks in surprise. He wasn't used to simply . . . obliterating things. Not that he was complaining.
Well, anyway, when he leaves the arena he buys a health potion, and when they enter the arena again, he would cast Bless on Athos, Twinkle, and Gimmond before the next fight starts. (1d4 bonus on attack rolls/saving throws)
The goliath monk slaps Zumfir on the back. "What mighty magic you have!"
Twinkle doesn't need any additional equipment, so she simply pockets the money for now. She gratefully accepts the blessing and gets ready for the next combat by doing a couple of stretching exercises.
Even the somewhat taciturn dwarf of the party couldn't help letting a whistle from being impressed by the aftermath of Zumfir's spell. He accepts his winnings not long after retrieving his javelin, then toyed with the idea of buying a potion of healing. Yet upon seeing the vague shape of splint armor in a passing cloud above, Gimmond refrains this time around and settled in to wait until called back into the arena once more.
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
"Ah- thank you." He giggles, a bit taken aback by the slap, "I'm more used to healing, however."
You rejoin the arena after a little break, feeling stronger than you did before. This time, you feel the temperature start to rise as the centre platform raises up (And unless someone tells me otherwise I will always assume the same starting position) and you see a flaming newt flanked by two flaming snakes.
As they emerge and become visible, you guys get the drop on them and can act first (officially Twinkle got a lower init than they did, but I like putting all of the party on the same init count so I am basing it off the majority and Twinkle can still go first)
I will distinguish them as Snake A is the top one (Above), and Snake B is the Bottom one. If they move, I might colour code them.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
(Reminder: Athos, Twinkle, and Gimmond are blessed!)
As the fight starts, Zumfir does not waste time: He casts once again Guiding bolt on the Flaming newt, seeing him as the biggest threat.
Attack: 25 Damage: 21, and Advantage on the next attack against the Flaming newt
Athos will look at the flaming opponents and opt to throw a javelin at flaming snake A.
26 to hit (+1 from bless) for 11 piercing damage.
He'll then move 15 feet north around the barrier.
"They really brought the heat with this one!" He laughs at his own joke.
Gimmond very much followed Athos example. Although in his case, seeing the flaming newt as much of a commander as it was a big glowing target thanks to Zumfir, the dwarf struck it without hesitation, aiming as always for the knees.
Gimmond's-Ac: Attack with Javelin.
Javelin Throw vs Bear(AC ??) - To Hit: 18 For: 9 Piercing damage and slowing the creature by 10 ft (Includes +1 from bless. Flat d20 was the adv. roll... which was a 2.)
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
Twinkle, quite the hothead herself, is ecstatic at the sight of these enemies. She springs up from a crouch and goes for a strafing manoeuvre.
The monk rushes the upper snake creature, making sure to not get into reach of the newt and the other snake. She feels great after the rest, the teachings of her elders coming back to her after a long period of boring travel.
She unleashes three kicks at the snake!
[Action] Attack: 16 (including +2 from bless), damage: 5 bludgeoning
[Bonus Action]
- [Flurry of Blows] attack 1: 22 (including +2 from bless), damage: 7 bludgeoning
- [Flurry of Blows] attack 2: 11 (including +1 from bless), damage: 10 bludgeoning
Regardless of if these kicks fell the snake (and accepting an opportunity attack in such a case), the goliath dashes back behind the large cage to the north. Her masters had told her, when faced with a pack of wolves, it was best to divide their attention.
[Twinkles movement. She has a bit of a weird speed (goliath 35 ft base + 10 feet monk = 45). I'm assuming diagonals are also counting for 5 feet. If not, feel free to move her in the general direction of the cage instead.]
I am using the suggested rules of diagonals alternate between 5ft and 10ft, so with 45ft movement you can end up at your proposed route.
Zumfir gets a solid hit on the newt, which guides Gimmond's aim. Between the two of you, the newt looks quite injured.
Athos and Twinkle combined get Snake A looking critical (the third hit from Twinkle misses). The two hits that do connect from her though allow her to feel how hot the snake actually is, hot enough that kicking it burns (and you feel even a melee attack would burn you too, regardless of if it is unarmed or not). She takes 4 fire damage (2 from each hit). The snake will angrily try and bite as she leaves its range too. But it misses (7 to hit)
The snake (A) then follows up to Twinkle, this time landing a bite (21 to hit), dealing 3 piercing and 4 fire damage. It then whips its tail around (22 to hit) dealing 2 bludgeoning and 6 fire damage.
Snake B heads south and around to try and bite and tail whip Zumfir. The bite barely penetrates through to the skin (16 to hit) for 5 piercing and 3 fire damage. The tail misses totally (5 to hit)
The firenewt heads to Athos, spitting fire at him on the way there. I rolled a dex save on your sheet which failed (3) so you take 11 fire damage.
Everyone is up (I applied changes to everyone's HP apart from Zumfir as I am expecting a possible usage of shield which would negate the damage)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)